Aprepro 5.0x
No Matches
SEAMS Namespace Reference


namespace  anonymous_namespace{apr_aprepro.cc}
namespace  anonymous_namespace{apr_units.cc}


class  Aprepro
struct  aprepro_options
struct  array
struct  file_rec
struct  history_data
class  Parser
 A Bison parser. More...
class  Scanner
struct  symrec
struct  Symtable


double array_interpolate (const array *arr, double row, double col)
double array_value (array *arr, double row, double col)
arrayarray_add (const array *a, const array *b)
arrayarray_sub (const array *a, const array *b)
arrayarray_scale (const array *a, double s)
arrayarray_mult (const array *a, const array *b)
double do_time ()
double do_FtoC (double F)
double do_CtoF (double C)
double do_int (double x)
double do_nint (double x)
double do_dist (double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
double do_angle (double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
double do_angled (double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
double do_hypot (double x, double y)
double do_pow (double x, double y)
double do_max (double x, double y)
double do_min (double x, double y)
double do_d2r (double x)
double do_r2d (double x)
double do_sind (double x)
double do_sin (double x)
double do_cosd (double x)
double do_cos (double x)
double do_tand (double x)
double do_tan (double x)
double do_atan2d (double x, double y)
double do_atan2 (double x, double y)
double do_atand (double x)
double do_atan (double x)
double do_asind (double x)
double do_asin (double x)
double do_acosd (double x)
double do_acos (double x)
double do_srand (double seed)
double do_rand (double xl, double xh)
double do_rand_normal (double mean, double stddev)
double do_rand_lognormal (double mean, double stddev)
double do_rand_weibull (double alpha, double beta)
double do_sign (double x, double y)
double do_dim (double x, double y)
double do_fabs (double x)
double do_ceil (double x)
double do_cosh (double x)
double do_exp (double x)
double do_expm1 (double x)
double do_erf (double x)
double do_erfc (double x)
double do_floor (double x)
double do_fmod (double x, double y)
double do_log (double x)
double do_log10 (double x)
double do_sinh (double x)
double do_sqrt (double x)
double do_cbrt (double x)
double do_tanh (double x)
double do_polarX (double rad, double ang)
double do_polarY (double rad, double ang)
double do_lgamma (double val)
double do_tgamma (double val)
double do_juldayhms (double mon, double day, double year, double h, double mi, double se)
double do_julday (double mon, double day, double year)
double do_log1p (double x)
double do_acosh (double x)
double do_asinh (double x)
double do_atanh (double x)
double do_rows (const array *arr)
double do_cols (const array *arr)
const char * do_version ()
const char * do_get_date ()
const char * do_get_iso_date ()
const char * do_get_time ()
const char * do_tolower (char *string)
const char * do_toupper (char *string)
const char * do_tostring (double x)
const char * do_output (char *filename)
const char * do_append (char *filename)
double do_word_count (char *string, char *delm)
double do_find_word (char *word, char *string, char *delm)
const char * do_get_word (double n, char *string, char *delm)
const char * do_file_to_string (char *filename)
const char * do_getenv (char *env)
double do_strtod (char *string)
const char * do_dumpsym ()
const char * do_dumpsym_json ()
const char * do_dumpfunc ()
const char * do_dumpvar ()
const char * do_dumpsym1 (char *pre)
const char * do_dumpfunc1 (char *pre)
const char * do_dumpvar1 (char *pre)
double do_option (char *option, double value)
const char * do_include_path (char *new_path)
const char * do_intout (double intval)
const char * do_format (double var, char *format)
const char * do_execute (char *string)
const char * do_rescan (char *string)
const char * do_import (char *string)
const char * do_if (double x)
const char * do_notif (double x)
const char * do_elseif (double x)
const char * do_str_if (char *string)
const char * do_str_notif (char *string)
const char * do_str_elseif (char *string)
const char * do_switch (double x)
const char * do_case (double x)
const char * do_extract (char *string, char *begin, char *end)
const char * do_get_temp_filename ()
const char * do_error (char *error_string)
const char * do_print_array (const array *my_array_data)
const char * do_delete (char *string)
arraydo_make_array (double rows, double cols)
arraydo_make_array_init (double rows, double cols, double init)
arraydo_identity (double size)
arraydo_linear_array (double init, double final, double count)
arraydo_transpose (const array *a)
arraydo_principal (const array *a)
arraydo_csv_array1 (const char *filename)
arraydo_csv_array (const char *filename, double skip)
arraydo_csv_array2 (const char *filename, const char *comment)
arraydo_array_from_string (const char *string, const char *delm)
arraydo_sym_tensor_from_string (const char *string, const char *delm)
const char * do_Units (char *type)
const char * do_print_array (array *my_array_data)
void gl_setwidth (size_t w)
char * getline_int (const char *prompt)
void gl_histadd (const char *buf)
void yyerror (const char *s)
std::vector< std::string > tokenize (const std::string &str, const std::string &separators)
bool arg_check (SEAMS::symrec *symbol, bool is_null)
void set_type (const SEAMS::Aprepro &apr, SEAMS::symrec *var, int type)
void new_string (const std::string &from, char **to)
void new_string (const char *from, char **to)
void concat_string (const char *from1, const char *from2, char **to)
const char * get_temp_filename ()
void yyerror (const SEAMS::Aprepro &apr, const std::string &s)
void immutable_modify (const SEAMS::Aprepro &apr, const SEAMS::symrec *var)
void undefined_error (const SEAMS::Aprepro &apr, const std::string &var)
void redefined_warning (const SEAMS::Aprepro &apr, const SEAMS::symrec *var)
void warning (const SEAMS::Aprepro &apr, const std::string &s)
void math_error (const SEAMS::Aprepro &apr, const char *function)
void math_error (const char *function)
void conv_string (char *string)
void cleanup_memory ()
bool is_directory (const std::string &filepath)
bool check_valid_var (const char *var)


