Exodus 8.24
No Matches
Model Description


int ex_create_group (int parent_id, const char *group_name)
int ex_get_coord_names (int exoid, char **coord_names)
int ex_get_coord (int exoid, void *x_coor, void *y_coor, void *z_coor)
int ex_get_partial_coord_component (int exoid, int64_t start_node_num, int64_t num_nodes, int component, void *coor)
int ex_get_partial_coord (int exoid, int64_t start_node_num, int64_t num_nodes, void *x_coor, void *y_coor, void *z_coor)
int ex_get_ids (int exoid, ex_entity_type obj_type, void_int *ids)
int ex_get_coordinate_frames (int exoid, int *nframes, void_int *cf_ids, void *pt_coordinates, char *tags)
int ex_put_init_ext (int exoid, const ex_init_params *model)
int ex_get_init_ext (int exoid, ex_init_params *info)
int ex_get_init (int exoid, char *title, void_int *num_dim, void_int *num_nodes, void_int *num_elem, void_int *num_elem_blk, void_int *num_node_sets, void_int *num_side_sets)
int ex_put_init (int exoid, const char *title, int64_t num_dim, int64_t num_nodes, int64_t num_elem, int64_t num_elem_blk, int64_t num_node_sets, int64_t num_side_sets)
int ex_get_map (int exoid, void_int *elem_map)
int ex_get_map_param (int exoid, int *num_node_maps, int *num_elem_maps)
int ex_get_name (int exoid, ex_entity_type obj_type, ex_entity_id entity_id, char *name)
int ex_get_names (int exoid, ex_entity_type obj_type, char **names)
int ex_get_prop_array (int exoid, ex_entity_type obj_type, const char *prop_name, void_int *values)
int ex_get_prop (int exoid, ex_entity_type obj_type, ex_entity_id obj_id, const char *prop_name, void_int *value)
int ex_get_partial_num_map (int exoid, ex_entity_type map_type, ex_entity_id map_id, int64_t ent_start, int64_t ent_count, void_int *map)
int ex_get_prop_names (int exoid, ex_entity_type obj_type, char **prop_names)
int ex_add_attr (int exoid, ex_entity_type obj_type, ex_entity_id obj_id, int64_t num_attr_per_entry)
int ex_put_attr_param (int exoid, ex_entity_type obj_type, ex_entity_id obj_id, int num_attrs)
int ex_get_attr_param (int exoid, ex_entity_type obj_type, ex_entity_id obj_id, int *num_attrs)
int ex_put_concat_elem_block (int exoid, const void_int *elem_blk_id, char *const elem_type[], const void_int *num_elem_this_blk, const void_int *num_nodes_per_elem, const void_int *num_attr_this_blk, int define_maps)
int ex_put_coord_names (int exoid, char *const coord_names[])
int ex_put_coord (int exoid, const void *x_coor, const void *y_coor, const void *z_coor)
int ex_put_partial_coord_component (int exoid, int64_t start_node_num, int64_t num_nodes, int component, const void *coor)
int ex_put_partial_coord (int exoid, int64_t start_node_num, int64_t num_nodes, const void *x_coor, const void *y_coor, const void *z_coor)
int ex_put_map (int exoid, const void_int *elem_map)
int ex_put_id_map (int exoid, ex_entity_type map_type, const void_int *map)
int ex_put_partial_id_map (int exoid, ex_entity_type map_type, int64_t start_entity_num, int64_t num_entities, const void_int *map)
int ex_get_id_map (int exoid, ex_entity_type map_type, void_int *map)
int ex_get_partial_id_map (int exoid, ex_entity_type map_type, int64_t start_entity_num, int64_t num_entities, void_int *map)
int ex_get_block_id_map (int exoid, ex_entity_type map_type, ex_entity_id entity_id, void_int *map)
int ex_put_coordinate_frames (int exoid, int nframes, const void_int *cf_ids, const void *pt_coordinates, const char *tags)
int ex_put_map_param (int exoid, int num_node_maps, int num_elem_maps)
int ex_put_name (int exoid, ex_entity_type obj_type, ex_entity_id entity_id, const char *name)
int ex_put_names (int exoid, ex_entity_type obj_type, char *const names[])
int ex_put_partial_one_attr (int exoid, ex_entity_type obj_type, ex_entity_id obj_id, int64_t start_num, int64_t num_ent, int attrib_index, const void *attrib)
int ex_put_prop (int exoid, ex_entity_type obj_type, ex_entity_id obj_id, const char *prop_name, ex_entity_id value)
int ex_put_prop_array (int exoid, ex_entity_type obj_type, const char *prop_name, const void_int *values)
int ex_put_prop_names (int exoid, ex_entity_type obj_type, int num_props, char **prop_names)
int ex_put_num_map (int exoid, ex_entity_type map_type, ex_entity_id map_id, const void_int *map)
int ex_get_num_map (int exoid, ex_entity_type map_type, ex_entity_id map_id, void_int *map)
int ex_put_block (int exoid, ex_entity_type blk_type, ex_entity_id blk_id, const char *entry_descrip, int64_t num_entries_this_blk, int64_t num_nodes_per_entry, int64_t num_edges_per_entry, int64_t num_faces_per_entry, int64_t num_attr_per_entry)
int ex_get_block (int exoid, ex_entity_type blk_type, ex_entity_id blk_id, char *elem_type, void_int *num_entries_this_blk, void_int *num_nodes_per_entry, void_int *num_edges_per_entry, void_int *num_faces_per_entry, void_int *num_attr_per_entry)
int ex_get_block_param (int exoid, ex_block *block)
int ex_put_block_param (int exoid, const ex_block block)
int ex_get_block_params (int exoid, size_t block_count, struct ex_block **blocks)
int ex_put_block_params (int exoid, size_t block_count, const struct ex_block *blocks)
int ex_put_concat_all_blocks (int exoid, const ex_block_params *param)
int ex_put_entity_count_per_polyhedra (int exoid, ex_entity_type blk_type, ex_entity_id blk_id, const int *entity_counts)
int ex_get_entity_count_per_polyhedra (int exoid, ex_entity_type blk_type, ex_entity_id blk_id, int *entity_counts)
int ex_put_conn (int exoid, ex_entity_type blk_type, ex_entity_id blk_id, const void_int *node_conn, const void_int *elem_edge_conn, const void_int *elem_face_conn)
int ex_get_conn (int exoid, ex_entity_type blk_type, ex_entity_id blk_id, void_int *nodeconn, void_int *edgeconn, void_int *faceconn)
int ex_get_partial_conn (int exoid, ex_entity_type blk_type, ex_entity_id blk_id, int64_t start_num, int64_t num_ent, void_int *nodeconn, void_int *edgeconn, void_int *faceconn)
int ex_put_partial_conn (int exoid, ex_entity_type blk_type, ex_entity_id blk_id, int64_t start_num, int64_t num_ent, const void_int *nodeconn, const void_int *edgeconn, const void_int *faceconn)
int ex_put_attr (int exoid, ex_entity_type blk_type, ex_entity_id blk_id, const void *attrib)
int ex_put_partial_attr (int exoid, ex_entity_type blk_type, ex_entity_id blk_id, int64_t start_entity, int64_t num_entity, const void *attrib)
int ex_get_attr (int exoid, ex_entity_type obj_type, ex_entity_id obj_id, void *attrib)
int ex_get_partial_attr (int exoid, ex_entity_type obj_type, ex_entity_id obj_id, int64_t start_num, int64_t num_ent, void *attrib)
int ex_put_one_attr (int exoid, ex_entity_type obj_type, ex_entity_id obj_id, int attrib_index, const void *attrib)
int ex_get_one_attr (int exoid, ex_entity_type obj_type, ex_entity_id obj_id, int attrib_index, void *attrib)
int ex_get_partial_one_attr (int exoid, ex_entity_type obj_type, ex_entity_id obj_id, int64_t start_num, int64_t num_ent, int attrib_index, void *attrib)
int ex_put_attr_names (int exoid, ex_entity_type blk_type, ex_entity_id blk_id, char **names)
int ex_get_attr_names (int exoid, ex_entity_type obj_type, ex_entity_id obj_id, char **names)
int ex_put_assembly (int exoid, const struct ex_assembly assembly)
int ex_get_assembly (int exoid, struct ex_assembly *assembly)
int ex_put_assemblies (int exoid, size_t count, const struct ex_assembly *assemblies)
int ex_get_assemblies (int exoid, struct ex_assembly *assemblies)
int ex_put_blob (int exoid, const struct ex_blob blob)
int ex_get_blob (int exoid, struct ex_blob *blob)
int ex_put_blobs (int exoid, size_t count, const struct ex_blob *blobs)
int ex_get_blobs (int exoid, struct ex_blob *blobs)
int ex_put_multi_field_metadata (int exoid, const ex_field *field, const int field_count)
int ex_put_field_metadata (int exoid, const ex_field field)
int ex_put_field_suffices (int exoid, const ex_field field, const char *suffices)
int ex_get_field_metadata (int exoid, ex_field *field)
int ex_get_field_metadata_count (int exoid, ex_entity_type obj_type, ex_entity_id id)
int ex_get_field_suffices (int exoid, const ex_field field, char *suffices)
int ex_get_basis_count (int exoid)
int ex_get_basis (int exoid, ex_basis **pbasis, int *num_basis)
int ex_put_basis (int exoid, const ex_basis basis)
int ex_get_quadrature_count (int exoid)
int ex_get_quadrature (int exoid, ex_quadrature **pquad, int *num_quad)
int ex_put_quadrature (int exoid, const ex_quadrature quad)
int ex_put_attribute (int exoid, const ex_attribute attributes)
int ex_put_attributes (int exoid, size_t attr_count, const ex_attribute *attributes)
int ex_put_double_attribute (int exoid, ex_entity_type obj_type, ex_entity_id id, const char *atr_name, int num_values, const double *values)
int ex_put_integer_attribute (int exoid, ex_entity_type obj_type, ex_entity_id id, const char *atr_name, int num_values, const void_int *values)
int ex_put_text_attribute (int exoid, ex_entity_type obj_type, ex_entity_id id, const char *atr_name, const char *value)
int ex_get_attribute (int exoid, ex_attribute *attributes)
int ex_get_attributes (int exoid, size_t count, ex_attribute *attributes)
int ex_get_attribute_count (int exoid, ex_entity_type obj_type, ex_entity_id id)
int ex_get_attribute_param (int exoid, ex_entity_type obj_type, ex_entity_id id, ex_attribute *attributes)
int ex_put_set_param (int exoid, ex_entity_type set_type, ex_entity_id set_id, int64_t num_entries_in_set, int64_t num_dist_fact_in_set)
int ex_get_set_param (int exoid, ex_entity_type set_type, ex_entity_id set_id, void_int *num_entry_in_set, void_int *num_dist_fact_in_set)
int ex_put_set (int exoid, ex_entity_type set_type, ex_entity_id set_id, const void_int *set_entry_list, const void_int *set_extra_list)
int ex_get_partial_set (int exoid, ex_entity_type set_type, ex_entity_id set_id, int64_t offset, int64_t num_to_get, void_int *set_entry_list, void_int *set_extra_list)
int ex_put_partial_set (int exoid, ex_entity_type set_type, ex_entity_id set_id, int64_t offset, int64_t num_to_put, const void_int *set_entry_list, const void_int *set_extra_list)
int ex_get_set (int exoid, ex_entity_type set_type, ex_entity_id set_id, void_int *set_entry_list, void_int *set_extra_list)
int ex_put_set_dist_fact (int exoid, ex_entity_type set_type, ex_entity_id set_id, const void *set_dist_fact)
int ex_get_set_dist_fact (int exoid, ex_entity_type set_type, ex_entity_id set_id, void *set_dist_fact)
int ex_get_partial_set_dist_fact (int exoid, ex_entity_type set_type, ex_entity_id set_id, int64_t offset, int64_t num_to_put, void *set_dist_fact)
int ex_put_concat_sets (int exoid, ex_entity_type set_type, const struct ex_set_specs *set_specs)
int ex_get_concat_sets (int exoid, ex_entity_type set_type, struct ex_set_specs *set_specs)
int ex_put_sets (int exoid, size_t set_count, const struct ex_set *sets)
int ex_get_sets (int exoid, size_t set_count, struct ex_set *sets)
int ex_put_partial_num_map (int exoid, ex_entity_type map_type, ex_entity_id map_id, int64_t ent_start, int64_t ent_count, const void_int *map)
int ex_put_partial_set_dist_fact (int exoid, ex_entity_type set_type, ex_entity_id set_id, int64_t offset, int64_t num_to_put, const void *set_dist_fact)
int ex_get_concat_side_set_node_count (int exoid, int *side_set_node_cnt_list)
int ex_get_side_set_node_list_len (int exoid, ex_entity_id side_set_id, void_int *side_set_node_list_len)
int ex_get_side_set_node_count (int exoid, ex_entity_id side_set_id, int *side_set_node_cnt_list)
int ex_get_side_set_node_list (int exoid, ex_entity_id side_set_id, void_int *side_set_node_cnt_list, void_int *side_set_node_list)
int ex_get_ns_param_global (int exoid, void_int *global_ids, void_int *node_cnts, void_int *df_cnts)
int ex_put_ns_param_global (int exoid, const void_int *global_ids, const void_int *node_cnts, const void_int *df_cnts)
int ex_get_ss_param_global (int exoid, void_int *global_ids, void_int *side_cnts, void_int *df_cnts)
int ex_put_ss_param_global (int exoid, const void_int *global_ids, const void_int *side_cnts, const void_int *df_cnts)
int ex_get_eb_info_global (int exoid, void_int *el_blk_ids, void_int *el_blk_cnts)
int ex_put_eb_info_global (int exoid, const void_int *el_blk_ids, const void_int *el_blk_cnts)
int ex_get_elem_type (int exoid, ex_entity_id elem_blk_id, char *elem_type)
int ex_get_processor_node_maps (int exoid, void_int *node_mapi, void_int *node_mapb, void_int *node_mape, int processor)
int ex_put_processor_node_maps (int exoid, const void_int *node_mapi, const void_int *node_mapb, const void_int *node_mape, int proc_id)
int ex_get_processor_elem_maps (int exoid, void_int *elem_mapi, void_int *elem_mapb, int processor)
int ex_put_processor_elem_maps (int exoid, const void_int *elem_mapi, const void_int *elem_mapb, int processor)
int ex_get_cmap_params (int exoid, void_int *node_cmap_ids, void_int *node_cmap_node_cnts, void_int *elem_cmap_ids, void_int *elem_cmap_elem_cnts, int processor)
int ex_put_cmap_params (int exoid, const void_int *node_cmap_ids, const void_int *node_cmap_node_cnts, const void_int *elem_cmap_ids, const void_int *elem_cmap_elem_cnts, int64_t processor)
int ex_put_cmap_params_cc (int exoid, const void_int *node_cmap_ids, const void_int *node_cmap_node_cnts, const void_int *node_proc_ptrs, const void_int *elem_cmap_ids, const void_int *elem_cmap_elem_cnts, const void_int *elem_proc_ptrs)
int ex_get_node_cmap (int exoid, ex_entity_id map_id, void_int *node_ids, void_int *proc_ids, int processor)
int ex_put_node_cmap (int exoid, ex_entity_id map_id, const void_int *node_ids, const void_int *proc_ids, int processor)
int ex_put_partial_node_cmap (int exoid, ex_entity_id map_id, int64_t start_entity_num, int64_t num_entities, const void_int *node_ids, const void_int *proc_ids, int processor)
int ex_get_elem_cmap (int exoid, ex_entity_id map_id, void_int *elem_ids, void_int *side_ids, void_int *proc_ids, int processor)
int ex_put_elem_cmap (int exoid, ex_entity_id map_id, const void_int *elem_ids, const void_int *side_ids, const void_int *proc_ids, int processor)
int ex_initialize_basis_struct (ex_basis *basis, size_t num_basis, int mode)
int ex_initialize_quadrature_struct (ex_quadrature *quad, size_t num_quad, int mode)
const char * ex_component_field_name (ex_field *field, int component[EX_MAX_FIELD_NESTING])
const char * ex_field_component_suffix (ex_field *field, int nest_level, int component)
int ex_field_cardinality (const ex_field_type field_type)
const char * ex_field_type_name (const ex_field_type field_type)
ex_field_type ex_string_to_field_type_enum (const char *field_name)
const char * ex_field_type_enum_to_string (const ex_field_type field_type)
int ex_get_init_global (int exoid, void_int *num_nodes_g, void_int *num_elems_g, void_int *num_elem_blks_g, void_int *num_node_sets_g, void_int *num_side_sets_g)
int ex_get_init_info (int exoid, int *num_proc, int *num_proc_in_f, char *ftype)
int ex_get_loadbal_param (int exoid, void_int *num_int_nodes, void_int *num_bor_nodes, void_int *num_ext_nodes, void_int *num_int_elems, void_int *num_bor_elems, void_int *num_node_cmaps, void_int *num_elem_cmaps, int processor)
int ex_put_init_global (int exoid, int64_t num_nodes_g, int64_t num_elems_g, int64_t num_elem_blks_g, int64_t num_node_sets_g, int64_t num_side_sets_g)
int ex_put_init_info (int exoid, int num_proc, int num_proc_in_f, const char *ftype)
int ex_put_loadbal_param (int exoid, int64_t num_int_nodes, int64_t num_bor_nodes, int64_t num_ext_nodes, int64_t num_int_elems, int64_t num_bor_elems, int64_t num_node_cmaps, int64_t num_elem_cmaps, int processor)
int ex_put_loadbal_param_cc (int exoid, const void_int *num_int_nodes, const void_int *num_bor_nodes, const void_int *num_ext_nodes, const void_int *num_int_elems, const void_int *num_bor_elems, const void_int *num_node_cmaps, const void_int *num_elem_cmaps)

