IOSS 2.0
No Matches
tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer > Class Template Reference

#include <hopscotch_hash.h>

Inheritance diagram for tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >:
Collaboration diagram for tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >:


class  hopscotch_iterator

Public Types

using key_type = typename KeySelect::key_type
using value_type = ValueType
using size_type = std::size_t
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t
using hasher = Hash
using key_equal = KeyEqual
using allocator_type = Allocator
using reference = value_type &
using const_reference = const value_type &
using pointer = value_type *
using const_pointer = const value_type *
using iterator = hopscotch_iterator<false>
using const_iterator = hopscotch_iterator<true>

Public Member Functions

template<class OC = OverflowContainer, typename std::enable_if<!has_key_compare< OC >::value >::type * = nullptr>
 hopscotch_hash (size_type bucket_count, const Hash &my_hash, const KeyEqual &equal, const Allocator &alloc, float max_load_factor)
template<class OC = OverflowContainer, typename std::enable_if< has_key_compare< OC >::value >::type * = nullptr>
 hopscotch_hash (size_type bucket_count, const Hash &p_hash, const KeyEqual &equal, const Allocator &alloc, float max_load_factor, const typename OC::key_compare &comp)
 hopscotch_hash (const hopscotch_hash &other)
 hopscotch_hash (hopscotch_hash &&other) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_move_constructible< Hash >::value &&std::is_nothrow_move_constructible< KeyEqual >::value &&std::is_nothrow_move_constructible< GrowthPolicy >::value &&std::is_nothrow_move_constructible< buckets_container_type >::value &&std::is_nothrow_move_constructible< overflow_container_type >::value)
hopscotch_hashoperator= (const hopscotch_hash &other)
hopscotch_hashoperator= (hopscotch_hash &&other)
allocator_type get_allocator () const
iterator begin () noexcept
const_iterator begin () const noexcept
const_iterator cbegin () const noexcept
iterator end () noexcept
const_iterator end () const noexcept
const_iterator cend () const noexcept
bool empty () const noexcept
size_type size () const noexcept
size_type max_size () const noexcept
void clear () noexcept
std::pair< iterator, bool > insert (const value_type &value)
template<class P, typename std::enable_if< std::is_constructible< value_type, P && >::value >::type * = nullptr>
std::pair< iterator, bool > insert (P &&value)
std::pair< iterator, bool > insert (value_type &&value)
iterator insert (const_iterator hint, const value_type &value)
template<class P, typename std::enable_if< std::is_constructible< value_type, P && >::value >::type * = nullptr>
iterator insert (const_iterator hint, P &&value)
iterator insert (const_iterator hint, value_type &&value)
template<class InputIt>
void insert (InputIt first, InputIt last)
template<class M>
std::pair< iterator, bool > insert_or_assign (const key_type &k, M &&obj)
template<class M>
std::pair< iterator, bool > insert_or_assign (key_type &&k, M &&obj)
template<class M>
iterator insert_or_assign (const_iterator hint, const key_type &k, M &&obj)
template<class M>
iterator insert_or_assign (const_iterator hint, key_type &&k, M &&obj)
template<class... Args>
std::pair< iterator, bool > emplace (Args &&...args)
template<class... Args>
iterator emplace_hint (const_iterator hint, Args &&...args)
template<class... Args>
std::pair< iterator, bool > try_emplace (const key_type &k, Args &&...args)
template<class... Args>
std::pair< iterator, bool > try_emplace (key_type &&k, Args &&...args)
template<class... Args>
iterator try_emplace (const_iterator hint, const key_type &k, Args &&...args)
template<class... Args>
iterator try_emplace (const_iterator hint, key_type &&k, Args &&...args)
iterator erase (iterator pos)
iterator erase (const_iterator pos)
iterator erase (const_iterator first, const_iterator last)
template<class K>
size_type erase (const K &key)
template<class K>
size_type erase (const K &key, std::size_t my_hash)
void swap (hopscotch_hash &other)
template<class K, class U = ValueSelect, typename std::enable_if< has_mapped_type< U >::value >::type * = nullptr>
U::value_type & at (const K &key)
template<class K, class U = ValueSelect, typename std::enable_if< has_mapped_type< U >::value >::type * = nullptr>
U::value_type & at (const K &key, std::size_t my_hash)
template<class K, class U = ValueSelect, typename std::enable_if< has_mapped_type< U >::value >::type * = nullptr>
const U::value_type & at (const K &key) const
template<class K, class U = ValueSelect, typename std::enable_if< has_mapped_type< U >::value >::type * = nullptr>
const U::value_type & at (const K &key, std::size_t my_hash) const
template<class K, class U = ValueSelect, typename std::enable_if< has_mapped_type< U >::value >::type * = nullptr>
U::value_type & operator[] (K &&key)
template<class K>
size_type count (const K &key) const
template<class K>
size_type count (const K &key, std::size_t my_hash) const
template<class K>
iterator find (const K &key)
template<class K>
iterator find (const K &key, std::size_t my_hash)
template<class K>
const_iterator find (const K &key) const
template<class K>
const_iterator find (const K &key, std::size_t my_hash) const
template<class K>
bool contains (const K &key) const
template<class K>
bool contains (const K &key, std::size_t my_hash) const
template<class K>
std::pair< iterator, iteratorequal_range (const K &key)
template<class K>
std::pair< iterator, iteratorequal_range (const K &key, std::size_t my_hash)
template<class K>
std::pair< const_iterator, const_iteratorequal_range (const K &key) const
template<class K>
std::pair< const_iterator, const_iteratorequal_range (const K &key, std::size_t my_hash) const
size_type bucket_count () const
size_type max_bucket_count () const
float load_factor () const
float max_load_factor () const
void max_load_factor (float ml)
void rehash (size_type count_)
void reserve (size_type count_)
hasher hash_function () const
key_equal key_eq () const
iterator mutable_iterator (const_iterator pos)
size_type overflow_size () const noexcept
template<class U = OverflowContainer, typename std::enable_if< has_key_compare< U >::value >::type * = nullptr>
U::key_compare key_comp () const