Apreproaprepro = nullptr
bool echo = true
const init arith_0_fncts []
const init_d arith_fncts []
const init_a arith_a_fncts []
const init_dd arith_dd_fncts []
const init_dddd arith_dddd_fncts []
const init_cc arith_cc_fncts []
const init_ccc arith_ccc_fncts []
const init_c arith_c_fncts []
const init_cd arith_cd_fncts []
const init_ddd arith_ddd_fncts []
const init_dddddd arith_dddddd_fncts []
const str_init string_fncts []
const str_c_init string_c_fncts []
const str_d_init string_d_fncts []
const str_dc_init string_dc_fncts []
const str_dcc_init string_dcc_fncts []
const str_ccc_init string_ccc_fncts []
const str_cc_init string_cc_fncts []
const str_a_init string_a_fncts []
const array_c_init array_c_fncts []
const array_cd_init array_cd_fncts []
const array_cc_init array_cc_fncts []
const array_ddd_init array_ddd_fncts []
const array_dd_init array_dd_fncts []
const array_d_init array_d_fncts []
const array_a_init array_a_fncts []
const var_init variables []
const svar_init svariables []

Detailed Description

The SEAMS namespace is used to encapsulate the three parser classes SEAMS::Parser, SEAMS::Scanner and SEAMS::Aprepro

Function Documentation

◆ arg_check()

bool SEAMS::arg_check ( SEAMS::symrec * symbol,
bool is_null )

◆ array_add()

array * SEAMS::array_add ( const array * a,
const array * b )

◆ array_interpolate()

double SEAMS::array_interpolate ( const array * arr,
double row,
double col )

◆ array_mult()

array * SEAMS::array_mult ( const array * a,
const array * b )

◆ array_scale()

array * SEAMS::array_scale ( const array * a,
double s )

◆ array_sub()

array * SEAMS::array_sub ( const array * a,
const array * b )

◆ array_value()

double SEAMS::array_value ( array * arr,
double row,
double col )

◆ check_valid_var()

bool SEAMS::check_valid_var ( const char * var)

◆ cleanup_memory()

void SEAMS::cleanup_memory ( )

◆ concat_string()

void SEAMS::concat_string ( const char * from1,
const char * from2,
char ** to )

◆ conv_string()

void SEAMS::conv_string ( char * string)

◆ do_acos()

double SEAMS::do_acos ( double x)

