UQTk: Uncertainty Quantification Toolkit 3.1.5
Go to the documentation of this file.
1/* =====================================================================================
3 The UQ Toolkit (UQTk) version 3.1.5
4 Copyright (2024) NTESS
5 https://www.sandia.gov/UQToolkit/
6 https://github.com/sandialabs/UQTk
8 Copyright 2024 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS).
9 Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS, the U.S. Government
10 retains certain rights in this software.
12 This file is part of The UQ Toolkit (UQTk)
14 UQTk is open source software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
15 it under the terms of BSD 3-Clause License
17 UQTk is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 BSD 3 Clause License for more details.
22 You should have received a copy of the BSD 3 Clause License
23 along with UQTk. If not, see https://choosealicense.com/licenses/bsd-3-clause/.
25 Questions? Contact the UQTk Developers at https://github.com/sandialabs/UQTk/discussions
26 Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA, USA
27===================================================================================== */
31#ifndef ARRAY1D_H_SEEN
32#define ARRAY1D_H_SEEN
34#include <string>
35#include <string.h>
36#include <iostream>
37#include <vector>
38#include <fstream>
39#include <iterator>
40#include <algorithm>
41#include <typeinfo>
43#include "error_handlers.h"
45using namespace std;
47// template<typename T> T max_test(T a, T b) { return a > b ? a : b; }
59//column major for fortran blas
60template<typename T>
61class Array1D{
65 // These two quantities used to be private but making them public
66 // allows for easy access to python interface as a "list"
67 int xsize_; // public (used to be private) size of vector
68 vector<T> data_; // public (used to be private) copy of data vector
71 Array1D(): xsize_(0) {};
74 Array1D(const int& nx): xsize_(nx) {
75 data_.resize(xsize_);
76 }
79 Array1D(const int& nx, const T& t): xsize_(nx) {
80 data_.resize(xsize_, t);
81 }
84 Array1D& operator=(const Array1D &obj) {
85 xsize_ = obj.xsize_;
86 data_ = obj.data_;
87 return *this;
88 }
91 Array1D(const Array1D &obj): xsize_(obj.xsize_), data_(obj.data_) {};
94 ~Array1D() {data_.clear();}
97 void Clear() {
98 xsize_ = 0;
99 data_.clear();
100 }
103 int XSize() const {return xsize_;}
106 int Length() const {return xsize_;}
109 void Resize(const int& nx) {
110 xsize_ = nx;
111 data_.resize(xsize_);
112 }
116 void Resize(const int& nx, const T& t) {
117 data_.clear();
118 xsize_ = nx;
119 data_.resize(xsize_, t);
120 }
123 void SetValue(const T& t){
124 for(int i=0; i < data_.size(); i++){
125 data_[i] = t;
126 }
127 }
130 void PushBack(const T& t){
131 xsize_ += 1;
132 data_.push_back(t);
133 }
139 return &(data_[0]);
140 }
145 const T* GetConstArrayPointer() const {
146 return &(data_[0]);
147 }
149 // allows access element by element, e.g. this(i) gives data_[i]
150 T& operator()(int ix) {return data_[ix];}
151 const T& operator()(int ix) const {return data_[ix];}
155 void insert(Array1D<T>& insarr,int ix){
156 /*if (ix<0 || ix>xsize_){
157 throw Tantrum("Array1D:insert():: insert index out of bounds.");
158 }*/
159 int addsize = insarr.Length();
160 xsize_+=addsize;
161 T* ptr=insarr.GetArrayPointer();
162 data_.insert(data_.begin()+ix,ptr,ptr+addsize);
163 }
167 void insert(const T& insval,int ix){
168 /*if (ix<0 || ix>xsize_)
169 throw Tantrum("Array1D:insert():: insert index out of bounds.");*/
170 xsize_+=1;
171 data_.insert(data_.begin()+ix,insval);
