import proveit
# Prepare this notebook for defining the theorems of a theory:
%theorems_notebook # Keep this at the top following 'import proveit'.
from proveit import Operation, IndexedVar
from proveit import a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, m, n, x, y, S, P
from proveit.core_expr_types import (y_1_to_n)
from proveit.logic import (And, Equals, Forall, Implies, in_bool, InSet, NotInSet, Set,
NotEquals, Or, ProperSubset, SubsetEq, SetEquiv, EmptySet)
from proveit.logic.sets import Card, Disjoint, x_equals_any_y
from proveit.numbers import zero, one, num, frac, Neg
from proveit.numbers import (ZeroSet, Natural, NaturalPos,
Integer, IntegerNeg, IntegerNonZero, IntegerNonPos, Interval, Complex)
from proveit.numbers import Add, subtract, greater, greater_eq, Less, LessEq, number_ordering
from proveit.numbers import Pzero, Pone, Pm, P_mAddOne, Pn
%begin theorems
zero_is_int = InSet(zero, Integer)
zero_is_nonpos_int = InSet(zero, IntegerNonPos)
zero_set_within_int = ProperSubset(ZeroSet, Integer)
zero_set_within_nonpos_int = ProperSubset(ZeroSet, IntegerNonPos)
# In Progress
#successive_nats = Forall(n, InSet(Add(n, one), Natural), domain=Natural)
# induction_lemma = Forall(n, Forall(S, Implies(And(InSet(zero, S), Forall(x, InSet(Add(x,one), S), domain=S)), InSet(n, S))), domain=Natural)
# induction = Forall(P, Implies(And(Pzero,
# Forall(m, P_mAddOne,
# domain=Natural, condition=Pm)),
# Forall(n, Pn, domain=Natural)))
nat_pos_induction = Forall(P, Implies(And(Pone,
Forall(m, P_mAddOne, domain=NaturalPos,
Forall(n, Pn, domain=NaturalPos)))
nonneg_int_is_natural = Forall(a, InSet(a,Natural),
domain=Integer, condition=greater_eq(a, zero))
pos_int_is_natural_pos = Forall(a, InSet(a,NaturalPos),
domain=Integer, condition=greater(a, zero))
nonzero_nat_is_natural_pos = Forall(a, InSet(a, NaturalPos),
domain=Natural, condition=NotEquals(a, zero))
Some Interval-related theorems involving subsets of the Integers might be found in the respective number_sets package instead of here in the number_sets/integers package. For example, the interval_is_nat
$\forall_{a, b\in\mathbb{N}}\left[ \forall_{n\in\{a...b\}}\left(n\in\mathbb{N}\right)\right]$ can be found in the number_sets/natural_numbers package.
theorem for the integral Interval class.¶Although it is tempting to establish an unfold
theorem analogous to the unfold
theorem for the enumerated set class EnumSet, along the lines of:
$\forall_{n\in\mathbb{N}}\left[\forall_{x, y_1, \ldots, y_n \rvert x\in\{y_1...y_n\}}\left((x=y_1)\lor\ldots\lor(x=y_n)\right)\right]$
the underlying structure (or lack of structural constraint) involving the integral Interval class would allow instantiations leading to false conclusions. For example, one might instantiate such a theorem with $\{n: 3, x:x, y:(2, 6, 3)\}$, leading to the false conclusion that $\left((x = 2)\lor(x = 6)\lor(x = 3)\right)$.