Static Public Attributes

static const size_type DEFAULT_INIT_BUCKETS_SIZE = 0
static constexpr float DEFAULT_MAX_LOAD_FACTOR = (NeighborhoodSize <= 30) ? 0.8f : 0.9f

Private Types

template<typename U>
using has_mapped_type = typename std::integral_constant<bool, !std::is_same<U, void>::value>
using hopscotch_bucket
using neighborhood_bitmap = typename hopscotch_bucket::neighborhood_bitmap
using buckets_allocator
using buckets_container_type = std::vector<hopscotch_bucket, buckets_allocator>
using overflow_container_type = OverflowContainer
using iterator_buckets = typename buckets_container_type::iterator
using const_iterator_buckets = typename buckets_container_type::const_iterator
using iterator_overflow = typename overflow_container_type::iterator
using const_iterator_overflow = typename overflow_container_type::const_iterator

Private Member Functions

template<class K>
std::size_t hash_key (const K &key) const
template<class K1, class K2>
bool compare_keys (const K1 &key1, const K2 &key2) const
std::size_t bucket_for_hash (std::size_t my_hash) const
template<typename U = value_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_nothrow_move_constructible< U >::value >::type * = nullptr>
void rehash_impl (size_type count_)
template<typename U = value_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_copy_constructible< U >::value &&!std::is_nothrow_move_constructible< U >::value >::type * = nullptr>
void rehash_impl (size_type count_)
iterator_overflow mutable_overflow_iterator (const_iterator_overflow it)
iterator_overflow erase_from_overflow (const_iterator_overflow pos, std::size_t ibucket_for_hash)
void erase_from_bucket (hopscotch_bucket &bucket_for_value, std::size_t ibucket_for_hash) noexcept
template<class K, class M>
std::pair< iterator, bool > insert_or_assign_impl (K &&key, M &&obj)
template<typename P, class... Args>
std::pair< iterator, bool > try_emplace_impl (P &&key, Args &&...args_value)
template<typename P>
std::pair< iterator, bool > insert_impl (P &&value)
template<typename... Args>
std::pair< iterator, bool > insert_value (std::size_t ibucket_for_hash, std::size_t my_hash, Args &&...value_type_args)
bool will_neighborhood_change_on_rehash (size_t ibucket_neighborhood_check) const
std::size_t find_empty_bucket (std::size_t ibucket_start) const
template<typename... Args>
iterator_buckets insert_in_bucket (std::size_t ibucket_empty, std::size_t ibucket_for_hash, std::size_t my_hash, Args &&...value_type_args)
template<class... Args, class U = OverflowContainer, typename std::enable_if<!has_key_compare< U >::value >::type * = nullptr>
iterator_overflow insert_in_overflow (std::size_t ibucket_for_hash, Args &&...value_type_args)
template<class... Args, class U = OverflowContainer, typename std::enable_if< has_key_compare< U >::value >::type * = nullptr>
iterator_overflow insert_in_overflow (std::size_t ibucket_for_hash, Args &&...value_type_args)
bool swap_empty_bucket_closer (std::size_t &ibucket_empty_in_out)
template<class K, class U = ValueSelect, typename std::enable_if< has_mapped_type< U >::value >::type * = nullptr>
