IOSS 2.0
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright(C) 1999-2024 National Technology & Engineering Solutions
2// of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with
3// NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
5// See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details
7#pragma once
9#include "Ioss_CodeTypes.h"
11#include "Ioss_EntityType.h"
12#include "Ioss_Field.h"
13#include "Ioss_Property.h"
14#include "Ioss_Sort.h"
15#include <algorithm> // for sort, lower_bound, copy, etc
16#include <cassert>
17#include <cmath>
18#include <cstddef> // for size_t
19#include <cstdint> // for int64_t
20#include <cstdlib> // for nullptrr
21#include <iostream> // for ostringstream, etcstream, etc
22#include <stdexcept> // for runtime_error
23#include <string> // for string
24#include <vector> // for vector
26#include "ioss_export.h"
28namespace Ioss {
29 class DatabaseIO;
30 class Field;
31 class GroupingEntity;
32 class Region;
33 class SideBlock;
34 class PropertyManager;
35 enum class ElementShape : unsigned int;
36} // namespace Ioss
38[[noreturn]] inline void IOSS_ERROR(const std::ostringstream &errmsg)
40 throw std::runtime_error((errmsg).str());
43#ifdef NDEBUG
44#define IOSS_ASSERT_USED(x) (void)x
46#define IOSS_ASSERT_USED(x)
49// We have been relying on the assumption that calling `.data()` on an empty vector
50// will return `nullptr`. However, according to cppreference (based on the standard):
52// `If size() is 0, data() may or may not return a null pointer.`
54// We don't have any systems on which we have found that (yet?), but this is proactive
55// in removing our use of `.data()` on potentially empty vectors...
56template <typename T> IOSS_NODISCARD constexpr T *Data(std::vector<T> &vec)
58 if (vec.empty()) {
59 return nullptr;
60 }
61 else {
62 return;
63 }
66template <typename T> IOSS_NODISCARD constexpr const T *Data(const std::vector<T> &vec)
68 if (vec.empty()) {
69 return nullptr;
70 }
71 else {
72 return;
73 }
76template <typename T, size_t N> IOSS_NODISCARD constexpr T *Data(std::array<T, N> &arr)
78 return N == 0 ? nullptr :;
81template <typename T, size_t N> IOSS_NODISCARD constexpr const T *Data(const std::array<T, N> &arr)
83 return N == 0 ? nullptr :;
86namespace Ioss {
87 /* \brief Utility methods.
88 */
89 class IOSS_EXPORT Utils
90 {
91 public:
92 /**
93 * \defgroup IossStreams Streams used for IOSS output
94 *@{
95 */
96 static std::ostream
97 *m_outputStream; ///< general informational output (very rare). Default std::cerr
98 static std::ostream *m_debugStream; ///< debug output when requested. Default std::cerr
99 static std::ostream *m_warningStream; ///< IOSS warning output. Default std::cerr
100 static std::string m_preWarningText; ///< is a string that prepends all warning message output.
101 ///< Default is "\nIOSS WARNING: "
103 /** \brief set the stream for all streams (output, debug, and warning) to the specified
104 * `out_stream`
105 */
106 static void set_all_streams(std::ostream &out_stream);
108 /** \brief get the debug stream.
109 */
110 IOSS_NODISCARD static std::ostream &get_debug_stream();
112 /** \brief get the warning stream.
113 */
114 IOSS_NODISCARD static std::ostream &get_warning_stream();
116 /** \brief get the output stream.
117 */
118 IOSS_NODISCARD static std::ostream &get_output_stream();
120 /** \brief set the output stream to the specified `output_stream`
121 */
122 static void set_output_stream(std::ostream &output_stream);
124 /** \brief set the debug stream to the specified `debug_stream`
125 */
126 static void set_debug_stream(std::ostream &debug_stream);
128 /** \brief set the warning stream to the specified `warning_stream`
129 */
130 static void set_warning_stream(std::ostream &warning_stream);
132 /** \brief set the pre-warning text
133 * Sets the text output prior to a warning to the specified text.