Detailed Description

The routines in this section read and write information which describe an exodus finite element model. This includes nodal coordinates, element order map, element connectivity arrays, element attributes, node sets, side sets, and object properties.

Function Documentation

◆ ex_add_attr()

int ex_add_attr ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type obj_type,
ex_entity_id obj_id,
int64_t num_attr_per_entry )

◆ ex_component_field_name()

const char * ex_component_field_name ( ex_field * field,
int component[EX_MAX_FIELD_NESTING] )

◆ ex_create_group()

int ex_create_group ( int parent_id,
const char * group_name )

◆ ex_field_cardinality()

int ex_field_cardinality ( const ex_field_type field_type)

◆ ex_field_component_suffix()

const char * ex_field_component_suffix ( ex_field * field,
int nest_level,
int component )

◆ ex_field_type_enum_to_string()

const char * ex_field_type_enum_to_string ( const ex_field_type field_type)

Used to convert a field_type enum to a string so it can be written to the database as a user-readable attribute. For example, EX_VECTOR_2D would appear instead of a raw number 2

◆ ex_field_type_name()

const char * ex_field_type_name ( const ex_field_type field_type)

◆ ex_get_assemblies()

int ex_get_assemblies ( int exoid,
ex_assembly * assembly )

writes the assembly parameters and optionally assembly data for all assemblies assumes that assembly is large enough to contain all assemblies.

exoidexodus file id
assemblyarray of ex_assembly structures

◆ ex_get_assembly()

int ex_get_assembly ( int exoid,
ex_assembly * assembly )

reads the assembly parameters and optionally assembly data for one assembly

exoidexodus file id
*assemblyex_assembly structure

◆ ex_get_attr()

int ex_get_attr ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type obj_type,
ex_entity_id obj_id,
void * attrib )

◆ ex_get_attr_names()

int ex_get_attr_names ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type obj_type,
ex_entity_id obj_id,
char ** names )

◆ ex_get_attr_param()

int ex_get_attr_param ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type obj_type,
ex_entity_id obj_id,
int * num_attrs )

◆ ex_get_attribute()

int ex_get_attribute ( int exoid,
ex_attribute * attr )

Get the values for the specified attribute.

◆ ex_get_attribute_count()

int ex_get_attribute_count ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type obj_type,
ex_entity_id id )

Get number of attributes defined on the specified entity type/entity id (EX_ASSEMBLY, 100).

Filters out "internal" or "special" attributes defined by the NetCDF library or used by the exodus library internally.

◆ ex_get_attribute_param()

int ex_get_attribute_param ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type obj_type,
ex_entity_id id,
ex_attribute * attr )

Get the parameters for all attributes defined on the specified entity type/entity id (ASSEMBLY 100).

Filters out "internal" or "special" attributes defined by the NetCDF library or used by the exodus library internally.

Returns the name, type, value_count, and optionally values (if not null) for all attributes on this entity. The attr argument must have enough space to hold all attributes defined on the specified entity. The attribute count can be determined from ex_get_attribute_count(). The entity_type and entity_id fields on attr will be populated with the obj_type and id function parameters.

◆ ex_get_attributes()

int ex_get_attributes ( int exoid,
size_t attr_count,
ex_attribute * attr )

Get the values for all of the specified attributes.

◆ ex_get_basis()

int ex_get_basis ( int exoid,
ex_basis ** pbasis,
int * num_basis )

◆ ex_get_basis_count()

int ex_get_basis_count ( int exoid)

◆ ex_get_blob()

int ex_get_blob ( int exoid,
ex_blob * blob )

reads the blob parameters and optionally blob data for one blob

exoidexodus file id
*blobex_blob structure

◆ ex_get_blobs()

int ex_get_blobs ( int exoid,
ex_blob * blob )

writes the blob parameters and optionally blob data for all blobs assumes that blob is large enough to contain all blobs.

exoidexodus file id
*blobarray of ex_blob structures

◆ ex_get_block()

int ex_get_block ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type blk_type,
ex_entity_id blk_id,
char * entity_descrip,
void_int * num_entries_this_blk,
void_int * num_nodes_per_entry,
void_int * num_edges_per_entry,
void_int * num_faces_per_entry,
void_int * num_attr_per_entry )
exgblk - read block parameters

entry conditions - input parameters: int idexo exodus file id int blk_type block type (edge,face,element) int blk_id block id

exit conditions - char* elem_type element type name int* num_entries_this_blk number of elements in this element block int* num_nodes_per_entry number of nodes per element block int* num_attr_per_entry number of attributes

revision history -

/test/ReadEdgeFace.c, /test/rd_wt_mesh.c, /test/testrd-long-name.c, /test/testrd-nfaced.c, /test/testrd-nsided.c, /test/testrd.c, /test/testrd1.c, /test/testrd_nc.c, /test/testrd_par.c, /test/testrd_ss.c, /test/testrdd.c, /test/testrdwt.c, and /test/testwt-one-attrib.c.