172 }
175 void erase(int ix){
176 /*if (ix<0 || ix>=xsize_)
177 throw Tantrum("Array1D:erase():: erase index out of bounds.");*/
178 xsize_-=1;
179 data_.erase(data_.begin()+ix);
180 }
183 void DumpBinary(FILE* f_out) const {
184 fwrite(&xsize_,sizeof(xsize_),1,f_out);
185 fwrite(this->GetConstArrayPointer(),sizeof(T),xsize_,f_out);
186 }
189 void ReadBinary(FILE* f_in){
190 fread(&xsize_,sizeof(xsize_),1,f_in);
191 data_.resize(xsize_);
192 fread(this->GetArrayPointer(),sizeof(T),xsize_,f_in);
193 }
195 /**********************************************************
196 // Methods for interfacing with python
197 **********************************************************/
199 // For calling [] in Python
200 T& operator[](int i) {return data_[i];}
202 // For calling shape in Python
203 vector<int> shape(){
204 vector<int> s (1,0);
205 s[0] = this -> XSize();
206 return s;
207 }
209 // For assigning a value to a specified index in the array
210 void assign(const int x,const T val){
211 data_[x] = val;
212 }
215 // cannot be read with numpy's fromfile after creation
216 void DumpBinary(char *filename){
217 FILE *f_out;
218 f_out = fopen(filename,"wb");
219 fwrite(&xsize_,sizeof(xsize_),1,f_out);
220 fwrite(this->GetConstArrayPointer(),sizeof(T),xsize_,f_out);
221 fclose(f_out);
222 }
224 // read binary file created with DumpBinary
225 // Cannot use numpy's from files
226 // only for use in c++
227 void ReadBinary(char *filename){
228 FILE *f_in;
229 f_in = fopen(filename,"rb");
230 fread(&xsize_,sizeof(xsize_),1,f_in);
231 data_.resize(xsize_);
232 fread(this->GetArrayPointer(),sizeof(T),xsize_,f_in);
233 fclose(f_in);
234 }
236 // Following two methods are not compatable with certain clang comilers
237 // creates binary file that can be read with numpy's fromfile
238 void DumpBinary4py(char *filename){
239 ofstream f_out;
240 f_out.open(filename, ios::out | ios::binary);
241 f_out.write((char*)this->GetArrayPointer(),sizeof(T[xsize_])); // convert array pointer to char string
242 f_out.close();
243 }
245 // can read in DumpBinary4py output, but needs size of vector
246 // fromfile can automatically detect size file, so, if need by, one can use numpy's fromfile to determine # of elements
247 void ReadBinary4py(char *filename, int n){
248 xsize_ = n;
249 ifstream f_in;
250 f_in.open(filename, ios::in | ios::binary);
251 f_in.read((char*)this->GetArrayPointer(),sizeof(T[xsize_])); // convert array pointer to char string
252 f_in.close();
253 }
255 // Set user-defined list to data_ vector
256 // This will work even for string type
257 void setArray(vector<T> inarray){
258 data_ = inarray;
259 xsize_ = inarray.size();
260 }
262 // Returns data_ vector as a list in python
263 // Also acts as a print to see individual elements
264 vector<T> flatten(){
265 return data_;
266 }
268 string type(){
269 return "string";
270 }
274class Array1D <int>{
276 int xsize_; // private size of vector
278 vector<int> data_; // private copy of data vector
281 Array1D(): xsize_(0) {};
284 Array1D(const int& nx): xsize_(nx) {
285 data_.resize(xsize_);
286 }
289 Array1D(const int& nx, const int& t): xsize_(nx) {
290 data_.resize(xsize_, t);
291 }
294 Array1D& operator=(const Array1D &obj) {
295 xsize_ = obj.xsize_;
296 data_ = obj.data_;
297 return *this;
298 }
301 Array1D(const Array1D &obj): xsize_(obj.xsize_), data_(obj.data_) {};
304 ~Array1D() {data_.clear();}
307 void Clear() {
308 xsize_ = 0;
309 data_.clear();
310 }
313 int XSize() const {return xsize_;}
316 int Length() const {return xsize_;}
319 void Resize(const int& nx) {