134 * Pass an empty string to disable this. Default is `"\nIOSS WARNING: "`
135 */
136 static void set_pre_warning_text(const std::string &text) { m_preWarningText = text; }
137 /** @}*/
139 static void copyright(std::ostream &out, const std::string &year_range);
141 static void check_dynamic_cast(const void *ptr)
142 {
143 if (ptr == nullptr) {
144 std::ostringstream errmsg;
145 errmsg << "INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid dynamic cast returned nullptr\n";
146 IOSS_ERROR(errmsg);
147 }
148 }
150 // NOTE: This code previously checked for existence of filesystem include, but
151 // gcc-8.X has the include but needs a library, also intel and clang
152 // pretend to be gcc, so macro to test for usability of filesystem
153 // was complicated and we can easily get by with the following code.
154 static bool is_path_absolute(const std::string &path)
155 {
156 if (!path.empty()) {
157#ifdef __IOSS_WINDOWS__
158 return path[0] == '\\' && path[1] == ':';
160 return path[0] == '/';
162 }
163 return false;
164 }
166 /** \brief guess file type from extension */
167 IOSS_NODISCARD static std::string get_type_from_file(const std::string &filename);
169 template <typename T> static void uniquify(std::vector<T> &vec, bool skip_first = false)
170 {
171 auto it = vec.begin();
172 if (skip_first) {
173 it++;
174 }
175 Ioss::sort(it, vec.end());
176 vec.resize(unique(vec, skip_first));
177 vec.shrink_to_fit();
178 }
180 template <typename T> static void generate_index(std::vector<T> &index)
181 {
182 T sum = 0;
183 for (size_t i = 0; i < index.size() - 1; i++) {
184 T cnt = index[i];
185 index[i] = sum;
186 sum += cnt;
187 }
188 index.back() = sum;
189 }
191 template <typename T>
192 IOSS_NODISCARD static T find_index_location(T node, const std::vector<T> &index)
193 {
194 // 0-based node numbering
195 // index[p] = first node (0-based) on processor p
197#if 1
198 // Assume data coherence. I.e., a new search will be close to the
199 // previous search.
200 static size_t prev = 1;
202 size_t nproc = index.size();
203 if (prev < nproc && index[prev - 1] <= node && index[prev] > node) {
204 return prev - 1;
205 }
207 for (size_t p = 1; p < nproc; p++) {
208 if (index[p] > node) {
209 prev = p;
210 return p - 1;
211 }
212 }
213 std::ostringstream errmsg;
214 errmsg << "FATAL ERROR: find_index_location. Searching for " << node << " in:\n";
215 for (auto idx : index) {
216 errmsg << idx << ", ";
217 }
218 errmsg << "\n";
219 IOSS_ERROR(errmsg);
221 return std::distance(index.begin(), std::upper_bound(index.begin(), index.end(), node)) - 1;
223 }
225 static void copy_string(char *dest, char const *source, size_t elements);
227 static void copy_string(char *dest, const std::string &source, size_t elements)
228 {
229 copy_string(dest, source.c_str(), elements);
230 }
232 template <size_t size> static void copy_string(char (&output)[size], const std::string &source)
233 {
234 copy_string(output, source.c_str(), size);
235 }
237 template <size_t size> static void copy_string(char (&output)[size], const char *source)
238 {
239 // Copy the string don't copy too many bytes.
240 copy_string(output, source, size);
241 }
243 template <typename T> static void clear(std::vector<T> &vec)
244 {
245 vec.clear();
246 vec.shrink_to_fit();
247 assert(vec.capacity() == 0);
248 }
250 /**
251 * Returns the number of digits required to print the number.
252 * If `use_commas` is specified, then the width will be adjusted
253 * to account for the comma used every 3 digits.
254 * (1,234,567,890 would return 13)
255 * Typically used with the `fmt::print()` functions as:
256 * ```
257 * fmt::print("{:{}}", number, number_width(number,true))
258 * fmt::print("{:{}d}", number, number_width(number,false))
259 * ```
260 */
261 IOSS_NODISCARD inline static int number_width(const size_t number, bool use_commas = false)
262 {
263 if (number == 0) {
264 return 1;
265 }
266 int width = static_cast<int>(std::floor(std::log10(number))) + 1;
267 if (use_commas) {
268 width += ((width - 1) / 3);
269 }
270 return width;
271 }
273 IOSS_NODISCARD inline static int power_2(int count)
274 {
275 // Return the power of two which is equal to or greater than `count`
276 // count = 15 -> returns 16
277 // count = 16 -> returns 16
278 // count = 17 -> returns 32
280 // Use brute force...
