Source code for wecopttool.utilities

"""Functions that are useful for WEC analysis and design.

from __future__ import annotations

__all__ = [

from typing import Optional, Union
import logging
from pathlib import Path

import autograd.numpy as np
from autograd.numpy import ndarray

from xarray import DataArray
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
# from autograd.numpy import ndarray
from xarray import DataArray, concat
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.axes import Axes

from matplotlib.sankey import Sankey

# logger
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def plot_hydrodynamic_coefficients(bem_data, wave_dir: Optional[float] = 0.0 )-> list(tuple(Figure, Axes)): """Plots hydrodynamic coefficients (added mass, radiation damping, and wave excitation) based on BEM data. Parameters ---------- bem_data Linear hydrodynamic coefficients obtained using the boundary element method (BEM) code Capytaine, with sign convention corrected. wave_dir Wave direction(s) to plot. """ bem_data = bem_data.sel(wave_direction = wave_dir, method='nearest') radiating_dofs = bem_data.radiating_dof.values influenced_dofs = bem_data.influenced_dof.values # plots fig_am, ax_am = plt.subplots( len(radiating_dofs), len(influenced_dofs), tight_layout=True, sharex=True, figsize=(3*len(radiating_dofs),3*len(influenced_dofs)), squeeze=False ) fig_rd, ax_rd = plt.subplots( len(radiating_dofs), len(influenced_dofs), tight_layout=True, sharex=True, figsize=(3*len(radiating_dofs), 3*len(influenced_dofs)), squeeze=False ) fig_ex, ax_ex = plt.subplots( len(influenced_dofs), 1, tight_layout=True, sharex=True, figsize=(3, 3*len(radiating_dofs)), squeeze=False ) [ax.grid(True) for axs in (ax_am, ax_rd, ax_ex) for ax in axs.flatten()] # plot titles fig_am.suptitle('Added Mass Coefficients', fontweight='bold') fig_rd.suptitle('Radiation Damping Coefficients', fontweight='bold') fig_ex.suptitle('Wave Excitation Coefficients', fontweight='bold') sp_idx = 0 for i, rdof in enumerate(radiating_dofs): for j, idof in enumerate(influenced_dofs): sp_idx += 1 if i == 0: np.abs(bem_data.diffraction_force.sel(influenced_dof=idof)).plot( ax=ax_ex[j,0], linestyle='dashed', label='Diffraction') np.abs(bem_data.Froude_Krylov_force.sel(influenced_dof=idof)).plot( ax=ax_ex[j,0], linestyle='dashdot', label='Froude-Krylov') ex_handles, ex_labels = ax_ex[j,0].get_legend_handles_labels() ax_ex[j,0].set_title(f'{idof}') ax_ex[j,0].set_xlabel('') ax_ex[j,0].set_ylabel('') if j <= i: bem_data.added_mass.sel( radiating_dof=rdof, influenced_dof=idof).plot(ax=ax_am[i, j]) bem_data.radiation_damping.sel( radiating_dof=rdof, influenced_dof=idof).plot(ax=ax_rd[i, j]) if i == len(radiating_dofs)-1: ax_am[i, j].set_xlabel(f'$\omega$', fontsize=10) ax_rd[i, j].set_xlabel(f'$\omega$', fontsize=10) ax_ex[j, 0].set_xlabel(f'$\omega$', fontsize=10) else: ax_am[i, j].set_xlabel('') ax_rd[i, j].set_xlabel('') if j == 0: ax_am[i, j].set_ylabel(f'{rdof}', fontsize=10) ax_rd[i, j].set_ylabel(f'{rdof}', fontsize=10) else: ax_am[i, j].set_ylabel('') ax_rd[i, j].set_ylabel('') if j == i: ax_am[i, j].set_title(f'{idof}', fontsize=10) ax_rd[i, j].set_title(f'{idof}', fontsize=10) else: ax_am[i, j].set_title('') ax_rd[i, j].set_title('') else: fig_am.delaxes(ax_am[i, j]) fig_rd.delaxes(ax_rd[i, j]) fig_ex.legend(ex_handles, ex_labels, loc=(0.08, 0), ncol=2, frameon=False) return [(fig_am,ax_am), (fig_rd,ax_rd), (fig_ex,ax_ex)]