◆ do_acosd()

double SEAMS::do_acosd ( double x)

◆ do_acosh()

double SEAMS::do_acosh ( double x)

◆ do_angle()

double SEAMS::do_angle ( double x1,
double y1,
double x2,
double y2 )

◆ do_angled()

double SEAMS::do_angled ( double x1,
double y1,
double x2,
double y2 )

◆ do_append()

const char * SEAMS::do_append ( char * filename)

◆ do_array_from_string()

array * SEAMS::do_array_from_string ( const char * string,
const char * delm )

◆ do_asin()

double SEAMS::do_asin ( double x)

◆ do_asind()

double SEAMS::do_asind ( double x)

◆ do_asinh()

double SEAMS::do_asinh ( double x)

◆ do_atan()

double SEAMS::do_atan ( double x)

◆ do_atan2()

double SEAMS::do_atan2 ( double x,
double y )

◆ do_atan2d()

double SEAMS::do_atan2d ( double x,
double y )

◆ do_atand()

double SEAMS::do_atand ( double x)

◆ do_atanh()

double SEAMS::do_atanh ( double x)

◆ do_case()

const char * SEAMS::do_case ( double x)

◆ do_cbrt()

double SEAMS::do_cbrt ( double x)

◆ do_ceil()

double SEAMS::do_ceil ( double x)

◆ do_cols()

double SEAMS::do_cols ( const array * arr)

◆ do_cos()

double SEAMS::do_cos ( double x)

◆ do_cosd()

double SEAMS::do_cosd ( double x)

◆ do_cosh()

double SEAMS::do_cosh ( double x)

◆ do_csv_array()

array * SEAMS::do_csv_array ( const char * filename,
double skip )

◆ do_csv_array1()

array * SEAMS::do_csv_array1 ( const char * filename)

◆ do_csv_array2()

array * SEAMS::do_csv_array2 ( const char * filename,
const char * comment )

◆ do_CtoF()

double SEAMS::do_CtoF ( double C)

◆ do_d2r()

double SEAMS::do_d2r ( double x)

◆ do_delete()

const char * SEAMS::do_delete ( char * string)

◆ do_dim()

double SEAMS::do_dim ( double x,
double y )

◆ do_dist()

double SEAMS::do_dist ( double x1,
double y1,
double x2,
double y2 )

◆ do_dumpfunc()

const char * SEAMS::do_dumpfunc ( )

◆ do_dumpfunc1()

const char * SEAMS::do_dumpfunc1 ( char * pre)

◆ do_dumpsym()

const char * SEAMS::do_dumpsym ( )

◆ do_dumpsym1()

const char * SEAMS::do_dumpsym1 ( char * pre)

◆ do_dumpsym_json()

const char * SEAMS::do_dumpsym_json ( )

◆ do_dumpvar()

const char * SEAMS::do_dumpvar ( )

◆ do_dumpvar1()

const char * SEAMS::do_dumpvar1 ( char * pre)

◆ do_elseif()

const char * SEAMS::do_elseif ( double x)

◆ do_erf()

double SEAMS::do_erf ( double x)

◆ do_erfc()

double SEAMS::do_erfc ( double x)

◆ do_error()

const char * SEAMS::do_error ( char * error_string)

◆ do_execute()

const char * SEAMS::do_execute ( char * string)

◆ do_exp()

double SEAMS::do_exp ( double x)

◆ do_expm1()

double SEAMS::do_expm1 ( double x)

◆ do_extract()

const char * SEAMS::do_extract ( char * string,
char * begin,
char * end )

◆ do_fabs()

double SEAMS::do_fabs ( double x)

◆ do_file_to_string()

const char * SEAMS::do_file_to_string ( char * filename)

◆ do_find_word()

double SEAMS::do_find_word ( char * word,
char * string,
char * delm )

◆ do_floor()

double SEAMS::do_floor ( double x)

◆ do_fmod()

double SEAMS::do_fmod ( double x,
double y )

◆ do_format()

const char * SEAMS::do_format ( double var,
char * format )

◆ do_FtoC()

double SEAMS::do_FtoC ( double F)

◆ do_get_date()

const char * SEAMS::do_get_date ( )

