Scenarios ========= sansmic runs a simulation based on a user-defined scenario. In SANSMIC, this was defined in a .DAT file. Modern scenarios are defined programmatically, using :class:`~sansmic.model.Scenario`, :class:`~sansmic.model.AdvancedOptions`, and :class:`~sansmic.model.StageDefinition` objects, or through a dictionary representation of these classes. The pereferred file format for a scenario file is :term:`TOML`, although :term:`JSON`, and :term:`YAML` will be parsed if the proper extension is used. All configuration examples will be provided in TOML format. The scenario file starts with options that are not contained in a TOML table. The following is the basic layout of a scenario file .. code-block:: toml title = 'A title for my scenario' # optional but highly recommended num-cells = 200 # required # ... additional per-scenario options will follow [advanced] # ... advanced and unusual settings, such as ... relative-error = 1.0e-4 # the ODE solver tolerance [defaults] # ... values which can be overridden in a specific stage, but which # you may want a default value so you don't *have* to specify # more than once solver-timestep = 0.1 # hours inner-tbg-inside-diam = 9.85 # inches [[stages]] # ... per-stage options go here # [[stages]] # ... define an additional stage with another [[stages]] entry Optional but highly recommended scenario keys are * :confval:`title` * :confval:`comments` Required scenario keys are * :confval:`num-cells` * :confval:`geometry-data` * :confval:`geometry-format` * :confval:`cavern-height` * :confval:`floor-depth` * :confval:`ullage-standoff` * :confval:`insolubles-ratio` * :confval:`units` (in progress) Valid :confval:`[defaults]` keys are * :confval:`solver-timestep` * :confval:`save-frequency` * :confval:`inner-tbg-inside-diam` * :confval:`inner-tbg-outside-diam` * :confval:`outer-csg-inside-diam` * :confval:`outer-csg-outside-diam` The `[advanced]`_ section keys are * :confval:`absolute-error` * :confval:`relative-error` * :confval:`coallescing-wells` * :confval:`well-separation` * :confval:`jet-model-version` * :confval:`dissolution-factor` * :confval:`max-brine-sg` * :confval:`solid-density` * :confval:`entrainment-coeff` * :confval:`molecular-diffusion` * :confval:`eddy-coefficient` * :confval:`diffusion-beta` .. * :confval:`plume-model-version` * :confval:`temperature-model-version` The `[[stages]]`_ table require that **all** of the following be defined for **each** stage * :confval:`title` * :confval:`simulation-mode` * :confval:`injection-duration` * :confval:`rest-duration` * :confval:`brine-injection-sg` * :confval:`brine-injection-depth` xor :confval:`brine-injection-height` * :confval:`brine-production-depth` xor :confval:`brine-production-height` * :confval:`brine-injection-rate` The keys which are required for at least the **first** stage are * :confval:`set-cavern-sg` * :confval:`brine-interface-depth` xor :confval:`brine-interface-height` The keys which can be set using the ``[defaults]`` section can also be set in the ``[stages]``, but they must be defined in every stage if they are not given defaults. Finally, the following options are optional or are only required in a certain :confval:`simulation-mode` * :confval:`set-initial-conditions` * :confval:`product-injection-rate` * :confval:`stop-condition` * :confval:`stop-value` .. hack - don't use these * :confval:`product-injection-depth` * :confval:`product-production-depth` Scenario options ---------------- .. confval:: title A descriptive title for the simulation or for a stage. The simulation title is optional, but every stage *must* have a title defined. .. confval:: comments A longer block for detailed comments, citations, etc., can be defined at the scenario level. Use triple-quotes to allow use of multiple lines, like this .. code-block:: toml comments = """This is an example of a comment that spans multiple lines.""" .. confval:: num-cells The number of cells to use in the vertical domain. Each cell is between two nodes. The spacing of the nodes is defined by the :confval:`cavern-height` divided by :confval:`num-cells`. .. confval:: geometry-format There are ways to define the geometry, and it is defined by this field. The valid options are given below. For all options except *radius-list*, the python module will linearly interpolate between depths to get the radii for each node, which is not necessarily a volume-conserving operation. "radius-list" The radii for each *node* are listed in order from the *bottom* of the cavern to the top. There are :confval:`num-cells` + 1 nodes that are equally spaced based on the :confval:`cavern-height` divided by the number of cells. The radii are provided in units of :term:`foot`. The radii can be listed in the scenario configuration file or in a separate file - see :confval:`geometry-data`. "radius-table" The radii and depths are both specified, and the radii for each evenly-spaced node are interpolated between depths if needed. This is not a