320 xsize_ = nx;
321 data_.resize(xsize_);
322 }
326 void Resize(const int& nx, const int& t) {
327 data_.clear();
328 xsize_ = nx;
329 data_.resize(xsize_, t);
330 }
333 void SetValue(const int& t){
334 for(int i=0; i < (int)data_.size(); i++){
335 data_[i] = t;
336 }
337 }
340 void PushBack(const int& t){
341 xsize_ += 1;
342 data_.push_back(t);
343 }
349 return &(data_[0]);
350 }
355 const int* GetConstArrayPointer() const {
356 return &(data_[0]);
357 }
359 // allows access element by element, e.g. this(i) gives data_[i]
360 int& operator()(int ix) {return data_[ix];}
361 const int& operator()(int ix) const {return data_[ix];}
365 void insert(Array1D<int>& insarr,int ix){
366 /*if (ix<0 || ix>xsize_){
367 throw Tantrum("Array1D:insert():: insert index out of bounds.");
368 }*/
369 int addsize = insarr.Length();
370 xsize_+=addsize;
371 int* ptr=insarr.GetArrayPointer();
372 data_.insert(data_.begin()+ix,ptr,ptr+addsize);
373 }
377 void insert(const int& insval,int ix){
378 /*if (ix<0 || ix>xsize_)
379 throw Tantrum("Array1D:insert():: insert index out of bounds.");*/
380 xsize_+=1;
381 data_.insert(data_.begin()+ix,insval);
382 }
385 void erase(int ix){
386 /*if (ix<0 || ix>=xsize_)
387 throw Tantrum("Array1D:erase():: erase index out of bounds.");*/
388 xsize_-=1;
389 data_.erase(data_.begin()+ix);
390 }
393 void DumpBinary(FILE* f_out) const {
394 fwrite(&xsize_,sizeof(xsize_),1,f_out);
395 fwrite(this->GetConstArrayPointer(),sizeof(int),xsize_,f_out);
396 }
399 void ReadBinary(FILE* f_in){
400 fread(&xsize_,sizeof(xsize_),1,f_in);
401 data_.resize(xsize_);
402 fread(this->GetArrayPointer(),sizeof(int),xsize_,f_in);
403 }
405 /**********************************************************
406 // Methods for interfacing with python
407 **********************************************************/
409 // For calling [] in Python
410 int& operator[](int i) {return data_[i];}
412 // For calling shape in Python
413 vector<int> shape(){
414 vector<int> s (1,0);
415 s[0] = this -> XSize();
416 return s;
417 }
419 // For assigning a value to a specified index in the array
420 void assign(const int x,const int val){
421 data_[x] = val;
422 }
425 // cannot be read with numpy's fromfile after creation
426 void DumpBinary(char *filename){
427 FILE *f_out;
428 f_out = fopen(filename,"wb");
429 fwrite(&xsize_,sizeof(xsize_),1,f_out);
430 fwrite(this->GetConstArrayPointer(),sizeof(int),xsize_,f_out);
431 fclose(f_out);
432 }
434 // read binary file created with DumpBinary
435 // Cannot use numpy's from files
436 // only for use in c++
437 void ReadBinary(char *filename){
438 FILE *f_in;
439 f_in = fopen(filename,"rb");
440 fread(&xsize_,sizeof(xsize_),1,f_in);
441 data_.resize(xsize_);
442 fread(this->GetArrayPointer(),sizeof(int),xsize_,f_in);
443 fclose(f_in);
444 }
446 // creates binary file that can be read with numpy's fromfile
447 void DumpBinary4py(char *filename){
448 ofstream f_out;
449 f_out.open(filename, ios::out | ios::binary);
450 f_out.write((char*)this->GetArrayPointer(),xsize_*sizeof(int)); // convert array pointer to char string
451 f_out.close();
452 }
454 // can read in DumpBinary4py output, but needs size of vector
455 // fromfile can automatically detect size file, so, if need by, one can use numpy's fromfile to determine # of elements
456 void ReadBinary4py(char *filename, int n){
457 xsize_ = n;
458 ifstream f_in;
459 f_in.open(filename, ios::in | ios::binary);
460 f_in.read((char*)this->GetArrayPointer(),xsize_*sizeof(int)); // convert array pointer to char string