◆ ex_get_block_id_map()

int ex_get_block_id_map ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type map_type,
ex_entity_id entity_id,
void_int * map )

◆ ex_get_block_param()

int ex_get_block_param ( int exoid,
ex_block * block )
exgblk - read block parameters

entry conditions - input parameters: int idexo exodus file id int blk_type block type (edge,face,element) int blk_id block id

exit conditions - char* elem_type element type name int* num_entries_this_blk number of elements in this element block int* num_nodes_per_entry number of nodes per element block int* num_attr_per_entry number of attributes

revision history -

◆ ex_get_block_params()

int ex_get_block_params ( int exoid,
size_t block_count,
struct ex_block ** blocks )

Reads the parameters describing element/face/edge blocks

exoidexodus file id
block_countnumber of blocks being queried
blocksarray of ex_block structures describing block counts

the id and type fields of the block(s) must be defined to specify which blocks to access; all other fields will be filled in based on data from the file

◆ ex_get_cmap_params()

int ex_get_cmap_params ( int exoid,
void_int * node_cmap_ids,
void_int * node_cmap_node_cnts,
void_int * elem_cmap_ids,
void_int * elem_cmap_elem_cnts,
int processor )
exoidNetCDF/Exodus file ID
node_cmap_idsNodal comm. map IDs
node_cmap_node_cntsNumber of nodes in each map
elem_cmap_idsElemental comm. map IDs
elem_cmap_elem_cntsNumber of elems in each map
processorThis processor ID

◆ ex_get_concat_sets()

int ex_get_concat_sets ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type set_type,
struct ex_set_specs * set_specs )
exgcss - ex_get_concat_sets

reads the set ID's, set entry count array, set entry pointers array, set entry list, set extra list, and set distribution factors for all sets of the specified type.

entry conditions - input parameters: int exoid exodus file id ex_entity_type set_type type of set

exit conditions - struct ex_set_specs* set_specs set specs structure

revision history -

/test/testrd-long-name.c, /test/testrd-nsided.c, /test/testrd.c, /test/testrd1.c, /test/testrd_nc.c, /test/testrd_ss.c, and /test/testrdd.c.

◆ ex_get_concat_side_set_node_count()

int ex_get_concat_side_set_node_count ( int exoid,
int * side_set_node_cnt_list )

◆ ex_get_conn()

int ex_get_conn ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type blk_type,
ex_entity_id blk_id,
void_int * nodeconn,
void_int * edgeconn,
void_int * faceconn )
exgconn - exodusII read edge/face/element block connectivity

entry conditions - expelb must be called first to establish element block parameters. input parameters: int exoid exodus file id int blk_type block type (edge, face, element) int blk_id block id

exit conditions - int* nodeconn nodal connectivity array int* edgeconn edge connectivity array (where applicable) int* faceconn face connectivity array (where applicable)

/test/ReadEdgeFace.c, /test/rd_wt_mesh.c, /test/testrd-long-name.c, /test/testrd-nfaced.c, /test/testrd-nsided.c, /test/testrd.c, /test/testrd1.c, /test/testrd_nc.c, /test/testrd_par.c, /test/testrd_ss.c, /test/testrdd.c, and /test/testrdwt.c.

◆ ex_get_coord()

int ex_get_coord ( int exoid,
void * x_coor,
void * y_coor,
void * z_coor )

The function ex_get_coord() reads the nodal coordinates of the nodes. Memory must be allocated for the coordinate arrays (x_coor, y_coor, and z_coor) before this call is made. The length of each of these arrays is the number of nodes in the mesh.

Because the coordinates are floating point values, the application code must declare the arrays passed to be the appropriate type (float or double) to match the compute word size passed in ex_create() or ex_open().

In case of an error, ex_get_coord() returns a negative number; a warning will return a positive number. Possible causes of errors include:
  • data file not properly opened with call to ex_create() or ex_open()
  • a warning value is returned if nodal coordinates were not stored.
[in]exoidexodus file ID returned from a previous call to ex_create() or ex_open().
[out]x_coorReturned X coordinates of the nodes. If this is NULL, the X-coordinates will not be read.
[out]y_coorReturned Y coordinates of the nodes. These are returned only if num_dim > 1; otherwise, pass in NULL. If this is NULL, the Y-coordinates will not be read.
[out]z_coorReturned Z coordinates of the nodes. These are returned only if num_dim > 2; otherwise, pass in NULL. If this is NULL, the Z-coordinates will not be read.

The following code segment will read the nodal coordinates from an open exodus file :

int error, exoid;
double *x, *y, *z;
\comment{read nodal coordinates values from database}
x = (double *)calloc(num_nodes, sizeof(double));
y = (double *)calloc(num_nodes, sizeof(double));
if (num_dim >= 3)
z = (double *)calloc(num_nodes, sizeof(double));
z = 0;
error = ex_get_coord(exoid, x, y, z);
\comment{Do the same as the previous call in three separate calls}
error = ex_get_coord(exoid, x, NULL, NULL);
error = ex_get_coord(exoid, NULL, y, NULL);
if (num_dim >= 3)
error = ex_get_coord(exoid, NULL, NULL, z);
int ex_get_coord(int exoid, void *x_coor, void *y_coor, void *z_coor)
Definition ex_get_coord.c:71
/test/rd_wt_mesh.c, /test/test_ts_nvar_rd.c, /test/testrd-long-name.c, /test/testrd-nfaced.c, /test/testrd-nsided.c, /test/testrd.c, /test/testrd1.c, /test/testrd_nc.c, /test/testrd_par.c, /test/testrdd.c, and /test/testrdwt.c.

◆ ex_get_coord_names()

int ex_get_coord_names ( int exoid,
char ** coord_names )

The function ex_get_coord_names() reads the names of the coordinate arrays from the database. Memory must be allocated for the character strings before this function is invoked.

In case of an error, ex_get_coord_names() returns a negative number; a warning will return a positive number. Possible causes of errors include:
  • data file not properly opened with call to ex_create() or ex_open()
  • a warning value is returned if coordinate names were not stored.
[in]exoidexodus file ID returned from a previous call to ex_create() or ex_open().
[out]coord_namesReturned pointer to a vector containing num_dim names of the nodal coordinate arrays.

The following code segment will read the coordinate names from an open exodus file :

int error, exoid;
char *coord_names[3];
for (i=0; i < num_dim; i++) {
coord_names[i] = (char *)calloc((..size of names...+1), sizeof(char));
error = ex_get_coord_names (exoid, coord_names);
int ex_get_coord_names(int exoid, char **coord_names)
Definition ex_get_coord_names.c:46
/test/testrd-long-name.c, /test/testrd-nfaced.c, /test/testrd-nsided.c, /test/testrd.c, /test/testrd1.c, /test/testrd_nc.c, /test/testrd_par.c, /test/testrdd.c, and /test/testrdwt.c.

◆ ex_get_coordinate_frames()

int ex_get_coordinate_frames ( int exoid,
int * nframes,
void_int * cf_ids,
void * pt_coordinates,
char * tags )

Coordinate frames are stored in the database as a series of three points (defined in the basic cartesian coordinate system). The first of these points describes the origin of the new system. The second point lies on the 3 axis (or Z axis) of the frame. The third point is in the 1-3 (xz) plane. Each coordinate frame is identified by a unique, integer coordinate ID, and by a character tag indicating whether the frame is rectangular cartesian "R", cylindrical "C, or spherical "S". Because the coordinates are floating point values, the application code must declare the arrays passed to be the appropriate type "float" or "double" to match the compute word size passed in ex_create() or ex_open().

exoidexodus file id
[in,out]nframesif 'cf_ids' is NULL, then nframes is returned with the number of defined coordinate frames. Else it is the number of coordinate frames to read.
[out]cf_idsThe (nframes) coordinate frame Ids. If cf_ids is NULL, no data will be returned in this or any other array. Only nframes will be modified. Otherwise, space must be allocated to store 'nframes' integers before making this call.
[out]pt_coordinatesThe (9*nframes) coordinates of the three points defining each coordinate axis. The first three values are the origin of the first frame. The next three values are the coordinates of a point on the 3rd axis of the first frame. The next three values are the coordinates of a point in the plane of the 1-3 axis. The pattern is repeated for each frame. If 'cf_ids' is null, no data will be returned in this array. Otherwise, space must be allocated for 9*nframes floating point values. The size of the allocation depends upon the compute word size.
[out]tagsThe (nframes) character tags associated with each coordinate frame. If 'cf_ids' is NULL, no data will be returned in this array. Otherwise, space must be allocated for 'nframes' characters.

◆ ex_get_eb_info_global()

int ex_get_eb_info_global ( int exoid,
void_int * el_blk_ids,
void_int * el_blk_cnts )
exoidNemesisI file ID
el_blk_idsVector of global element IDs
el_blk_cntsVector of global element counts

◆ ex_get_elem_cmap()

int ex_get_elem_cmap ( int exoid,
ex_entity_id map_id,
void_int * elem_ids,
void_int * side_ids,
void_int * proc_ids,
int processor )
exoidNetCDF/Exodus file ID
map_idElemental comm map ID
elem_idsElement IDs
side_idsElement side IDs
proc_idsProcessor IDs
processorThis processor ID

◆ ex_get_elem_type()

int ex_get_elem_type ( int exoid,
ex_entity_id elem_blk_id,
char * elem_type )
exoidNetCDF/Exodus file ID
elem_blk_idElement block ID
elem_typeThe name of the element type

◆ ex_get_entity_count_per_polyhedra()

int ex_get_entity_count_per_polyhedra ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type blk_type,
ex_entity_id blk_id,
int * entity_counts )

reads in the number of entities (nodes/faces) per polyhedra (nsided/nfaced) in this element block.

exoidexodus file id
blk_typetype of block (face, or element)
blk_idblock identifier
entity_countsentity_per_polyhedra count array
/test/testrd-nfaced.c, and /test/testrd-nsided.c.

◆ ex_get_field_metadata()

int ex_get_field_metadata ( int exoid,
ex_field * field )

Get the values for the specified attribute.

◆ ex_get_field_metadata_count()

int ex_get_field_metadata_count ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type obj_type,
ex_entity_id id )

◆ ex_get_field_suffices()

int ex_get_field_suffices ( int exoid,
const ex_field field,
char * suffices )

◆ ex_get_id_map()

◆ ex_get_ids()

◆ ex_get_init()

int ex_get_init ( int exoid,
char * title,
void_int * num_dim,
void_int * num_nodes,
void_int * num_elem,
void_int * num_elem_blk,
void_int * num_node_sets,
void_int * num_side_sets )

The function ex_get_init() reads the initialization parameters from an opened exodus file.

In case of an error, ex_get_init() returns a negative number; a warning will return a positive number. Possible causes of errors include:
exoidexodus file ID returned from a previous call to ex_create() or ex_open().
[out]titleReturned database title. String length may be up to MAX_LINE_LENGTH+1 bytes.
[out]num_dimReturned dimensionality of the database. This is the number of coordinates per node.
[out]num_nodesReturned number of nodal points.
[out]num_elemReturned number of elements
[out]num_elem_blkReturned number of element blocks
[out]num_node_setsReturned number of node sets
[out]num_side_setsReturned number of side sets
See also

The following code segment will read the initialization parameters from the open exodus file:

int num_dim, num_nodes, num_elem, num_elem_blk,
num_node_sets, num_side_sets, error, exoid;
char title[MAX_LINE_LENGTH+1];
\comment{read database parameters}
error = ex_get_init (exoid, title, &num_dim, &num_nodes,
&num_elem, &num_elem_blk, &num_node_sets, &num_side_sets);
int ex_get_init(int exoid, char *title, void_int *num_dim, void_int *num_nodes, void_int *num_elem, void_int *num_elem_blk, void_int *num_node_sets, void_int *num_side_sets)
Definition ex_get_init.c:75
Definition exodusII.h:415
/test/rd_wt_mesh.c, /test/test-empty.c, /test/testrd-long-name.c, /test/testrd-nsided.c, /test/testrd.c, /test/testrd1.c, /test/testrd_nc.c, /test/testrd_par.c, /test/testrd_ss.c, /test/testrdd.c, /test/testrdwt.c, and /test/testwt-one-attrib.c.

