IOSS 2.0
This is the complete list of members for Ioss::Region, including all inherited members.
add(NodeBlock *node_block) | Ioss::Region | |
add(EdgeBlock *edge_block) | Ioss::Region | |
add(FaceBlock *face_block) | Ioss::Region | |
add(ElementBlock *element_block) | Ioss::Region | |
add(SideSet *sideset) | Ioss::Region | |
add(NodeSet *nodeset) | Ioss::Region | |
add(EdgeSet *edgeset) | Ioss::Region | |
add(FaceSet *faceset) | Ioss::Region | |
add(ElementSet *elementset) | Ioss::Region | |
add(CommSet *commset) | Ioss::Region | |
add(StructuredBlock *structured_block) | Ioss::Region | |
add(Assembly *assembly) | Ioss::Region | |
add(Blob *blob) | Ioss::Region | |
add(const CoordinateFrame &frame) | Ioss::Region | |
add_alias(const std::string &db_name, const std::string &alias, EntityType type) | Ioss::Region | |
add_alias(const std::string &db_name, const std::string &alias) | Ioss::Region | |
add_alias(const GroupingEntity *ge) | Ioss::Region | |
add_alias_nl(const std::string &db_name, const std::string &alias, EntityType type) | Ioss::Region | private |
add_alias_nl(const GroupingEntity *ge) | Ioss::Region | private |
add_information_record(const std::string &info) | Ioss::Region | inline |
add_information_records(const Ioss::NameList &info) | Ioss::Region | inline |
add_output_database_change_set(int steps=0, bool force_addition=false) | Ioss::Region | protected |
add_qa_record(const std::string &code, const std::string &code_qa, const std::string &date="", const std::string &time="") | Ioss::Region | inline |
add_state(double time) | Ioss::Region | inlinevirtual |
add_state_nl(double time) | Ioss::Region | virtual |
aliases_ | Ioss::Region | mutableprivate |
assemblies | Ioss::Region | private |
attributeCount | Ioss::GroupingEntity | mutableprivate |
begin_mode(State new_state) | Ioss::Region | |
begin_mode_nl(State new_state) | Ioss::Region | private |
begin_state(int state) | Ioss::Region | |
blobs | Ioss::Region | private |
block_membership(Ioss::NameList &) | Ioss::GroupingEntity | inlinevirtual |
check_for_duplicate(const Ioss::Field &new_field) const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | |
check_for_duplicate_names(const Ioss::GroupingEntity *entity) const | Ioss::Region | |
clone_and_replace_output_database(int steps=0) | Ioss::Region | protected |
commSets | Ioss::Region | private |
contained_in() const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | virtual |
contains_string() const override | Ioss::Region | inlinevirtual |
coordinateFrames | Ioss::Region | private |
count_attributes() const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | protected |
currentState | Ioss::Region | private |
database_ | Ioss::GroupingEntity | private |
dbChangeCount | Ioss::Region | private |
delete_database() override | Ioss::Region | privatevirtual |
edgeBlocks | Ioss::Region | private |
edgeSets | Ioss::Region | private |
elementBlocks | Ioss::Region | private |
elementSets | Ioss::Region | private |
end_mode(State current_state) | Ioss::Region | |
end_mode_nl(State current_state) | Ioss::Region | private |
end_state(int state) | Ioss::Region | |
entity_count() const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | inline |
entityCount | Ioss::GroupingEntity | protected |
entityName | Ioss::GroupingEntity | private |
entityState | Ioss::GroupingEntity | private |
equal(const GroupingEntity &rhs) const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | |
equal_(const GroupingEntity &rhs, bool quiet) const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | protected |
erase_fields(Field::RoleType role) | Ioss::Region | |
faceBlocks | Ioss::Region | private |
faceSets | Ioss::Region | private |
field_add(Field new_field) | Ioss::GroupingEntity | |
field_count() const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | inline |
field_count(Field::RoleType role) const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | |
field_describe(NameList *names) const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | inline |
field_describe() const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | inline |
field_describe(Field::RoleType role, NameList *names) const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | inline |
field_describe(Field::RoleType role) const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | inline |
field_erase(const std::string &field_name) | Ioss::GroupingEntity | inline |
field_erase(Field::RoleType role) | Ioss::GroupingEntity | inline |
field_exists(const std::string &field_name) const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | inline |
field_int_type() const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | inline |
fields | Ioss::GroupingEntity | protected |
fileCyclicCount | Ioss::Region | private |
fileGroupsStarted | Ioss::Region | private |
generic_name() const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | |
get_alias(const std::string &alias, EntityType type) const | Ioss::Region | |
get_alias_map(EntityType entity_type) const | Ioss::Region | |
get_alias_nl(const std::string &alias, EntityType type) const | Ioss::Region | |
