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Data Structures

The Zoltan_Struct data structure is the main data structure for interfacing between Zoltan and the application. The application creates an Zoltan_Struct data structure through a call to Zoltan_Create. Fields of the data structure are then set through calls from the application to interface routines such as Zoltan_Set_Param and Zoltan_Set_Fn. The fields of the Zoltan_Struct data structure are listed and described in the table below. See the Zoltan User's Guide for descriptions of the function types used in the Zoltan_Struct.

A Zoltan_Struct data structure zz is passed from the application to Zoltan in the call to Zoltan_LB_Partition. This data structure is passed to the individual load-balancing routines. The zz->LB.Data_Structure pointer field should point to the main data structures of the particular load-balancing algorithm so that the data structures may be preserved for future calls to Zoltan_LB_Partition and so that separate instances of the same load-balancing algorithm (with different Zoltan_Struct structures) can be used by the application.

Fields of Zoltan_Struct Description
MPI_Comm Communicator The MPI communicator to be used by the Zoltan structure; set by Zoltan_Create.
int Proc The rank of the processor within Communicator; set in Zoltan_Create.
int Num_Proc The number of processors in Communicator; set in Zoltan_Create.
int Num_GID The number of array entries used to represent a global ID. Set via a call to Zoltan_Set_Param for NUM_GID_ENTRIES.
int Num_LID The number of array entries used to represent a local ID. Set via a call to Zoltan_Set_Param for NUM_LID_ENTRIES.
int Debug_Level A flag indicating the amount of debugging information that should be printed by Zoltan.
int Fortran A flag indicating whether or not the structure was created by a call from Fortran.
PARAM_LIST * Params A linked list of string pairs. The first item in each pair is the name of a modifiable parameter. The second string is the new value the parameter should adopt. These string pairs are read upon invocation of a Zoltan algorithm and the appropriate parameter changes are made. This design allows for different Zoltan structures to have different parameter settings.
int Deterministic Flag indicating whether algorithms used should be forced to be deterministic; used to obtain completely reproducible results.  Set via a call to Zoltan_Set_Param for DETERMINISTIC.
int Obj_Weight_Dim Number of weights per object.   Set via a call to Zoltan_Set_Param for OBJ_WEIGHT_DIM.
int Edge_Weight_Dim For graph algorithms, number of weights per edge. Set via a call to Zoltan_Set_Param for EDGE_WEIGHT_DIM.
int Timer Timer type that is currently active. Set via a call to Zoltan_Set_Param for TIMER.
ZOLTAN_NUM_EDGES_FN * Get_Num_Edges A pointer to an application-registered function that returns the number of edges associated with a given object. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Num_Edges_Fn.
void *Get_Num_Edges_Data A pointer to data provided by the user that will be passed to the function pointed to by Get_Num_Edges. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Num_Edges_Fn.
ZOLTAN_EDGE_LIST_FN * Get_Edge_List A pointer to an application-registered function that returns a given object's neighbors along its edges. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Edge_List_Fn.
void *Get_Edge_List_Data A pointer to data provided by the user that will be passed to the function pointed to by Get_Edge_List. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Edge_List_Fn.
ZOLTAN_NUM_GEOM_FN * Get_Num_Geom A pointer to an application-registered function that returns the number of geometry values needed to describe the positions of objects. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Num_Geom_Fn.
void *Get_Num_Geom_Data A pointer to data provided by the user that will be passed to the function pointed to by Get_Num_Geom. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Num_Geom_Fn.
ZOLTAN_GEOM_FN * Get_Geom A pointer to an application-registered function that returns a given object's geometry information (e.g., coordinates). Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Geom_Fn.
void *Get_Geom_Data A pointer to data provided by the user that will be passed to the function pointed to by Get_Geom. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Geom_Fn.
ZOLTAN_NUM_OBJ_FN * Get_Num_Obj A pointer to an application-registered function that returns the number of objects assigned to the processor before load balancing. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Num_Obj_Fn.
void *Get_Num_Obj_Data A pointer to data provided by the user that will be passed to the function pointed to by Get_Num_Obj. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Num_Obj_Fn.
ZOLTAN_OBJ_LIST_FN * Get_Obj_List A pointer to an application-registered function that returns arrays of objects assigned to the processor before load balancing. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Obj_List_Fn.
void *Get_Obj_List_Data A pointer to data provided by the user that will be passed to the function pointed to by Get_Obj_List. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Obj_List_Fn.
ZOLTAN_FIRST_OBJ_FN * Get_First_Obj A pointer to an application-registered function that returns the first object assigned to the processor before load balancing. Used with Get_Next_Obj as an iterator over all objects. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_First_Obj_Fn.
void *Get_First_Obj_Data A pointer to data provided by the user that will be passed to the function pointed to by Get_First_Obj. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_First_Obj_Fn.
ZOLTAN_NEXT_OBJ_FN * Get_Next_Obj A pointer to an application-registered function that, given an object assigned to the processor, returns the next object assigned to the processor before load balancing. Used with Get_First_Obj as an iterator over all objects. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Next_Obj_Fn.
void *Get_Next_Obj_Data A pointer to data provided by the user that will be passed to the function pointed to by Get_Next_Obj. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Next_Obj_Fn.
ZOLTAN_NUM_BORDER_OBJ_FN * Get_Num_Border_Obj A pointer to an application-registered function that returns the number of objects sharing a subdomain border with a given processor. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Num_Border_Obj_Fn.
