import proveit
from proveit import ExprRange, IndexedVar, used_vars, free_vars
from proveit import a, b, c, k, n, r, x, y, theta
from proveit.core_expr_types import x_1_to_n
from proveit.logic import And, Equals, InSet, NotEquals
from proveit.numbers import zero, one, two, three, e, i, pi
from proveit.numbers import (Abs, Add, frac, Exp, greater,
greater_eq, Less, LessEq, Mult, Neg)
from proveit.numbers import (Complex, Integer, Natural, NaturalPos,
Real, RealPos, RealNeg, RealNonNeg, RealNonPos)
from proveit.numbers.absolute_value import abs_val_def_sqrt
%begin demonstrations
The concept of the absolute value of a real number, and its generalization to the norm if a complex number, is ubiquitous in mathematics and often serves a key role in various proofs. The absolute value of a real number $x$, or the norm of a complex number $x$, is captured with the operation `Abs(x)`, along with a standard axiomatic definition and a variety of related theorems.
It is straightforward to construct absolute value expressions. Here are some basic examples of such expressions:
# basic absolute value expression
abs_value_a = Abs(a)
# a version of the triangle inequality, where Abs() occurs repeatedly
# inside a larger expression
LessEq(Abs(Add(a, b)), Add(Abs(a),Abs(b)))
Expression ¶Let's define a simple absolute value expression, $|a+b|$, and look at some of its attributes.
abs_value_a_plus_b = Abs(Add(a, b))
We can use the `expr_info()` method to look at how the expression is constructed:
The string version of the absolute value operator is simply the `Abs` string:
And we can test for instances of `Abs()` in the usual way, by testing for the `Abs` class:
if isinstance(abs_value_a_plus_b, Abs):
print("{} is an instance of Abs".format(abs_value_a_plus_b))
We can obtain the operand (the expression inside the absolute value) apart from the `Abs()` expression. We can also get a list of the variables and a separate list of the *free* variables in the expression (of course, in this expression, all the variables are also free variables):
# the "bare" operand
# the operand in a (1-element) tuple
# the variables appearing in the expression
# the free variables appearing in the expression
And of course, we can reach into the expression and substitute for variables with other variables in the usual way:
abs_value_c_plus_b = abs_value_a_plus_b.basic_replaced({a:c})
At this time, there is a single axiom for absolute value, defining $|x|=\sqrt{x^2}$ for real-valued $x$:
When the `Conditional` class has been established, the axiomatic definition will use the standard piece-wise definition, and the “square root of the square” could then be a theorem instead. The definition for $|a+bi|$, the norm of complex number $z=a+bi$, is still under development.
Some typical absolute value-related theorems are illustrated below. The full complement of theorems appears in the `proveit.numbers/absolute_value/_theorems_.ipynb` notebook.
from proveit.numbers.absolute_value import (
abs_nonzero_closure, abs_is_non_neg, abs_non_neg_elim, triangle_inequality)
# abs value of a non-zero value is a positive real number
# abs value of any number is non-negative
# we can eliminate the abs value wrapper around a non-negative real number
# abs value version of a triangle inequality thm
demo_expr_01 = Abs(Add(x, one))
The general expression simplification() method can eliminate the absolute value wrapper under the right conditions — for example, when we know that $x$ is a positive real number:
demo_expr_01.simplification(assumptions=[InSet(x, RealPos)])
We can deduce that the absolute value expression is in a specific number set (given the right assumptions):
demo_expr_01.deduce_in_number_set(RealNonNeg, assumptions=[InSet(x, Real)])
Now when $x \in \mathbb{R}^{+}$, we should have $|x+1|>1$ and thus $|x+1| \in \mathbb{R}^{+}$. Interestingly, this requires a little more work before Prove-It agrees:
from proveit import InstantiationFailure
demo_expr_01.deduce_in_number_set(RealPos, assumptions=[InSet(x, RealPos)])
except InstantiationFailure as _e:
print("SpecializationFailure: " + str(_e))
We could include the information the system seems to want, i.e., that $x+1 \ne 0$, and Prove-It is happy:
assumptions=[InSet(x, RealPos), NotEquals(Add(x, one), zero)])
But that seems a little clunky, with that additional (and redundant) assumption appearing in the result. Instead we can nudge Prove-It by first having it prove that the operand $x+1$ is itself a positive real value, and then it has no problem proving that the absolute value expression $|x+1|$ itself is also a positive real value:
InSet(Add(x, one), RealPos).prove(assumptions=[InSet(x, RealPos)])
InSet(demo_expr_01, RealPos).prove(assumptions=[InSet(x, RealPos)])
demo_expr_02 = Abs(Add(a, b, two, three))
