- rect_beam_props(E, rho, nu, b, h=None, nelem=None)[source]
Return beam keyword dictionary for a rectangular beam.
Returns parameters that can be used in the beamkm function for a beam of uniform rectangular cross-section.
- Parameters
E (float) – Young’s Modulus
rho (float) – Density
nu (float) – Poisson’s Ratio
b (float) – Thickness of the beam in the direction of bend_direction_1
h (float) – Thickness of the beam in the direction of bend_direction_2. If it is not specified, a square cross section is assumed.
nelem (int) – Number of elements. This will repeat the values in the dict nelem times, as is required by beamkm. If not specified, only a single value will be output for each entry in the dict.
- Returns
kwargs – A dictionary that can be used in beamkm(**kwargs).
- Return type
- SteelSI
E = 200e9 # [N/m^2], nu = 0.25 # [-], rho = 7850 # [kg/m^3]
- AluminumSI
E = 69e9 # [N/m^2], nu = 0.33 # [-], rho = 2830 # [kg/m^3]