void *Get_Num_Border_Obj_Data A pointer to data provided by the user that will be passed to the function pointed to by Get_Num_Border_Obj. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Num_Border_Obj_Fn.
ZOLTAN_BORDER_OBJ_LIST_FN * Get_Border_Obj_List A pointer to an application-registered function that returns arrays of objects that share a subdomain border with a given processor. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Border_Obj_List_Fn.
void *Get_Border_Obj_List_Data A pointer to data provided by the user that will be passed to the function pointed to by Get_Border_Obj_List. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Border_Obj_List_Fn.
ZOLTAN_FIRST_BORDER_OBJ_FN * Get_First_Border_Obj A pointer to an application-registered function that returns the first object sharing a subdomain border with a given processor. Used with Get_Next_Border_Obj as an iterator over objects along borders. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_First_Border_Obj_Fn.
void *Get_First_Border_Obj_Data A pointer to data provided by the user that will be passed to the function pointed to by Get_First_Border_Obj. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_First_Border_Obj_Fn.
ZOLTAN_NEXT_BORDER_OBJ_FN * Get_Next_Border_Obj A pointer to an application-registered function that, given an object, returns the next object sharing a subdomain border with a given processor. Used with Get_First_Border_Obj as an iterator over objects along borders. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Next_Border_Obj_Fn.
void *Get_Next_Border_Obj_Data A pointer to data provided by the user that will be passed to the function pointed to by Get_Next_Border_Obj. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Next_Border_Obj_Fn.
ZOLTAN_NUM_COARSE_OBJ_FN * Get_Num_Coarse_Obj A pointer to an application-registered function that returns the number of objects in the initial coarse grid. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Num_Coarse_Obj_Fn.
void *Get_Num_Coarse_Obj_Data A pointer to data provided by the user that will be passed to the function pointed to by Get_Num_Coarse_Obj. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Num_Coarse_Obj_Fn.
ZOLTAN_COARSE_OBJ_LIST_FN * Get_Coarse_Obj_List A pointer to an application-registered function that returns arrays of objects in the initial coarse grid. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Coarse_Obj_List_Fn.
void *Get_Coarse_Obj_List_Data A pointer to data provided by the user that will be passed to the function pointed to by Get_Coarse_Obj_List. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Coarse_Obj_List_Fn.
ZOLTAN_FIRST_COARSE_OBJ_FN * Get_First_Coarse_Obj A pointer to an application-registered function that returns the first object of the initial coarse grid. Used with Get_Next_Coarse_Obj as an iterator over all objects in the coarse grid. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_First_Coarse_Obj_Fn.
void *Get_First_Coarse_Obj_Data A pointer to data provided by the user that will be passed to the function pointed to by Get_First_Coarse_Obj. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_First_Coarse_Obj_Fn.
ZOLTAN_NEXT_COARSE_OBJ_FN * Get_Next_Coarse_Obj A pointer to an application-registered function that, given an object in the initial coarse grid, returns the next object in the coarse grid. Used with Get_First_Coarse_Obj as an iterator over all objects in the coarse grid. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Next_Coarse_Obj_Fn.
void *Get_Next_Coarse_Obj_Data A pointer to data provided by the user that will be passed to the function pointed to by Get_Next_Coarse_Obj. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Next_Coarse_Obj_Fn.
ZOLTAN_NUM_CHILD_FN * Get_Num_Child A pointer to an application-registered function that returns the number of refinement children of an object. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Num_Child_Fn.
void *Get_Num_Child_Data A pointer to data provided by the user that will be passed to the function pointed to by Get_Num_Child. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Num_Child_Fn.
ZOLTAN_CHILD_LIST_FN * Get_Child_List A pointer to an application-registered function that returns arrays of objects that are refinement children of a given object. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Child_List_Fn.
void *Get_Child_List_Data A pointer to data provided by the user that will be passed to the function pointed to by Get_Child_List. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Child_List_Fn.
ZOLTAN_CHILD_WEIGHT_FN * Get_Child_Weight A pointer to an application-registered function that returns the weight of an object. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Child_Weight_Fn.
void *Get_Child_Weight_Data A pointer to data provided by the user that will be passed to the function pointed to by Get_Child_Weight. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Child_Weight_Fn.
ZOLTAN_OBJ_SIZE_FN * Get_Obj_Size A pointer to an application-registered function that returns the size (in bytes) of data objects to be migrated. Called by Zoltan_Migrate.  Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Obj_Size_Fn.
void *Get_Obj_Size_Data A pointer to data provided by the user that will be passed to the function pointed to by Get_Obj_Size.  Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Obj_Size_Fn.
ZOLTAN_PACK_OBJ_FN * Pack_Obj A pointer to an application-registered function that packs all data for a given object into a communication buffer provided by the migration tools in preparation for data-migration communication. Called by Zoltan_Migrate for each object to be exported.  Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Pack_Obj_Fn.
void *Pack_Obj_Data A pointer to data provided by the user that will be passed to the function pointed to by Pack_Obj. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Pack_Obj_Fn.
ZOLTAN_UNPACK_OBJ_FN * Unpack_Obj A pointer to an application-registered function that unpacks all data for a given object from a communication buffer after the communication for data migration is completed. Called by Zoltan_Migrate for each imported object.  Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Unpack_Obj_Fn.
void *Unpack_Obj_Data A pointer to data provided by the user that will be passed to the function pointed to by Unpack_Obj. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Unpack_Obj_Fn.
ZOLTAN_LB LB A structure with data used by the load-balancing tools. See the table below.
ZOLTAN_MIGRATE Migrate A structure with data used by the migration tools. See the table below.
Fields of the Zoltan_Struct data structure.