[docs] def plot_bode_impedance(impedance: DataArray, title: Optional[str]= '', #plot_natural_freq: Optional[bool] = False, )-> tuple(Figure, Axes): """Plot Bode graph from wecoptool impedance data array. Parameters ---------- impedance Complex impedance matrix produced by for example by :py:func:`wecopttool.hydrodynamic_impedance`. Dimensions: omega, radiating_dofs, influenced_dofs title Title string to be displayed in the plot. """ radiating_dofs = impedance.radiating_dof.values influenced_dofs = impedance.influenced_dof.values mag = 20.0 * np.log10(np.abs(impedance)) phase = np.rad2deg(np.unwrap(np.angle(impedance))) freq = fig, axes = plt.subplots( 2*len(radiating_dofs), len(influenced_dofs), tight_layout=True, sharex=True, figsize=(3*len(radiating_dofs), 3*len(influenced_dofs)), squeeze=False ) fig.suptitle(title + ' Bode Plots', fontweight='bold') sp_idx = 0 for i, rdof in enumerate(radiating_dofs): for j, idof in enumerate(influenced_dofs): sp_idx += 1 axes[2*i, j].semilogx(freq, mag[:, i, j]) # Bode magnitude plot axes[2*i+1, j].semilogx(freq, phase[:, i, j]) # Bode phase plot axes[2*i, j].grid(True, which = 'both') axes[2*i+1, j].grid(True, which = 'both') if i == len(radiating_dofs)-1: axes[2*i+1, j].set_xlabel(f'Frequency (Hz)', fontsize=10) else: axes[i, j].set_xlabel('') if j == 0: axes[2*i, j].set_ylabel(f'{rdof} \n Mag. (dB)', fontsize=10) axes[2*i+1, j].set_ylabel(f'Phase. (deg)', fontsize=10) else: axes[i, j].set_ylabel('') if i == 0: axes[i, j].set_title(f'{idof}', fontsize=10) else: axes[i, j].set_title('') return fig, axes
[docs] def calculate_power_flows(wec, pto, results, waves, intrinsic_impedance)-> dict[str, float]: """Calculate power flows into a :py:class:`wecopttool.WEC` and through a :py:class:`wecopttool.pto.PTO` based on the results of :py:meth:`wecopttool.WEC.solve` for a single wave realization. Parameters ---------- wec WEC object of :py:class:`wecopttool.WEC` pto PTO object of :py:class:`wecopttool.pto.PTO` results Results produced by :py:func:`scipy.optimize.minimize` for a single wave realization. waves :py:class:`xarray.Dataset` with the structure and elements shown by :py:mod:`wecopttool.waves`. intrinsic_impedance: DataArray Complex intrinsic impedance matrix produced by :py:func:`wecopttool.hydrodynamic_impedance`. Dimensions: omega, radiating_dofs, influenced_dofs """ wec_fdom, _ = wec.post_process(wec, results, waves) x_wec, x_opt = wec.decompose_state(results[0].x) #power quntities from solver P_mech = pto.mechanical_average_power(wec, x_wec, x_opt, waves) P_elec = pto.average_power(wec, x_wec, x_opt, waves) #compute analytical power flows Fex_FD = wec_fdom[0].force.sel(type=['Froude_Krylov', 'diffraction']).sum('type') Rad_res = np.real(intrinsic_impedance.squeeze()) Vel_FD = wec_fdom[0].vel P_max, P_e, P_r = [], [], [] #This solution requires radiation resistance matrix Rad_res to be invertible # TODO In the future we might want to add an entirely unconstrained solve # for optimized mechanical power for om in #use frequency vector from intrinsic impedance (no zero freq) #Eq. 6.69 #Dofs