Compadre  1.6.0
Manifold GMLS Tutorial

based on GMLS_Manifold.cpp

GMLS Example with Device Views

This tutorial sets up a batch of GMLS problems, solves the minimization problems, and applies the coefficients produced to data.

Parse Command Line Arguments

// called from command line
int main (int argc, char* args[]) {
// initializes MPI (if available) with command line arguments given
MPI_Init(&argc, &args);
// initializes Kokkos with command line arguments given
Kokkos::initialize(argc, args);
// code block to reduce scope for all Kokkos View allocations
// otherwise, Views may be deallocating when we call Kokkos::finalize() later
CommandLineProcessor clp(argc, args);
auto order = clp.order;
auto dimension = clp.dimension;
auto number_target_coords = clp.number_target_coords;
auto constraint_name = clp.constraint_name;
auto solver_name = clp.solver_name;
auto problem_name = clp.problem_name;
int N_pts_on_sphere = (clp.number_source_coords>=0) ? clp.number_source_coords : 1000;
// minimum neighbors for unisolvency is the same as the size of the polynomial basis
// dimension has one subtracted because it is a D-1 manifold represented in D dimensions
const int min_neighbors = Compadre::GMLS::getNP(order, dimension-1);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getNP(const int m, const int dimension=3, const ReconstructionSpace r_space=ReconstructionSpace::ScalarTaylorPolynomial)
Returns size of the basis for a given polynomial order and dimension General to dimension 1....

Setting Up The Point Cloud

// coordinates of source sites, bigger than needed then resized later
Kokkos::View<double**, Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace> source_coords_device("source coordinates",
1.25*N_pts_on_sphere, 3);
Kokkos::View<double**>::HostMirror source_coords = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(source_coords_device);
double r = 1.0;
// set number of source coordinates from what was calculated
int number_source_coords;
// fill source coordinates from surface of a sphere with quasiuniform points
// algorithm described at
int N_count = 0;
double a = 4*PI*r*r/N_pts_on_sphere;
double d = std::sqrt(a);
int M_theta = std::round(PI/d);
double d_theta = PI/M_theta;
double d_phi = a/d_theta;
for (int i=0; i<M_theta; ++i) {
double theta = PI*(i + 0.5)/M_theta;
int M_phi = std::ceil(2*PI*std::sin(theta)/d_phi);
for (int j=0; j<M_phi; ++j) {
double phi = 2*PI*j/M_phi;
source_coords(N_count, 0) = theta;
source_coords(N_count, 1) = phi;
for (int i=0; i<N_count; ++i) {
double theta = source_coords(i,0);
double phi = source_coords(i,1);
source_coords(i,0) = r*std::sin(theta)*std::cos(phi);
source_coords(i,1) = r*std::sin(theta)*std::sin(phi);
source_coords(i,2) = r*cos(theta);
//printf("%f %f %f\n", source_coords(i,0), source_coords(i,1), source_coords(i,2));
number_source_coords = N_count;
// resize source_coords to the size actually needed
Kokkos::resize(source_coords, number_source_coords, 3);
Kokkos::resize(source_coords_device, number_source_coords, 3);
// coordinates of target sites
Kokkos::View<double**, Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace> target_coords_device ("target coordinates",
number_target_coords, 3);
Kokkos::View<double**>::HostMirror target_coords = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(target_coords_device);
bool enough_pts_found = false;
// fill target coordinates from surface of a sphere with quasiuniform points
// stop when enough points are found
int N_count = 0;
double a = 4.0*PI*r*r/((double)(1.0*number_target_coords));
double d = std::sqrt(a);
int M_theta = std::round(PI/d);
double d_theta = PI/((double)M_theta);
double d_phi = a/d_theta;
for (int i=0; i<M_theta; ++i) {
double theta = PI*(i + 0.5)/M_theta;
int M_phi = std::ceil(2*PI*std::sin(theta)/d_phi);
for (int j=0; j<M_phi; ++j) {
double phi = 2*PI*j/M_phi;
target_coords(N_count, 0) = theta;
target_coords(N_count, 1) = phi;
if (N_count == number_target_coords) {
enough_pts_found = true;
if (enough_pts_found) break;
for (int i=0; i<N_count; ++i) {
double theta = target_coords(i,0);
double phi = target_coords(i,1);
target_coords(i,0) = r*std::sin(theta)*std::cos(phi);
target_coords(i,1) = r*std::sin(theta)*std::sin(phi);
target_coords(i,2) = r*cos(theta);
//printf("%f %f %f\n", target_coords(i,0), target_coords(i,1), target_coords(i,2));
//for (int i=0; i<number_target_coords; ++i) {
// printf("%d: %f %f %f\n", i, target_coords(i,0), target_coords(i,1), target_coords(i,2));
#define PI