U::value_type * find_value_impl (const K &key, std::size_t my_hash, hopscotch_bucket *bucket_for_hash)
template<class K, class U = ValueSelect, typename std::enable_if< has_mapped_type< U >::value >::type * = nullptr>
const U::value_type * find_value_impl (const K &key, std::size_t my_hash, const hopscotch_bucket *bucket_for_hash) const
template<class K>
size_type count_impl (const K &key, std::size_t my_hash, const hopscotch_bucket *bucket_for_hash) const
template<class K>
iterator find_impl (const K &key, std::size_t my_hash, hopscotch_bucket *bucket_for_hash)
template<class K>
const_iterator find_impl (const K &key, std::size_t my_hash, const hopscotch_bucket *bucket_for_hash) const
template<class K>
hopscotch_bucketfind_in_buckets (const K &key, std::size_t my_hash, hopscotch_bucket *bucket_for_hash)
template<class K>
const hopscotch_bucketfind_in_buckets (const K &key, std::size_t my_hash, const hopscotch_bucket *bucket_for_hash) const
template<class K, class U = OverflowContainer, typename std::enable_if<!has_key_compare< U >::value >::type * = nullptr>
iterator_overflow find_in_overflow (const K &key)
template<class K, class U = OverflowContainer, typename std::enable_if<!has_key_compare< U >::value >::type * = nullptr>
const_iterator_overflow find_in_overflow (const K &key) const
template<class K, class U = OverflowContainer, typename std::enable_if< has_key_compare< U >::value >::type * = nullptr>
iterator_overflow find_in_overflow (const K &key)
template<class K, class U = OverflowContainer, typename std::enable_if< has_key_compare< U >::value >::type * = nullptr>
const_iterator_overflow find_in_overflow (const K &key) const
template<class U = OverflowContainer, typename std::enable_if<!has_key_compare< U >::value >::type * = nullptr>
hopscotch_hash new_hopscotch_hash (size_type bucket_count)
template<class U = OverflowContainer, typename std::enable_if< has_key_compare< U >::value >::type * = nullptr>
hopscotch_hash new_hopscotch_hash (size_type bucket_count)
hopscotch_bucketstatic_empty_bucket_ptr ()

Static Private Member Functions

template<class T = size_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< T, truncated_hash_type >::value >::type * = nullptr>
static bool USE_STORED_HASH_ON_REHASH (size_type)
template<class T = size_type, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same< T, truncated_hash_type >::value >::type * = nullptr>
static bool USE_STORED_HASH_ON_REHASH (size_type bucket_count)

Private Attributes

buckets_container_type m_buckets_data
overflow_container_type m_overflow_elements
size_type m_nb_elements
size_type m_min_load_threshold_rehash
size_type m_max_load_threshold_rehash
float m_max_load_factor

Static Private Attributes

static const std::size_t MAX_PROBES_FOR_EMPTY_BUCKET = 12 * NeighborhoodSize
static constexpr float MIN_LOAD_FACTOR_FOR_REHASH = 0.1f

Detailed Description

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
class tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >

Internal common class used by (b)hopscotch_map and (b)hopscotch_set.

