Source code for wecopttool.geom

"""Geometry and parameters for some example devices (WEC).

from __future__ import annotations

__all__ = [

from typing import Optional

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.pyplot import Axes, Figure
from meshio._mesh import Mesh
import gmsh
import pygmsh

[docs] class WaveBot: """Class representing the Sandia WaveBot. See, e.g., - - """
[docs] def __init__(self, r1: float = 0.88, r2: float = 0.35, h1: float = 0.17, h2: float = 0.37, scale_factor: float = 1, freeboard: float = 0.01, ) -> None: """Create a WaveBot with specific dimensions. Parameters ---------- r1 Outer-most radius (of cylindrical section) [m]. r2 Inner-most radius (of the conic frustum) [m]. h1 Height of the cylindrical section [m]. h2 Height of the conic frustum section [m]. scale_factor Scale factor to linearly scale hull dimensions [ ]. freeboard Freeboard above free surface (will be removed later for BEM calculations) [m]. The draft of the cylindrical section is :python:`h1-freeboard`. """ self.r1 = r1 * scale_factor self.r2 = r2 * scale_factor self.h1 = h1 * scale_factor self.h2 = h2 * scale_factor self.freeboard = freeboard * scale_factor self.scale_factor = scale_factor self.gear_ratio = 12.47
[docs] def mesh(self, mesh_size_factor: Optional[float] = 0.1) -> Mesh: """Generate surface mesh of hull. Parameters ---------- mesh_size_factor Control for the mesh size. Smaller values give a finer mesh. """ with pygmsh.occ.Geometry() as geom: gmsh.option.setNumber('Mesh.MeshSizeFactor', mesh_size_factor) cyl = geom.add_cylinder([0, 0, 0], [0, 0, -self.h1], self.r1) cone = geom.add_cone([0, 0, -self.h1], [0, 0, -self.h2], self.r1, self.r2) geom.translate(cyl, [0, 0, self.freeboard]) geom.translate(cone, [0, 0, self.freeboard]) geom.boolean_union([cyl, cone]) mesh = geom.generate_mesh() return mesh
[docs] def plot_cross_section(self, show: bool = False, ax: Optional[Axes] = None, **kwargs, ) -> tuple[Figure, Axes]: """ Plot hull cross-section. Parameters ---------- show Whether to show the figure. ax Existing axes. The default is None. If None, new axes will be created. **kwargs Passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() else: fig = None y = [-1*(self.h1 - self.freeboard + self.h2), -1*(self.h1 - self.freeboard + self.h2), -1*(self.h1 - self.freeboard), 0, self.freeboard, self.freeboard] x = [0, self.r2, self.r1, self.r1, self.r1, 0] ax.plot(x, y, marker='.', **kwargs) ax.set_xlim(left=0) ax.axhline(0, color='grey', linestyle='--') ax.set_xlabel('Radius [m]') ax.set_ylabel('Height [m]') ax.axis('equal') if show: return fig, ax
class AquaHarmonics: """Class representing the AquaHarmonics WEC. See """ def __init__(self, T1: float = 1.5, T2: float = 0.355, T3: float = 7.25, r1: float = 1.085, r2: float = 0.405, r3: float = 0.355, scale_factor: float = 1, ofst: float = 0.1, ) -> None: """ Create the AquaHarmonics WEC with specific dimensions. Parameters ---------- T1 : float, optional Draft of large cylinder [m]. T2 : float, optional Height of conic frustum [m]. T3 : float, optional Height of tube [m]. r1 : float, optional Radius of larger cylinder [m]. r2 : float, optional Outer radius of tube [m]. r3 : float, optional Inner radius of tube [m]. scale_factor Scale factor to linearly scale hull dimensions [ ]. ofst : float, optional Offset for clipping at waterplane [m]. """ self.T1 = T1 * scale_factor self.T2 = T2 * scale_factor self.T3 = T3 * scale_factor self.r1 = r1 * scale_factor self.r2 = r2 * scale_factor self.r3 = r3 * scale_factor self.ofst = ofst * scale_factor self.scale_factor = scale_factor def mesh(self, mesh_size_factor: float = 0.25) -> Mesh: """ Mesh of AquaHarmonics hull. Returns ------- mesh Surface mesh of hull. """ with pygmsh.occ.Geometry() as geom: gmsh.option.setNumber('Mesh.MeshSizeFactor', mesh_size_factor) cyl1 = geom.add_cylinder([0, 0, 0], [0, 0, -self.T1], self.r1) cone = geom.add_cone([0, 0, -self.T1], [0, 0, -self.T2], self.r1, self.r2) cylout = geom.add_cylinder([0, 0, -1*(self.T1+self.T2)], [0, 0, -self.T3], self.r2) cylin = geom.add_cylinder([0, 0, -1*(self.T1+self.T2)], [0, 0, -self.T3], self.r3) cyl2 = geom.boolean_difference(cylout, cylin)[0] wecGeom = geom.boolean_union(entities=[cyl1, cone, cyl2], delete_first=True)[0] geom.translate(wecGeom, [0, 0, self.ofst]) mesh = geom.generate_mesh() return mesh def plot_cross_section(self, show: bool = False, ax: Optional[Axes] = None, **kwargs, ) -> tuple[Figure, Axes]: """ Plot hull cross-section. Parameters ---------- show Whether to show the figure. ax Existing axes. The default is None. If None, new axes will be created. **kwargs Passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() else: fig = None ax.plot( [0, self.r3, self.r3, self.r2, self.r2, self.r1, self.r1], [-1*(self.T1+self.T2), -1*(self.T1+self.T2), -1*(self.T1+self.T2+self.T3), -1*(self.T1+self.T2+self.T3), -1*(self.T1+self.T2), -1*(self.T1), self.ofst], marker='.' ) ax.set_xlim(left=0) ax.axhline(0, color='grey', linestyle='--') ax.axvline(0, color='k', linestyle='--') ax.set_xlabel('Radius [m]') ax.set_ylabel('Height [m]') ax.axis('equal') if show: return fig, ax