Performing Neighbor Search

double epsilon_multiplier = 1.9;
// Point cloud construction for neighbor search
// CreatePointCloudSearch constructs an object of type PointCloudSearch, but deduces the templates for you
auto point_cloud_search(CreatePointCloudSearch(source_coords, dimension));
Kokkos::View<int*> neighbor_lists_device("neighbor lists",
0); // first column is # of neighbors
Kokkos::View<int*>::HostMirror neighbor_lists = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(neighbor_lists_device);
// number_of_neighbors_list must be the same size as the number of target sites so that it can be populated
// with the number of neighbors for each target site.
Kokkos::View<int*> number_of_neighbors_list_device("number of neighbor lists",
number_target_coords); // first column is # of neighbors
Kokkos::View<int*>::HostMirror number_of_neighbors_list = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(number_of_neighbors_list_device);
// each target site has a window size
Kokkos::View<double*, Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace> epsilon_device("h supports", number_target_coords);
Kokkos::View<double*>::HostMirror epsilon = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(epsilon_device);
size_t storage_size = point_cloud_search.generateCRNeighborListsFromKNNSearch(true /*dry run*/, target_coords, neighbor_lists,
number_of_neighbors_list, epsilon, min_neighbors, epsilon_multiplier);
// resize neighbor_lists_device so as to be large enough to contain all neighborhoods
Kokkos::resize(neighbor_lists_device, storage_size);
neighbor_lists = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(neighbor_lists_device);
// query the point cloud a second time, but this time storing results into neighbor_lists
point_cloud_search.generateCRNeighborListsFromKNNSearch(false /*not dry run*/, target_coords, neighbor_lists,
number_of_neighbors_list, epsilon, min_neighbors, epsilon_multiplier);
// Diagnostic for neighbors found
//int maxn = 0;
//int maxi = -1;
//for (int i=0; i<number_of_neighbors_list.extent(0); ++i) {
// printf("%d: %d\n", i, number_of_neighbors_list[i]);
// maxi = (number_of_neighbors_list[i] > maxn) ? i : maxi;
// maxn = (number_of_neighbors_list[i] > maxn) ? number_of_neighbors_list[i] : maxn;
//printf("max at %d: %d", maxi, maxn);
PointCloudSearch< view_type > CreatePointCloudSearch(view_type src_view, const local_index_type dimensions=-1, const local_index_type max_leaf=-1)
CreatePointCloudSearch allows for the construction of an object of type PointCloudSearch with templat...

Creating The Data

// source coordinates need copied to device before using to construct sampling data
Kokkos::deep_copy(source_coords_device, source_coords);
// target coordinates copied next, because it is a convenient time to send them to device
Kokkos::deep_copy(target_coords_device, target_coords);
// ensure that source coordinates are sent to device before evaluating sampling data based on them
// need Kokkos View storing true solution (for samples)
Kokkos::View<double*, Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace> sampling_data_device("samples of true solution",
Kokkos::View<double*, Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace> ones_data_device("samples of ones",
Kokkos::deep_copy(ones_data_device, 1.0);
// need Kokkos View storing true vector solution (for samples)
Kokkos::View<double**, Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace> sampling_vector_data_device("samples of vector true solution",
source_coords_device.extent(0), 3);
Kokkos::parallel_for("Sampling Manufactured Solutions", Kokkos::RangePolicy<Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace>
(0,source_coords.extent(0)), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(const int i) {
// coordinates of source site i
double xval = source_coords_device(i,0);
double yval = (dimension>1) ? source_coords_device(i,1) : 0;
double zval = (dimension>2) ? source_coords_device(i,2) : 0;
// data for targets with scalar input
sampling_data_device(i) = sphere_harmonic54(xval, yval, zval);
for (int j=0; j<3; ++j) {
double gradient[3] = {0,0,0};
gradient_sphereHarmonic54_ambient(gradient, xval, yval, zval);
sampling_vector_data_device(i,j) = gradient[j];
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double sphere_harmonic54(double x, double y, double z)
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void gradient_sphereHarmonic54_ambient(double *gradient, double x, double y, double z)

