Struct Stage#

Struct Documentation#

struct Stage#

Instructions and input values for a single stage of SANSMIC.

Public Functions


Stage constructor with default values.

void debug_log(ofstream &fout, int stageNum = 0)#

Output debug data to a stream.


fout – Open stream to output to

Public Members

string title#

stage title

LeachMode leach_mode#

the run mode (leaching mode) to use

int print_freq#

the number of timesteps (not hours) between output steps

int is_subsequent#

false if this is the fisrt stage, true if a subsequent stage

double t_rest#

the number of hours to wait at the end of the stage

double stop_cond_val#

volume (>0, in bbl) or OBI (<0, in ft) to use as end-of-stage, 0 for time based

double h_inj#

height of the injection point above the floor (in feet)

double h_prod#

height of the production point above the floor (in feet)

double h_obi#

height of the OBI above the floor (in feet)

double Q_raw#

injcetion rate (in bbl/hr)

double r_tbgID#

radius (in inches) of the inside of the inner string

double r_tbgOD#

radius (in inches) of the outside of the inner string

double r_csgID#

radius (in inches) of the inside of the outer string

double r_csgOD#

radius (in inches) of the outside of the outer string

double sg_raw#

specific gravity of injected water

double sg_init#

specific gravity of the cavern at the start of the stage

double dt#

timestep (in hours)

double t_stage#

injection duration (in hours)

double Q_oil#

fill rate for LeachFill mode (in bbl/hr)