interval_lower_bound = (
Forall((a, b),
Forall(n, LessEq(a, n), domain=Interval(a, b)),
interval_upper_bound = (
Forall((a, b),
Forall(n, LessEq(n, b), domain=Interval(a, b)),
vacuous_interval = Forall((a, b), Equals(Interval(a, b), EmptySet), condition=Less(b, a), domain=Integer)
in_interval = Forall((a, b, n), InSet(n, Interval(a, b)), domain=Integer,
conditions=[number_ordering(LessEq(a, n), LessEq(n, b))])
interval_cardinality = Forall(
(a, b),
Equals(Card(Interval(a, b)), Add(b, Neg(a), one)),
conditions=[LessEq(a, b)])
interval_subset_eq = Forall(
(a, b, c, d), SubsetEq(Interval(b, c), Interval(a, d)),
conditions=[number_ordering(LessEq(a, b), LessEq(b, c), LessEq(c, d))])
interval_subset = Forall(
(a, b, c, d), ProperSubset(Interval(b, c), Interval(a, d)),
conditions=[number_ordering(Less(a, b), LessEq(b, c), Less(c, d))])
int_interval_within_int = (
Forall((a, b), ProperSubset(Interval(a, b), Integer),
nat_interval_within_nat = (
Forall((a, b), ProperSubset(Interval(a, b), Natural),
natpos_interval_within_natpos = (
Forall((a, b), ProperSubset(Interval(a, b), NaturalPos),
negint_interval_within_negint = (
Forall((a, b), ProperSubset(Interval(a, b), IntegerNeg),
nat_within_int = ProperSubset(Natural, Integer)
nat_pos_within_int = ProperSubset(NaturalPos, Integer)
nat_pos_within_nonzero_int = ProperSubset(NaturalPos, IntegerNonZero)
nonzero_int_within_int = ProperSubset(IntegerNonZero, Integer)
neg_int_within_int = ProperSubset(IntegerNeg, Integer)
neg_int_within_nonzero_int = ProperSubset(IntegerNeg, IntegerNonZero)
neg_int_within_nonpos_int = ProperSubset(IntegerNeg, IntegerNonPos)
nonpos_int_within_int = ProperSubset(IntegerNonPos, Integer)
# Proven
zero_is_int = InSet(zero, Integer)
nonzero_if_in_nonzero_int = Forall(a, NotEquals(a, zero), domain=IntegerNonZero)
negative_if_in_neg_int = Forall(a, Less(a, zero), domain=IntegerNeg)
nonpos_if_in_nonpos_int = Forall(a, LessEq(a, zero), domain=IntegerNonPos)
nonzero_int_is_int_nonzero = Forall(
a, InSet(a, IntegerNonZero), condition=NotEquals(a, zero),
neg_int_is_int_neg = Forall(
a, InSet(a, IntegerNeg), condition=Less(a, zero),
nonzero_nonpos_int_is_neg_int = Forall(
a, InSet(a, IntegerNeg), condition=NotEquals(a, zero),
nonpos_int_is_int_nonpos = Forall(
a, InSet(a, IntegerNonPos), condition=LessEq(a, zero),
A set of in_bool theorems, which are accessed by the respective NumberSets to implement their deduce_membership_in_bool() methods:
# For Integer numbers
int_membership_is_bool = Forall(x, in_bool(InSet(x, Integer)))
neg_int_membership_is_bool = Forall(x, in_bool(InSet(x, IntegerNeg)))
nonzero_int_membership_is_bool = Forall(x, in_bool(InSet(x, IntegerNonZero)))
nonpos_int_membership_is_bool = Forall(x, in_bool(InSet(x, IntegerNonPos)))
# For integer Intervals -- check w/WW about this (domain(s)?)
interval_membership_is_bool = (
Forall((a, b),
Forall(x, in_bool(InSet(x, Interval(a, b)))),
difference_is_nat = Forall((a, b), InSet(subtract(a, b), Natural),
conditions=[LessEq(b, a)])
difference_is_nat_pos = \
Forall((a, b), InSet(subtract(a, b), NaturalPos),
conditions=[Less(b, a)])
Some Analogous Non-IntervalMembership Theorems
# interval_nonmembership
not_int_not_in_interval = (
Forall((a, b),
Forall(x, NotInSet(x, Interval(a, b)), domain=Complex, condition=NotInSet(x, Integer)),
int_not_in_interval = (
Forall((a, b, x),
NotInSet(x, Interval(a, b)),
conditions=[Or(Less(x, a), Less(b, x))]))
bounds_for_int_not_in_interval = (
Forall((a, b, x),
Or(Less(x, a), Less(b, x)),
conditions=[NotInSet(x, Interval(a, b))]))
# For non-membership in integer Intervals -- check w/WW about this (domain(s)?)
interval_nonmembership_is_bool = (
Forall((a, b),
Forall(x, in_bool(NotInSet(x, Interval(a, b)))),
disjoint_intervals = (
Forall((a, b, c, d),
Disjoint(Interval(a, b), Interval(c, d)),
condition=number_ordering(LessEq(a, b), Less(b, c), LessEq(c, d))
%end theorems