◆ do_get_iso_date()

const char * SEAMS::do_get_iso_date ( )

◆ do_get_temp_filename()

const char * SEAMS::do_get_temp_filename ( )

◆ do_get_time()

const char * SEAMS::do_get_time ( )

◆ do_get_word()

const char * SEAMS::do_get_word ( double n,
char * string,
char * delm )

◆ do_getenv()

const char * SEAMS::do_getenv ( char * env)

◆ do_hypot()

double SEAMS::do_hypot ( double x,
double y )

◆ do_identity()

array * SEAMS::do_identity ( double size)

◆ do_if()

const char * SEAMS::do_if ( double x)

◆ do_import()

const char * SEAMS::do_import ( char * string)

◆ do_include_path()

const char * SEAMS::do_include_path ( char * new_path)

◆ do_int()

double SEAMS::do_int ( double x)

◆ do_intout()

const char * SEAMS::do_intout ( double intval)

◆ do_julday()

double SEAMS::do_julday ( double mon,
double day,
double year )

◆ do_juldayhms()

double SEAMS::do_juldayhms ( double mon,
double day,
double year,
double h,
double mi,
double se )

◆ do_lgamma()

double SEAMS::do_lgamma ( double val)

◆ do_linear_array()

array * SEAMS::do_linear_array ( double init,
double final,
double count )

◆ do_log()

double SEAMS::do_log ( double x)

◆ do_log10()

double SEAMS::do_log10 ( double x)

◆ do_log1p()

double SEAMS::do_log1p ( double x)

◆ do_make_array()

array * SEAMS::do_make_array ( double rows,
double cols )

◆ do_make_array_init()

array * SEAMS::do_make_array_init ( double rows,
double cols,
double init )

◆ do_max()

double SEAMS::do_max ( double x,
double y )

◆ do_min()

double SEAMS::do_min ( double x,
double y )

◆ do_nint()

double SEAMS::do_nint ( double x)

◆ do_notif()

const char * SEAMS::do_notif ( double x)

◆ do_option()

double SEAMS::do_option ( char * option,
double value )

◆ do_output()

const char * SEAMS::do_output ( char * filename)

◆ do_polarX()

double SEAMS::do_polarX ( double rad,
double ang )

◆ do_polarY()

double SEAMS::do_polarY ( double rad,
double ang )

◆ do_pow()

double SEAMS::do_pow ( double x,
double y )

◆ do_principal()

array * SEAMS::do_principal ( const array * a)

◆ do_print_array() [1/2]

const char * SEAMS::do_print_array ( array * my_array_data)

◆ do_print_array() [2/2]

const char * SEAMS::do_print_array ( const array * my_array_data)

◆ do_r2d()

double SEAMS::do_r2d ( double x)

◆ do_rand()

double SEAMS::do_rand ( double xl,
double xh )

◆ do_rand_lognormal()

double SEAMS::do_rand_lognormal ( double mean,
double stddev )

◆ do_rand_normal()

double SEAMS::do_rand_normal ( double mean,
double stddev )

◆ do_rand_weibull()

double SEAMS::do_rand_weibull ( double alpha,
double beta )

◆ do_rescan()

const char * SEAMS::do_rescan ( char * string)

◆ do_rows()

double SEAMS::do_rows ( const array * arr)

◆ do_sign()

double SEAMS::do_sign ( double x,
double y )

◆ do_sin()

double SEAMS::do_sin ( double x)

◆ do_sind()

double SEAMS::do_sind ( double x)

◆ do_sinh()

double SEAMS::do_sinh ( double x)

◆ do_sqrt()

double SEAMS::do_sqrt ( double x)

◆ do_srand()

double SEAMS::do_srand ( double seed)

◆ do_str_elseif()

const char * SEAMS::do_str_elseif ( char * string)

◆ do_str_if()

const char * SEAMS::do_str_if ( char * string)

◆ do_str_notif()

const char * SEAMS::do_str_notif ( char * string)

◆ do_strtod()

double SEAMS::do_strtod ( char * string)

◆ do_switch()

const char * SEAMS::do_switch ( double x)

◆ do_sym_tensor_from_string()

array * SEAMS::do_sym_tensor_from_string ( const char * string,
const char * delm )

◆ do_tan()

double SEAMS::do_tan ( double x)

◆ do_tand()

double SEAMS::do_tand ( double x)

◆ do_tanh()

double SEAMS::do_tanh ( double x)

◆ do_tgamma()

double SEAMS::do_tgamma ( double val)

◆ do_time()

double SEAMS::do_time ( )

◆ do_tolower()

const char * SEAMS::do_tolower ( char * string)

◆ do_tostring()

const char * SEAMS::do_tostring ( double x)

◆ do_toupper()

const char * SEAMS::do_toupper ( char * string)

◆ do_transpose()

array * SEAMS::do_transpose ( const array * a)

◆ do_Units()

const char * SEAMS::do_Units ( char * type)

◆ do_version()

const char * SEAMS::do_version ( )

◆ do_word_count()

double SEAMS::do_word_count ( char * string,
char * delm )

◆ get_temp_filename()

const char * SEAMS::get_temp_filename ( )

◆ getline_int()

char * SEAMS::getline_int ( const char * prompt)

◆ gl_histadd()

void SEAMS::gl_histadd ( const char * buf)

◆ gl_setwidth()

void SEAMS::gl_setwidth ( size_t w)

◆ immutable_modify()

void SEAMS::immutable_modify ( const SEAMS::Aprepro & apr,
const SEAMS::symrec * var )

◆ is_directory()

bool SEAMS::is_directory ( const std::string & filepath)

◆ math_error() [1/2]

void SEAMS::math_error ( const char * function)

◆ math_error() [2/2]

void SEAMS::math_error ( const SEAMS::Aprepro & apr,
const char * function )

◆ new_string() [1/2]

void SEAMS::new_string ( const char * from,
char ** to )

◆ new_string() [2/2]

void SEAMS::new_string ( const std::string & from,
char ** to )

◆ redefined_warning()

void SEAMS::redefined_warning ( const SEAMS::Aprepro & apr,
const SEAMS::symrec * var )

◆ set_type()

void SEAMS::set_type ( const SEAMS::Aprepro & apr,
SEAMS::symrec * var,
int type )

◆ tokenize()

std::vector< std::string > SEAMS::tokenize ( const std::string & str,
const std::string & separators )

Take the 'str' argument and split it using the list of characters in separators as separators. Use tokens to return the result.

◆ undefined_error()

void SEAMS::undefined_error ( const SEAMS::Aprepro & apr,
const std::string & var )

◆ warning()

void SEAMS::warning ( const SEAMS::Aprepro & apr,
const std::string & s )

◆ yyerror() [1/2]

void SEAMS::yyerror ( const char * s)

◆ yyerror() [2/2]

void SEAMS::yyerror ( const SEAMS::Aprepro & apr,
const std::string & s )

Variable Documentation

◆ aprepro

Aprepro * SEAMS::aprepro = nullptr

◆ arith_0_fncts

const init SEAMS::arith_0_fncts[]
Initial value:
= {
{"seconds", do_time, "seconds()", "Seconds since epoch (useful for srand())."},
{nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}}
double do_time()
Definition apr_builtin.cc:95

◆ arith_a_fncts

const init_a SEAMS::arith_a_fncts[]
Initial value:
= {
{"rows", do_rows, "rows(array)", "Returns the number of rows in the array. "},
{"cols", do_cols, "cols(array)", "Returns the number of columns in the array. "},
{nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}}
double do_cols(const array *arr)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:520
double do_rows(const array *arr)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:518

◆ arith_c_fncts

const init_c SEAMS::arith_c_fncts[]
Initial value:
= {{"strtod", do_strtod, "strtod(svar)",
"Returns a double-precision floating-point number "
"equal to the value represented by the\n\t\t\tcharacter "
"string pointed to by svar."},
{nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}}
double do_strtod(char *string)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:730

◆ arith_cc_fncts

const init_cc SEAMS::arith_cc_fncts[]
Initial value:
= {
{"word_count", do_word_count, "word_count(svar,del)",
"Number of words in svar. Words are separated by one or more of the "
"characters\n\t\t\tin the "
"string variable 'del'."},
{nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}}
double do_word_count(char *string, char *delm)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:664

◆ arith_ccc_fncts

const init_ccc SEAMS::arith_ccc_fncts[]
Initial value:
= {
{"find_word", do_find_word, "find_word(w,s,d)",
"Find the 1-based index of word 'w' in variable 's'. Words are separated "
"by one or more of the\n\t\t\tcharacters in the "
"string variable 'd'. Returns 0 if not found."},
{nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}}
double do_find_word(char *word, char *string, char *delm)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:669

◆ arith_cd_fncts

const init_cd SEAMS::arith_cd_fncts[]
Initial value:
= {{"option", do_option, "option(?,?)", "Internal"},
{nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}}
double do_option(char *option, double value)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:780

◆ arith_dd_fncts

const init_dd SEAMS::arith_dd_fncts[]
Initial value:
= {
{"atan2", do_atan2, "atan2(y,x)", "Inverse tangent of y/x, returns radians."},
{"atan2d", do_atan2d, "atan2d(y,x)", "Inverse tangent of y/x, returns degrees."},
{"dim", do_dim, "dim(x,y)", "x - min(x,y)"},
{"fmod", do_fmod, "fmod(x,y)", "Floating-point remainder of x/y."},
{"hypot", do_hypot, "hypot(x,y)", "sqrt(x^2+y^2)."},
{"max", do_max, "max(x,y)", "Maximum of x and y. "},
{"min", do_min, "min(x,y)", "Minimum of x and y. "},
{"polarX", do_polarX, "polarX(r,a)", "r * cos(a), a is in degrees "},
{"polarY", do_polarY, "polarY(r,a)", "r * sin(a), a is in degrees "},
{"pow", do_pow, "pow(x,y)", "x^y "},
{"rand", do_rand, "rand(xl,xh)", "Random value between xl and xh; uniformly distributed. "},
{"rand_normal", do_rand_normal, "rand_normal(m,s)",
"Random value normally distributed with mean m and stddev s."},
{"rand_lognormal", do_rand_lognormal, "rand_lognormal(m,s)",
"Random value with lognormal distribution with mean m and stddev s."},
{"rand_weibull", do_rand_weibull, "rand_weibull(a, b)",
"Random value with weibull distribution with alpha=a and beta=b. "},
{"sign", do_sign, "sign(x,y)", "x * sgn(y)"},
{nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}}
double do_sign(double x, double y)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:331
double do_polarX(double rad, double ang)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:469
double do_rand_normal(double mean, double stddev)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:313
double do_rand_weibull(double alpha, double beta)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:325
double do_rand(double xl, double xh)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:307
double do_dim(double x, double y)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:339
double do_atan2d(double x, double y)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:235
double do_pow(double x, double y)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:161
double do_polarY(double rad, double ang)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:471
double do_rand_lognormal(double mean, double stddev)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:319
double do_min(double x, double y)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:175
double do_max(double x, double y)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:167
double do_fmod(double x, double y)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:407
double do_hypot(double x, double y)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:159
double do_atan2(double x, double y)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:243

◆ arith_ddd_fncts

const init_ddd SEAMS::arith_ddd_fncts[]
Initial value:
= {
{"julday", do_julday, "julday(mm, dd, yy)", "Julian day corresponding to mm/dd/yy. "},
{nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}}
double do_julday(double mon, double day, double year)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:505

◆ arith_dddd_fncts

const init_dddd SEAMS::arith_dddd_fncts[]
Initial value:
= {
{"Vangle", do_angle, "Vangle(x1,y1,x2,y2)",
"Angle (radians) between vector x1_i+y1_j and x2_i+y2_j."},
{"Vangled", do_angled, "Vangled(x1,y1,x2,y2)",
"Angle (degrees) between vector x1_i+y1_j and x2_i+y2_j."},
{"dist", do_dist, "dist(x1,y1, x2,y2)", "sqrt((x1-x2)^2 + (y1-y2)^2)"},
{nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}}
double do_dist(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:126
double do_angled(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:149
double do_angle(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:137

◆ arith_dddddd_fncts

const init_dddddd SEAMS::arith_dddddd_fncts[]
Initial value:
= {{"juldayhms", do_juldayhms, "juldayhms(m,d,y,h,m,s)",
"Julian day corresponding to m/d/y at h:m:s "},
{nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}}
double do_juldayhms(double mon, double day, double year, double h, double mi, double se)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:477

◆ arith_fncts

const init_d SEAMS::arith_fncts[]

◆ array_a_fncts

const array_a_init SEAMS::array_a_fncts[]
Initial value:
= {
{"transpose", do_transpose, "transpose(array)", "Return the transpose of input array"},
{"principal_stress", do_principal, "principal_stress(array)",
"Calculate principal stresses of symmetric 3x3 stress tensor (array)."},
{nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}}
array * do_transpose(const array *a)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:1050
array * do_principal(const array *a)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:1062

◆ array_c_fncts

const array_c_init SEAMS::array_c_fncts[]
Initial value:
= {{"csv_array", do_csv_array1, "csv_array(filename)",
"Create a 2D array from the data in a csv file."},
{nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}}
array * do_csv_array1(const char *filename)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:1132

◆ array_cc_fncts

const array_cc_init SEAMS::array_cc_fncts[]
Initial value:
= {
{"csv_array", do_csv_array2, "csv_array(filename, [skip])",
"Create a 2D array from the data in a csv file optionally skipping rows."
" If skip is integer skip that many rows; if skip is a character, skip lines beginning with "
"that character"},
{"array_from_string", do_array_from_string, "array_from_string(string, delim)",
"Create a 1D array from the data in a delimited string."
" The array double values are\n\t\t\tseparated by one or more of the characters in the "
"string "
"variable delim."},
{"sym_tensor_from_string", do_sym_tensor_from_string, "sym_tensor_from_string(string, delim)",
"Create a 3x3 symmetric array from the data in a delimited string."
" The six array values are\n\t\t\tseparated by one or more of the characters in the "
"string variable delim. Order is xx, yy, zz, xy, yz, xz."},
{nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}}
array * do_array_from_string(const char *string, const char *delm)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:1230
array * do_sym_tensor_from_string(const char *string, const char *delm)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:1243
array * do_csv_array2(const char *filename, const char *comment)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:1183

◆ array_cd_fncts

const array_cd_init SEAMS::array_cd_fncts[]
Initial value:
= {
{"csv_array", do_csv_array, "csv_array(filename, [skip])",
"Create a 2D array from the data in a csv file optionally skipping rows."
" If skip is integer\n\t\t\tskip that many rows; if skip is a character, skip lines "
"beginning with "
"that character"},
{nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}}
array * do_csv_array(const char *filename, double skip)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:1134

◆ array_d_fncts

const array_d_init SEAMS::array_d_fncts[]
Initial value:
= {
{"identity", do_identity, "identity(size)",
"Create a 2D identity array with 'size' rows and columns. Diagonal = 1.0"},
{nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}}
array * do_identity(double size)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:1025

◆ array_dd_fncts

const array_dd_init SEAMS::array_dd_fncts[]
Initial value:
= {
{"make_array", do_make_array, "make_array(rows, cols)",
"Create a 2D array of size 'rows' by 'cols' initialized to zero."},
{nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}}
array * do_make_array(double rows, double cols)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:1009

◆ array_ddd_fncts

const array_ddd_init SEAMS::array_ddd_fncts[]
Initial value:
= {
{"linear_array", do_linear_array, "linear_array(init, final, count)",
"Create a 1D array of 'count' rows. Values linearly spaced from 'init' to 'final'."},
{"make_array", do_make_array_init, "make_array(rows, cols, init=0)",
"Create a 2D array of size 'rows' by 'cols' initialized to 'init'. 0 if not specified."},
{nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}}
array * do_linear_array(double init, double final, double count)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:1036
array * do_make_array_init(double rows, double cols, double init)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:1015

◆ echo

bool SEAMS::echo = true

◆ string_a_fncts

const str_a_init SEAMS::string_a_fncts[]
Initial value:
= {
{"print_array", do_print_array, "print_array(array)", "Prints the data in the array."},
{nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}}
const char * do_print_array(const array *my_array_data)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:965