Each Zoltan_Struct data structure has a ZOLTAN_LB sub-structure. The ZOLTAN_LB structure contains data used by the load-balancing tools, including pointers to specific load-balancing methods and load-balancing data structures. The fields of the ZOLTAN_LB structure are listed and described in in the following table.

Fields of ZOLTAN_LB Description
void * Data_Structure The data structure used by the selected load-balancing algorithm; this pointer is cast by the algorithm to the appropriate data type.
double Imbalance_Tol The degree of load balance which is considered acceptable. Set via a call to Zoltan_Set_Param for IMBALANCE_TOL.
int Num_Global_Parts The total number of parts to be generated. Set via a call to Zoltan_Set_Param for NUM_GLOBAL_PARTS or through summation of NUM_LOCAL_PARTS parameters.
int Num_Local_Parts The number of parts to be generated on this processor. Set via a call to Zoltan_Set_Param for NUM_LOCAL_PARTS or (roughly) through division of the NUM_GLOBAL_PARTS parameter by the number of processors.
int Return_Lists A flag indicating whether the application wants import and/or export lists returned by Zoltan_LB_Partition. Set via a call to Zoltan_Set_Param for RETURN_LISTS.
ZOLTAN_LB_METHOD Method An enumerated type designating which load-balancing algorithm should be used with this Zoltan structure; set via a call to Zoltan_Set_Param for LB_METHOD.
LB_FN * LB_Fn A pointer to the load-balancing function specified by Method.
ZOLTAN_LB_FREE_DATA_FN *Free_Structure Pointer to a function that frees the Data_Structure memory.
ZOLTAN_LB_POINT_ASSIGN_FN *Point_Assign Pointer to the function that performs Zoltan_LB_Point_Assign for the particular load-balancing method.
ZOLTAN_LB_BOX_ASSIGN_FN *Box_Assign Pointer to the function that performs Zoltan_LB_Box_Assign for the particular load-balancing method.
Fields of the ZOLTAN_LB data structure.