281 int pow2 = 1;
282 while (pow2 < count) {
283 pow2 *= 2;
284 }
285 return pow2;
286 }
288 template <typename T>
289 IOSS_NODISCARD static bool check_block_order(IOSS_MAYBE_UNUSED const std::vector<T *> &blocks)
290 {
291#ifndef NDEBUG
292 // Verify that element blocks are defined in sorted offset order...
293 typename std::vector<T *>::const_iterator I;
295 int64_t eb_offset = -1;
296 for (I = blocks.begin(); I != blocks.end(); ++I) {
297 int64_t this_off = (*I)->get_offset();
298 if (this_off < eb_offset) {
299 {
300 {
301 return false;
302 }
303 }
304 }
305 eb_offset = this_off;
306 }
308 return true;
309 }
311 IOSS_NODISCARD static int term_width();
313 IOSS_NODISCARD static int log_power_2(uint64_t value);
315 IOSS_NODISCARD static char **get_name_array(size_t count, int size);
316 static void delete_name_array(char **names, int count);
318 /** \brief Get formatted time and date strings.
319 *
320 * Fill time_string and date_string with current time and date
321 * formatted as "HH:MM:SS" for time and "yy/mm/dd" or "yyyy/mm/dd"
322 * for date.
323 *
324 * \param[out] time_string The formatted time string.
325 * \param[out] date_string The formatted date string.
326 * \param[in] length Use 8 for short-year date format, or 10 for long-year date format.
327 */
328 static void time_and_date(char *time_string, char *date_string, size_t length);
330 IOSS_NODISCARD static std::string decode_filename(const std::string &filename, int processor,
331 int num_processors);
332 IOSS_NODISCARD static int get_number(const std::string &suffix);
333 IOSS_NODISCARD static int extract_id(const std::string &name_id);
334 IOSS_NODISCARD static std::string encode_entity_name(const std::string &entity_type,
335 int64_t id);
337 /** Return the trailing digits (if any) from `name`
338 * `hex20` would return the string `20`
339 * `tetra` would return an empty string.
340 */
341 IOSS_NODISCARD static std::string get_trailing_digits(const std::string &name);
343 /** \brief create a string that describes the list of input `ids` collapsing ranges if possible.
344 *
345 * Traverse the sorted input vector `ids` and return a string that has all sequential ranges
346 * collapsed and separated by `rng_sep` and all individual ids or ranges separated by `seq_sep`.
347 * Will throw an exception if `ids` is not sorted. An empty list returns an empty string.
348 * The sequence of ids `1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7` with `rng_sep=".."` will return the default
349 * string `1..3, 5..8`
350 */
351 IOSS_NODISCARD static std::string format_id_list(const std::vector<size_t> &ids,
352 const std::string &rng_sep = " to ",
353 const std::string &seq_sep = ", ");
355 /** \brief Convert a string to lower case, and convert spaces to `_`.
356 *
357 * The conversion is performed in place.
358 *
359 * \param[in,out] name On input, the string to convert. On output, the converted string.
360 *
361 */
362 static void fixup_name(char *name);
364 /** \brief Convert a string to lower case, and convert spaces to `_`.
365 *
366 * The conversion is performed in place.
367 *
368 * \param[in,out] name On input, the string to convert. On output, the converted string.
369 *
370 */
371 static void fixup_name(std::string &name);
373 /** \brief Check whether property `prop_name` exists and if so, set `prop_value`
374 *
375 * based on the property value. Either "TRUE", "YES", "ON", or nonzero for true;
376 * or "FALSE", "NO", "OFF", or 0 for false.
377 * \param[in] properties the Ioss::PropertyManager containing the properties to be checked.
378 * \param[in] prop_name the name of the property to check whether it exists and if so, set its
379 * value.
380 * \param[out] prop_value if `prop_name` exists and has a valid value, set prop_value
381 * accordingly. Does not modify if `prop_name` does not exist. \returns true/false depending on
382 * whether property found and value set.