volume-conserving operation [currently]. "volume-table" The volume of the cavern is specified for a list of depths. The volumes are then converted to a cumulative volume "strapping" curve, and the cumulative volume is interpolated for each evenly-spaced node. After this interpolation is performed, the volumes are de-accumulated and the radii calculated. This is a volume-conserving operation. "volume-list" This is actually a list of volumes *and* depths, and is identical to a volume table unless the data is in a separate file, in which case the number of entries must be specified on the first line, followed by all [double check] and then all [double check]. If depths and radii are specified in the configuration file, then this is identical to the *volume-table* format. .. The following new formats are planned, but not yet implemented: "infer" The format will be inferred from the fields provided in the dictionary which must be one of the standard fields defined in :confval:`geometry-data`. If a file is specified, it must be in TOML, JSON, or YAML format. Will allow importing a file using :mod:`pandas` or :mod:`lasio`. If a piece of data is provided in a field not named one of those defined in :confval:`geometry-data`, then providing that name as a field will allow the user to map that field name to the appropriate column in the file. The "units" key will allow for files that are not specified with the same units as the rest of the configuration file. .. confval:: geometry-data :type: string or dict If the :confval:`geometry-data` field is a string, it is assumed to be a path to a file that contains *only* data in the format defined by the :confval:`geometry-format`. I.e., if the geometry format is *radius-list*, then it must be a list of numbers, one per line, and nothing else in the file. If the :confval:`geometry-data` is a dictionary, it can have the following fields; the fields needed and how they are interpreted and/or interpolated are determined by the :confval:`geometry-format`. .. confval:: geometry-data.radii A list of radii. If :confval:`geometry-format` = *radius-list*, then this should be the only field provided, and the radii must be appropriately specified from bottom to top. If :confval:`geometry-format` = *radius-table*, then this field should have the radii corresponding to the depths in :confval:`geometry-data.depths`, and the order is irrelevant provided the two fields are in the same order. .. confval:: geometry-data.volumes .. confval:: geometry-data.depths .. confval:: cavern-height The total height of the model domain in the vertical axis. .. confval:: floor-depth The measured depth of the floor of the cavern/well. This is a positive value below a surface datum. .. confval:: ullage-standoff The ullage, or remaining usable volume, is calculated by removing the volume between the floor and this distance from the brine volume. .. confval:: insolubles-ratio The volumetric fraction of the rock salt that is composed of insoluble material that will accumulate on the cavern floor. .. confval:: units .. warning:: Units is an open issue and is the first priority for updates. Currently, only `ft-in-bbl` is enabled. Specify the units that all options will be provided in. The following values are defined "ft-in-bbl" Depths, heights, and cavern radii are specified in feet; casing and tubing radii are specified in inches; volumes and flow rates are defined in barrels and barrels/day, respectively. "ft-in-ft3" Depths, heights, and cavern radii are specified in feet; casing and tubing radii are specified in inches; volumes and flow rates are defined in cubic feet and barrels/day, respectively. "m-cm-m3" Depths, heights, and cavern radii are specified in meters; casing and tubing radii are specified in centimeters; volumes and flow rates are defined in cubic meters and cubic meters/day, respectively. .. confval:: [defaults] The following values can be set in the :confval:`[defaults]` section, in which case their value will be overridden by a value set in a stage definition. However, if they are not specified here, they must be specified in every stage definition. * :confval:`solver-timestep` * :confval:`save-frequency` * :confval:`inner-tbg-inside-diam` * :confval:`inner-tbg-outside-diam` * :confval:`outer-csg-inside-diam` * :confval:`outer-csg-outside-diam` ``[advanced]`` ---------------- The advanced options table is not required, and all options have default values that should not be changed unless necessary. Some options provided here will be deprecated in the future, but because v1.0.0 of sansmic is designed to replicate the FORTRAN code, they are still available. .. confval:: absolute-error A new option, this allows manual specification of the ODE solver absolute error tolerance. By default this value is 1.0e-2, and this appears to be generally sufficient. .. confval:: relative-error A new option, this allows manual specification of the ODE solver relative error tolerance. By default this value