Setting Up The GMLS Object

// Copy data back to device (they were filled on the host)
// We could have filled Kokkos Views with memory space on the host
// and used these instead, and then the copying of data to the device
// would be performed in the GMLS class
Kokkos::deep_copy(neighbor_lists_device, neighbor_lists);
Kokkos::deep_copy(number_of_neighbors_list_device, number_of_neighbors_list);
Kokkos::deep_copy(epsilon_device, epsilon);
// initialize an instance of the GMLS class for problems with a scalar basis and
// traditional point sampling as the sampling functional
GMLS my_GMLS_scalar(order, dimension,
solver_name.c_str(), problem_name.c_str(), constraint_name.c_str(),
order /*manifold order*/);
// pass in neighbor lists, source coordinates, target coordinates, and window sizes
// neighbor lists have the format:
// dimensions: (# number of target sites) X (# maximum number of neighbors for any given target + 1)
// the first column contains the number of neighbors for that rows corresponding target index
// source coordinates have the format:
// dimensions: (# number of source sites) X (dimension)
// entries in the neighbor lists (integers) correspond to rows of this 2D array
// target coordinates have the format:
// dimensions: (# number of target sites) X (dimension)
// # of target sites is same as # of rows of neighbor lists
my_GMLS_scalar.setProblemData(neighbor_lists_device, number_of_neighbors_list_device, source_coords_device, target_coords_device, epsilon_device);
// set a reference outward normal direction, causing a surface orientation after
// the GMLS instance computes an approximate tangent bundle
// on a sphere, the ambient coordinates are the outward normal direction
my_GMLS_scalar.setReferenceOutwardNormalDirection(target_coords_device, true /* use to orient surface */);
// create a vector of target operations
std::vector<TargetOperation> lro_scalar(4);
lro_scalar[0] = ScalarPointEvaluation;
// and then pass them to the GMLS class
// sets the weighting kernel function from WeightingFunctionType for curvature
// power to use in the weighting kernel function for curvature coefficients
// sets the weighting kernel function from WeightingFunctionType
// power to use in that weighting kernel function
// generate the alphas that to be combined with data for each target operation requested in lro
Kokkos::Profiling::pushRegion("Full Polynomial Basis GMLS Solution");
// initialize another instance of the GMLS class for problems with a vector basis on a manifold and point
// evaluation of that vector as the sampling functional
// VectorTaylorPolynomial indicates that the basis will be a polynomial with as many components as the
// dimension of the manifold. This differs from another possibility, which follows this class.
order, dimension,
solver_name.c_str(), problem_name.c_str(), constraint_name.c_str(),
order /*manifold order*/);
my_GMLS_vector.setProblemData(neighbor_lists_device, number_of_neighbors_list_device, source_coords_device, target_coords_device, epsilon_device);
std::vector<TargetOperation> lro_vector(2);
lro_vector[0] = VectorPointEvaluation;
Kokkos::Profiling::pushRegion("Scalar Polynomial Basis Repeated to Form a Vector GMLS Solution");
// initialize another instance of the GMLS class for problems with a vector basis on a manifold and point
// evaluation of that vector as the sampling functional
// VectorOfScalarClonesTaylorPolynomial indicates a scalar polynomial will be solved for, since
// each component of the reconstructed vector are independent. This results in solving a smaller system
// for each GMLS problem, and is the suggested way to do vector reconstructions when sampling functionals
// acting on the basis would not create non-zero offdiagonal blocks.
// As an example, consider a 2D manifold in 3D ambient space. The GMLS problem is posed in the local chart,
// meaning that the problem being solved looks like
// [P_0 0 | where P_0 has dimension #number of neighbors for a target X #dimension of a scalar basis
// | 0 P_1]
// P_1 is similarly shaped, and for sampling functional that is a point evaluation, P_0 and P_1 are
// identical and their degrees of freedom in this system are disjoint, allowing us to solve for the
// degrees of freedom for either block independently. Additionally, the will produce the exact
// same polynomial coefficients for the point sampling functional, therefore it makes sense to use
// VectorOfScalarClonesTaylorPolynomial.
// In the print-out for this program, we include the timings and errors on this and VectorTaylorPolynomial
// in order to demonstrate that they produce exactly the same answer, but that one is much more efficient.
order, dimension,
solver_name.c_str(), problem_name.c_str(), constraint_name.c_str(),
order /*manifold order*/);
my_GMLS_vector_of_scalar_clones.setProblemData(neighbor_lists_device, number_of_neighbors_list_device, source_coords_device, target_coords_device, epsilon_device);
std::vector<TargetOperation> lro_vector_of_scalar_clones(2);
lro_vector_of_scalar_clones[0] = VectorPointEvaluation;
lro_vector_of_scalar_clones[1] = DivergenceOfVectorPointEvaluation;
@ VectorTaylorPolynomial
Vector polynomial basis having # of components _dimensions, or (_dimensions-1) in the case of manifol...
@ VectorOfScalarClonesTaylorPolynomial
Scalar basis reused as many times as there are components in the vector resulting in a much cheaper p...
constexpr SamplingFunctional ManifoldVectorPointSample
Point evaluations of the entire vector source function (but on a manifold, so it includes a transform...
@ LaplacianOfScalarPointEvaluation
Point evaluation of the laplacian of a scalar (could be on a manifold or not)
@ GradientOfScalarPointEvaluation
Point evaluation of the gradient of a scalar.
@ GaussianCurvaturePointEvaluation
Point evaluation of Gaussian curvature.
@ DivergenceOfVectorPointEvaluation
Point evaluation of the divergence of a vector (results in a scalar)
@ VectorPointEvaluation
Point evaluation of a vector (reconstructs entire vector at once, requiring a ReconstructionSpace hav...
@ ScalarPointEvaluation
Point evaluation of a scalar.

