Data Access#

PV Atlas modeling results are made publicly available in the form of GeoTIFF raster files. These files are georeferenced and can be imported into GIS and other geospatial analysis software for further analysis.

In addition to the standard GeoTIFF metadata, PV Atlas files also contain the following tags:

  • CREATION_DATE: Date the GeoTIFF file was created.

  • DESCRIPTION: A sentence describing the data file contents.

  • PROJECT: Origin of the data file. Currently always set to “PVPMC: PV Atlas”.

Here is an example of importing a results file into a Python xarray dataset using the rioxarray package:

import rioxarray
import numpy as np

filename = "path/to/geotiff_file.tiff"
rds = rioxarray.open_rasterio(filename)
rds = rds.sel(band=1)  # select first (only) layer of data
rds = rds.where(rds != rds.attrs['_FillValue'], np.nan)

print(rds.attrs)  # show dataset description, creation date, etc

rds.plot()  # visualize the raster data

rds.sel(x=-80, y=40, method='nearest').item()  # extract the value for lat=40, lon=-80

GeoTIFF File Index#

Here is a complete list of PV Atlas GeoTIFF files:

GeoTIFF file



Description: Years of data required to achieve +/- 0.0375%/year uncertainty with 50% probability for year-on-year PLR estimates for c-Si PV modules.

 can275_0.075_50.tiff - [22.3 KiB]


Description: Years of data required to achieve +/- 0.0375%/year uncertainty with 90% probability for year-on-year PLR estimates for c-Si PV modules.

 can275_0.075_90.tiff - [22.3 KiB]


Description: Years of data required to achieve +/- 0.075%/year uncertainty with 50% probability for year-on-year PLR estimates for c-Si PV modules.

 can275_0.15_50.tiff - [22.3 KiB]


Description: Years of data required to achieve +/- 0.075%/year uncertainty with 90% probability for year-on-year PLR estimates for c-Si PV modules.

 can275_0.15_90.tiff - [22.3 KiB]


Description: Years of data required to achieve +/- 0.05%/year uncertainty with 50% probability for year-on-year PLR estimates for c-Si PV modules.

 can275_0.1_50.tiff - [22.3 KiB]


Description: Years of data required to achieve +/- 0.05%/year uncertainty with 90% probability for year-on-year PLR estimates for c-Si PV modules.

 can275_0.1_90.tiff - [22.3 KiB]


Description: Years of data required to achieve +/- 0.1%/year uncertainty with 50% probability for year-on-year PLR estimates for c-Si PV modules.

 can275_0.2_50.tiff - [22.3 KiB]


Description: Years of data required to achieve +/- 0.1%/year uncertainty with 90% probability for year-on-year PLR estimates for c-Si PV modules.

 can275_0.2_90.tiff - [22.3 KiB]


Description: Years of data required to achieve +/- 0.0375%/year uncertainty with 50% probability for year-on-year PLR estimates for CdTe PV modules.

 fslr_0.075_50.tiff - [22.3 KiB]


Description: Years of data required to achieve +/- 0.0375%/year uncertainty with 90% probability for year-on-year PLR estimates for CdTe PV modules.

 fslr_0.075_90.tiff - [22.3 KiB]


Description: Years of data required to achieve +/- 0.075%/year uncertainty with 50% probability for year-on-year PLR estimates for CdTe PV modules.

 fslr_0.15_50.tiff - [22.3 KiB]


Description: Years of data required to achieve +/- 0.075%/year uncertainty with 90% probability for year-on-year PLR estimates for CdTe PV modules.

 fslr_0.15_90.tiff - [22.3 KiB]


Description: Years of data required to achieve +/- 0.05%/year uncertainty with 50% probability for year-on-year PLR estimates for CdTe PV modules.

 fslr_0.1_50.tiff - [22.3 KiB]


Description: Years of data required to achieve +/- 0.05%/year uncertainty with 90% probability for year-on-year PLR estimates for CdTe PV modules.

 fslr_0.1_90.tiff - [22.3 KiB]


Description: Years of data required to achieve +/- 0.1%/year uncertainty with 50% probability for year-on-year PLR estimates for CdTe PV modules.

 fslr_0.2_50.tiff - [22.3 KiB]


Description: Years of data required to achieve +/- 0.1%/year uncertainty with 90% probability for year-on-year PLR estimates for CdTe PV modules.

 fslr_0.2_90.tiff - [22.3 KiB]