IOSS 2.0
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright(C) 1999-2020, 2022 National Technology & Engineering Solutions
2// of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with
3// NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
5// See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details
7#pragma once
9#include "ioad_export.h"
11#include <map>
12#include <set>
13#include <string>
14#include <vector>
16namespace Ioad {
17 // Constant variables
18 IOAD_EXPORT const std::string Schema_version_string = "IOSS_adios_version";
19 IOAD_EXPORT const std::string Sideblock_separator = "::";
20 IOAD_EXPORT const std::string Name_separator = "/";
21 IOAD_EXPORT const std::string Role_meta = "role";
22 IOAD_EXPORT const std::string Var_type_meta = "var_type";
23 IOAD_EXPORT const std::string Topology_meta = "topology";
24 IOAD_EXPORT const std::string property_meta = "property_";
25 IOAD_EXPORT const std::string Parent_topology_meta = "parent_topology";
26 IOAD_EXPORT const std::string Time_scale_factor = "time_scale_factor";
27 IOAD_EXPORT const std::string Time_meta = "time";
28 IOAD_EXPORT const std::string Processor_id_meta = "processor_id";
29 IOAD_EXPORT const std::string Processor_number_meta = "processor_number";
30 IOAD_EXPORT const std::string globals_entity_type = "globals";
31 IOAD_EXPORT const std::string globals_entity_name = "";
32 IOAD_EXPORT const std::string region_name = "no_name";
33 IOAD_EXPORT const std::string original_name = "original_name";
34 constexpr const char *sideblock_names = "sideblock_names";
36 IOAD_EXPORT const std::string coordinate_frame_name = "CoordinateFrame";
37 IOAD_EXPORT const std::map<std::string, std::set<std::string>> Use_transformed_storage_map = {
38 {"ElementBlock", {"connectivity_edge", "connectivity_face"}},
39 {"FaceBlock", {"connectivity_edge"}}};
40 IOAD_EXPORT const std::map<std::string, std::set<std::string>> Ignore_fields = {
41 {"NodeBlock",
42 {"connectivity", "connectivity_raw", "node_connectivity_status", "implicit_ids",
43 "mesh_model_coordinates_x", "mesh_model_coordinates_y", "mesh_model_coordinates_z"}},
44 {"ElementBlock", {"implicit_ids"}},
45 {"FaceBlock", {"connectivity_raw"}},
46 {"EdgeBlock", {"connectivity_raw"}},
47 {"CommSet", {"ids"}},
48 {"SideSet", {"ids"}},
49 {"SideBlock", {"side_ids", "ids", "connectivity", "connectivity_raw"}}};
50 IOAD_EXPORT const std::vector<std::string> Ignore_properties = {{
51 "name", // Name is already known as it is how it is encoded in the output file.
52 "_base_stk_part_name", "db_name", // Not necessary
53 "streaming_status", "streaming", // Properties added during processing. Should not be saved.
54 "entity_count" // Set in GroupingEntity constructor and can be different across mpi
55 // processes.
56 }};
58} // namespace Ioad
A namespace for the adios database format.
Definition AdiosWrapper.C:11
IOAD_EXPORT const std::string Name_separator
Definition Ioad_Constants.h:20
IOAD_EXPORT const std::string Processor_number_meta
Definition Ioad_Constants.h:29
IOAD_EXPORT const std::string coordinate_frame_name
Definition Ioad_Constants.h:36
IOAD_EXPORT const std::string globals_entity_name
Definition Ioad_Constants.h:31
constexpr const char * sideblock_names
Definition Ioad_Constants.h:34
IOAD_EXPORT const std::string Processor_id_meta
Definition Ioad_Constants.h:28
IOAD_EXPORT const std::string Time_scale_factor
Definition Ioad_Constants.h:26
IOAD_EXPORT const std::string Time_meta
Definition Ioad_Constants.h:27
IOAD_EXPORT const std::map< std::string, std::set< std::string > > Ignore_fields
Definition Ioad_Constants.h:40
IOAD_EXPORT const std::string property_meta
Definition Ioad_Constants.h:24
IOAD_EXPORT const std::map< std::string, std::set< std::string > > Use_transformed_storage_map
Definition Ioad_Constants.h:37
IOAD_EXPORT const std::string Sideblock_separator
Definition Ioad_Constants.h:19
IOAD_EXPORT const std::string Schema_version_string
Definition Ioad_Constants.h:18
IOAD_EXPORT const std::string Role_meta
Definition Ioad_Constants.h:21
IOAD_EXPORT const std::string globals_entity_type
Definition Ioad_Constants.h:30
IOAD_EXPORT const std::string original_name
Definition Ioad_Constants.h:33
IOAD_EXPORT const std::vector< std::string > Ignore_properties
Definition Ioad_Constants.h:50
IOAD_EXPORT const std::string Parent_topology_meta
Definition Ioad_Constants.h:25
IOAD_EXPORT const std::string region_name
Definition Ioad_Constants.h:32
IOAD_EXPORT const std::string Topology_meta
Definition Ioad_Constants.h:23
IOAD_EXPORT const std::string Var_type_meta
Definition Ioad_Constants.h:22