We can obtain simplification equivalences, depending on our assumptions about the nature of the variables $a$ and $b$. If $a$ and $b$ are complex numbers or real numbers, for example, Prove-It simplifies the $2+3$ portion to $5$ and keeps the absolute value:
# variables a and b are complex, notated as a tuple
demo_expr_02.simplification(assumptions=[InSet(a, Complex), InSet(b, Complex)])
# variables a and b are real, notated individually
demo_expr_02.simplification(assumptions=[InSet(a, Real), InSet(b, Real)])
We can simplify further if we know that $a$ and $b$ are non-negative reals, with `simplification()` combining the numerical constants *and* removing the absolute value:
assumptions=[InSet(a, RealNonNeg), InSet(b, RealNonNeg)])
Similarly, given the assumption that $a$ and $b$ are non-negative reals, we can explicitly deduce that the entire expression is also a non-negative real:
assumptions=[InSet(a, RealNonNeg), InSet(b, RealNonNeg)])
In fact, as long as we explicitly establish that $a$ and $b$ each belong to some defined subset of the complex numbers, the `deduce_in_number_set()` will be able to deduce that our absolute value expression is an element of the non-negative real numbers:
assumptions=[InSet(a, Complex), InSet(b, RealNeg)])
From this, it is straighforward to derive $|a + b + 2 + 3| \geq 0$ exploiting some automation:
demo_expr_02_ge_zero = greater_eq(demo_expr_02, zero).prove(
assumptions=[InSet(a, Complex), InSet(b, RealNeg)])
The detailed proof includes a number of steps that establish that all the sub-operands can be found in the complex numbers, but we see toward the top of the proof table the explicit use of the modus ponens-like `right_from_iff` theorem (cited in line 1) and the `in_real_non_neg_iff_nonNegative` theorem (cited in line 5), which we were nudging Prove-It toward by our few steps above:
demo_expr_03 = Add(one, Abs(Add(x, one)))
If we know that $x\in \mathbb{R}^{+}$, simplification should be able to eliminate the absolute value and commute and combine the known constants:
demo_expr_03.simplification(assumptions=[InSet(x, RealPos)])
The material below was developed to test various absolute_value methods. Some of this material could be integrated into the `_demonstrations_` page eventually and/or deleted as development continues.
Expressions For Testing¶abs_value_1_plus_2 = Abs(Add(one, two))
abs_value_a_plus_b = Abs(Add(a, b))
abs_value_a_plus_2 = Abs(Add(a, two))
abs_value_a_times_b = Abs(Mult(a, b))
abs_value_a_div_b = Abs(frac(a,b))
from proveit.trigonometry import Sin
abs_value_sin_x = Abs(Sin(x))
from proveit.trigonometry import Cos
abs_value_cos_x = Abs(Cos(x))
# Abs(x) is real when x is complex
Real, assumptions=[InSet(Add(a,b), Complex)])
# Abs(a+b) is real if a is real and b a positive natural, etc
Real, assumptions=[InSet(a, Real), InSet(b, NaturalPos)])
# Abs(a+2) is real if a is real
Real, assumptions=[InSet(a, Real)])
assumptions=[InSet(a, Complex),
InSet(b, Complex),
NotEquals(Add(a,b), zero)])
assumptions=[InSet(a, Complex), InSet(b, Complex)])
# what happens if we try to deduce into an incorrect set?
assumptions=[InSet(Add(a,b), Complex)])
assert False
except Exception as _e:
print("Expected Exception: ", _e)
# but of course, the Complex numbers contain the non-negative Real numbers …
# so it would be nice to be able to be able to deduce_in_number_set(X) if
# X contains a set Y for which deduce_in_number_set(Y) is possible …
assumptions=[InSet(Add(a,b), Complex)])
method¶# recall our Abs(Add(a, b)) expression
assumptions=[InSet(a, Complex),
InSet(b, Complex),
NotEquals(Add(a,b), zero)])
# And automation will generally be able to prove
# Abs(x) ≠ 0 when x in a defined set with x ≠ 0.
NotEquals(abs_value_a_plus_b, zero).prove(
assumptions=[InSet(Add(a,b), Real), NotEquals(Add(a,b), zero)])
method¶# abs_elimination() by itself often needs some
# pre-processing of the expression operand
except Exception as _e:
print("EXCEPTION: ", _e)
# So prove 1+2 is non-negative real first
InSet(Add(one, two), RealPos).prove()
# And then we should be able to use the basic Abs.abs_elimination()
assumptions = [InSet(Add(a,b), RealPos)])
assumptions=[InSet(Add(a,b), Complex)])
method over products and fractions¶abs_value_a_times_b
assumptions=[InSet(a, Complex), InSet(b, Complex)])
# distribution over a fraction works fine
assumptions=[InSet(a, Complex),
InSet(b, Complex),
NotEquals(b, zero)])
abs_value_sin_x.distribution(assumptions=[InSet(x, Real)])
abs_value_cos_x.distribution(assumptions=[InSet(x, Integer)])
Abs(Add(a, Neg(b), Neg(c))).canonical_form() == Abs(Add(b, c, Neg(a))).canonical_form()
Equals(Abs(Add(a, Neg(b), Neg(c))), Abs(Add(b, c, Neg(a)))).prove(
assumptions=[InSet(a, Complex), InSet(b, Complex), InSet(c, Complex)])
abs_value_neg_three = Abs(Neg(three))