Apply GMLS Alphas To Data

// it is important to note that if you expect to use the data as a 1D view, then you should use double*
// however, if you know that the target operation will result in a 2D view (vector or matrix output),
// then you should template with double** as this is something that can not be infered from the input data
// or the target operator at compile time. Additionally, a template argument is required indicating either
// Kokkos::HostSpace or Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace::memory_space()
// The Evaluator class takes care of handling input data views as well as the output data views.
// It uses information from the GMLS class to determine how many components are in the input
// as well as output for any choice of target functionals and then performs the contactions
// on the data using the alpha coefficients generated by the GMLS class, all on the device.
Evaluator scalar_gmls_evaluator(&my_GMLS_scalar);
Evaluator vector_gmls_evaluator(&my_GMLS_vector);
Evaluator vector_gmls_evaluator_of_scalar_clones(&my_GMLS_vector_of_scalar_clones);
auto output_value = scalar_gmls_evaluator.applyAlphasToDataAllComponentsAllTargetSites<double*, Kokkos::HostSpace>
(sampling_data_device, ScalarPointEvaluation);
auto output_laplacian = scalar_gmls_evaluator.applyAlphasToDataAllComponentsAllTargetSites<double*, Kokkos::HostSpace>
(sampling_data_device, LaplacianOfScalarPointEvaluation);
auto output_gradient = scalar_gmls_evaluator.applyAlphasToDataAllComponentsAllTargetSites<double**, Kokkos::HostSpace>
(sampling_data_device, GradientOfScalarPointEvaluation);
auto output_gc = scalar_gmls_evaluator.applyAlphasToDataAllComponentsAllTargetSites<double*, Kokkos::HostSpace>
(ones_data_device, GaussianCurvaturePointEvaluation);
auto output_vector = vector_gmls_evaluator.applyAlphasToDataAllComponentsAllTargetSites<double**, Kokkos::HostSpace>
(sampling_vector_data_device, VectorPointEvaluation, ManifoldVectorPointSample);
auto output_divergence = vector_gmls_evaluator.applyAlphasToDataAllComponentsAllTargetSites<double*, Kokkos::HostSpace>
auto output_vector_of_scalar_clones =
Kokkos::HostSpace>(sampling_vector_data_device, VectorPointEvaluation, ManifoldVectorPointSample);
auto output_divergence_of_scalar_clones =
Kokkos::HostSpace>(sampling_vector_data_device, DivergenceOfVectorPointEvaluation, ManifoldVectorPointSample);
// Kokkos::fence(); // let application of alphas to data finish before using results
//// move gradient data to device so that it can be transformed into velocity
//auto output_gradient_device_mirror = Kokkos::create_mirror(Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace::memory_space(), output_gradient);
//Kokkos::deep_copy(output_gradient_device_mirror, output_gradient);
//Kokkos::parallel_for("Create Velocity From Surface Gradient", Kokkos::RangePolicy<Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace>
// (0,target_coords.extent(0)), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(const int i) {
// // coordinates of target site i
// double xval = target_coords_device(i,0);
// double yval = (dimension>1) ? target_coords_device(i,1) : 0;
// double zval = (dimension>2) ? target_coords_device(i,2) : 0;
// double gradx = output_gradient_device_mirror(i,0);
// double grady = output_gradient_device_mirror(i,1);
// double gradz = output_gradient_device_mirror(i,2);
// // overwrites gradient with velocity
// output_gradient_device_mirror(i,0) = (grady*zval - yval*gradz);
// output_gradient_device_mirror(i,1) = (-(gradx*zval - xval*gradz));
// output_gradient_device_mirror(i,2) = (gradx*yval - xval*grady);
//Kokkos::deep_copy(output_gradient, output_gradient_device_mirror);