is 1.0e-4, and this appears to be generally sufficient. .. confval:: coallescing-wells This option will be deprecated. Define the number of wells that are being used in ordinary leaching, by default 1. This value should always be 1 for withdrawal or leach-fill modes and for ordinary leaching where the cavern has already coallesced. .. confval:: well-separation This option will be deprecated. Define the distance between coallescing wells in ordinary leaching mode. If the number of wells is 1, then this value has no impact. .. confval:: jet-model-version The jet model is 1 by default. To turn it off and have the plume start at the :term:`EOT`, use a value of 0. If and when the jet model is improved, it will be assigned a different version number, or possibly a name, that can be used to select it. .. future development `plume-model-version` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `temperature-model-version` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. confval:: dissolution-factor This value should nearly always be left alone with its default value of 1.0. This adjusts the rate of dissolution compared to standard dissolution of halite. .. confval:: max-brine-sg Override the maximum density (in specific gravity terms) of the brine in the cavern. This is only needed if the salt rock is not halite. The default is 1.2019 sg. .. confval:: solid-density Override the density of the surrounding rock salt (in g/cm3). This density sould be the bulk density of the salt, and should not include insoluble material (which will be accounted for volumetrically). Default value is 2.16 g/cm3. .. confval:: entrainment-coeff The entrainment coefficient 'alpha' in the dissolution equations. .. confval:: molecular-diffusion The molecular diffusion coefficient, D_mol. .. confval:: eddy-coefficient The eddy coefficient, D_0, for diffusion calculations. .. confval:: diffusion-beta The 'beta' coefficient in diffusion calculations. ``[[stages]]`` -------------- A new stage is defined by the ``[[stages]]`` table header. At least one stage is required, and there are no limits on the number of stages. A stage **requires** a title key. .. confval:: simulation-mode Which fluid flow regime is being modeled. Valid options are "ordinary" Ordinary leaching with "brine" injection and production. "withdrawal" Withdrawal leach with "brine" injection and "product" production. "leach-fill" Leaching while filling, with "brine" injection and production and "prodcut" injection. .. confval:: solver-timestep Can also be set in the ``[defaults]`` section; if so, it will be overridden by a setting in the ``[[stages]]`` definition. If not provided a default value, it must be specified in each stage. The solver timestep is specified in decimal hours. .. confval:: save-frequency Can also be set in the ``[defaults]`` section; if so, it will be overridden by a setting in the ``[[stages]]`` definition. If not provided a default value, it must be specified in each stage. The save frequency is specified in integer number of *timesteps*. It can also be set with one of the following three strings "hourly" Save results every hour, where an "hour" is based on the rounded, integer value of the inverse of the solver timestep. If you want this to be exact, make sure that the timestep is exactly equal to an hour divided by an integer. Saving results every hour is likely overkill unless you are debugging. "daily" Save results every day, where "day" is calculated in the same way as an hour is for 'hourly'. *This is the recommended option for most simulations.* "bystage" Only save results at the end of each injection and each rest period. This is the most efficient method in terms of storage and processing time, but provides little data for debugging or careful analysis. .. confval:: injection-duration The duration of active injection activities, defined in fractional hours. This value cannot be 0. This value is required for all stages and cannot be given a default value. .. confval:: rest-duration The duration of the post-injection inactive or static period, defined in fractional hours. This value can be 0. This value is required for all stages and cannot be given a default value. .. confval:: inner-tbg-inside-diam Can also be set in the ``[defaults]`` section; if so, it will be overridden by a setting in the ``[[stages]]`` definition. If not provided a default value, it must be specified in every stage. The :term:`ID` of the innermost tubing for concentric completions, or for the brine string for single-string completions. Specified in decimal :term:`inch`. .. confval:: inner-tbg-outside-diam Can also be set in the ``[defaults]`` section; if so, it will be overridden by a setting in the ``[[stages]]`` definition. If not provided a default value, it must be specified in every stage. The :term:`OD` of the innermost tubing for concentric completions, or for the brine string for single-string completions. Specified in decimal :term:`inch`. .. confval:: outer-csg-inside-diam Can also be set in the ``[defaults]`` section; if so, it will be overridden by a setting in the ``[[stages]]`` definition. If not provided a default value, it must be specified in every stage. The :term:`ID` of the outermost tubing for concentric completions, or for the production casing for single-string/slick well completions. Specified in decimal :term:`inch`. .. confval:: outer-csg-outside-diam Can also be set in the ``[defaults]`` section; if so, it will be overridden by a setting in the ``[[stages]]`` definition. If not provided a default value, it must be specified in every stage. The :term:`OD` of the outermost tubing for concentric completions, or for the production casing for single-string/slick well completions. Specified in decimal :term:`inch`. .. confval:: brine-injection-sg The specific gravity of the water being injected, regardless of if is raw water or brine. This value cannot be less than 1.0 and is also limited by the :confval:`max-brine-sg`. .. confval:: brine-injection-depth .. confval:: brine-injection-height The *depth* (preferred) or *height* within the cavern where the EOT for the injection string is located. If above the production depth, it will be assigned to the outer casing, otherwise it will apply to the inner casing. The :confval:`brine-injection-depth` is specified in :term:`foot` below the :term:`ZDP` at the surface. The :confval:`brine-injection-height` is specified in :term:`foot` above the original :confval:`floor-depth` Do not use both -depth and -height options. .. confval:: brine-production-depth .. confval:: brine-production-height The *depth* (preferred) or *height* within the cavern where the EOT for the injection string is located. If above the injection depth, it will be assigned to the outer casing, otherwise it will apply to the inner casing. The :confval:`brine-production-depth` is specified in :term:`foot` below the :term:`ZDP` at the surface. The :confval:`brine-production-height` is specified in :term:`foot` above the original :confval:`floor-depth` Do not use both -depth and -height options. .. confval:: brine-injection-rate The rate of brine injection in *barrels per day*. Variable injection rates are still in the process of being implemented. The brine/raw water is injected at a constant rate over the entire injection duration. .. confval:: brine-interface-depth .. confval:: brine-interface-height The initial brine interface *depth* (preferred) or *height* within the cavern. This is only required for the first stage, and should not be set in subsequent stages unless you *want* to manually reset the interface position. If so, you should also set :confval:`set-initial-conditions` to true. If left blank or set to 0, it will behave as if unset and use the value from the previous stage. The :confval:`brine-interface-depth` is specified in :term:`foot` below the :term:`ZDP` at the surface. The :confval:`brine-interface-height` is specified in :term:`foot` above the original :confval:`floor-depth` Do not use both -depth and -height options. .. confval:: set-cavern-sg The initial specific gravity for the cavern brine. This is optional. If set for the first stage, then the cavern will be initialized to the specified brine sg value. If omitted for the first stage, it will be set to the maximum brine specific gravity. *Changed: v1.0.6* The SANSMIC user guide from 2015 had an error, and stated that subsequent stages did not use this value. In fact, this value was still being set unless it was set to 1.0 or less. sansmic will behave *as was described in the user manual*. To replicate the old behavior, set :confval:`set-initial-conditions` to true to force initialization of the cavern brine to the value you specify in this key. (You can also set this to 0.0 in an old DAT file to force this behavior in the FORTRAN version) .. confval:: set-initial-conditions Force cavern specific gravity and/or the initial brine interface level to be set for subsequent (not the first) stages. By default false. .. confval:: product-injection-rate This option is defined in the same way as :confval:`brine-injection-rate`, but applies only to the `leach-fill` simulation mode. It cannot be used to move the brine interface, currently, as it will cause significant (and non-physical) leaching at the brine injection location even when the brine injection rate is set to 0.0. This is in the list of issues to either fix or create a new simulation mode to handle. .. confval:: stop-condition It is possible to add a stop condition to an injection period based on either the brine interface location or the total cavern size specified in :confval:`stop-value`. By default, the only stop condition is reaching the end of the injection period. This option was available in the old version of SANSMIC, were implemented in sansmic 1.0, but are not validated. .. confval:: stop-value The value for the stop condition, which is either a *height* above the floor or a volume in *barrels.*