# an example suggesting we modify the do_reduced_simplification()
# to be on the lookout for double negation results?
# we can simplify the double negation manually with a little work
# after which the system now knows:
# see if we can catch these in the do_reduced_simplification …
# add a greater(x, zero) or greater_eq(x, zero) to the routine
assumptions=[InSet(Add(a, b), Real), greater(Add(a, b), zero)])
assumptions=[InSet(a, RealPos), InSet(b, RealPos)])
assumptions=[InSet(Add(a,b), RealPos)])
assumptions=[InSet(Mult(a,b), RealPos)])
assumptions=[InSet(a, RealPos), InSet(b, RealPos)])
# But if we don't know anything about a and b, 'simplication' will raise an exception.
from proveit import InstantiationFailure
assert False
except InstantiationFailure as _e:
print("Expected exception:", _e)
assumptions=[InSet(Mult(a,b), Natural)])
assumptions=[InSet(a, RealNonNeg), InSet(b, RealNonNeg)])
assumptions=[InSet(a, Natural), InSet(b, Natural)])
assumptions=[InSet(a, RealNonNeg), InSet(b, Natural)])
# an extra test expression, slightly more interesting
test_neg = Abs(Neg(Add(Abs(a), two)))
# this one is interesting: reaching down inside an Abs to
# simplify another Abs, but not clear how it knows to do that
test_neg_simp01 = test_neg.simplification(
assumptions=[InSet(a, RealPos)])
test_neg_simp02 = test_neg.simplification(
assumptions=[InSet(a, RealNonNeg),
InSet(Add(a, two),
# then it takes a little work to then eliminate the double negative
assumptions=[InSet(a, RealNonNeg)])
abs_value_sin_x.simplification(assumptions=[InSet(x, NaturalPos)])
abs_value_sin_x.simplification(assumptions=[InSet(x, Real)])
abs_value_cos_x.simplification(assumptions=[InSet(x, Natural)])
abs_value_cos_x.simplification(assumptions=[InSet(x, RealNeg)])
Abs(x).deduce_strict_upper_bound(y, assumptions=[Less(Neg(y), x), Less(x, y), ])
Abs(x).deduce_weak_upper_bound(y, assumptions=[LessEq(Neg(y), x), LessEq(x, y)])
Abs(Mult(r, Exp(e, Mult(i, theta)))).simplification(assumptions=[InSet(r, RealNonNeg), InSet(theta, Real)])
Abs(Mult(r, Exp(e, Neg(Mult(i, theta))))).simplification(assumptions=[InSet(r, RealNonNeg), InSet(theta, Real)])
Abs(Mult(r, Exp(e, Mult(i, Neg(theta))))).simplification(assumptions=[InSet(r, RealNonNeg), InSet(theta, Real)])
Abs(Mult(r, Exp(e, Mult(Neg(theta), i)))).simplification(assumptions=[InSet(r, RealNonNeg), InSet(theta, Real)])
Abs(Mult(Neg(r), Exp(e, Mult(Neg(theta), i)))).simplification(
assumptions=[InSet(r, RealNonNeg), InSet(theta, Real)])
Abs(Mult(r, Exp(e, Mult(i, theta)))).simplification(assumptions=[InSet(r, RealNonPos), InSet(theta, Real)])
Abs(Mult(a, Exp(e, Mult(i, theta)), b)).simplification(
assumptions=[InSet(a, RealPos), InSet(b, RealPos), InSet(theta, Real)])
# Since we don't know the sign of 'a', we must take the absolute value.
Abs(Mult(a, b, Exp(e, Mult(i, theta)), c)).simplification(
assumptions=[InSet(a, Real), InSet(b, RealPos), InSet(c, RealPos), InSet(theta, Real)])
Abs(Add(a, b)).deduce_triangle_bound(assumptions=[InSet(a, Complex), InSet(b, Complex)])
Abs(Add(a, b, x_1_to_n, c)).deduce_triangle_bound(
assumptions=[InSet(a, Complex), InSet(b, Complex), InSet(c, Complex),
ExprRange(k, InSet(IndexedVar(x, k), Complex), one, n),
InSet(n, Natural)])
%end demonstrations