Check That Solutions Are Correct

double tangent_bundle_error = 0;
double tangent_bundle_norm = 0;
double values_error = 0;
double values_norm = 0;
double laplacian_error = 0;
double laplacian_norm = 0;
double gradient_ambient_error = 0;
double gradient_ambient_norm = 0;
double gc_error = 0;
double gc_norm = 0;
double vector_ambient_error = 0;
double vector_ambient_norm = 0;
double divergence_ambient_error = 0;
double divergence_ambient_norm = 0;
double vector_of_scalar_clones_ambient_error = 0;
double vector_of_scalar_clones_ambient_norm = 0;
double divergence_of_scalar_clones_ambient_error = 0;
double divergence_of_scalar_clones_ambient_norm = 0;
// loop through the target sites
for (int i=0; i<number_target_coords; i++) {
// load value from output
double GMLS_value = output_value(i);
double GMLS_gc = output_gc(i);
// load laplacian from output
double GMLS_Laplacian = output_laplacian(i);
// target site i's coordinate
double xval = target_coords(i,0);
double yval = (dimension>1) ? target_coords(i,1) : 0;
double zval = (dimension>2) ? target_coords(i,2) : 0;
double coord[3] = {xval, yval, zval};
// get tangent vector and see if orthgonal to coordinate (it should be on a sphere)
for (unsigned int j=0; j<static_cast<unsigned int>(dimension-1); ++j) {
// gcc 7 chokes on int(dimension-1) with -Waggressive-loop-optimizations
// so we use unsigned int instead
double tangent_inner_prod = 0;
for (int k=0; k<dimension; ++k) {
tangent_inner_prod += coord[k] * my_GMLS_scalar.getTangentBundle(i, j, k);
tangent_bundle_error += tangent_inner_prod * tangent_inner_prod;
double normal_inner_prod = 0;
for (int k=0; k<dimension; ++k) {
normal_inner_prod += coord[k] * my_GMLS_scalar.getTangentBundle(i, dimension-1, k);
// inner product could be plus or minus 1 (depends on tangent direction ordering)
double normal_error_to_sum = (normal_inner_prod > 0) ? normal_inner_prod - 1 : normal_inner_prod + 1;
tangent_bundle_error += normal_error_to_sum * normal_error_to_sum;
tangent_bundle_norm += 1;
// evaluation of various exact solutions
double actual_value = sphere_harmonic54(xval, yval, zval);
double actual_Laplacian = laplace_beltrami_sphere_harmonic54(xval, yval, zval);
double actual_Gradient_ambient[3] = {0,0,0}; // initialized for 3, but only filled up to dimension
gradient_sphereHarmonic54_ambient(actual_Gradient_ambient, xval, yval, zval);
//velocity_sphereHarmonic54_ambient(actual_Gradient_ambient, xval, yval, zval);
values_error += (GMLS_value - actual_value)*(GMLS_value - actual_value);
values_norm += actual_value*actual_value;
laplacian_error += (GMLS_Laplacian - actual_Laplacian)*(GMLS_Laplacian - actual_Laplacian);
laplacian_norm += actual_Laplacian*actual_Laplacian;
double actual_gc = 1.0;
gc_error += (GMLS_gc - actual_gc)*(GMLS_gc - actual_gc);
gc_norm += actual_gc*actual_gc;
for (int j=0; j<dimension; ++j) {
gradient_ambient_error += (output_gradient(i,j) - actual_Gradient_ambient[j])*(output_gradient(i,j) - actual_Gradient_ambient[j]);
gradient_ambient_norm += actual_Gradient_ambient[j]*actual_Gradient_ambient[j];
for (int j=0; j<dimension; ++j) {
vector_ambient_error += (output_vector(i,j) - actual_Gradient_ambient[j])*(output_vector(i,j) - actual_Gradient_ambient[j]);
vector_ambient_norm += actual_Gradient_ambient[j]*actual_Gradient_ambient[j];
divergence_ambient_error += (output_divergence(i) - actual_Laplacian)*(output_divergence(i) - actual_Laplacian);
divergence_ambient_norm += actual_Laplacian*actual_Laplacian;
for (int j=0; j<dimension; ++j) {