get_aliases(const std::string &my_name, EntityType type, Ioss::NameList &aliases) const | Ioss::Region | |
get_assemblies() const | Ioss::Region | |
get_assembly(const std::string &my_name) const | Ioss::Region | |
get_blob(const std::string &my_name) const | Ioss::Region | |
get_blobs() const | Ioss::Region | |
get_commset(const std::string &my_name) const | Ioss::Region | |
get_commsets() const | Ioss::Region | |
get_coordinate_frame(int64_t id) const | Ioss::Region | |
get_coordinate_frames() const | Ioss::Region | |
get_current_state() const | Ioss::Region | inline |
get_database() const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | |
get_db_max_time() const | Ioss::Region | |
get_db_min_time() const | Ioss::Region | |
get_edge_block(const std::string &my_name) const | Ioss::Region | |
get_edge_blocks() const | Ioss::Region | |
get_edgeset(const std::string &my_name) const | Ioss::Region | |
get_edgesets() const | Ioss::Region | |
get_element_block(const std::string &my_name) const | Ioss::Region | |
get_element_block(size_t local_id) const | Ioss::Region | |
get_element_blocks() const | Ioss::Region | |
get_elementset(const std::string &my_name) const | Ioss::Region | |
get_elementsets() const | Ioss::Region | |
get_entity(const std::string &my_name, EntityType io_type) const | Ioss::Region | |
get_entity(const std::string &my_name) const | Ioss::Region | |
get_entity(int64_t id, EntityType io_type) const | Ioss::Region | |
get_entity_field_data(const std::string &field_name, const std::vector< T * > &entity_container, std::vector< U > &field_data) const | Ioss::Region | |
get_face_block(const std::string &my_name) const | Ioss::Region | |
get_face_blocks() const | Ioss::Region | |
get_faceset(const std::string &my_name) const | Ioss::Region | |
get_facesets() const | Ioss::Region | |
get_field(const std::string &field_name) const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | inline |
get_field_data(const std::string &field_name, void *data, size_t data_size) const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | |
get_field_data(const std::string &field_name, void **data, size_t *data_size) const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | |
get_field_data(const std::string &field_name, std::vector< T > &data) const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | |
get_fieldref(const std::string &field_name) const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | inline |
get_file_cyclic_count() const | Ioss::Region | inline |
get_filename() const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | |
get_if_database_exists_behavior() const | Ioss::Region | inline |
get_implicit_property(const std::string &my_name) const override | Ioss::Region | virtual |
get_information_records() const | Ioss::Region | inline |
get_internal_change_set_name() const | Ioss::Region | protected |
get_max_time() const | Ioss::Region | |
get_mesh_modification_observer() const | Ioss::Region | inline |
get_min_time() const | Ioss::Region | |
get_node_block(const std::string &my_name) const | Ioss::Region | |
get_node_blocks() const | Ioss::Region | |
get_nodeset(const std::string &my_name) const | Ioss::Region | |
get_nodesets() const | Ioss::Region | |
get_optional_property(const std::string &property, int64_t optional_value) const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | inline |
get_optional_property(const std::string &property_name, const std::string &optional_value) const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | inline |
get_property(const std::string &property_name) const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | inline |
get_qa_records() const | Ioss::Region | inline |
get_sideblock(const std::string &my_name) const | Ioss::Region | |
get_sideset(const std::string &my_name) const | Ioss::Region | |
get_sidesets() const | Ioss::Region | |
get_state() const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | |
get_state_time(int state=-1) const | Ioss::Region | virtual |
get_structured_block(const std::string &my_name) const | Ioss::Region | |
get_structured_block(size_t global_offset) const | Ioss::Region | |
get_structured_blocks() const | Ioss::Region | |
get_topology_change_count() const | Ioss::Region | inline |
get_topology_modification() const | Ioss::Region | |
GroupingEntity()=default | Ioss::GroupingEntity | |
GroupingEntity(DatabaseIO *io_database, const std::string &my_name, int64_t entity_count) | Ioss::GroupingEntity | |
GroupingEntity(const GroupingEntity &other) | Ioss::GroupingEntity | |
hash() const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | inline |
hash_ | Ioss::GroupingEntity | private |
ifDatabaseExists | Ioss::Region | private |
internal_get_entity_field_data(const std::string &field_name, const std::vector< T * > &entity_container, void *data, size_t data_size=0) const | Ioss::Region | private |
internal_get_field_data(const Field &field, void *data, size_t data_size=0) const override | Ioss::Region | protectedvirtual |
internal_get_zc_field_data(const Field &field, void **data, size_t *data_size) const override | Ioss::Region | protectedvirtual |