◆ ex_get_init_ext()

int ex_get_init_ext ( int exoid,
ex_init_params * info )

reads the initialization parameters from an opened EXODUS file

exoidexodus file id
[out]infoex_init_params structure containing metadata for mesh.
See also
/test/ReadEdgeFace.c, and /test/testrd-nfaced.c.

◆ ex_get_init_global()

int ex_get_init_global ( int exoid,
void_int * num_nodes_g,
void_int * num_elems_g,
void_int * num_elem_blks_g,
void_int * num_node_sets_g,
void_int * num_side_sets_g )

◆ ex_get_init_info()

int ex_get_init_info ( int exoid,
int * num_proc,
int * num_proc_in_f,
char * ftype )

◆ ex_get_loadbal_param()

int ex_get_loadbal_param ( int exoid,
void_int * num_int_nodes,
void_int * num_bor_nodes,
void_int * num_ext_nodes,
void_int * num_int_elems,
void_int * num_bor_elems,
void_int * num_node_cmaps,
void_int * num_elem_cmaps,
int processor )

◆ ex_get_map()

int ex_get_map ( int exoid,
void_int * elem_map )

The function ex_get_map() reads the element order map from the database. If an element order map is not stored in the data file, a default array (1,2,3,. .. num_elem) is returned. Memory must be allocated for the element map array ({num_elem} in length) before this call is made.

In case of an error, ex_get_map() returns a negative number; a warning will return a positive number. Possible causes of errors include:
  • data file not properly opened with call to ex_create() or ex_open()
  • if an element order map is not stored, a default map and a warning value are returned.
[in]exoidexodus file ID returned from a previous call to ex_create() or ex_open().
[out]elem_mapReturned element order map.

The following code will read an element order map from an open exodus file :

int *elem_map, error, exoid;
\comment{read element order map}
elem_map = (int *)calloc(num_elem, sizeof(int));
error = ex_get_map(exoid, elem_map);
int ex_get_map(int exoid, void_int *elem_map)
Definition ex_get_map.c:44

◆ ex_get_map_param()

int ex_get_map_param ( int exoid,
int * num_node_maps,
int * num_elem_maps )

◆ ex_get_name()

int ex_get_name ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type obj_type,
ex_entity_id entity_id,
char * name )

◆ ex_get_names()

◆ ex_get_node_cmap()

int ex_get_node_cmap ( int exoid,
ex_entity_id map_id,
void_int * node_ids,
void_int * proc_ids,
int processor )
exoidNetCDF/Exodus file ID
map_idMap ID
node_idsFEM node IDs
proc_idsProcessor IDs
processorThis processor ID

◆ ex_get_ns_param_global()

int ex_get_ns_param_global ( int exoid,
void_int * global_ids,
void_int * node_cnts,
void_int * df_cnts )
exoidNetCDF/Exodus file ID
global_idsGlobal IDs of node sets
node_cntsCount of nodes in node sets
df_cntsCount of dist. factors in ns

◆ ex_get_num_map()

int ex_get_num_map ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type map_type,
ex_entity_id map_id,
void_int * map )

◆ ex_get_one_attr()

int ex_get_one_attr ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type obj_type,
ex_entity_id obj_id,
int attrib_index,
void * attrib )

◆ ex_get_partial_attr()

int ex_get_partial_attr ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type obj_type,
ex_entity_id obj_id,
int64_t start_num,
int64_t num_ent,
void * attrib )

reads the specified attribute for a subsect of a block

exoidexodus file id
obj_typeobject type (edge, face, elem block)
obj_idobject id (edge, face, elem block ID)
start_numthe starting index of the attributes to be returned.
num_entthe number of entities to read attributes for.
attribarray of attributes

◆ ex_get_partial_conn()

int ex_get_partial_conn ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type blk_type,
ex_entity_id blk_id,
int64_t start_num,
int64_t num_ent,
void_int * nodeconn,
void_int * edgeconn,
void_int * faceconn )

◆ ex_get_partial_coord()

int ex_get_partial_coord ( int exoid,
int64_t start_node_num,
int64_t num_nodes,
void * x_coor,
void * y_coor,
void * z_coor )

reads the coordinates of the nodes. Memory must be allocated for the coordinate arrays (x_coor, y_coor, and z_coor) before this call is made. The length of each of these arrays is the number of nodes in the mesh. Because the coordinates are floating point values, the application code must declare the arrays passed to be the appropriate type "float" or "double" to match the compute word size passed in ex_create() or ex_open()

exoidexodus file id
start_node_numthe starting index of the coordinates to be returned.
num_nodesthe number of nodes to read coordinates for.
[out]x_coorReturned X coordinates of the nodes. These are returned only if x_coor is non-NULL.
[out]y_coorReturned Y coordinates of the nodes. These are returned only if y_coor is non-NULL.
[out]z_coorReturned Z coordinates of the nodes. These are returned only if z_coor is non-NULL.

◆ ex_get_partial_coord_component()

int ex_get_partial_coord_component ( int exoid,
int64_t start_node_num,
int64_t num_nodes,
int component,
void * coor )

reads the coordinates of some of the nodes in the model for the specified component Memory must be allocated for the coordinate array (coor) before this call is made. The length of the array is at least num_nodes Because the coordinates are floating point values, the application code must declare the array passed to be the appropriate type "float" or "double" to match the compute word size passed in ex_create() or ex_open()

exoidexodus file id
start_node_numthe starting index of the coordinates to be returned.
num_nodesthe number of nodes to read coordinates for.
componentwhich component (1=X, 2=Y, 3=Z)
[out]coorReturned coordinate of the nodes for the specified component.

◆ ex_get_partial_id_map()

int ex_get_partial_id_map ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type map_type,
int64_t start_entity_num,
int64_t num_entities,
void_int * map )

reads the a portion of the values of the id map for the entity type specified by map_type The beginning location of the read is a start_entity_num which is 1-based. The read will return num_entities values starting at that location. Requirements are:

  • start_entity_num > 0
  • start_entity_num + num_entities - 1 <= num_entity which is the number of entities of specified type (e.g. elements)
exoidexodus file id
map_typetype (edge block, face block, edge set, ... )
start_entity_numindex of first entity in block to read (1-based)
num_entitiesnumber of entries to read in this block/set
mapthe values read are returned here.

◆ ex_get_partial_num_map()

int ex_get_partial_num_map ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type map_type,
ex_entity_id map_id,
int64_t ent_start,
int64_t ent_count,
void_int * map )

◆ ex_get_partial_one_attr()

int ex_get_partial_one_attr ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type obj_type,
ex_entity_id obj_id,
int64_t start_num,
int64_t num_ent,
int attrib_index,
void * attrib )

reads the specified attribute for a subsect of a block

exoidexodus file id
obj_typeobject type (edge, face, elem block)
obj_idobject id (edge, face, elem block ID)
start_numthe starting index of the attributes to be returned.
num_entthe number of entities to read attributes for.
attrib_indexindex of attribute to write
attribarray of attributes

◆ ex_get_partial_set()

int ex_get_partial_set ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type set_type,
ex_entity_id set_id,
int64_t offset,
int64_t num_to_get,
void_int * set_entry_list,
void_int * set_extra_list )

reads a portion of the set entry list and set extra list for a single set

exoidexodus file id
set_typeset type
set_idset id
offsetindex of first entry in set to access (1-based)
num_to_getnumber of entries to output.
set_entry_listarray of entries in set. Set to NULL to not read.
set_extra_listarray of extras in set. Set to NULL to not read.

◆ ex_get_partial_set_dist_fact()

int ex_get_partial_set_dist_fact ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type set_type,
ex_entity_id set_id,
int64_t offset,
int64_t num_to_put,
void * set_dist_fact )

reads the distribution factors for a single set

◆ ex_get_processor_elem_maps()

int ex_get_processor_elem_maps ( int exoid,
void_int * elem_mapi,
void_int * elem_mapb,
int processor )
exoidNetCDF/Exodus file ID
elem_mapiInternal element IDs
elem_mapbBorder element IDs
processorProcessor ID

◆ ex_get_processor_node_maps()

int ex_get_processor_node_maps ( int exoid,
void_int * node_mapi,
void_int * node_mapb,
void_int * node_mape,
int processor )
exoidNetCDF/Exodus file ID
node_mapiInternal FEM node IDs
node_mapbBorder FEM node IDs
node_mapeExternal FEM node IDs
processorProcessor IDs

◆ ex_get_prop()

int ex_get_prop ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type obj_type,
ex_entity_id obj_id,
const char * prop_name,
void_int * value )

The function ex_get_prop() reads an integer object property value stored for a single element block, node set, or side set.

In case of an error, ex_get_prop() returns a negative number; a warning will return a positive number. Possible causes of errors include:
  • data file not properly opened with call to ex_create() or ex_open()
  • invalid object type specified.
  • a warning value is returned if a property with the specified name is not found.
[in]exoidexodus file ID returned from a previous call to ex_create() or ex_open().
[in]obj_typeType of object; use one of the options in the table below.
[in]obj_idThe element block, node set, or side set ID.
[in]prop_nameThe name of the property (maximum length is MAX_STR_LENGTH ) for which the value is desired.
[out]valueReturned value of the property.
ex_entity_type description
EX_NODE_SET Node Set entity type
EX_EDGE_BLOCK Edge Block entity type
EX_EDGE_SET Edge Set entity type
EX_FACE_BLOCK Face Block entity type
EX_FACE_SET Face Set entity type
EX_ELEM_BLOCK Element Block entity type
EX_ELEM_SET Element Set entity type
EX_SIDE_SET Side Set entity type
EX_ELEM_MAP Element Map entity type
EX_NODE_MAP Node Map entity type
EX_EDGE_MAP Edge Map entity type
EX_FACE_MAP Face Map entity type

For an example of code to read an object property, refer to the description for ex_get_prop_names().

/test/testrd-long-name.c, /test/testrd-nsided.c, /test/testrd.c, /test/testrd1.c, /test/testrd_nc.c, /test/testrd_par.c, /test/testrdd.c, and /test/testrdwt.c.

◆ ex_get_prop_array()

int ex_get_prop_array ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type obj_type,
const char * prop_name,
void_int * values )

The function ex_get_prop_array() reads an array of integer property values for all element blocks, node sets, or side sets. The order of the values in the array correspond to the order in which the element blocks, node sets, or side sets were introduced into the file. Before this function is invoked, memory must be allocated for the returned array of(num_elem_blk, num_node_sets, or {num_side_sets}) integer values.

This function can be used in place of

In case of an error, ex_get_prop_array() returns a negative number; a warning will return a positive number. Possible causes of errors include:
  • data file not properly opened with call to ex_create() or ex_open()
  • invalid object type specified.
  • a warning value is returned if a property with the specified name is not found.
[in]exoidexodus file ID returned from a previous call to ex_create() or ex_open().
[in]obj_typeType of object; use one of the options in the table below.
[in]prop_nameThe name of the property (maximum length of MAX_STR_LENGTH ) for which the values are desired.
[out]valuesReturned array of property values.
ex_entity_type description
EX_NODE_SET Node Set entity type
EX_EDGE_BLOCK Edge Block entity type
EX_EDGE_SET Edge Set entity type
EX_FACE_BLOCK Face Block entity type
EX_FACE_SET Face Set entity type
EX_ELEM_BLOCK Element Block entity type
EX_ELEM_SET Element Set entity type
EX_SIDE_SET Side Set entity type
EX_ELEM_MAP Element Map entity type
EX_NODE_MAP Node Map entity type
EX_EDGE_MAP Edge Map entity type
EX_FACE_MAP Face Map entity type

For an example of code to read an array of object properties, refer to the description for ex_get_prop_names().