ValueType is what will be stored by hopscotch_hash (usually std::pair<Key, T> for a map and Key for a set).

KeySelect should be a FunctionObject which takes a ValueType in parameter and returns a reference to the key.

ValueSelect should be a FunctionObject which takes a ValueType in parameter and returns a reference to the value. ValueSelect should be void if there is no value (in a set for example).

OverflowContainer will be used as containers for overflown elements. Usually it should be a list<ValueType> or a set<Key>/map<Key, T>.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ allocator_type

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
using tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::allocator_type = Allocator

◆ buckets_allocator

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
using tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::buckets_allocator
Initial value:
typename std::allocator_traits<allocator_type>::template rebind_alloc<hopscotch_bucket>

◆ buckets_container_type

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
using tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::buckets_container_type = std::vector<hopscotch_bucket, buckets_allocator>

◆ const_iterator

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
using tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::const_iterator = hopscotch_iterator<true>

◆ const_iterator_buckets

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
using tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::const_iterator_buckets = typename buckets_container_type::const_iterator

◆ const_iterator_overflow

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
using tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::const_iterator_overflow = typename overflow_container_type::const_iterator

◆ const_pointer

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
using tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::const_pointer = const value_type *

◆ const_reference

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
using tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::const_reference = const value_type &

◆ difference_type

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
using tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t

◆ has_mapped_type

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<typename U>
using tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::has_mapped_type = typename std::integral_constant<bool, !std::is_same<U, void>::value>

◆ hasher

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
using tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::hasher = Hash

◆ hopscotch_bucket

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
using tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::hopscotch_bucket

◆ iterator

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
using tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::iterator = hopscotch_iterator<false>

◆ iterator_buckets

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
using tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::iterator_buckets = typename buckets_container_type::iterator

◆ iterator_overflow

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
using tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::iterator_overflow = typename overflow_container_type::iterator

◆ key_equal

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
using tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::key_equal = KeyEqual

◆ key_type

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
using tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::key_type = typename KeySelect::key_type

◆ neighborhood_bitmap

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
using tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::neighborhood_bitmap = typename hopscotch_bucket::neighborhood_bitmap

◆ overflow_container_type

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
using tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::overflow_container_type = OverflowContainer

◆ pointer

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
using tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::pointer = value_type *

◆ reference

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
using tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::reference = value_type &

◆ size_type

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
using tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::size_type = std::size_t

◆ value_type

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
using tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::value_type = ValueType

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ hopscotch_hash() [1/4]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class OC = OverflowContainer, typename std::enable_if<!has_key_compare< OC >::value >::type * = nullptr>
tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::hopscotch_hash ( size_type bucket_count,
const Hash & my_hash,
const KeyEqual & equal,
const Allocator & alloc,
float max_load_factor )

◆ hopscotch_hash() [2/4]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class OC = OverflowContainer, typename std::enable_if< has_key_compare< OC >::value >::type * = nullptr>
tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::hopscotch_hash ( size_type bucket_count,
const Hash & p_hash,
const KeyEqual & equal,
const Allocator & alloc,
float max_load_factor,
const typename OC::key_compare & comp )

◆ hopscotch_hash() [3/4]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::hopscotch_hash ( const hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer > & other)

◆ hopscotch_hash() [4/4]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::hopscotch_hash ( hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer > && other)

