
pinv_by_truncation(frf_matrix, num_retained_values)[source]

Computes the pseudo-inverse of an FRF matrix where a fixed number of singular values are retained for the inverse

  • frf_matrix (NDArray) – Transfer function as an np.ndarray, should be organized such that the frequency is the first axis, the responses are the second axis, and the references are the third axis

  • num_retained_values (float or np.ndarray, optional) – Number of singular values to retain in the pseudo-inverse when the truncation method is chosen. A vector of can be provided so the number of retained values can change as a function of frequency. The vector must match the length of the abscissa in this case.


Inverse of the supplied FRF matrix

Return type


  • Exception – If a number of retained values isn’t supplied

  • Warning – if the number of retained values is greater than the actual number of singular values