Source code for optimism.test.test_Newmark

import unittest

import jax
import jax.numpy as np

from optimism import EquationSolver
from optimism import FunctionSpace
from optimism import Mechanics
from optimism import Mesh
from optimism import Objective
from optimism import QuadratureRule
from optimism import SparseMatrixAssembler

from optimism.material import Neohookean, LinearElastic
from . import MeshFixture

E = 10.0
nu = 0.0
rho = 1.0

trSettings = EquationSolver.get_settings(max_cg_iters=50,

[docs] class DynamicsFixture(MeshFixture.MeshFixture):
[docs] def setUp(self): self.w = 0.1 self.L = 1.0 N = 3 M = 2 xRange = [0.0, self.L] yRange = [0.0, self.w] mesh, _ = self.create_mesh_and_disp(N, M, xRange, yRange, lambda X: 0*X) self.mesh = Mesh.create_higher_order_mesh_from_simplex_mesh(mesh, order=2, createNodeSetsFromSideSets=True) quadPrecision = 2*( - 1) quadRule = QuadratureRule.create_quadrature_rule_on_triangle(degree=quadPrecision) self.fs = FunctionSpace.construct_function_space(self.mesh, quadRule) self.fieldShape = self.mesh.coords.shape ebcs = [FunctionSpace.EssentialBC(nodeSet='bottom', component=1)] self.dofManager = FunctionSpace.DofManager(self.fs, self.fieldShape[1], ebcs) props = {'elastic modulus': E, 'poisson ratio': nu, 'density': rho} materialModel = LinearElastic.create_material_model_functions(props) newmarkParams = Mechanics.NewmarkParameters(gamma=0.5, beta=0.25) self.dynamicsFunctions = Mechanics.create_dynamics_functions(self.fs, 'plane strain', materialModel, newmarkParams) self.staticsFunctions = Mechanics.create_mechanics_functions(self.fs, 'plane strain', materialModel) # using an elastic model, so we can neglect internal var updating self.internalVariables = self.dynamicsFunctions.compute_initial_state()
[docs] def test_potential(self): key = jax.random.PRNGKey(1) U = jax.random.uniform(key, self.mesh.coords.shape) key, subkey = jax.random.split(key) V = 0.1*jax.random.uniform(subkey, self.mesh.coords.shape) key, subkey = jax.random.split(subkey) A = jax.random.uniform(subkey, self.mesh.coords.shape) dt = 0.1 UPre, _ = self.dynamicsFunctions.predict(U, V, A, dt) action = self.dynamicsFunctions.compute_algorithmic_energy(U, UPre, self.internalVariables, dt) self.assertGreater(np.abs(action), 0.0)
[docs] def test_hessian_matrix_is_symmetric(self): key = jax.random.PRNGKey(1) U = jax.random.uniform(key, self.mesh.coords.shape) key, subkey = jax.random.split(key) V = 0.1*jax.random.uniform(subkey, U.shape) key, subkey = jax.random.split(subkey) A = jax.random.uniform(subkey, U.shape) dt = 0.1 UPre, _ = self.dynamicsFunctions.predict(U, V, A, dt) elementHessians = self.dynamicsFunctions.compute_element_hessians(U, UPre, self.internalVariables, dt) K = SparseMatrixAssembler.assemble_sparse_stiffness_matrix(elementHessians, self.mesh.conns, self.dofManager) KSkew = 0.5*(K.todense() - K.todense().T) asymmetry = np.linalg.norm(KSkew.ravel(), np.inf) self.assertLessEqual(asymmetry, 1e-12)
[docs] def test_compute_kinetic_energy(self): velocity = np.array([3.1, 0.7]) V = np.zeros(self.mesh.coords.shape) V =[:,0].set(velocity[0]) V =[:,1].set(velocity[1]) T = self.dynamicsFunctions.compute_output_kinetic_energy(V) m = self.w*self.L*rho TExact = 0.5*m*, velocity) self.assertNear(T, TExact, 14)
[docs] def test_integration_of_rigid_motion_is_exact(self): Uu, Vu, Au = self.set_initial_conditions() dt = 0.75 t = 0.0 tOld = -dt p = Objective.Params(None, self.internalVariables, None, None, np.array([t, tOld]), Uu) def objective_function(Uu, p): U = self.create_field(Uu, p) UuPre = p.dynamic_data UPre = self.create_field(UuPre, p) internalVariables = p[1] dt = p.time[0] - p.time[1] return self.dynamicsFunctions.compute_algorithmic_energy(U, UPre, internalVariables, dt) objective = Objective.Objective(objective_function, Uu, p) for i in range(1, 15): print('---------------------------') print('Time Step ', i) Uu, Vu, Au = self.time_step(Uu, Vu, Au, objective, dt) U = self.create_field(Uu, p) t = objective.p[4][0] Uexact = np.zeros(self.fieldShape).at[:,0].set(t) self.assertArrayNear(U, Uexact, 14)