461 f_in.close();
462 }
464 // Set user-defined list to data_ vector
465 // This will work even for string type
466 void setArray(vector<int> inarray){
467 data_ = inarray;
468 xsize_ = inarray.size();
469 }
471 // // Sets user-defined 1d numpy array to data_ vector
472 void setnpintArray(vector<int> inarray, int n){
473 xsize_ = n;
474 data_.clear();
475 for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
476 data_.push_back(inarray[i]);
477 }
478 }
479 // This is not to be used for a string type
480 void getnpintArray(long * outarray){
481 // xsize_ = n;
482 // data_.assign(inarray,inarray+n);
483 copy(data_.begin(), data_.end(), outarray);
484 }
486 // Returns data_ vector as a list in python
487 // Also acts as a print to see individual elements
488 vector<int> flatten(){
489 return data_;
490 }
492 string type(){
493 return "int";
494 }
499class Array1D <double> {
501 int xsize_; // private size of vector
503 vector<double> data_; // private copy of data vector
507 Array1D(): xsize_(0) {};
510 Array1D(const int& nx): xsize_(nx) {
511 data_.resize(xsize_);
512 }
515 Array1D(const int& nx, const double& t): xsize_(nx) {
516 data_.resize(xsize_, t);
517 }
520 Array1D& operator=(const Array1D &obj) {
521 xsize_ = obj.xsize_;
522 data_ = obj.data_;
523 return *this;
524 }
527 Array1D(const Array1D &obj): xsize_(obj.xsize_), data_(obj.data_) {};
530 ~Array1D() {data_.clear();}
533 void Clear() {
534 xsize_ = 0;
535 data_.clear();
536 }
539 int XSize() const {return xsize_;}
542 int Length() const {return xsize_;}
545 void Resize(const int& nx) {
546 xsize_ = nx;
547 data_.resize(xsize_);
548 }
552 void Resize(const int& nx, const double& t) {
553 data_.clear();
554 xsize_ = nx;
555 data_.resize(xsize_, t);
556 }
559 void SetValue(const double& t){
560 for(int i=0; i < (int)data_.size(); i++){
561 data_[i] = t;
562 }
563 }
566 void PushBack(const double& t){
567 xsize_ += 1;
568 data_.push_back(t);
569 }
574 double* GetArrayPointer() {
575 return &(data_[0]);
576 }
581 const double* GetConstArrayPointer() const {
582 return &(data_[0]);
583 }
585 // allows access element by element, e.g. this(i) gives data_[i]
586 double& operator()(int ix) {return data_[ix];}
587 const double& operator()(int ix) const {return data_[ix];}
591 void insert(Array1D<double>& insarr,int ix){
592 /*if (ix<0 || ix>xsize_){
593 throw Tantrum("Array1D:insert():: insert index out of bounds.");
594 }*/
595 int addsize = insarr.Length();
596 xsize_+=addsize;
597 double* ptr=insarr.GetArrayPointer();
598 data_.insert(data_.begin()+ix,ptr,ptr+addsize);
599 }
603 void insert(const double& insval,int ix){
604 /*if (ix<0 || ix>xsize_)
605 throw Tantrum("Array1D:insert():: insert index out of bounds.");*/
606 xsize_+=1;
607 data_.insert(data_.begin()+ix,insval);
608 }
611 void erase(int ix){
612 /*if (ix<0 || ix>=xsize_)
613 throw Tantrum("Array1D:erase():: erase index out of bounds.");*/
614 xsize_-=1;
615 data_.erase(data_.begin()+ix);
616 }
619 void DumpBinary(FILE* f_out) const {
620 fwrite(&xsize_,sizeof(xsize_),1,f_out);
621 fwrite(this->GetConstArrayPointer(),sizeof(double),xsize_,f_out);
622 }
625 void ReadBinary(FILE* f_in){
626 fread(&xsize_,sizeof(xsize_),1,f_in);
627 data_.resize(xsize_);
628 fread(this->GetArrayPointer(),sizeof(double),xsize_,f_in);
629 }
631 /**********************************************************
632 // Methods for interfacing with python
633 **********************************************************/
635 // For calling [] in Python
636 double& operator[](int i) {return data_[i];}