Member Function Documentation

◆ at() [1/4]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class K, class U = ValueSelect, typename std::enable_if< has_mapped_type< U >::value >::type * = nullptr>
U::value_type & tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::at ( const K & key)

◆ at() [2/4]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class K, class U = ValueSelect, typename std::enable_if< has_mapped_type< U >::value >::type * = nullptr>
const U::value_type & tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::at ( const K & key) const

◆ at() [3/4]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class K, class U = ValueSelect, typename std::enable_if< has_mapped_type< U >::value >::type * = nullptr>
U::value_type & tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::at ( const K & key,
std::size_t my_hash )

◆ at() [4/4]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class K, class U = ValueSelect, typename std::enable_if< has_mapped_type< U >::value >::type * = nullptr>
const U::value_type & tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::at ( const K & key,
std::size_t my_hash ) const

◆ begin() [1/2]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
const_iterator tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::begin ( ) const

◆ begin() [2/2]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
iterator tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::begin ( )

◆ bucket_count()

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
size_type tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::bucket_count ( ) const

◆ bucket_for_hash()

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
std::size_t tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::bucket_for_hash ( std::size_t my_hash) const

◆ cbegin()

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
const_iterator tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::cbegin ( ) const

◆ cend()

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
const_iterator tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::cend ( ) const

◆ clear()

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
void tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::clear ( )

◆ compare_keys()

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class K1, class K2>
bool tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::compare_keys ( const K1 & key1,
const K2 & key2 ) const

◆ contains() [1/2]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class K>
bool tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::contains ( const K & key) const

◆ contains() [2/2]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class K>
bool tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::contains ( const K & key,
std::size_t my_hash ) const

◆ count() [1/2]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class K>
size_type tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::count ( const K & key) const

◆ count() [2/2]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class K>
size_type tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::count ( const K & key,
std::size_t my_hash ) const

◆ count_impl()

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class K>
size_type tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::count_impl ( const K & key,
std::size_t my_hash,
const hopscotch_bucket * bucket_for_hash ) const

◆ emplace()

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class... Args>
std::pair< iterator, bool > tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::emplace ( Args &&... args)

◆ emplace_hint()

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class... Args>
iterator tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::emplace_hint ( const_iterator hint,
Args &&... args )

◆ empty()

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
bool tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::empty ( ) const

◆ end() [1/2]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
const_iterator tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::end ( ) const

◆ end() [2/2]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
iterator tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::end ( )

◆ equal_range() [1/4]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class K>
std::pair< iterator, iterator > tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::equal_range ( const K & key)

◆ equal_range() [2/4]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class K>
std::pair< const_iterator, const_iterator > tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::equal_range ( const K & key) const

◆ equal_range() [3/4]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class K>
std::pair< iterator, iterator > tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::equal_range ( const K & key,
std::size_t my_hash )

◆ equal_range() [4/4]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class K>
std::pair< const_iterator, const_iterator > tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::equal_range ( const K & key,
std::size_t my_hash ) const

◆ erase() [1/5]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class K>
size_type tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::erase ( const K & key)

◆ erase() [2/5]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class K>
size_type tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::erase ( const K & key,
std::size_t my_hash )

◆ erase() [3/5]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
iterator tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::erase ( const_iterator first,
const_iterator last )

◆ erase() [4/5]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
iterator tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::erase ( const_iterator pos)

◆ erase() [5/5]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
iterator tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::erase ( iterator pos)

Here to avoid template<class K> size_type erase(const K& key) being used when we use an iterator instead of a const_iterator.

◆ erase_from_bucket()

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
void tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::erase_from_bucket ( hopscotch_bucket & bucket_for_value,
std::size_t ibucket_for_hash )

bucket_for_value is the bucket in which the value is. ibucket_for_hash is the bucket where the value belongs.