◆ string_c_fncts

const str_c_init SEAMS::string_c_fncts[]

◆ string_cc_fncts

const str_cc_init SEAMS::string_cc_fncts[]
Initial value:
= {
{nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}}

◆ string_ccc_fncts

const str_ccc_init SEAMS::string_ccc_fncts[]
Initial value:
= {
{"extract", do_extract, "extract(s, b, e)",
"Return substring [b,e). 'b' is included; 'e' is not. If 'b' not found, return empty; If "
"'e' not found,\n\t\t\treturn rest of string. If 'b' empty, start at beginning; if 'e' "
"empty, "
"return rest of string."},
{nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}}
const char * do_extract(char *string, char *begin, char *end)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:918

◆ string_d_fncts

const str_d_init SEAMS::string_d_fncts[]

◆ string_dc_fncts

const str_dc_init SEAMS::string_dc_fncts[]
Initial value:
= {
{"format", do_format, "format(variable, output_format)",
"Print `variable` using the format specified in `output_format`"},
{nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}}
const char * do_format(double var, char *format)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:837

◆ string_dcc_fncts

const str_dcc_init SEAMS::string_dcc_fncts[]
Initial value:
= {
{"get_word", do_get_word, "get_word(n,svar,del)",
"Returns a string containing the nth word of svar. The words are separated by one or more "
"\n\t\t\tcharacters in the string variable del "},
{nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}}
const char * do_get_word(double n, char *string, char *delm)
Definition apr_builtin.cc:681

◆ string_fncts

const str_init SEAMS::string_fncts[]
Initial value:
= {
{"DUMP", do_dumpsym, "DUMP()",
"Output a list of all user-defined variables and their value."},
{"DUMP_JSON", do_dumpsym_json, "DUMP_JSON()",
"Output a list of all user-defined variables and their value in JSON format."},
{"DUMP_FUNC", do_dumpfunc, "DUMP_FUNC()",
"Output a list of all double and string functions recognized by aprepro."},
{"DUMP_PREVAR", do_dumpvar, "DUMP_PREVAR()",
"Output a list of all predefined variables and their value."},
{"get_date", do_get_date, "get_date()",
"Returns a string representing the current date in the form YYYY/MM/DD."},
{"get_iso_date", do_get_iso_date, "get_iso_date()",
"Returns a string representing the current date in the form YYYYMMDD."},
{"get_time", do_get_time, "get_time()",
"Returns a string representing the current time in the form HH:MM:SS."},
{"get_temp_filename", do_get_temp_filename, "get_temp_filename()",
"Returns a string which can be used for a temporary filename without conflicting with any "
"other filenames."},
{"version", do_version, "version()",
"Return the version string (See also _VERSION variable)"},
{nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}}
const char * do_get_date()
Definition apr_builtin.cc:530
const char * do_get_iso_date()
Definition apr_builtin.cc:545
const char * do_dumpsym_json()
Definition apr_builtin.cc:744
const char * do_dumpfunc()
Definition apr_builtin.cc:750
const char * do_dumpvar()
Definition apr_builtin.cc:756
const char * do_get_temp_filename()
Definition apr_builtin.cc:949
const char * do_get_time()
Definition apr_builtin.cc:560
const char * do_version()
Definition apr_builtin.cc:523
const char * do_dumpsym()
Definition apr_builtin.cc:738

◆ svariables

const svar_init SEAMS::svariables[]
Initial value:
= {{"_FORMAT", "%.10g"},
{"_UNITS_SYSTEM", "none"},
{nullptr, nullptr}}

◆ variables

const var_init SEAMS::variables[]
Initial value:
= {
{"DEG", 57.29577951308232087680},
{"RAD", 0.01745329251994329576},
{"E", 2.71828182845904523536},
{"GAMMA", 0.57721566490153286060},
{"PHI", 1.61803398874989484820},
{"TAU", 6.28318530717958623200},
{"PI", 3.14159265358979323846},
{"PI_2", 1.57079632679489661923},
{"SQRT2", 1.41421356237309504880},
{"TRUE", 1},
{"FALSE", 0},
{nullptr, 0}