vector_of_scalar_clones_ambient_error += (output_vector_of_scalar_clones(i,j) - actual_Gradient_ambient[j])*(output_vector_of_scalar_clones(i,j) - actual_Gradient_ambient[j]);
vector_of_scalar_clones_ambient_norm += actual_Gradient_ambient[j]*actual_Gradient_ambient[j];
divergence_of_scalar_clones_ambient_error += (output_divergence_of_scalar_clones(i) - actual_Laplacian)*(output_divergence_of_scalar_clones(i) - actual_Laplacian);
divergence_of_scalar_clones_ambient_norm += actual_Laplacian*actual_Laplacian;
tangent_bundle_error /= number_target_coords;
tangent_bundle_error = std::sqrt(tangent_bundle_error);
tangent_bundle_norm /= number_target_coords;
tangent_bundle_norm = std::sqrt(tangent_bundle_norm);
values_error /= number_target_coords;
values_error = std::sqrt(values_error);
values_norm /= number_target_coords;
values_norm = std::sqrt(values_norm);
laplacian_error /= number_target_coords;
laplacian_error = std::sqrt(laplacian_error);
laplacian_norm /= number_target_coords;
laplacian_norm = std::sqrt(laplacian_norm);
gradient_ambient_error /= number_target_coords;
gradient_ambient_error = std::sqrt(gradient_ambient_error);
gradient_ambient_norm /= number_target_coords;
gradient_ambient_norm = std::sqrt(gradient_ambient_norm);
gc_error /= number_target_coords;
gc_error = std::sqrt(gc_error);
gc_norm /= number_target_coords;
gc_norm = std::sqrt(gc_norm);
vector_ambient_error /= number_target_coords;
vector_ambient_error = std::sqrt(vector_ambient_error);
vector_ambient_norm /= number_target_coords;
vector_ambient_norm = std::sqrt(vector_ambient_norm);
divergence_ambient_error /= number_target_coords;
divergence_ambient_error = std::sqrt(divergence_ambient_error);
divergence_ambient_norm /= number_target_coords;
divergence_ambient_norm = std::sqrt(divergence_ambient_norm);
vector_of_scalar_clones_ambient_error /= number_target_coords;
vector_of_scalar_clones_ambient_error = std::sqrt(vector_of_scalar_clones_ambient_error);
vector_of_scalar_clones_ambient_norm /= number_target_coords;
vector_of_scalar_clones_ambient_norm = std::sqrt(vector_of_scalar_clones_ambient_norm);
divergence_of_scalar_clones_ambient_error /= number_target_coords;
divergence_of_scalar_clones_ambient_error = std::sqrt(divergence_of_scalar_clones_ambient_error);
divergence_of_scalar_clones_ambient_norm /= number_target_coords;
divergence_of_scalar_clones_ambient_norm = std::sqrt(divergence_of_scalar_clones_ambient_norm);
printf("Tangent Bundle Error: %g\n", tangent_bundle_error / tangent_bundle_norm);
printf("Point Value Error: %g\n", values_error / values_norm);
printf("Laplace-Beltrami Error: %g\n", laplacian_error / laplacian_norm);
printf("Gaussian Curvature Error: %g\n", gc_error / gc_norm);
printf("Surface Gradient (Ambient) Error: %g\n", gradient_ambient_error / gradient_ambient_norm);
printf("Surface Vector (VectorBasis) Error: %g\n", vector_ambient_error / vector_ambient_norm);
printf("Surface Divergence (VectorBasis) Error: %g\n", divergence_ambient_error / divergence_ambient_norm);
printf("Surface Vector (ScalarClones) Error: %g\n",
vector_of_scalar_clones_ambient_error / vector_of_scalar_clones_ambient_norm);
printf("Surface Divergence (ScalarClones) Error: %g\n",
divergence_of_scalar_clones_ambient_error / divergence_of_scalar_clones_ambient_norm);
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double laplace_beltrami_sphere_harmonic54(double x, double y, double z)

Finalize Program

} // end of code block to reduce scope, causing Kokkos View de-allocations
// otherwise, Views may be deallocating when we call Kokkos::finalize() later
// finalize Kokkos and MPI (if available)
return 0;
} // main

GMLS Tutorial