◆ erase_from_overflow()

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
iterator_overflow tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::erase_from_overflow ( const_iterator_overflow pos,
std::size_t ibucket_for_hash )

◆ find() [1/4]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class K>
iterator tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::find ( const K & key)

◆ find() [2/4]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class K>
const_iterator tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::find ( const K & key) const

◆ find() [3/4]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class K>
iterator tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::find ( const K & key,
std::size_t my_hash )

◆ find() [4/4]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class K>
const_iterator tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::find ( const K & key,
std::size_t my_hash ) const

◆ find_empty_bucket()

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
std::size_t tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::find_empty_bucket ( std::size_t ibucket_start) const

◆ find_impl() [1/2]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class K>
const_iterator tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::find_impl ( const K & key,
std::size_t my_hash,
const hopscotch_bucket * bucket_for_hash ) const

◆ find_impl() [2/2]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class K>
iterator tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::find_impl ( const K & key,
std::size_t my_hash,
hopscotch_bucket * bucket_for_hash )

◆ find_in_buckets() [1/2]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class K>
const hopscotch_bucket * tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::find_in_buckets ( const K & key,
std::size_t my_hash,
const hopscotch_bucket * bucket_for_hash ) const

Return a pointer to the bucket which has the value, nullptr otherwise.

◆ find_in_buckets() [2/2]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class K>
hopscotch_bucket * tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::find_in_buckets ( const K & key,
std::size_t my_hash,
hopscotch_bucket * bucket_for_hash )

◆ find_in_overflow() [1/4]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class K, class U = OverflowContainer, typename std::enable_if<!has_key_compare< U >::value >::type * = nullptr>
iterator_overflow tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::find_in_overflow ( const K & key)

◆ find_in_overflow() [2/4]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class K, class U = OverflowContainer, typename std::enable_if< has_key_compare< U >::value >::type * = nullptr>
iterator_overflow tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::find_in_overflow ( const K & key)

◆ find_in_overflow() [3/4]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class K, class U = OverflowContainer, typename std::enable_if<!has_key_compare< U >::value >::type * = nullptr>
const_iterator_overflow tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::find_in_overflow ( const K & key) const

◆ find_in_overflow() [4/4]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class K, class U = OverflowContainer, typename std::enable_if< has_key_compare< U >::value >::type * = nullptr>
const_iterator_overflow tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::find_in_overflow ( const K & key) const

◆ find_value_impl() [1/2]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class K, class U = ValueSelect, typename std::enable_if< has_mapped_type< U >::value >::type * = nullptr>
const U::value_type * tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::find_value_impl ( const K & key,
std::size_t my_hash,
const hopscotch_bucket * bucket_for_hash ) const

◆ find_value_impl() [2/2]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class K, class U = ValueSelect, typename std::enable_if< has_mapped_type< U >::value >::type * = nullptr>
U::value_type * tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::find_value_impl ( const K & key,
std::size_t my_hash,
hopscotch_bucket * bucket_for_hash )

◆ get_allocator()

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
allocator_type tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::get_allocator ( ) const

◆ hash_function()

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
hasher tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::hash_function ( ) const

◆ hash_key()

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class K>
std::size_t tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::hash_key ( const K & key) const

◆ insert() [1/7]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
std::pair< iterator, bool > tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::insert ( const value_type & value)

◆ insert() [2/7]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
iterator tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::insert ( const_iterator hint,
const value_type & value )

◆ insert() [3/7]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class P, typename std::enable_if< std::is_constructible< value_type, P && >::value >::type * = nullptr>
iterator tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::insert ( const_iterator hint,
P && value )

◆ insert() [4/7]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
iterator tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::insert ( const_iterator hint,
value_type && value )

◆ insert() [5/7]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class InputIt>
void tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::insert ( InputIt first,
InputIt last )

◆ insert() [6/7]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class P, typename std::enable_if< std::is_constructible< value_type, P && >::value >::type * = nullptr>
std::pair< iterator, bool > tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::insert ( P && value)

◆ insert() [7/7]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
std::pair< iterator, bool > tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::insert ( value_type && value)

◆ insert_impl()

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<typename P>
std::pair< iterator, bool > tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::insert_impl ( P && value)