/test/testrd-long-name.c, /test/testrd-nsided.c, /test/testrd.c, /test/testrd1.c, /test/testrd_nc.c, /test/testrd_par.c, /test/testrdd.c, and /test/testrdwt.c.

◆ ex_get_prop_names()

int ex_get_prop_names ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type obj_type,
char ** prop_names )

The function ex_get_prop_names() returns names of integer properties stored for an element block, node set, or side set. The number of properties (needed to allocate space for the property names) can be obtained via a call to ex_inquire() or ex_inquire_int().

In case of an error, ex_get_prop_names() returns a negative number; a warning will return a positive number. Possible causes of errors include:
  • data file not properly opened with call to ex_create() or ex_open()
  • invalid object type specified.
[in]exoidexodus file ID returned from a previous call to ex_create() or ex_open().
[in]obj_typeType of object; use one of the options in the table below.
[out]prop_namesReturned array containing num_props (obtained from call to ex_inquire() or ex_inquire_int()) names (of maximum length MAX_STR_LENGTH ) of properties to be stored. ID, a reserved property name, will be the first name in the array.
ex_entity_type description
EX_NODE_SET Node Set entity type
EX_EDGE_BLOCK Edge Block entity type
EX_EDGE_SET Edge Set entity type
EX_FACE_BLOCK Face Block entity type
EX_FACE_SET Face Set entity type
EX_ELEM_BLOCK Element Block entity type
EX_ELEM_SET Element Set entity type
EX_SIDE_SET Side Set entity type
EX_ELEM_MAP Element Map entity type
EX_NODE_MAP Node Map entity type
EX_EDGE_MAP Edge Map entity type
EX_FACE_MAP Face Map entity type

As an example, the following code segment reads in properties assigned to node sets:

int error, exoid, num_props, *prop_values;
char *prop_names[MAX_PROPS];
\comment{read node set properties}
num_props = ex_inquire_int(exoid, EX_INQ_NS_PROP);
for (i=0; i < num_props; i++) {
prop_names[i] = (char *) malloc ((MAX_STR_LENGTH+1), sizeof(char));
prop_values = (int *) malloc (num_node_sets, sizeof(int));
error = ex_get_prop_names(exoid,EX_NODE_SET,prop_names);
for (i=0; i < num_props; i++) {
error = ex_get_prop_array(exoid, EX_NODE_SET, prop_names[i],
Definition exodusII.h:270
Definition exodusII.h:161
int ex_get_prop_array(int exoid, ex_entity_type obj_type, const char *prop_name, void_int *values)
Definition ex_get_prop_array.c:87
int ex_get_prop_names(int exoid, ex_entity_type obj_type, char **prop_names)
Definition ex_get_prop_names.c:78
Definition exodusII.h:409
int64_t ex_inquire_int(int exoid, ex_inquiry req_info)
Definition ex_inquire.c:1029
/test/testrd-long-name.c, /test/testrd-nsided.c, /test/testrd.c, /test/testrd1.c, /test/testrd_nc.c, /test/testrd_par.c, /test/testrdd.c, and /test/testrdwt.c.

◆ ex_get_quadrature()

int ex_get_quadrature ( int exoid,
ex_quadrature ** pquad,
int * num_quad )

◆ ex_get_quadrature_count()

int ex_get_quadrature_count ( int exoid)

◆ ex_get_set()

int ex_get_set ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type set_type,
ex_entity_id set_id,
void_int * set_entry_list,
void_int * set_extra_list )

reads the set entry list and set extra list for a single set

exoidexodus file id
set_typeset type
set_idset id
*set_entry_listarray of entries in set. Set to NULL to not read.
*set_extra_listarray of extras in set. Set to NULL to not read.
/test/ReadEdgeFace.c, /test/testrd-long-name.c, /test/testrd-nsided.c, /test/testrd.c, /test/testrd1.c, /test/testrd_nc.c, /test/testrd_par.c, /test/testrd_ss.c, /test/testrdd.c, and /test/testrdwt.c.

◆ ex_get_set_dist_fact()

int ex_get_set_dist_fact ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type set_type,
ex_entity_id set_id,
void * set_dist_fact )

◆ ex_get_set_param()

◆ ex_get_sets()

int ex_get_sets ( int exoid,
size_t set_count,
struct ex_set * sets )

◆ ex_get_side_set_node_count()

int ex_get_side_set_node_count ( int exoid,
ex_entity_id side_set_id,
int * side_set_node_cnt_list )

◆ ex_get_side_set_node_list()

int ex_get_side_set_node_list ( int exoid,
ex_entity_id side_set_id,
void_int * side_set_node_cnt_list,
void_int * side_set_node_list )

◆ ex_get_side_set_node_list_len()

int ex_get_side_set_node_list_len ( int exoid,
ex_entity_id side_set_id,
void_int * side_set_node_list_len )

This routine is designed to read the Exodus II V 2.0 side set side definition and return the length of a ExodusI style side set node list.

exoidexodus file id
side_set_idside set id
[out]*side_set_node_list_lenlength of node list

◆ ex_get_ss_param_global()

int ex_get_ss_param_global ( int exoid,
void_int * global_ids,
void_int * side_cnts,
void_int * df_cnts )
exoidNetCDF/Exodus file ID
global_idsGlobal side-set IDs
side_cntsGlobal side count
df_cntsGlobal dist. factor count

◆ ex_initialize_basis_struct()

int ex_initialize_basis_struct ( ex_basis * basis,
size_t num_basis,
int mode )

◆ ex_initialize_quadrature_struct()

int ex_initialize_quadrature_struct ( ex_quadrature * quad,
size_t num_quad,
int mode )

◆ ex_put_assemblies()

int ex_put_assemblies ( int exoid,
size_t count,
const struct ex_assembly * assemblies )

writes the assembly parameters and optionally assembly data for 1 or more assemblies

exoidexodus file id
countsize of assemblies array
*assembliesarray of ex_assembly structures

◆ ex_put_assembly()

int ex_put_assembly ( int exoid,
const struct ex_assembly assembly )

writes the assembly parameters and optionally assembly data for one assembly

exoidexodus file id
*assemblyex_assembly structure

◆ ex_put_attr()

int ex_put_attr ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type blk_type,
ex_entity_id blk_id,
const void * attrib )

◆ ex_put_attr_names()

◆ ex_put_attr_param()

int ex_put_attr_param ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type obj_type,
ex_entity_id obj_id,
int num_attrs )

defines the number of attributes.

exoidexodus file id
obj_typeblock/set type (node, edge, face, elem)
obj_idblock/set id (ignored for NODAL)
num_attrsnumber of attributes
/test/test_ts_files.c, /test/testwt-compress.c, /test/testwt-groups.c, /test/testwt-long-name.c, /test/testwt-nsided.c, /test/testwt-oned.c, /test/testwt-partial.c, /test/testwt.c, and /test/testwt_nc.c.

◆ ex_put_attribute()

int ex_put_attribute ( int exoid,
const ex_attribute attributes )

◆ ex_put_attributes()

int ex_put_attributes ( int exoid,
size_t attr_count,
const ex_attribute * attr )

Define and output the specified attributes.

◆ ex_put_basis()

int ex_put_basis ( int exoid,
const ex_basis basis )

◆ ex_put_blob()

int ex_put_blob ( int exoid,
const struct ex_blob blob )

writes the blob parameters and optionally blob data for one blob

exoidexodus file id
*blobex_blob structure

◆ ex_put_blobs()

int ex_put_blobs ( int exoid,
size_t count,
const struct ex_blob * blobs )

writes the blob parameters for 1 or more blobs

exoidexodus file id
countsize of blobs array
*blobsarray of ex_blob structures

◆ ex_put_block()

int ex_put_block ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type blk_type,
ex_entity_id blk_id,
const char * entry_descrip,
int64_t num_entries_this_blk,
int64_t num_nodes_per_entry,
int64_t num_edges_per_entry,
int64_t num_faces_per_entry,
int64_t num_attr_per_entry )

writes the parameters used to describe an element/face/edge block

exoidexodus file id
blk_typetype of block (edge, face, or element)
blk_idblock identifier
entry_descripstring describing shape of entries in the block
num_entries_this_blknumber of entries(records) in the block
num_nodes_per_entrynumber of nodes per block entry
num_edges_per_entrynumber of edges per block entry
num_faces_per_entrynumber of faces per block entry
num_attr_per_entrynumber of attributes per block entry
/test/create_mesh.c, /test/rd_wt_mesh.c, /test/testrdwt.c, /test/testwt-groups.c, /test/testwt-long-name.c, /test/testwt-nface-nside.c, /test/testwt-nfaced.c, /test/testwt-nsided.c, /test/testwt-one-attrib.c, /test/testwt-oned.c, /test/testwt-partial.c, /test/testwt1.c, /test/testwt2.c, /test/testwt_nc.c, /test/testwt_nossnsdf.c, /test/testwt_ss.c, /test/testwtd.c, /test/testwtm.c, and /test/twod.c.

◆ ex_put_block_param()

int ex_put_block_param ( int exoid,
const ex_block block )

writes the parameters used to describe an element/face/edge block

exoidexodus file id
blockex_block structure describing block counts

◆ ex_put_block_params()

int ex_put_block_params ( int exoid,
size_t block_count,
const struct ex_block * blocks )

writes the parameters used to describe an element/face/edge block

exoidexodus file id
block_countnumber of blocks being defined
blocksarray of ex_block structures describing block counts
/test/test_ts_files.c, /test/testwt-compress.c, /test/testwt-results.c, and /test/testwt.c.

◆ ex_put_cmap_params()

int ex_put_cmap_params ( int exoid,
const void_int * node_cmap_ids,
const void_int * node_cmap_node_cnts,
const void_int * elem_cmap_ids,
const void_int * elem_cmap_elem_cnts,
int64_t processor )
exoidNetCDF/Exodus file ID
node_cmap_idsNode map IDs
node_cmap_node_cntsNodes in nodal comm
elem_cmap_idsElem map IDs
elem_cmap_elem_cntsElems in elemental comm
processorThis processor ID

◆ ex_put_cmap_params_cc()

int ex_put_cmap_params_cc ( int exoid,
const void_int * node_cmap_ids,
const void_int * node_cmap_node_cnts,
const void_int * node_proc_ptrs,
const void_int * elem_cmap_ids,
const void_int * elem_cmap_elem_cnts,
const void_int * elem_proc_ptrs )
exoidNetCDF/Exodus file ID
node_cmap_idsNode map IDs
node_cmap_node_cntsNodes in nodal comm
node_proc_ptrsPointer into array for node maps
elem_cmap_idsElem map IDs
elem_cmap_elem_cntsElems in elemental comm
elem_proc_ptrsPointer into array for elem maps

◆ ex_put_concat_all_blocks()

int ex_put_concat_all_blocks ( int exoid,
const ex_block_params * param )

writes the parameters used to describe all element, edge, and face blocks

exoidexodus file id
paramblock parameters structure

◆ ex_put_concat_elem_block()

int ex_put_concat_elem_block ( int exoid,
const void_int * elem_blk_id,
char *const elem_type[],
const void_int * num_elem_this_blk,
const void_int * num_nodes_per_elem,
const void_int * num_attr_this_blk,
int define_maps )

writes the parameters used to describe an element block

exoidexodus file id
elem_blk_idelement block id
elem_typeelement type string
num_elem_this_blknumber of elements in the element blk
num_nodes_per_elemnumber of nodes per element block
num_attr_this_blknumber of attributes
define_mapsif != 0, write maps, else don't
/test/create_mesh.c, /test/rd_wt_mesh.c, and /test/testwt_clb.c.