internal_put_field_data(const Field &field, void *data, size_t data_size=0) const override | Ioss::Region | protectedvirtual |
is_alias(const std::string &my_name) const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | |
is_valid_io_entity(const std::string &my_name, unsigned int io_type, std::string *my_type=nullptr) const | Ioss::Region | |
load_internal_change_set_mesh(const std::string &set_name) | Ioss::Region | |
load_internal_change_set_mesh(const int set_index) | Ioss::Region | |
locate_db_state(double targetTime) const | Ioss::Region | |
mesh_type() const | Ioss::Region | |
mesh_type_string() const | Ioss::Region | |
model_defined() const | Ioss::Region | inline |
model_is_written() const | Ioss::Region | inline |
modelDefined | Ioss::Region | private |
modelWritten | Ioss::Region | private |
name() const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | inline |
node_global_to_local(int64_t global, bool must_exist=true) const | Ioss::Region | inline |
node_major() const | Ioss::Region | |
nodeBlocks | Ioss::Region | private |
nodeSets | Ioss::Region | private |
operator!=(const GroupingEntity &rhs) const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | |
operator=(const GroupingEntity &rhs)=delete | Ioss::GroupingEntity | |
operator==(const GroupingEntity &rhs) const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | |
output_summary(std::ostream &strm, bool do_transient=true) const | Ioss::Region | |
properties | Ioss::GroupingEntity | protected |
property_add(const Property &new_prop) | Ioss::GroupingEntity | inline |
property_count() const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | inline |
property_describe() const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | inline |
property_describe(NameList *names) const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | inline |
property_describe(Ioss::Property::Origin origin) const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | inline |
property_describe(Ioss::Property::Origin origin, NameList *names) const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | inline |
property_erase(const std::string &property_name) | Ioss::GroupingEntity | inline |
property_exists(const std::string &property_name) const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | inline |
property_update(const std::string &property, int64_t value) const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | |
property_update(const std::string &property, const std::string &value) const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | |
put_field_data(const std::string &field_name, void *data, size_t data_size) const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | |
put_field_data(const std::string &field_name, const std::vector< T > &data) const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | |
put_field_data(const std::string &field_name, std::vector< T > &data) const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | |
really_delete_database() | Ioss::GroupingEntity | protected |
Region(DatabaseIO *iodatabase=nullptr, const std::string &my_name="") | Ioss::Region | explicit |
register_mesh_modification_observer(std::shared_ptr< DynamicTopologyObserver > observer) | Ioss::Region | |
remove(Assembly *removal) | Ioss::Region | |
reset_database(DatabaseIO *io_database) | Ioss::GroupingEntity | |
reset_region() | Ioss::Region | |
reset_topology_modification() | Ioss::Region | |
set_database(DatabaseIO *io_database) | Ioss::GroupingEntity | |
set_file_cyclic_count(unsigned int new_count) | Ioss::Region | inline |
set_if_database_exists_behavior(IfDatabaseExistsBehavior if_exists) | Ioss::Region | inline |
set_name(const std::string &new_name) | Ioss::GroupingEntity | inline |
set_state(State new_state) | Ioss::GroupingEntity | inlineprotected |
set_topology_change_count(unsigned int new_count) | Ioss::Region | inline |
set_topology_modification(unsigned int type) | Ioss::Region | |
short_type_string() const override | Ioss::Region | inlinevirtual |
sideSets | Ioss::Region | private |
start_new_output_database_entry(int steps=0) | Ioss::Region | |
stateCount | Ioss::Region | mutableprivate |
stateTimes | Ioss::Region | mutableprivate |
structuredBlocks | Ioss::Region | private |
supports_field_type(Ioss::EntityType fld_type) const | Ioss::Region | inline |
synchronize_id_and_name(const Region *from, bool sync_attribute_field_names=false) | Ioss::Region | |
topologyObserver | Ioss::Region | private |
transfer_mesh_aliases(Region *to) const | Ioss::Region | |
transient_defined() const | Ioss::Region | inline |
transient_is_written() const | Ioss::Region | inline |
transientDefined | Ioss::Region | private |
transientWritten | Ioss::Region | private |
type() const override | Ioss::Region | inlinevirtual |
type_string() const override | Ioss::Region | inlinevirtual |
update_dynamic_topology() | Ioss::Region | protected |
verify_field_exists(const std::string &field_name, const std::string &inout) const | Ioss::GroupingEntity | private |
~GroupingEntity() | Ioss::GroupingEntity | virtual |
~Region() override | Ioss::Region |