
Expression of type Implies

from the theory of proveit.logic.booleans.conjunction

In [1]:
import proveit
# Automation is not needed when building an expression:
proveit.defaults.automation = False # This will speed things up.
proveit.defaults.inline_pngs = False # Makes files smaller.
%load_expr # Load the stored expression as 'stored_expr'
# import Expression classes needed to build the expression
from proveit import A, B
from proveit.logic import And, Implies
In [2]:
# build up the expression from sub-expressions
expr = Implies(And(A, B), And(B, A))
In [3]:
# check that the built expression is the same as the stored expression
assert expr == stored_expr
assert expr._style_id == stored_expr._style_id
print("Passed sanity check: expr matches stored_expr")
Passed sanity check: expr matches stored_expr
In [4]:
# Show the LaTeX representation of the expression for convenience if you need it.
\left(A \land B\right) \Rightarrow \left(B \land A\right)
In [5]:
namedescriptiondefaultcurrent valuerelated methods
operation'infix' or 'function' style formattinginfixinfix
wrap_positionsposition(s) at which wrapping is to occur; '2 n - 1' is after the nth operand, '2 n' is after the nth operation.()()('with_wrapping_at', 'with_wrap_before_operator', 'with_wrap_after_operator', 'without_wrapping', 'wrap_positions')
justificationif any wrap positions are set, justify to the 'left', 'center', or 'right'centercenter('with_justification',)
directionDirection of the relation (normal or reversed)normalnormal('with_direction_reversed', 'is_reversed')
In [6]:
# display the expression information
 core typesub-expressionsexpression
0Operationoperator: 1
operands: 2
2ExprTuple3, 4
3Operationoperator: 6
operands: 5
4Operationoperator: 6
operands: 7
5ExprTuple9, 8
7ExprTuple8, 9