638 // For calling shape in Python
639 vector<int> shape(){
640 vector<int> s (1,0);
641 s[0] = this -> XSize();
642 return s;
643 }
645 // For assigning a value to a specified index in the array
646 void assign(const int x,const double val){
647 data_[x] = val;
648 }
651 // cannot be read with numpy's fromfile after creation
652 void DumpBinary(char *filename){
653 FILE *f_out;
654 f_out = fopen(filename,"wb");
655 fwrite(&xsize_,sizeof(xsize_),1,f_out);
656 fwrite(this->GetConstArrayPointer(),sizeof(double),xsize_,f_out);
657 fclose(f_out);
658 }
660 // read binary file created with DumpBinary
661 // Cannot use numpy's from files
662 // only for use in c++
663 void ReadBinary(char *filename){
664 FILE *f_in;
665 f_in = fopen(filename,"rb");
666 fread(&xsize_,sizeof(xsize_),1,f_in);
667 data_.resize(xsize_);
668 fread(this->GetArrayPointer(),sizeof(double),xsize_,f_in);
669 fclose(f_in);
670 }
672 // creates binary file that can be read with numpy's fromfile
673 void DumpBinary4py(char *filename){
674 ofstream f_out;
675 f_out.open(filename, ios::out | ios::binary);
676 f_out.write((char*)this->GetArrayPointer(),xsize_*sizeof(double)); // convert array pointer to char string
677 f_out.close();
678 }
680 // can read in DumpBinary4py output, but needs size of vector
681 // fromfile can automatically detect size file, so, if need by, one can use numpy's fromfile to determine # of elements
682 void ReadBinary4py(char *filename, int n){
683 xsize_ = n;
684 ifstream f_in;
685 f_in.open(filename, ios::in | ios::binary);
686 f_in.read((char*)this->GetArrayPointer(),xsize_*sizeof(double)); // convert array pointer to char string
687 f_in.close();
688 }
690 // Set user-defined list to data_ vector
691 // This will work even for string type
692 void setArray(vector<double> inarray){
693 data_ = inarray;
694 xsize_ = inarray.size();
695 }
697 // Sets user-defined 1d numpy array to data_ vector
698 // This is not to be used for a string type
699 void setnpdblArray(vector<double> inarray, int n){
700 xsize_ = n;
701 data_.clear();
702 for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
703 data_.push_back(inarray[i]);
704 }
705 }
706 // Sets user-defined 1d numpy array to data_ vector
707 // This is not to be used for a string type
708 void getnpdblArray(double* outarray){
709 // xsize_ = n;
710 // data_.assign(inarray,inarray+n);
711 copy(data_.begin(), data_.end(), outarray);
712 }
714 // Returns data_ vector as a list in python
715 // Also acts as a print to see individual elements
716 vector<double> flatten(){
717 return data_;
718 }
720 string type(){
721 return "double";
722 }
725#endif /* ARRAY1D_H_SEEN */
Array1D< double > copy(Array1D< double > &in_array)
Returns a copy of 1D array.
Definition arraytools.cpp:1607
Default constructor, which does not allocate any memory.
Definition Array1D.h:507
vector< double > flatten()
Definition Array1D.h:716
void PushBack(const double &t)
Add element to the end of the vector.
Definition Array1D.h:566
void ReadBinary(char *filename)
Definition Array1D.h:663
void assign(const int x, const double val)
Definition Array1D.h:646
double & operator()(int ix)
Definition Array1D.h:586
void ReadBinary4py(char *filename, int n)
Definition Array1D.h:682
void Clear()
Function to clear the memory.
Definition Array1D.h:533
const double & operator()(int ix) const
Definition Array1D.h:587
void DumpBinary(char *filename)
Dump contents of the array to a file in binary format.
Definition Array1D.h:652
void insert(const double &insval, int ix)
Insert a given value to the position ix.