◆ insert_in_bucket()

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<typename... Args>
iterator_buckets tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::insert_in_bucket ( std::size_t ibucket_empty,
std::size_t ibucket_for_hash,
std::size_t my_hash,
Args &&... value_type_args )

◆ insert_in_overflow() [1/2]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class... Args, class U = OverflowContainer, typename std::enable_if<!has_key_compare< U >::value >::type * = nullptr>
iterator_overflow tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::insert_in_overflow ( std::size_t ibucket_for_hash,
Args &&... value_type_args )

◆ insert_in_overflow() [2/2]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class... Args, class U = OverflowContainer, typename std::enable_if< has_key_compare< U >::value >::type * = nullptr>
iterator_overflow tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::insert_in_overflow ( std::size_t ibucket_for_hash,
Args &&... value_type_args )

◆ insert_or_assign() [1/4]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class M>
std::pair< iterator, bool > tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::insert_or_assign ( const key_type & k,
M && obj )

◆ insert_or_assign() [2/4]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class M>
iterator tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::insert_or_assign ( const_iterator hint,
const key_type & k,
M && obj )

◆ insert_or_assign() [3/4]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class M>
iterator tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::insert_or_assign ( const_iterator hint,
key_type && k,
M && obj )

◆ insert_or_assign() [4/4]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class M>
std::pair< iterator, bool > tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::insert_or_assign ( key_type && k,
M && obj )

◆ insert_or_assign_impl()

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class K, class M>
std::pair< iterator, bool > tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::insert_or_assign_impl ( K && key,
M && obj )

◆ insert_value()

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<typename... Args>
std::pair< iterator, bool > tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::insert_value ( std::size_t ibucket_for_hash,
std::size_t my_hash,
Args &&... value_type_args )

◆ key_comp()

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class U = OverflowContainer, typename std::enable_if< has_key_compare< U >::value >::type * = nullptr>
U::key_compare tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::key_comp ( ) const

◆ key_eq()

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
key_equal tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::key_eq ( ) const

◆ load_factor()

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
float tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::load_factor ( ) const

◆ max_bucket_count()

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
size_type tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::max_bucket_count ( ) const

◆ max_load_factor() [1/2]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
float tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::max_load_factor ( ) const

◆ max_load_factor() [2/2]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
void tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::max_load_factor ( float ml)

◆ max_size()

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
size_type tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::max_size ( ) const

◆ mutable_iterator()

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
iterator tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::mutable_iterator ( const_iterator pos)

◆ mutable_overflow_iterator()

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
iterator_overflow tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::mutable_overflow_iterator ( const_iterator_overflow it)

◆ new_hopscotch_hash() [1/2]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class U = OverflowContainer, typename std::enable_if<!has_key_compare< U >::value >::type * = nullptr>
hopscotch_hash tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::new_hopscotch_hash ( size_type bucket_count)

◆ new_hopscotch_hash() [2/2]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class U = OverflowContainer, typename std::enable_if< has_key_compare< U >::value >::type * = nullptr>
hopscotch_hash tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::new_hopscotch_hash ( size_type bucket_count)

◆ operator=() [1/2]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
hopscotch_hash & tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::operator= ( const hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer > & other)

◆ operator=() [2/2]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
hopscotch_hash & tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::operator= ( hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer > && other)

◆ operator[]()

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class K, class U = ValueSelect, typename std::enable_if< has_mapped_type< U >::value >::type * = nullptr>
U::value_type & tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::operator[] ( K && key)

◆ overflow_size()

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
size_type tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::overflow_size ( ) const

◆ rehash()

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
void tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::rehash ( size_type count_)

◆ rehash_impl() [1/2]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<typename U = value_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_nothrow_move_constructible< U >::value >::type * = nullptr>
void tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::rehash_impl ( size_type count_)

◆ rehash_impl() [2/2]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<typename U = value_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_copy_constructible< U >::value &&!std::is_nothrow_move_constructible< U >::value >::type * = nullptr>
void tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::rehash_impl ( size_type count_)

◆ reserve()

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
void tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::reserve ( size_type count_)

◆ size()

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
size_type tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::size ( ) const

◆ static_empty_bucket_ptr()

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
hopscotch_bucket * tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::static_empty_bucket_ptr ( )

Return an always valid pointer to an static empty hopscotch_bucket.