are row vector, which is transposed in standard convention Fe_FD_t = np.atleast_2d(Fex_FD.sel(omega = om)) Fe_FD = np.transpose(Fe_FD_t) R_inv = np.linalg.inv(np.atleast_2d(Rad_res.sel(omega= om))) P_max.append((1/8)*(Fe_FD_t@R_inv)@np.conj(Fe_FD)) #Eq.6.57 U_FD_t = np.atleast_2d(Vel_FD.sel(omega = om)) U_FD = np.transpose(U_FD_t) R = np.atleast_2d(Rad_res.sel(omega= om)) P_r.append((1/2)*(U_FD_t@R)@np.conj(U_FD)) #Eq. 6.56 (replaced pinv(Fe)*U with U'*conj(Fe) # as suggested in subsequent paragraph) P_e.append((1/4)*(Fe_FD_t@np.conj(U_FD) + U_FD_t@np.conj(Fe_FD))) power_flows = { 'Optimal Excitation' : -2* np.sum(np.real(P_max)),#eq 6.68 'Radiated': -1*np.sum(np.real(P_r)), 'Actual Excitation': -1*np.sum(np.real(P_e)), 'Electrical (solver)': P_elec, 'Mechanical (solver)': P_mech, } power_flows['Absorbed'] = ( power_flows['Actual Excitation'] - power_flows['Radiated'] ) power_flows['Unused Potential'] = ( power_flows['Optimal Excitation'] - power_flows['Actual Excitation'] ) power_flows['PTO Loss'] = ( power_flows['Mechanical (solver)'] - power_flows['Electrical (solver)'] ) return power_flows
[docs] def plot_power_flow(power_flows: dict[str, float])-> tuple(Figure, Axes): """Plot power flow through a WEC as Sankey diagram. Parameters ---------- power_flows Power flow dictionary produced by for example by :py:func:`wecopttool.utilities.calculate_power_flows`. Required keys: 'Optimal Excitation', 'Radiated', 'Actual Excitation' 'Electrical (solver)', 'Mechanical (solver)', 'Absorbed', 'Unused Potential', 'PTO Loss' """ # fig = plt.figure(figsize = [8,4]) # ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1,) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, tight_layout=True, figsize=(8, 4), ) # plt.viridis() sankey = Sankey(ax=ax, scale= -1/power_flows['Optimal Excitation'], offset= 0, format = '%.1f', shoulder = 0.02, tolerance=-1e-03*power_flows['Optimal Excitation'], unit = 'W' ) sankey.add(flows=[-1*power_flows['Optimal Excitation'], power_flows['Unused Potential'], power_flows['Actual Excitation']], labels = ['Optimal Excitation', 'Unused Potential ', 'Excited'], orientations=[0, -1, -0],#arrow directions, pathlengths = [0.2,0.3,0.2], trunklength = 1.0, edgecolor = 'None', facecolor = (0.253935, 0.265254, 0.529983, 1.0) #viridis(0.2) ) sankey.add(flows=[ -1*(power_flows['Absorbed'] + power_flows['Radiated']), power_flows['Radiated'], power_flows['Absorbed'], ], labels = ['Excited', 'Radiated', ''], prior= (0), connect=(2,0), orientations=[0, -1, -0],#arrow directions, pathlengths = [0.2,0.3,0.2], trunklength = 1.0, edgecolor = 'None', facecolor = (0.127568, 0.566949, 0.550556, 1.0) #viridis(0.5) ) sankey.add(flows=[-1*(power_flows['Mechanical (solver)']), power_flows['PTO Loss'], power_flows['Electrical (solver)'], ], labels = ['Mechanical', 'PTO-Loss' , 'Electrical'], prior= (1), connect=(2,0), orientations=[0, -1, -0],#arrow directions, pathlengths = [.2,0.3,0.2], trunklength = 1.0, edgecolor = 'None', facecolor = (0.741388, 0.873449, 0.149561, 1.0) #viridis(0.9) ) diagrams = sankey.finish() for diagram in diagrams: for text in diagram.texts: text.set_fontsize(10) #remove text label from last entries for diagram in diagrams[0:2]: diagram.texts[2].set_text('') plt.axis("off") # return fig, ax