383 */
385 static bool check_set_bool_property(const Ioss::PropertyManager &properties,
386 const std::string &prop_name, bool &prop_value);
388 /** \brief Determine whether an entity has the property `omitted`.
389 *
390 * \param[in] block The entity.
391 * \returns True if the entity has the property `omitted`.
392 */
393 IOSS_NODISCARD static bool block_is_omitted(Ioss::GroupingEntity *block);
395 /** \brief Process the base element type `base` which has
396 * `nodes_per_element` nodes and a spatial dimension of `spatial`
397 * into a form that the IO system can (hopefully) recognize.
398 *
399 * Lowercases the name; converts spaces to `_`, adds
400 * nodes_per_element at end of name (if not already there), and
401 * does some other transformations to remove some exodusII ambiguity.
402 *
403 * \param[in] base The element base name.
404 * \param[in] nodes_per_element The number of nodes per element.
405 * \param[in] spatial The spatial dimension of the element.
406 * \returns The Ioss-formatted element name.
407 */
408 IOSS_NODISCARD static std::string fixup_type(const std::string &base, int nodes_per_element,
409 int spatial);
411 /** \brief Uppercase the first letter of the string
412 *
413 * \param[in] name The string to convert.
414 * \returns The converted string.
415 */
416 IOSS_NODISCARD static std::string capitalize(std::string name);
418 /** \brief Convert a string to upper case.
419 *
420 * \param[in] name The string to convert.
421 * \returns The converted string.
422 */
423 IOSS_NODISCARD static std::string uppercase(std::string name);
425 /** \brief Convert a string to lower case.
426 *
427 * \param[in] name The string to convert.
428 * \returns The converted string.
429 */
430 IOSS_NODISCARD static std::string lowercase(std::string name);
432 static void check_non_null(void *ptr, const char *type, const std::string &name,
433 const std::string &func);
435 /** \brief Case-insensitive string comparison.
436 *
437 * \param[in] s1 First string
438 * \param[in] s2 Second string
439 * \returns `true` if strings are equal
440 */
441 IOSS_NODISCARD static bool str_equal(const std::string &s1, const std::string &s2);
443 /** \brief Case-insensitive substring comparison.
444 *
445 * \param[in] prefix The prefix that should start the string
446 * \param[in] str The string which should begin with prefix
447 * \returns `true` if `str` begins with `prefix` or `prefix` is empty
448 */
449 IOSS_NODISCARD static bool substr_equal(const std::string &prefix, const std::string &str);
451 /** Check all values in `data` to make sure that if they are converted to a double and
452 * back again, there will be no data loss. This requires that the value be less than 2^53.
453 * This is done in the exodus database since it stores all transient data as doubles...
454 */
455 static bool check_int_to_real_overflow(const Ioss::Field &field, int64_t *data,
456 size_t num_entity);
458 /** \brief Get a string containing `uname` output.
459 *
460 * This output contains information about the current computing platform.
461 * This is used as information data in the created results file to help
462 * in tracking when/where/... the file was created.
463 *
464 * \returns The platform information string.
465 */
466 IOSS_NODISCARD static std::string platform_information();
468 /** \brief Get a filename relative to the specified working directory (if any)
469 * of the current execution.
470 *
471 * Working_directory must end with `/` or be empty.
472 *
473 * \param[in] relative_filename The file path to be appended to the working directory path.
474 * \param[in] type The file type. "generated" file types are treated differently.
475 * \param[in] working_directory the path to which the relative_filename path is appended.
476 * \returns The full path (working_directory + relative_filename)
477 */
478 IOSS_NODISCARD static std::string local_filename(const std::string &relative_filename,
479 const std::string &type,
480 const std::string &working_directory);
482 static void get_fields(int64_t entity_count, char **names, int num_names,
483 Ioss::Field::RoleType fld_role, const DatabaseIO *db, int *local_truth,
484 std::vector<Ioss::Field> &fields);
486 static int field_warning(const Ioss::GroupingEntity *ge, const Ioss::Field &field,
487 const std::string &inout);
489 static void calculate_sideblock_membership(IntVector &face_is_member, const SideBlock *sb,
490 size_t int_byte_size, const void *element,
491 const void *sides, int64_t number_sides,
492 const Region *region);
494 /** \brief Get the appropriate index offset for the sides of elements in a SideBlock.
495 *
496 * And yet another idiosyncrasy of sidesets...
497 * The side of an element (especially shells) can be
498 * either a face or an edge in the same sideset. The
499 * ordinal of an edge is (local_edge_number+numfaces) on the
500 * database, but needs to be (local_edge_number) for Sierra...
501 *
502 * If the sideblock has a "parent_element_topology" and a
503 * "topology", then we can determine whether to offset the
504 * side ordinals...
505 *
506 * \param[in] sb Compute the offset for element sides in this SideBlock
507 * \returns The offset.
508 */
509 IOSS_NODISCARD static int64_t get_side_offset(const Ioss::SideBlock *sb);
511 IOSS_NODISCARD static unsigned int hash(const std::string &name);
513 IOSS_NODISCARD static double timer();
515 /** \brief Convert an input file to a vector of strings containing one string for each line of
516 * the file.
517 *
518 * Should only be called by a single processor or each processor will be accessing the file
519 * at the same time...
520 *
521 * \param[in] file_name The name of the file.
522 * \param[out] lines The vector of strings containing the lines of the file
523 * \param[in] max_line_length The maximum number of characters in any line of the file.
524 */
525 static void input_file(const std::string &file_name, std::vector<std::string> *lines,
526 size_t max_line_length = 0);
528 template <class T> IOSS_NODISCARD static std::string to_string(const T &t)
529 {
530 return std::to_string(t);
531 }
533 //! \brief Tries to shorten long variable names to an acceptable
534 //! length, and converts to lowercase and spaces to `_`
535 //!
536 //! Many databases have a maximum length for variable names which can
537 //! cause a problem with variable name length.
538 //!
540 //! This routine tries to shorten long variable names to an
541 //! acceptable length (`max_var_len` characters max). If the name
542 //! is already less than this length, it is returned unchanged...
543 //!
544 //! Since there is a (good) chance that two shortened names will match,
545 //! a 2-letter `hash` code is appended to the end of the variable name.
546 //!
547 //! So, we shorten the name to a maximum of `max_var_len`-3
548 //! characters and append a 2 character hash+separator.
549 //!
550 //! It also converts name to lowercase and converts spaces to `_`
551 IOSS_NODISCARD static std::string variable_name_kluge(const std::string &name,
552 size_t component_count, size_t copies,
553 size_t max_var_len);
555 IOSS_NODISCARD static std::string shape_to_string(const Ioss::ElementShape &shape);
557 IOSS_NODISCARD static std::string entity_type_to_string(const Ioss::EntityType &type);
559 /** \brief Create a nominal mesh for use in history databases.
560 *
561 * The model for a history file is a single sphere element (1 node, 1 element).
562 * This is needed for some applications that read this file that require a
563 * "mesh" even though a history file is just a collection of global variables
564 * with no real mesh. This routine will add the mesh portion to a history file.
565 *
566 * \param[in,out] region The region on which the nominal mesh is to be defined.
567 */
568 static void generate_history_mesh(Ioss::Region *region);
570 static void info_fields(const Ioss::GroupingEntity *ige, Ioss::Field::RoleType role,
571 const std::string &header, const std::string &suffix = "\n\t");
573 static void info_property(const Ioss::GroupingEntity *ige, Ioss::Property::Origin origin,
574 const std::string &header, const std::string &suffix = "\n\t",
575 bool print_empty = false);
577 static void insert_sort_and_unique(const std::vector<std::string> &src,
578 std::vector<std::string> &dest)
579 {
580 dest.insert(dest.end(), src.begin(), src.end());
581 std::sort(dest.begin(), dest.end(), std::less<>());
582 auto endIter = std::unique(dest.begin(), dest.end());
583 dest.resize(endIter - dest.begin());
584 }
586 private:
587 // SEE:
588 template <typename T> static size_t unique(std::vector<T> &out, bool skip_first)
589 {
590 if (out.empty()) {
591 return 0;
592 }
593 size_t i = 1;
594 size_t pos = 1;
595 T oldv = out[0];
596 if (skip_first) {
597 i = 2;
598 pos = 2;
599 oldv = out[1];
600 }
601 for (; i < out.size(); ++i) {
602 T newv = out[i];
603 out[pos] = newv;
604 pos += (newv != oldv);
605 oldv = newv;
606 }
607 return pos;
608 }
609 };
611 inline std::ostream &OUTPUT() { return *Utils::m_outputStream; }
613 inline std::ostream &DebugOut() { return *Utils::m_debugStream; }
615 inline std::ostream &WarnOut(bool output_prewarning = true)
616 {
617 if (output_prewarning) {
619 }
621 }
623} // namespace Ioss
Definition Ioss_CodeTypes.h:53
Definition Ioss_CodeTypes.h:54
IOSS_NODISCARD constexpr T * Data(std::vector< T > &vec)
Definition Ioss_Utils.h:56
void IOSS_ERROR(const std::ostringstream &errmsg)
Definition Ioss_Utils.h:38
An input or output Database.