◆ swap()

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
void tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::swap ( hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer > & other)

◆ swap_empty_bucket_closer()

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
bool tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::swap_empty_bucket_closer ( std::size_t & ibucket_empty_in_out)

◆ try_emplace() [1/4]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class... Args>
std::pair< iterator, bool > tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::try_emplace ( const key_type & k,
Args &&... args )

◆ try_emplace() [2/4]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class... Args>
iterator tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::try_emplace ( const_iterator hint,
const key_type & k,
Args &&... args )

◆ try_emplace() [3/4]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class... Args>
iterator tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::try_emplace ( const_iterator hint,
key_type && k,
Args &&... args )

◆ try_emplace() [4/4]

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class... Args>
std::pair< iterator, bool > tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::try_emplace ( key_type && k,
Args &&... args )

◆ try_emplace_impl()

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<typename P, class... Args>
std::pair< iterator, bool > tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::try_emplace_impl ( P && key,
Args &&... args_value )


template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class T = size_type, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same< T, truncated_hash_type >::value >::type * = nullptr>
static bool tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::USE_STORED_HASH_ON_REHASH ( size_type bucket_count)


template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
template<class T = size_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< T, truncated_hash_type >::value >::type * = nullptr>
static bool tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::USE_STORED_HASH_ON_REHASH ( size_type )

We can only use the hash on rehash if the size of the hash type is the same as the stored one or if we use a power of two modulo. In the case of the power of two modulo, we just mask the least significant bytes, we just have to check that the truncated_hash_type didn't truncated too much bytes.

◆ will_neighborhood_change_on_rehash()

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
bool tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::will_neighborhood_change_on_rehash ( size_t ibucket_neighborhood_check) const

Member Data Documentation


template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
const size_type tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::DEFAULT_INIT_BUCKETS_SIZE = 0


template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
float tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::DEFAULT_MAX_LOAD_FACTOR = (NeighborhoodSize <= 30) ? 0.8f : 0.9f

◆ m_buckets

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
hopscotch_bucket* tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::m_buckets

Points to if !m_buckets_data.empty() otherwise points to static_empty_bucket_ptr. This variable is useful to avoid the cost of checking if m_buckets_data is empty when trying to find an element.

TODO Remove m_buckets_data and only use a pointer+size instead of a pointer+vector to save some space in the hopscotch_hash object.

◆ m_buckets_data

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
buckets_container_type tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::m_buckets_data

◆ m_max_load_factor

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
float tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::m_max_load_factor

◆ m_max_load_threshold_rehash

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
size_type tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::m_max_load_threshold_rehash

Max size of the hash table before a rehash occurs automatically to grow the table.

◆ m_min_load_threshold_rehash

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
size_type tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::m_min_load_threshold_rehash

Min size of the hash table before a rehash can occurs automatically (except if m_max_load_threshold_rehash os reached). If the neighborhood of a bucket is full before the min is reached, the elements are put into m_overflow_elements.

◆ m_nb_elements

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
size_type tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::m_nb_elements

◆ m_overflow_elements

template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
overflow_container_type tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::m_overflow_elements


template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
const std::size_t tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::MAX_PROBES_FOR_EMPTY_BUCKET = 12 * NeighborhoodSize


template<class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, unsigned int NeighborhoodSize, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy, class OverflowContainer>
float tsl::detail_hopscotch_hash::hopscotch_hash< ValueType, KeySelect, ValueSelect, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, NeighborhoodSize, StoreHash, GrowthPolicy, OverflowContainer >::MIN_LOAD_FACTOR_FOR_REHASH = 0.1f

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: