IOSS 2.0
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright(C) 1999-2024 National Technology & Engineering Solutions
2// of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with
3// NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
5// See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details
7#pragma once
9#include "Ioss_CodeTypes.h"
10#include <cstddef> // for size_t
11#include <stdint.h>
12#include <string> // for string
13#include <vector> // for vector
15#include "ioss_export.h"
17namespace Ioss {
18 class GroupingEntity;
19 class Transform;
20 class VariableType;
22 /** \brief Holds metadata for bulk data associated with a GroupingEntity.
23 */
24 class IOSS_EXPORT Field
25 {
26 public:
27 /** \brief The basic data type held in the field.
28 */
41 enum class InOut { INPUT, OUTPUT };
44 {
45 return CHARACTER;
46 }
47 IOSS_NODISCARD static Ioss::Field::BasicType get_field_type(double /*dummy*/) { return DOUBLE; }
50 {
51 return INTEGER;
52 }
53 IOSS_NODISCARD static Ioss::Field::BasicType get_field_type(int64_t /*dummy*/) { return INT64; }
55 {
56 return INT64;
57 }
59 {
60 return COMPLEX;
61 }
62 IOSS_NODISCARD static Ioss::Field::BasicType get_field_type(const std::string & /*dummy*/)
63 {
64 return STRING;
65 }
67 /* \brief Categorizes the type of information held in the field.
68 */
69 enum RoleType {
71 MESH, /**< A field which is used to define the basic geometry
72 or topology of the model and is not normally transient
73 in nature. Examples would be element connectivity or
74 nodal coordinates. */
75 ATTRIBUTE, /**< A field which is used to define an attribute on an
76 EntityBlock derived class. Examples would be thickness
77 of the elements in a shell element block or the radius
78 of particles in a particle element block. */
81 MESH_REDUCTION, /**< A field which summarizes some non-transient data
82 about an entity (\sa REDUCTION). This could be an
83 offset applied to an element block, or the units
84 system of a model or the name of the solid model
85 which this entity is modelling... */
87 REDUCTION, /**< A field which typically summarizes some transient data
88 about an entity. The size of this field is typically not
89 proportional to the number of entities in a GroupingEntity.
90 An example would be average displacement over a group of
91 nodes or the kinetic energy of a model. This data is also
92 transient. */
93 TRANSIENT /**< A field which is typically calculated at multiple steps
94 or times in an analysis. These are typically "results"
95 data. Examples would be nodal displacement or element
96 stress. */
97 };
99 Field();
101 // Create a field named 'name' that contains values of type 'type'
102 // in a storage format of type 'storage'. There are 'value_count'
103 // items in the field. If `value_count==0`, then the correct size
104 // will be set when the field is added to a `GroupingEntity`
105 Field(std::string name, BasicType type, const std::string &storage, RoleType role,
106 size_t value_count = 0, size_t index = 0);
108 Field(std::string name, BasicType type, const std::string &storage, int copies, RoleType role,
109 size_t value_count = 0, size_t index = 0);
111 Field(std::string name, BasicType type, const std::string &storage,
112 const std::string &secondary, RoleType role, size_t value_count = 0, size_t index = 0);
114 Field(std::string name, BasicType type, const VariableType *storage, RoleType role,
115 size_t value_count = 0, size_t index = 0);
117 // Compare two fields (used for STL container)
118 IOSS_NODISCARD bool operator<(const Field &other) const;
120 IOSS_NODISCARD bool operator==(const Ioss::Field &rhs) const;
121 IOSS_NODISCARD bool operator!=(const Ioss::Field &rhs) const;
122 IOSS_NODISCARD bool equal(const Ioss::Field &rhs) const;
124 IOSS_NODISCARD bool is_valid() const { return type_ != INVALID; }
125 IOSS_NODISCARD bool is_invalid() const { return type_ == INVALID; }
127 IOSS_NODISCARD const std::string &get_name() const { return name_; }
128 IOSS_NODISCARD std::string &get_name() { return name_; }
130 /** \brief Get name of the 'component_indexth` component (1-based)
131 *
132 * \param[in] component_index 1-based index of the component to be named
133 * \param[in] in_out Is the field being read or written
134 * \param[in] suffix optional suffix separator to be used if the separator
135 * on the field is set to '1' which means 'unset'
136 * \returns name of the specified component
137 */
138 IOSS_NODISCARD std::string get_component_name(int component_index, InOut in_out,
139 char suffix = 1) const;
140 IOSS_NODISCARD int get_component_count(InOut in_out) const;
142 Field &set_suffix_separator(char suffix_separator1, char suffix_separator2 = 2)
143 {
144 suffixSeparator1_ = suffix_separator1;
145 suffixSeparator2_ = suffix_separator2 == 2 ? suffix_separator1 : suffix_separator2;
146 return *this;
147 }
148 IOSS_NODISCARD char get_suffix_separator(int index = 0) const
149 {
150 return index == 0 ? suffixSeparator1_ : suffixSeparator2_;
151 }
153 {
154 sufficesUppercase_ = true_false;
155 return *this;
156 }
159 const Field &set_zero_copy_enabled(bool true_false = true) const;
162 /** \brief Get the basic data type of the data held in the field.
163 *
164 * \returns the basic data type of the data held in the field.
165 */
171 IOSS_NODISCARD size_t raw_count() const { return rawCount_; } // Number of items in field
173 {
174 return transCount_;
175 } // Number of items in field
177 IOSS_NODISCARD size_t get_size() const; // data size (in bytes) required to hold entire field
178 IOSS_NODISCARD size_t get_basic_size() const; // data size (in bytes) of the basic type
180 /** \brief Get the role (MESH, ATTRIBUTE, TRANSIENT, REDUCTION, etc.) of the data in the field.
181 *
182 * \returns The RoleType of the data in the field.
183 */
186 IOSS_NODISCARD size_t get_index() const { return index_; }
187 const Field &set_index(size_t index) const
188 {
189 index_ = index;
190 return *this;
191 }
192 Field &set_index(size_t index)
193 {
194 index_ = index;
195 return *this;
196 }
198 void reset_count(size_t new_count); // new number of items in field
199 void reset_type(BasicType new_type); // new type of items in field.
201 // Verify that data_size is valid. Return value is the maximum
202 // number of entities to get ('RawCount')
203 // Throws runtime error if data_size too small.
204 size_t verify(size_t data_size) const;
206 // Verify that the type 'the_type' matches the field's type.
207 // throws exception if the types don't match.
208 void check_type(BasicType the_type) const;
210 IOSS_NODISCARD bool is_type(BasicType the_type) const { return the_type == type_; }
212 IOSS_NODISCARD std::string type_string() const;
213 IOSS_NODISCARD static std::string type_string(BasicType type);
215 IOSS_NODISCARD std::string role_string() const;
216 IOSS_NODISCARD static std::string role_string(RoleType role);
218 bool add_transform(Transform *my_transform);
219 bool transform(void *data);
220 IOSS_NODISCARD bool has_transform() const { return !transforms_.empty(); }
222 private:
223 std::string name_{};
225 size_t rawCount_{}; // Count of items in field before transformation
226 size_t transCount_{}; // Count of items in field after transformed
227 size_t size_{}; // maximum data size (in bytes) required to hold entire field
228 mutable size_t
229 index_{}; // Optional flag that can be used by a client to indicate an ordering.
230 // Unused by field itself. Used by some DatabaeIO objects to set ordering.
234 const VariableType *rawStorage_{nullptr}; // Storage type of raw field
235 const VariableType *transStorage_{nullptr}; // Storage type after transformation
237 std::vector<Transform *> transforms_{};
238 char suffixSeparator1_{1}; // Value = 1 means unset; use database default.
239 char suffixSeparator2_{1}; // Value = 1 means unset; use database default.
240 bool sufficesUppercase_{false}; // True if the suffices are uppercase on database...
241 mutable bool zeroCopyable_{false}; // True if the field is zero-copyable.
243 bool equal_(const Ioss::Field &rhs, bool quiet) const;
244 };
245 IOSS_EXPORT std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Field &fld);
246} // namespace Ioss
Definition Ioss_CodeTypes.h:55
std::complex< double > Complex
Definition Ioss_CodeTypes.h:91
Holds metadata for bulk data associated with a GroupingEntity.
Definition Ioss_Field.h:25
std::vector< Transform * > transforms_
Definition Ioss_Field.h:237
IOSS_NODISCARD bool equal(const Ioss::Field &rhs) const
Definition Ioss_Field.C:396
size_t index_
Definition Ioss_Field.h:229
Field & set_index(size_t index)
Definition Ioss_Field.h:192
static IOSS_NODISCARD Ioss::Field::BasicType get_field_type(Complex)
Definition Ioss_Field.h:58
static IOSS_NODISCARD Ioss::Field::BasicType get_field_type(uint64_t)
Definition Ioss_Field.h:54
IOSS_NODISCARD bool is_type(BasicType the_type) const
Definition Ioss_Field.h:210
IOSS_NODISCARD bool operator!=(const Ioss::Field &rhs) const
Definition Ioss_Field.C:394
IOSS_NODISCARD const VariableType * raw_storage() const
Definition Ioss_Field.h:168
RoleType role_
Definition Ioss_Field.h:232
IOSS_NODISCARD BasicType get_type() const
Get the basic data type of the data held in the field.
Definition Ioss_Field.h:166
IOSS_NODISCARD bool has_transform() const
Definition Ioss_Field.h:220
IOSS_NODISCARD bool is_valid() const
Definition Ioss_Field.h:124
IOSS_NODISCARD std::string & get_name()
Definition Ioss_Field.h:128
IOSS_NODISCARD bool operator<(const Field &other) const
const VariableType * rawStorage_
Definition Ioss_Field.h:234
The basic data type held in the field.
Definition Ioss_Field.h:29
@ INT64
Definition Ioss_Field.h:35
Definition Ioss_Field.h:36
Definition Ioss_Field.h:31
Definition Ioss_Field.h:30
Definition Ioss_Field.h:32
Definition Ioss_Field.h:37
Definition Ioss_Field.h:33
Definition Ioss_Field.h:38
@ INT32
Definition Ioss_Field.h:34
IOSS_NODISCARD size_t raw_count() const
Definition Ioss_Field.h:171
Definition Ioss_Field.h:69
Definition Ioss_Field.h:86
Definition Ioss_Field.h:87
Definition Ioss_Field.h:71
Definition Ioss_Field.h:93
Definition Ioss_Field.h:80
Definition Ioss_Field.h:81
Definition Ioss_Field.h:79
Definition Ioss_Field.h:70
Definition Ioss_Field.h:75
IOSS_NODISCARD bool zero_copy_enabled() const
Definition Ioss_Field.h:160
IOSS_NODISCARD const VariableType * transformed_storage() const
Definition Ioss_Field.h:169
IOSS_NODISCARD bool get_suffices_uppercase() const
Definition Ioss_Field.h:157
static IOSS_NODISCARD Ioss::Field::BasicType get_field_type(double)
Definition Ioss_Field.h:47
static IOSS_NODISCARD Ioss::Field::BasicType get_field_type(unsigned int)
Definition Ioss_Field.h:49
Create an empty field.
Definition Ioss_Field.C:67
static IOSS_NODISCARD Ioss::Field::BasicType get_field_type(const std::string &)
Definition Ioss_Field.h:62
size_t rawCount_
Definition Ioss_Field.h:225
size_t size_
Definition Ioss_Field.h:227
BasicType type_
Definition Ioss_Field.h:231
IOSS_NODISCARD bool operator==(const Ioss::Field &rhs) const
Definition Ioss_Field.C:392
Field & set_suffix_separator(char suffix_separator1, char suffix_separator2=2)
Definition Ioss_Field.h:142
char suffixSeparator1_
Definition Ioss_Field.h:238
bool zeroCopyable_
Definition Ioss_Field.h:241
IOSS_NODISCARD const std::string & get_name() const
Definition Ioss_Field.h:127
static IOSS_NODISCARD Ioss::Field::BasicType get_field_type(int64_t)
Definition Ioss_Field.h:53
static IOSS_NODISCARD Ioss::Field::BasicType get_field_type(int)
Definition Ioss_Field.h:48
bool sufficesUppercase_
Definition Ioss_Field.h:240
IOSS_NODISCARD bool is_invalid() const
Definition Ioss_Field.h:125
const VariableType * transStorage_
Definition Ioss_Field.h:235
IOSS_NODISCARD char get_suffix_separator(int index=0) const
Definition Ioss_Field.h:148
std::string name_
Definition Ioss_Field.h:223
IOSS_NODISCARD size_t get_index() const
Definition Ioss_Field.h:186
Field & set_suffices_uppercase(bool true_false)
Definition Ioss_Field.h:152
char suffixSeparator2_
Definition Ioss_Field.h:239
static IOSS_NODISCARD Ioss::Field::BasicType get_field_type(char)
Definition Ioss_Field.h:43
IOSS_NODISCARD RoleType get_role() const
Get the role (MESH, ATTRIBUTE, TRANSIENT, REDUCTION, etc.) of the data in the field.
Definition Ioss_Field.h:184
const Field & set_index(size_t index) const
Definition Ioss_Field.h:187
Definition Ioss_Field.h:41
Definition Ioss_Field.h:41
Definition Ioss_Field.h:41
IOSS_NODISCARD size_t transformed_count() const
Definition Ioss_Field.h:172
size_t transCount_
Definition Ioss_Field.h:226
Base class for all 'grouping' entities. The following derived classes are typical:
Definition Ioss_GroupingEntity.h:67
Definition Ioss_Transform.h:21
A generic variable type.
Definition Ioss_VariableType.h:70
The main namespace for the Ioss library.
Definition Ioad_DatabaseIO.C:40
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Field &fld)
Definition Ioss_Field.C:41