◆ ex_put_concat_sets()

int ex_put_concat_sets ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type set_type,
const struct ex_set_specs * set_specs )

writes the set ID's, set entry count array, set entry pointers array, set entry list, set extra list, and distribution factors list for all the sets of the specified type.

exoidexodus file id
set_typetype of set
set_specsset specs structure
/test/testwt1.c, /test/testwt_clb.c, /test/testwt_nossnsdf.c, /test/testwt_ss.c, and /test/testwtm.c.

◆ ex_put_conn()

int ex_put_conn ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type blk_type,
ex_entity_id blk_id,
const void_int * node_conn,
const void_int * elem_edge_conn,
const void_int * elem_face_conn )

writes the connectivity array for a block

exoidexodus file id
blk_typetype of block
blk_idid of block
node_connnode-element connectivity
elem_edge_connelement-edge connectivity (NULL if none)
elem_face_connelement-face connectivity (NULL if none)
/test/CreateEdgeFace.c, /test/create_mesh.c, /test/rd_wt_mesh.c, /test/test_ts_files.c, /test/testrdwt.c, /test/testwt-compress.c, /test/testwt-groups.c, /test/testwt-long-name.c, /test/testwt-nface-nside.c, /test/testwt-nfaced.c, /test/testwt-nsided.c, /test/testwt-one-attrib.c, /test/testwt-oned.c, /test/testwt-partial.c, /test/testwt.c, /test/testwt1.c, /test/testwt2.c, /test/testwt_clb.c, /test/testwt_nc.c, /test/testwt_nossnsdf.c, /test/testwt_ss.c, /test/testwtd.c, /test/testwtm.c, and /test/twod.c.

◆ ex_put_coord()

int ex_put_coord ( int exoid,
const void * x_coor,
const void * y_coor,
const void * z_coor )

The function ex_put_coord() writes the nodal coordinates of the nodes in the model. The function ex_put_init() must be invoked before this call is made.

Because the coordinates are floating point values, the application code must declare the arrays passed to be the appropriate type (float or double) to match the compute word size passed in ex_create() or ex_open().

In case of an error, ex_put_coord() returns a negative number; a warning will return a positive number. Possible causes of errors include:
[in]exoidexodus file ID returned from a previous call to ex_create() or ex_open().
[in]x_coorThe X-coordinates of the nodes. If this is NULL, the X-coordinates will not be written.
[in]y_coorThe Y-coordinates of the nodes. These are stored only if num_dim > 1; otherwise, pass in NULL. If this is NULL, the Y-coordinates will not be written.
[in]z_coorThe Z-coordinates of the nodes. These are stored only if num_dim > 2; otherwise, pass in NULL. If this is NULL, the Z-coordinates will not be written.

The following will write the nodal coordinates to an open exodus file :

int error, exoid;
// \comment{if file opened with compute word size of sizeof(float)}
float x[8], y[8], z[8];
// \comment{write nodal coordinates values to database}
x[0] = 0.0; y[0] = 0.0; z[0] = 0.0;
x[1] = 0.0; y[1] = 0.0; z[1] = 1.0;
x[2] = 1.0; y[2] = 0.0; z[2] = 1.0;
x[3] = 1.0; y[3] = 0.0; z[3] = 0.0;
x[4] = 0.0; y[4] = 1.0; z[4] = 0.0;
x[5] = 0.0; y[5] = 1.0; z[5] = 1.0;
x[6] = 1.0; y[6] = 1.0; z[6] = 1.0;
x[7] = 1.0; y[7] = 1.0; z[7] = 0.0;
error = ex_put_coord(exoid, x, y, z);
\comment{Do the same as the previous call in three separate calls}
error = ex_put_coord(exoid, x, NULL, NULL);
error = ex_put_coord(exoid, NULL, y, NULL);
error = ex_put_coord(exoid, NULL, NULL, z);
int ex_put_coord(int exoid, const void *x_coor, const void *y_coor, const void *z_coor)
Definition ex_put_coord.c:87
/test/CreateEdgeFace.c, /test/create_mesh.c, /test/rd_wt_mesh.c, /test/test_ts_files.c, /test/test_ts_nvar.c, /test/testrdwt.c, /test/testwt-compress.c, /test/testwt-groups.c, /test/testwt-long-name.c, /test/testwt-nface-nside.c, /test/testwt-nfaced.c, /test/testwt-nsided.c, /test/testwt-one-attrib.c, /test/testwt-oned.c, /test/testwt-zeroe.c, /test/testwt.c, /test/testwt1.c, /test/testwt2.c, /test/testwt_clb.c, /test/testwt_nc.c, /test/testwt_nossnsdf.c, /test/testwt_ss.c, /test/testwtd.c, /test/testwtm.c, and /test/twod.c.

◆ ex_put_coord_names()

int ex_put_coord_names ( int exoid,
char *const coord_names[] )

The function ex_put_coord_names() writes the names of the coordinate arrays to the database. Memory must be allocated for the character strings before this function is invoked.

In case of an error, ex_put_coord_names() returns a negative number; a warning will return a positive number. Possible causes of errors include:

[in]exoidexodus file ID returned from a previous call to ex_create() or ex_open().
[in]coord_namesArray containing num_dim names of length ...max_name_length... of the nodal coordinate arrays.

The following coding will write the coordinate names to an open exodus file :

int error, exoid;
char *coord_names[3];
coord_names[0] = "xcoor";
coord_names[1] = "ycoor";
coord_names[2] = "zcoor";
error = ex_put_coord_names (exoid, coord_names);
int ex_put_coord_names(int exoid, char *const coord_names[])
Definition ex_put_coord_names.c:46
/test/CreateEdgeFace.c, /test/test_ts_files.c, /test/testrdwt.c, /test/testwt-compress.c, /test/testwt-groups.c, /test/testwt-long-name.c, /test/testwt-nface-nside.c, /test/testwt-nfaced.c, /test/testwt-nsided.c, /test/testwt-one-attrib.c, /test/testwt-oned.c, /test/testwt-partial.c, /test/testwt-zeroe.c, /test/testwt-zeron.c, /test/testwt.c, /test/testwt1.c, /test/testwt2.c, /test/testwt_clb.c, /test/testwt_nc.c, /test/testwt_nossnsdf.c, /test/testwt_ss.c, /test/testwtd.c, /test/testwtm.c, and /test/twod.c.

◆ ex_put_coordinate_frames()

int ex_put_coordinate_frames ( int exoid,
int nframes,
const void_int * cf_ids,
const void * pt_coordinates,
const char * tags )

expfrm - ex_put_coordinate_frames: write coordinate frames

exoidexodus file id
nframesnumber of coordinate frames in model
cf_idscoordinate ids
pt_coordinatespointer to coordinates. 9 values per coordinate frame
tagscharacter tag for each frame. 'r' - rectangular, 'c' - cylindrical, 's' - spherical

returns - EX_NOERR for no error EX_FATAL for fatal errors 1 number frames < 0


◆ ex_put_double_attribute()

int ex_put_double_attribute ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type obj_type,
ex_entity_id id,
const char * atr_name,
int num_values,
const double * values )

◆ ex_put_eb_info_global()

int ex_put_eb_info_global ( int exoid,
const void_int * el_blk_ids,
const void_int * el_blk_cnts )
exoidNemesisI file ID
el_blk_idsVector of global element IDs
el_blk_cntsVector of global element counts

◆ ex_put_elem_cmap()

int ex_put_elem_cmap ( int exoid,
ex_entity_id map_id,
const void_int * elem_ids,
const void_int * side_ids,
const void_int * proc_ids,
int processor )
exoidNetCDF/Exodus file ID
map_idElemental comm map ID
elem_idsVector of element IDs
side_idsVector of side IDs
proc_idsVector of processor IDs
processorThis processor ID

◆ ex_put_entity_count_per_polyhedra()

int ex_put_entity_count_per_polyhedra ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type blk_type,
ex_entity_id blk_id,
const int * entity_counts )

writes out the number of entities (nodes/faces) per polyhedra (nsided/nfaced) in this element block to the database.

exoidexodus file id
blk_typetype of block (face, or element)
blk_idblock identifier
entity_countsentity_per_polyhedra count array
/test/testwt-nface-nside.c, /test/testwt-nfaced.c, and /test/testwt-nsided.c.

◆ ex_put_field_metadata()

int ex_put_field_metadata ( int exoid,
const ex_field field )

◆ ex_put_field_suffices()

int ex_put_field_suffices ( int exoid,
const ex_field field,
const char * suffices )

◆ ex_put_id_map()

int ex_put_id_map ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type map_type,
const void_int * map )

writes out the entity numbering map to the database; this allows the entity numbers to be non-contiguous. This map is used for mapping between local and global entity ids.

exoidexodus file id
mapelement numbering map array
/test/create_mesh.c, /test/rd_wt_mesh.c, /test/test_ts_files.c, /test/testrdwt.c, /test/testwt-compress.c, /test/testwt-groups.c, /test/testwt-long-name.c, /test/testwt-nsided.c, /test/testwt-oned.c, /test/testwt-partial.c, /test/testwt.c, /test/testwt2.c, /test/testwt_clb.c, /test/testwt_nc.c, /test/testwt_nossnsdf.c, /test/testwtd.c, /test/testwtm.c, and /test/twod.c.

◆ ex_put_init()

int ex_put_init ( int exoid,
const char * title,
int64_t num_dim,
int64_t num_nodes,
int64_t num_elem,
int64_t num_elem_blk,
int64_t num_node_sets,
int64_t num_side_sets )

The function ex_put_init() writes the initialization parameters to the exodus file. This function must be called once (and only once) before writing any data to the file.

In case of an error, ex_put_init() returns a negative number; a warning will return a positive number. Possible causes of errors include:
  • data file not properly opened with call to ex_create() or ex_open()
  • data file opened for read only.
  • this routine has been called previously.
exoidexodus file ID returned from a previous call to ex_create() or ex_open().
titleDatabase title. Maximum length is MAX_LINE_LENGTH.
num_dimThe dimensionality of the database. This is the number of coordinates per node.
num_nodesThe number of nodal points.
num_elemThe number of elements.
num_elem_blkThe number of element blocks.
num_node_setsThe number of node sets.
num_side_setsThe number of side sets.

The following code segment will initialize an open exodus file with the specified parameters:

int num_dim, num_nods, num_el, num_el_blk, num_ns, num_ss, error, exoid;
\comment{initialize file with parameters}
num_dim = 3; num_nods = 46; num_el = 5; num_el_blk = 5;
num_ns = 2; num_ss = 5;
error = ex_put_init (exoid, "This is the title", num_dim,
num_nods, num_el,num_el_blk, num_ns, num_ss);
int ex_put_init(int exoid, const char *title, int64_t num_dim, int64_t num_nodes, int64_t num_elem, int64_t num_elem_blk, int64_t num_node_sets, int64_t num_side_sets)
Definition ex_put_init.c:53
/test/create_mesh.c, /test/rd_wt_mesh.c, /test/test_ts_files.c, /test/test_ts_nvar.c, /test/test_ts_partial_nvar.c, /test/testrdwt.c, /test/testwt-compress.c, /test/testwt-groups.c, /test/testwt-long-name.c, /test/testwt-nsided.c, /test/testwt-one-attrib.c, /test/testwt-oned.c, /test/testwt-partial.c, /test/testwt-results.c, /test/testwt-zeroe.c, /test/testwt-zeron.c, /test/testwt.c, /test/testwt1.c, /test/testwt2.c, /test/testwt_clb.c, /test/testwt_nc.c, /test/testwt_nossnsdf.c, /test/testwt_ss.c, /test/testwtd.c, /test/testwtm.c, and /test/twod.c.

◆ ex_put_init_ext()

int ex_put_init_ext ( int exoid,
const ex_init_params * model )

writes the initialization parameters to the EXODUS file

exoidexodus file id
modelfinite element model parameters
/test/CreateEdgeFace.c, /test/testwt-nface-nside.c, and /test/testwt-nfaced.c.

◆ ex_put_init_global()

int ex_put_init_global ( int exoid,
int64_t num_nodes_g,
int64_t num_elems_g,
int64_t num_elem_blks_g,
int64_t num_node_sets_g,
int64_t num_side_sets_g )

◆ ex_put_init_info()

int ex_put_init_info ( int exoid,
int num_proc,
int num_proc_in_f,
const char * ftype )

◆ ex_put_integer_attribute()

int ex_put_integer_attribute ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type obj_type,
ex_entity_id id,
const char * atr_name,
int num_values,
const void_int * values )

◆ ex_put_loadbal_param()

int ex_put_loadbal_param ( int exoid,
int64_t num_int_nodes,
int64_t num_bor_nodes,
int64_t num_ext_nodes,
int64_t num_int_elems,
int64_t num_bor_elems,
int64_t num_node_cmaps,
int64_t num_elem_cmaps,
int processor )

◆ ex_put_loadbal_param_cc()

int ex_put_loadbal_param_cc ( int exoid,
const void_int * num_int_nodes,
const void_int * num_bor_nodes,
const void_int * num_ext_nodes,
const void_int * num_int_elems,
const void_int * num_bor_elems,
const void_int * num_node_cmaps,
const void_int * num_elem_cmaps )

◆ ex_put_map()

int ex_put_map ( int exoid,
const void_int * elem_map )

The function ex_put_map() writes out the optional element order map to the database. The function ex_put_init() must be invoked before this call is made.

In case of an error, ex_put_map() returns a negative number; a warning will return a positive number. Possible causes of errors include:

  • data file not properly opened with call to ex_create() or ex_open()
  • data file opened for read only.
  • data file not initialized properly with call to ex_put_init().
  • an element map already exists in the file.
[in]exoidexodus file ID returned from a previous call to ex_create() or ex_open().
[in]elem_mapThe element order map.

The following code generates a default element order map and outputs it to an open exodus file. This is a trivial case and included just for illustration. Since this map is optional, it should be written out only if it contains something other than the default map.

int error, exoid;
int *elem_map = (int *)calloc(num_elem, sizeof(int));
for (i=0; i < num_elem; i++) {
elem_map[i] = i+1;
error = ex_put_map(exoid, elem_map);
int ex_put_map(int exoid, const void_int *elem_map)
Definition ex_put_map.c:59

◆ ex_put_map_param()

int ex_put_map_param ( int exoid,
int num_node_maps,
int num_elem_maps )

defines the number of node and element maps. It is more efficient to define both of these at the same time; however, they can be defined in separate calls by setting only one of the counts to a non-zero value. It is an error to redefine the number of node or element maps.

exoidexodus file id
num_node_mapsnumber of node maps
num_elem_mapsnumber of element maps

◆ ex_put_multi_field_metadata()

int ex_put_multi_field_metadata ( int exoid,
const ex_field * field,
const int field_count )

◆ ex_put_name()

int ex_put_name ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type obj_type,
ex_entity_id entity_id,
const char * name )

writes the name of the specified entity to the database. The entity with id entity_id must exist before calling ex_put_name().

exoidexodus file id
obj_typeobject type
entity_idid of entity name to write
nameptr to entity name
/test/test_ts_files.c, /test/testwt-compress.c, /test/testwt-groups.c, /test/testwt.c, and /test/testwt1.c.

◆ ex_put_names()

int ex_put_names ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type obj_type,
char *const names[] )

◆ ex_put_node_cmap()

int ex_put_node_cmap ( int exoid,
ex_entity_id map_id,
const void_int * node_ids,
const void_int * proc_ids,
int processor )
exoidNetCDF/Exodus file ID
map_idNodal comm map ID
node_idsFEM node IDs
proc_idsProcessor IDs
processorThis processor ID

◆ ex_put_ns_param_global()

int ex_put_ns_param_global ( int exoid,
const void_int * global_ids,
const void_int * node_cnts,
const void_int * df_cnts )
exoidNemesisI file ID
global_idsVector of global node-set IDs
node_cntsVector of node counts in node-sets
df_cntsVector of dist factor counts in node-sets

◆ ex_put_num_map()

int ex_put_num_map ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type map_type,
ex_entity_id map_id,
const void_int * map )

writes a map; this is a vector of integers of the same length as the number of entries in the source object (nodes, edges, faces, or elements in the file).

exoidexodus file id
map_typetype of map (node,edge,face,elem)
map_idid to associate with new map
mapmap set value array
/test/CreateEdgeFace.c, and /test/testwt1.c.

◆ ex_put_one_attr()

int ex_put_one_attr ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type obj_type,
ex_entity_id obj_id,
int attrib_index,
const void * attrib )

writes the specified attribute for a block

exoidexodus file id
obj_typeobject type (edge, face, elem block)
obj_idobject id (edge, face, elem block ID)
attrib_indexindex of attribute to write
attribarray of attributes
/test/test_ts_files.c, /test/testwt-compress.c, /test/testwt-groups.c, /test/testwt-long-name.c, /test/testwt-nsided.c, /test/testwt-one-attrib.c, /test/testwt-oned.c, /test/testwt.c, and /test/testwt_nc.c.

◆ ex_put_partial_attr()

int ex_put_partial_attr ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type blk_type,
ex_entity_id blk_id,
int64_t start_entity,
int64_t num_entity,
const void * attrib )

writes the attributes for an edge/face/element block

exoidexodus file id
blk_typeblock type
blk_idblock id
start_entitythe starting index (1-based) of the attribute to be written
num_entitythe number of entities to write attributes
attribarray of attributes

◆ ex_put_partial_conn()

int ex_put_partial_conn ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type blk_type,
ex_entity_id blk_id,
int64_t start_num,
int64_t num_ent,
const void_int * nodeconn,
const void_int * edgeconn,
const void_int * faceconn )

◆ ex_put_partial_coord()

int ex_put_partial_coord ( int exoid,
int64_t start_node_num,
int64_t num_nodes,
const void * x_coor,
const void * y_coor,
const void * z_coor )

writes the coordinates of some of the nodes in the model Only writes the 'non-null' arrays.

exoidexodus file id
start_node_numthe starting index (1-based) of the coordinates to be written
num_nodesthe number of nodes to write coordinates for.
x_coorx coord array
y_coory coord array
z_coorz coord array
/test/test_ts_partial_nvar.c, and /test/testwt-partial.c.

◆ ex_put_partial_coord_component()

int ex_put_partial_coord_component ( int exoid,
int64_t start_node_num,
int64_t num_nodes,
int component,
const void * coor )

writes the coordinates of some of the nodes in the model for the specified component

exoidexodus file id
start_node_numthe starting index (1-based) of the coordinates to be written
num_nodesthe number of nodes to write coordinates for.
componentwhich component (1=X, 2=Y, 3=Z)
coorcoord array

◆ ex_put_partial_id_map()

int ex_put_partial_id_map ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type map_type,
int64_t start_entity_num,
int64_t num_entities,
const void_int * map )

writes out a portion of the entity numbering map to the database; this allows the entity numbers to be non-contiguous. This map is used for mapping between local and global entity ids.

exoidexodus file id
mapnumbering map array

◆ ex_put_partial_node_cmap()

int ex_put_partial_node_cmap ( int exoid,
ex_entity_id map_id,
int64_t start_entity_num,
int64_t num_entities,
const void_int * node_ids,
const void_int * proc_ids,
int processor )

writes out a portion of the nodal communication map to the database; This map specifies the nodes on a processor boundary and the processors that those nodes are shared with.

exoidexodus file id
node_idsthe file-local node ids on the processor boundary
proc_idsthe processor ids associated with each of the node_ids
processorthe processor the file is being written for.
exoidNetCDF/Exodus file ID
map_idNodal comm map ID
start_entity_numStarting position to write to
num_entitiesNumber of nodes to write
node_idsFEM node IDs
proc_idsProcessor IDs
processorThis processor ID

◆ ex_put_partial_num_map()

int ex_put_partial_num_map ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type map_type,
ex_entity_id map_id,
int64_t ent_start,
int64_t ent_count,
const void_int * map )

writes a map; this is a vector of integers of length number of mesh objects of that type (element, node, face, edge)


◆ ex_put_partial_one_attr()

int ex_put_partial_one_attr ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type obj_type,
ex_entity_id obj_id,
int64_t start_num,
int64_t num_ent,
int attrib_index,
const void * attrib )

writes the specified attribute for a block

exoidexodus file id
obj_typeobject type (edge, face, elem block)
obj_idobject id (edge, face, elem block ID)
start_numthe starting index of the attributes to be written
num_entthe number of entities to write attributes for.
attrib_indexindex of attribute to write
attribarray of attributes

◆ ex_put_partial_set()

int ex_put_partial_set ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type set_type,
ex_entity_id set_id,
int64_t offset,
int64_t num_to_put,
const void_int * set_entry_list,
const void_int * set_extra_list )

writes the set entry list and set extra list for a single set

exoidexodus file id
set_typeset type
set_idset id
offsetThe initial entity (1-based) to be output
num_to_putThe number of entities to output
*set_entry_listarray of entries in set. Set to NULL to not write.
*set_extra_listarray of extras in set. Set to NULL to not write.

◆ ex_put_partial_set_dist_fact()

int ex_put_partial_set_dist_fact ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type set_type,
ex_entity_id set_id,
int64_t offset,
int64_t num_to_put,
const void * set_dist_fact )

writes the partial distribution factors for a single set

exoidexodus file id
set_typeset type
set_idset id
offsetindex (1-based) of first dist factor to write
num_to_putnumber of dist factors to write.
*set_dist_factarray of dist factors for set

◆ ex_put_processor_elem_maps()

int ex_put_processor_elem_maps ( int exoid,
const void_int * elem_mapi,
const void_int * elem_mapb,
int processor )
exoidNetCDF/Exodus file ID
elem_mapiInternal FEM element IDs
elem_mapbBorder FEM element IDs
processorThis processor ID

◆ ex_put_processor_node_maps()

int ex_put_processor_node_maps ( int exoid,
const void_int * node_mapi,
const void_int * node_mapb,
const void_int * node_mape,
int proc_id )
exoidNetCDF/Exodus file ID
node_mapiInternal FEM node IDs
node_mapbBorder FEM node IDs
node_mapeExternal FEM node IDs
proc_idThis processor ID

◆ ex_put_prop()

int ex_put_prop ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type obj_type,
ex_entity_id obj_id,
const char * prop_name,
ex_entity_id value )

The function ex_put_prop() stores an integer object property value to a single element block, node set, or side set. Although it is not necessary to invoke ex_put_prop_names(), since ex_put_prop() will allocate space within the data file if it hasn't been previously allocated, it is more efficient to use ex_put_prop_names() if there is more than one property to store.

It should be noted that the interpretation of the values of the integers stored as properties is left to the application code. In general, a zero (0) means the object does not have the specified property (or is not in the specified group); a nonzero value means the object does have the specified property. When space is allocated for the properties using ex_put_prop_names() or ex_put_prop(), the properties are initialized to zero (0).

Because the ID of an element block, node set, or side set is just another property (named ID), this routine can be used to change the value of an ID. This feature must be used with caution, though, because changing the ID of an object to the ID of another object of the same type (element block, node set, or side set) would cause two objects to have the same ID, and thus only the first would be accessible. Therefore, ex_put_prop() issues a warning if a user attempts to give two objects the same ID.