Each Zoltan_Struct data structure has a ZOLTAN_MIGRATE sub-structure. The ZOLTAN_MIGRATE structure contains data used by the migration tools, including pointers to pre- and post-processing routines. These pointers are set through the interface routine Zoltan_Set_Fn and are used in Zoltan_Migrate. The fields of the ZOLTAN_MIGRATE structure are listed and described in in the following table.

Fields of ZOLTAN_MIGRATE Description
int Auto_Migrate A flag indicating whether Zoltan should perform auto-migration for the application. If true, Zoltan calls Zoltan_Migrate to move objects to their new processors; if false, data migration is left to the user. Set in Zoltan_Set_Param for AUTO_MIGRATE.
ZOLTAN_PRE_MIGRATE_PP_FN * Pre_Migrate_PP A pointer to an application-registered function that performs pre-processing for data migration. The function is called by Zoltan_Migrate before data migration is performed. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Pre_Migrate_PP_Fn.
void *Pre_Migrate_PP_Data A pointer to data provided by the user that will be passed to the function pointed to by Pre_Migrate_PP. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Pre_Migrate_PP_Fn.
ZOLTAN_MID_MIGRATE_PP_FN * Mid_Migrate_PP A pointer to an application-registered function that performs processing between the packing and unpacking operations in Zoltan_Migrate. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Mid_Migrate_PP_Fn.
void *Mid_Migrate_PP_Data A pointer to data provided by the user that will be passed to the function pointed to by Mid_Migrate_PP. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Mid_Migrate_PP_Fn.
ZOLTAN_POST_MIGRATE_PP_FN *Post_Migrate_PP A pointer to an application-registered function that performs post-processing for data migration. The function is called by Zoltan_Migrate after data migration is performed. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Post_Migrate_PP_Fn.
void *Post_Migrate_PP_Data A pointer to data provided by the user that will be passed to the function pointed to by Post_Migrate_PP.  Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Post_Migrate_PP_Fn
ZOLTAN_PRE_MIGRATE_FN * Pre_Migrate A pointer to an application-registered function that performs pre-processing for data migration. The function is called by Zoltan_Help_Migrate before data migration is performed. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Pre_Migrate_Fn. Maintained for backward compatibility with Zoltan v1.3 interface.
void *Pre_Migrate_Data A pointer to data provided by the user that will be passed to the function pointed to by Pre_Migrate. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Pre_Migrate_Fn.
ZOLTAN_MID_MIGRATE_FN * Mid_Migrate A pointer to an application-registered function that performs processing between the packing and unpacking operations in Zoltan_Help_Migrate. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Mid_Migrate_Fn. Maintained for backward compatibility with Zoltan v1.3 interface.
void *Mid_Migrate_Data A pointer to data provided by the user that will be passed to the function pointed to by Mid_Migrate. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Mid_Migrate_Fn.
ZOLTAN_POST_MIGRATE_FN *Post_Migrate A pointer to an application-registered function that performs post-processing for data migration. The function is called by Zoltan_Help_Migrate after data migration is performed. Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Post_Migrate_Fn. Maintained for backward compatibility with Zoltan v1.3 interface.
void *Post_Migrate_Data A pointer to data provided by the user that will be passed to the function pointed to by Post_Migrate.  Set in Zoltan_Set_Fn or Zoltan_Set_Post_Migrate_Fn
Fields of the ZOLTAN_MIGRATE data structure.

For each pointer to an application registered function in the Zoltan_Struct and ZOLTAN_MIGRATE data structures there is also a pointer to a Fortran application registered function, of the form ZOLTAN_FUNCNAME_FORT_FN *Get_Funcname_Fort. These are for use within the Fortran interface. The Zoltan routines should invoke the usual application registered function regardless of whether the Zoltan structure was created from C or Fortran.

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