Definition Array1D.h:603
int XSize() const
Returns size in the x-direction.
Definition Array1D.h:539
Array1D & operator=(const Array1D &obj)
Assignment operator copies the data structure by value.
Definition Array1D.h:520
void SetValue(const double &t)
Set all values in the array to the given value.
Definition Array1D.h:559
int Length() const
Returns length (i.e. size in the x-direction)
Definition Array1D.h:542
void Resize(const int &nx, const double &t)
Resizes the array and sets ALL entries to the specified value.
Definition Array1D.h:552
void DumpBinary4py(char *filename)
Definition Array1D.h:673
double * GetArrayPointer()
Return a pointer to the first element of the data in the vector so we can use it access the data in a...
Definition Array1D.h:574
void Resize(const int &nx)
Resizes the array.
Definition Array1D.h:545
const double * GetConstArrayPointer() const
Return a const point to the first element of the data in the vector so we can use it access the data ...
Definition Array1D.h:581
void getnpdblArray(double *outarray)
Definition Array1D.h:708
Array1D(const int &nx, const double &t)
Constructor that allocates and initializes the data to a value t.
Definition Array1D.h:515
int xsize_
Definition Array1D.h:501
void DumpBinary(FILE *f_out) const
Dump contents of the array to a file in binary format.
Definition Array1D.h:619
double & operator[](int i)
Definition Array1D.h:636
void setArray(vector< double > inarray)
Definition Array1D.h:692
Array1D(const int &nx)
Constructor that allocates the memory.
Definition Array1D.h:510
void setnpdblArray(vector< double > inarray, int n)
Definition Array1D.h:699
string type()
Definition Array1D.h:720
vector< int > shape()
Definition Array1D.h:639
Array1D(const Array1D &obj)
Copy constructor.
Definition Array1D.h:527
void erase(int ix)
Erase the value from the position ix.
Definition Array1D.h:611
void ReadBinary(FILE *f_in)
Read contents of the array from a file in binary format.
Definition Array1D.h:625
vector< double > data_
Definition Array1D.h:503
Destructor that frees up the memory.
Definition Array1D.h:530
void insert(Array1D< double > &insarr, int ix)
Insert a given array to the position ix.
Definition Array1D.h:591
Array1D(const int &nx, const int &t)
Constructor that allocates and initializes the data to a value t.
Definition Array1D.h:289
string type()
Definition Array1D.h:492
void insert(const int &insval, int ix)
Insert a given value to the position ix.
Definition Array1D.h:377
void Clear()
Function to clear the memory.
Definition Array1D.h:307
void erase(int ix)
Erase the value from the position ix.
Definition Array1D.h:385
vector< int > data_
Definition Array1D.h:278
vector< int > flatten()
Definition Array1D.h:488
Array1D & operator=(const Array1D &obj)
Assignment operator copies the data structure by value.
Definition Array1D.h:294
void DumpBinary(char *filename)
Dump contents of the array to a file in binary format.
Definition Array1D.h:426
void Resize(const int &nx)
Resizes the array.
Definition Array1D.h:319
void DumpBinary4py(char *filename)
Definition Array1D.h:447
void getnpintArray(long *outarray)
Definition Array1D.h:480
int & operator[](int i)
Definition Array1D.h:410
Default constructor, which does not allocate any memory.
Definition Array1D.h:281
int Length() const
Returns length (i.e. size in the x-direction)
Definition Array1D.h:316
void ReadBinary4py(char *filename, int n)
Definition Array1D.h:456
void insert(Array1D< int > &insarr, int ix)
Insert a given array to the position ix.
Definition Array1D.h:365
void SetValue(const int &t)
Set all values in the array to the given value.
Definition Array1D.h:333
void setnpintArray(vector< int > inarray, int n)
Definition Array1D.h:472
void ReadBinary(char *filename)
Definition Array1D.h:437
Destructor that frees up the memory.
Definition Array1D.h:304
const int * GetConstArrayPointer() const
Return a const point to the first element of the data in the vector so we can use it access the data ...