In case of an error, ex_put_prop() returns a negative number; a warning will return a positive number. Possible causes of errors include:
  • data file not properly opened with call to ex_create() or ex_open()
  • data file opened for read only.
  • data file not initialized properly with call to ex_put_init().
  • invalid object type specified.
  • a warning is issued if a user attempts to change the ID of an object to the ID of an existing object of the same type.
[in]exoidexodus file ID returned from a previous call to ex_create() or ex_open().
[in]obj_typeType of object; use one of the options in the table below.
[in]obj_idThe element block, node set, or side set ID.
[in]prop_nameThe name of the property for which the value will be stored. Maximum length of this string is MAX_STR_LENGTH .
[in]valueThe value of the property.
ex_entity_type description
EX_NODE_SET Node Set entity type
EX_EDGE_BLOCK Edge Block entity type
EX_EDGE_SET Edge Set entity type
EX_FACE_BLOCK Face Block entity type
EX_FACE_SET Face Set entity type
EX_ELEM_BLOCK Element Block entity type
EX_ELEM_SET Element Set entity type
EX_SIDE_SET Side Set entity type
EX_ELEM_MAP Element Map entity type
EX_NODE_MAP Node Map entity type
EX_EDGE_MAP Edge Map entity type
EX_FACE_MAP Face Map entity type

For an example of code to write out an object property, refer to the description for ex_put_prop_names().

/test/test_ts_files.c, /test/testrdwt.c, /test/testwt-compress.c, /test/testwt-groups.c, /test/testwt-long-name.c, /test/testwt-nsided.c, /test/testwt-oned.c, /test/testwt-partial.c, /test/testwt-zeroe.c, /test/testwt.c, /test/testwt1.c, /test/testwt2.c, /test/testwt_clb.c, /test/testwt_nc.c, /test/testwt_nossnsdf.c, /test/testwtd.c, and /test/testwtm.c.

◆ ex_put_prop_array()

int ex_put_prop_array ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type obj_type,
const char * prop_name,
const void_int * values )

The function ex_put_prop_array() stores an array of ({num_elem_blk}, num_node_sets, or num_side_sets) integer property values for all element blocks, node sets, or side sets. The order of the values in the array must correspond to the order in which the element blocks, node sets, or side sets were introduced into the file. For instance, if the parameters for element block with ID 20 were written to a file (via ex_put_elem_block()), and then parameters for element block with ID 10, followed by the parameters for element block with ID 30, the first, second, and third elements in the property array would correspond to element block 20, element block 10, and element block 30, respectively.

One should note that this same functionality (writing properties to multiple objects) can be accomplished with multiple calls to ex_put_prop().

Although it is not necessary to invoke ex_put_prop_names(), since ex_put_prop_array() will allocate space within the data file if it hasn't been previously allocated, it is more efficient to use ex_put_prop_names() if there is more than one property to store.

In case of an error, ex_put_prop_array() returns a negative number; a warning will return a positive number. Possible causes of errors include:
  • data file not properly opened with call to ex_create() or ex_open()
  • data file opened for read only.
  • data file not initialized properly with call to ex_put_init().
  • invalid object type specified.
[in]exoidexodus file ID returned from a previous call to ex_create() or ex_open().
[in]obj_typeType of object; use one of the options in the table below.
[in]prop_nameThe name of the property for which the values will be stored. Maximum length of this string is MAX_STR_LENGTH .
[in]valuesAn array of property values.
ex_entity_type description
EX_NODE_SET Node Set entity type
EX_EDGE_BLOCK Edge Block entity type
EX_EDGE_SET Edge Set entity type
EX_FACE_BLOCK Face Block entity type
EX_FACE_SET Face Set entity type
EX_ELEM_BLOCK Element Block entity type
EX_ELEM_SET Element Set entity type
EX_SIDE_SET Side Set entity type
EX_ELEM_MAP Element Map entity type
EX_NODE_MAP Node Map entity type
EX_EDGE_MAP Edge Map entity type
EX_FACE_MAP Face Map entity type

For an example of code to write an array of object properties, refer to the description for ex_put_prop_names().

/test/test_ts_files.c, /test/testrdwt.c, /test/testwt-compress.c, /test/testwt-groups.c, /test/testwt-long-name.c, /test/testwt-nsided.c, /test/testwt-oned.c, /test/testwt-partial.c, /test/testwt-zeroe.c, /test/testwt.c, /test/testwt1.c, /test/testwt2.c, /test/testwt_clb.c, /test/testwt_nc.c, /test/testwt_nossnsdf.c, /test/testwtd.c, and /test/testwtm.c.

◆ ex_put_prop_names()

int ex_put_prop_names ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type obj_type,
int num_props,
char ** prop_names )

The function ex_put_prop_names() writes object property names and allocates space for object property arrays used to assign integer properties to element blocks, node sets, or side sets. The property arrays are initialized to zero (0). Although this function is optional, since ex_put_prop() will allocate space within the data file if it hasn't been previously allocated, it is more efficient to use ex_put_prop_names() if there is more than one property to store.

In case of an error, ex_put_prop_names() returns a negative number; a warning will return a positive number. Possible causes of errors include:
  • data file not properly opened with call to ex_create() or ex_open()
  • data file opened for read only.
  • data file not initialized properly with call to ex_put_init().
  • invalid object type specified.
  • no object of the specified type is stored in the file.
[in]exoidexodus file ID returned from a previous call to ex_create() or ex_open().
[in]obj_typeType of object; use one of the options in the table below.
[in]num_propsThe number of integer properties to be assigned to all of the objects of the type specified (element blocks, node sets, or side sets).
[in]prop_namesArray containing num_props names (of maximum length of MAX_STR_LENGTH ) of properties to be stored.
ex_entity_type description
EX_NODE_SET Node Set entity type
EX_EDGE_BLOCK Edge Block entity type
EX_EDGE_SET Edge Set entity type
EX_FACE_BLOCK Face Block entity type
EX_FACE_SET Face Set entity type
EX_ELEM_BLOCK Element Block entity type
EX_ELEM_SET Element Set entity type
EX_SIDE_SET Side Set entity type
EX_ELEM_MAP Element Map entity type
EX_NODE_MAP Node Map entity type
EX_EDGE_MAP Edge Map entity type
EX_FACE_MAP Face Map entity type

For instance, suppose a user wanted to assign the 1st, 3rd, and 5th element blocks (those element blocks stored 1st, 3rd, and 5th, regardless of their ID) to a group (property) called TOP, and the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th element blocks to a group called LSIDE. This could be accomplished with the following code:

char* prop_names[2];
int top_part[] = {1,0,1,0,1};
int lside_part[] = {0,1,1,1,0};
int id[] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50};
prop_names[0] = "TOP";
prop_names[1] = "LSIDE";
\comment{This call to ex_put_prop_names is optional, but more efficient}
ex_put_prop_names (exoid, EX_ELEM_BLOCK, 2, prop_names);
\comment{The property values can be output individually thus}
for (i=0; i < 5; i++) {
ex_put_prop (exoid, EX_ELEM_BLOCK, id[i], prop_names[0],
ex_put_prop (exoid, EX_ELEM_BLOCK, id[i], prop_names[1],
\comment{Alternatively, the values can be output as an array}
ex_put_prop_array (exoid, EX_ELEM_BLOCK, prop_names[0],
ex_put_prop_array (exoid, EX_ELEM_BLOCK, prop_names[1],
Definition exodusII.h:275
int ex_put_prop_names(int exoid, ex_entity_type obj_type, int num_props, char **prop_names)
Definition ex_put_prop_names.c:97
int ex_put_prop(int exoid, ex_entity_type obj_type, ex_entity_id obj_id, const char *prop_name, ex_entity_id value)
Definition ex_put_prop.c:77
int ex_put_prop_array(int exoid, ex_entity_type obj_type, const char *prop_name, const void_int *values)
Definition ex_put_prop_array.c:71
/test/test_ts_files.c, /test/testrdwt.c, /test/testwt-compress.c, /test/testwt-groups.c, /test/testwt-long-name.c, /test/testwt-oned.c, /test/testwt-partial.c, /test/testwt.c, /test/testwt1.c, /test/testwt2.c, /test/testwt_clb.c, /test/testwt_nc.c, /test/testwt_nossnsdf.c, /test/testwtd.c, and /test/testwtm.c.

◆ ex_put_quadrature()

int ex_put_quadrature ( int exoid,
const ex_quadrature quad )

◆ ex_put_set()

int ex_put_set ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type set_type,
ex_entity_id set_id,
const void_int * set_entry_list,
const void_int * set_extra_list )

writes the set entry list and set extra list for a single set

exoidexodus file id
set_typeset type
set_idset id
*set_entry_listarray of entries in set. Set to NULL to not write.
*set_extra_listarray of extras in set. Set to NULL to not write.
/test/test_ts_files.c, /test/testrdwt.c, /test/testwt-compress.c, /test/testwt-groups.c, /test/testwt-long-name.c, /test/testwt-nsided.c, /test/testwt-oned.c, /test/testwt-partial.c, /test/testwt-zeroe.c, /test/testwt.c, /test/testwt2.c, /test/testwt_clb.c, /test/testwt_nc.c, /test/testwtd.c, /test/testwtm.c, and /test/twod.c.

◆ ex_put_set_dist_fact()

int ex_put_set_dist_fact ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type set_type,
ex_entity_id set_id,
const void * set_dist_fact )

writes the distribution factors for a single set

exoidexodus file id
set_typeset type
set_idset id
*set_dist_factarray of dist factors for set
/test/test_ts_files.c, /test/testrdwt.c, /test/testwt-compress.c, /test/testwt-groups.c, /test/testwt-long-name.c, /test/testwt-nsided.c, /test/testwt-oned.c, /test/testwt-partial.c, /test/testwt-zeroe.c, /test/testwt.c, /test/testwt2.c, /test/testwt_clb.c, /test/testwt_nc.c, /test/testwtd.c, and /test/testwtm.c.

◆ ex_put_set_param()

int ex_put_set_param ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type set_type,
ex_entity_id set_id,
int64_t num_entries_in_set,
int64_t num_dist_fact_in_set )

writes the set id and the number of entries which describe a single set

exoidexodus file id
set_typethe type of set
set_idset id
num_entries_in_setnumber of entries in the set
num_dist_fact_in_setnumber of distribution factors in the set
/test/test_ts_files.c, /test/testrdwt.c, /test/testwt-compress.c, /test/testwt-groups.c, /test/testwt-long-name.c, /test/testwt-nsided.c, /test/testwt-oned.c, /test/testwt-partial.c, /test/testwt-zeroe.c, /test/testwt.c, /test/testwt2.c, /test/testwt_nc.c, /test/testwtd.c, /test/testwtm.c, and /test/twod.c.

◆ ex_put_sets()

int ex_put_sets ( int exoid,
size_t set_count,
const struct ex_set * sets )

writes the set parameters and optionally set data for 1 or more sets

exoidexodus file id
set_countnumber of sets to write
*setsarray of ex_set structures

◆ ex_put_ss_param_global()

int ex_put_ss_param_global ( int exoid,
const void_int * global_ids,
const void_int * side_cnts,
const void_int * df_cnts )
exoidNemesisI file ID
global_idsVector of global side-set IDs
side_cntsVector of element/side counts in each side set
df_cntsVector of dist. factor counts in each side set

◆ ex_put_text_attribute()

int ex_put_text_attribute ( int exoid,
ex_entity_type obj_type,
ex_entity_id id,
const char * atr_name,
const char * value )

◆ ex_string_to_field_type_enum()

ex_field_type ex_string_to_field_type_enum ( const char * field_name)

The reverse of field_type_enum_to_string Used to convert the string into a field_type enum. The string is parsed from the database as a user-readable attribute. For example, EX_VECTOR_2D is on the database instead of a raw number 2