Source code for sdynpy.fileio.sdynpy_uff_datasets.sdynpy_uff_dataset_164

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

This dataset defines the unit system for the universal file

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from ..sdynpy_uff import UFFReadError

[docs]class Sdynpy_UFF_Dataset_164:
[docs] def __init__(self): self.units_code = 0 self.units_description = '' self.temperature_mode = 1 self.length_conv = 1 self.force_conv = 1 self.temp_conv = 1 self.temp_offset = 1
@property def dataset_number(self): return 164
[docs] @classmethod def from_uff_data_array(cls, data): ds_164 = cls() # Record 1: FORMAT(I10,20A1,I10) # Field 1 -- units code # = 1 - SI: Meter (newton) # = 2 - BG: Foot (pound f) # = 3 - MG: Meter (kilogram f) # = 4 - BA: Foot (poundal) # = 5 - MM: mm (milli newton) # = 6 - CM: cm (centi newton) # = 7 - IN: Inch (pound f) # = 8 - GM: mm (kilogram f) # = 9 - US: USER_DEFINED # = 10- MN: mm (newton) try: ds_164.units_code = int(data[0][0:10]) except ValueError: return UFFReadError('Units Code (record 1 field 1) must be an integer!') # Field 2 -- units description (used for # documentation only) ds_164.units_description = data[0][10:30].strip() # Field 3 -- temperature mode # = 1 - absolute # = 2 - relative try: ds_164.temperature_mode = int(data[0][30:40]) except ValueError: return UFFReadError('Temperature Mode (record 1 field 3) must be an integer!') # Record 2: FORMAT(3D25.17) # Unit factors for converting universal file units to SI. # To convert from universal file units to SI divide by # the appropriate factor listed below. # Field 1 -- length try: ds_164.length_conv = float(data[1][0:25]) except ValueError: return UFFReadError('Length Conversion Factor (record 2 field 1) must be a floating point number') # Field 2 -- force try: ds_164.force_conv = float(data[1][25:50]) except ValueError: return UFFReadError('Force Conversion Factor (record 2 field 2) must be a floating point number') # Field 3 -- temperature try: ds_164.temp_conv = float(data[1][50:75]) except ValueError: return UFFReadError('Temperature Conversion Factor (record 2 field 3) must be a floating point number') # Field 4 -- temperature offset <-- Actually Record 3 field 1! try: ds_164.temp_offset = float(data[2][0:25]) except ValueError: return UFFReadError('Temperature offset (record 4 field 1) must be a floating point number') return ds_164
def __repr__(self): return 'Sdynpy_UFF_Dataset_164<{}>'.format(self.units_description)
[docs] def write_string(self): return ('{:<10}{:<20}{:<10}\n'.format(self.units_code, self.units_description, self.temperature_mode) + '{:>25.17E}{:>25.17E}{:>25.17E}\n{:>25.17E}\n'.format(self.length_conv, self.force_conv, self.temp_conv, self.temp_offset))
def __str__(self): lines = self.write_string().split('\n') if len(lines) > 8: return 'Dataset 164: Units\n ' + '\n '.join(lines[0:5] + ['.', '.', '.']) else: return 'Dataset 164: Units\n ' + '\n '.join(lines)
[docs]def read(data): return Sdynpy_UFF_Dataset_164.from_uff_data_array(data)