Definition Array1D.h:355
void assign(const int x, const int val)
Definition Array1D.h:420
void setArray(vector< int > inarray)
Definition Array1D.h:466
void PushBack(const int &t)
Add element to the end of the vector.
Definition Array1D.h:340
Array1D(const Array1D &obj)
Copy constructor.
Definition Array1D.h:301
int xsize_
Definition Array1D.h:276
Array1D(const int &nx)
Constructor that allocates the memory.
Definition Array1D.h:284
void ReadBinary(FILE *f_in)
Read contents of the array from a file in binary format.
Definition Array1D.h:399
void Resize(const int &nx, const int &t)
Resizes the array and sets ALL entries to the specified value.
Definition Array1D.h:326
int XSize() const
Returns size in the x-direction.
Definition Array1D.h:313
const int & operator()(int ix) const
Definition Array1D.h:361
int & operator()(int ix)
Definition Array1D.h:360
int * GetArrayPointer()
Return a pointer to the first element of the data in the vector so we can use it access the data in a...
Definition Array1D.h:348
void DumpBinary(FILE *f_out) const
Dump contents of the array to a file in binary format.
Definition Array1D.h:393
vector< int > shape()
Definition Array1D.h:413
Stores data of any type T in a 1D array.
Definition Array1D.h:61
void ReadBinary(char *filename)
Definition Array1D.h:227
const T & operator()(int ix) const
Definition Array1D.h:151
void setArray(vector< T > inarray)
Definition Array1D.h:257
T & operator()(int ix)
Definition Array1D.h:150
vector< int > shape()
Definition Array1D.h:203
Array1D(const int &nx)
Constructor that allocates the memory.
Definition Array1D.h:74
const T * GetConstArrayPointer() const
Return a const point to the first element of the data in the vector so we can use it access the data ...
Definition Array1D.h:145
int XSize() const
Returns size in the x-direction.
Definition Array1D.h:103
Array1D(const Array1D &obj)
Copy constructor.
Definition Array1D.h:91
Destructor that frees up the memory.
Definition Array1D.h:94
void DumpBinary(FILE *f_out) const
Dump contents of the array to a file in binary format.
Definition Array1D.h:183
vector< T > data_
Definition Array1D.h:68
void PushBack(const T &t)
Add element to the end of the vector.
Definition Array1D.h:130
void SetValue(const T &t)
Set all values in the array to the given value.
Definition Array1D.h:123
Array1D & operator=(const Array1D &obj)
Assignment operator copies the data structure by value.
Definition Array1D.h:84
void insert(const T &insval, int ix)
Insert a given value to the position ix.
Definition Array1D.h:167
void Clear()
Function to clear the memory.
Definition Array1D.h:97
void Resize(const int &nx, const T &t)
Resizes the array and sets ALL entries to the specified value.
Definition Array1D.h:116
Array1D(const int &nx, const T &t)
Constructor that allocates and initializes the data to a value t.
Definition Array1D.h:79
void Resize(const int &nx)
Resizes the array.
Definition Array1D.h:109
T * GetArrayPointer()
Return a pointer to the first element of the data in the vector so we can use it access the data in a...
Definition Array1D.h:138
string type()
Definition Array1D.h:268
vector< T > flatten()
Definition Array1D.h:264
void ReadBinary(FILE *f_in)
Read contents of the array from a file in binary format.
Definition Array1D.h:189
void DumpBinary(char *filename)
Dump contents of the array to a file in binary format.
Definition Array1D.h:216
void assign(const int x, const T val)
Definition Array1D.h:210
int xsize_
Definition Array1D.h:67
void ReadBinary4py(char *filename, int n)
Definition Array1D.h:247
int Length() const
Returns length (i.e. size in the x-direction)
Definition Array1D.h:106
T & operator[](int i)
Definition Array1D.h:200
void DumpBinary4py(char *filename)
Definition Array1D.h:238
Default constructor, which does not allocate any memory.
Definition Array1D.h:71
void insert(Array1D< T > &insarr, int ix)
Insert a given array to the position ix.
Definition Array1D.h:155
void erase(int ix)
Erase the value from the position ix.
Definition Array1D.h:175