Definition Ioss_DatabaseIO.h:63
Holds metadata for bulk data associated with a GroupingEntity.
Definition Ioss_Field.h:25
Definition Ioss_Field.h:69
Base class for all 'grouping' entities. The following derived classes are typical:
Definition Ioss_GroupingEntity.h:67
A collection of Ioss::Property objects.
Definition Ioss_PropertyManager.h:36
Definition Ioss_Property.h:30
A grouping entity that contains other grouping entities.
Definition Ioss_Region.h:90
A collection of element sides having the same topology.
Definition Ioss_SideBlock.h:37
Definition Ioss_Utils.h:90
static IOSS_NODISCARD std::string to_string(const T &t)
Definition Ioss_Utils.h:528
static void insert_sort_and_unique(const std::vector< std::string > &src, std::vector< std::string > &dest)
Definition Ioss_Utils.h:577
static IOSS_NODISCARD int number_width(const size_t number, bool use_commas=false)
Definition Ioss_Utils.h:261
static void clear(std::vector< T > &vec)
Definition Ioss_Utils.h:243
static void copy_string(char(&output)[size], const char *source)
Definition Ioss_Utils.h:237
static void check_dynamic_cast(const void *ptr)
Definition Ioss_Utils.h:141
static bool is_path_absolute(const std::string &path)
Definition Ioss_Utils.h:154
static void uniquify(std::vector< T > &vec, bool skip_first=false)
Definition Ioss_Utils.h:169
static void generate_index(std::vector< T > &index)
Definition Ioss_Utils.h:180
static IOSS_NODISCARD int power_2(int count)
Definition Ioss_Utils.h:273
static IOSS_NODISCARD bool check_block_order(IOSS_MAYBE_UNUSED const std::vector< T * > &blocks)
Definition Ioss_Utils.h:289
static size_t unique(std::vector< T > &out, bool skip_first)
Definition Ioss_Utils.h:588
static void copy_string(char(&output)[size], const std::string &source)
Definition Ioss_Utils.h:232
static IOSS_NODISCARD T find_index_location(T node, const std::vector< T > &index)
Definition Ioss_Utils.h:192
static void copy_string(char *dest, const std::string &source, size_t elements)
Definition Ioss_Utils.h:227
static void set_pre_warning_text(const std::string &text)
set the pre-warning text Sets the text output prior to a warning to the specified text....
Definition Ioss_Utils.h:136
static std::ostream * m_debugStream
debug output when requested. Default std::cerr
Definition Ioss_Utils.h:98
static std::ostream * m_outputStream
general informational output (very rare). Default std::cerr
Definition Ioss_Utils.h:97
static std::string m_preWarningText
Definition Ioss_Utils.h:100
static std::ostream * m_warningStream
IOSS warning output. Default std::cerr.
Definition Ioss_Utils.h:99
The main namespace for the Ioss library.
Definition Ioad_DatabaseIO.C:40
std::ostream & WarnOut(bool output_prewarning=true)
Definition Ioss_Utils.h:615
std::ostream & OUTPUT()
Definition Ioss_Utils.h:611
void sort(Iter begin, Iter end, Comp compare)
Definition Ioss_Sort.h:17
Definition Ioss_ElementTopology.h:24
std::ostream & DebugOut()
Definition Ioss_Utils.h:613
std::vector< int > IntVector
Definition Ioss_CodeTypes.h:21
The particular type of GroupingEntity.
Definition Ioss_EntityType.h:12