[docs] def test_integration_of_constant_acceleration_is_exact(self): Uu, Vu, _ = self.set_initial_conditions() dt = 0.75 t = 0.0 tOld = -dt p = Objective.Params(None, self.internalVariables, None, None, np.array([t, tOld]), Uu) def objective_function(Uu, p): U = self.create_field(Uu, p) UuPre = p.dynamic_data UPre = self.create_field(UuPre, p) internalVariables = p[1] return self.dynamicsFunctions.compute_algorithmic_energy(U, UPre, internalVariables, dt) \ + self.constant_body_force_potential(Uu, p) objective = Objective.Objective(objective_function, Uu, p) # set constant acceleration of 1.0 in x direction A = np.zeros_like(self.mesh.coords).at[:, 0].set(1.0) Au = self.dofManager.get_unknown_values(A) for i in range(1, 15): Uu, Vu, Au = self.time_step(Uu, Vu, Au, objective, dt) U = self.dofManager.create_field(Uu, self.get_ubcs()) t = objective.p.time[0] UExact = np.zeros(U.shape).at[:,0].set(t + 0.5*t**2) self.assertArrayNear(U, UExact, 10)
# # helper functions #
[docs] def time_step(self, Uu, Vu, Au, objective, dt): tOld = objective.p.time[0] t = tOld + dt print('\ttime = ', t, '\tdt = ', dt) objective.p = Objective.param_index_update(objective.p, 4, np.array([t, tOld])) UuPredicted, Vu = self.dynamicsFunctions.predict(Uu, Vu, Au, dt) objective.p = Objective.param_index_update(objective.p, 5, UuPredicted) Uu, solverSuccess = EquationSolver.nonlinear_equation_solve(objective, UuPredicted, objective.p, trSettings, useWarmStart=False) UuCorrection = Uu - UuPredicted Vu, Au = self.dynamicsFunctions.correct(UuCorrection, Vu, Au, dt) return Uu, Vu, Au
[docs] def set_initial_conditions(self): zeroField = np.zeros(self.mesh.coords.shape) Uu = self.dofManager.get_unknown_values(zeroField) v0 = 1.0 V =[:,0].set(v0) Vu = self.dofManager.get_unknown_values(V) Au = self.dofManager.get_unknown_values(zeroField) return Uu, Vu, Au
[docs] def get_ubcs(self): Ubc = self.dofManager.get_bc_values(np.zeros(self.mesh.coords.shape)) #Vbc = self.dofManager.get_bc_values(np.zeros(self.mesh.coords.shape)) #Abc = self.dofManager.get_bc_values(np.zeros(self.mesh.coords.shape)) return Ubc
[docs] def create_field(self, Uu, p): Ubc = self.get_ubcs() return self.dofManager.create_field(Uu, Ubc)
[docs] def constant_body_force_potential(self, Uu, p): U = self.dofManager.create_field(Uu, self.get_ubcs()) internalVariables = p[1] dtUnused = 0.0 b = np.array([1.0, 0.0]) f = lambda u, du, q, x, dt:, u) return FunctionSpace.integrate_over_block(self.fs, U, internalVariables, dtUnused, f, self.mesh.blocks['block'])
[docs] class DynamicPatchTest(MeshFixture.MeshFixture):
[docs] def setUp(self): self.Nx = 7 self.Ny = 7 xRange = [0.,1.] yRange = [0.,1.] self.targetDispGradRate = np.array([[0.1, -0.2], [0.4, -0.1]]) self.mesh, self.V = self.create_mesh_and_disp(self.Nx, self.Ny, xRange, yRange, lambda x : quadRule = QuadratureRule.create_quadrature_rule_on_triangle(degree=1) self.fs = FunctionSpace.construct_function_space(self.mesh, quadRule) self.qr1d = QuadratureRule.create_padded_quadrature_rule_1D(degree=1) props = {'elastic modulus': E, 'poisson ratio': nu, 'strain measure': 'linear', 'density': 20.0} # density chosen to make kinetic energy and strain energy comparable # Want bugs in either to show up appreciably in error materialModel = Neohookean.create_material_model_functions(props) newmarkParams = Mechanics.NewmarkParameters() self.dynamics = Mechanics.create_dynamics_functions(self.fs, 'plane strain', materialModel, newmarkParams) self.compute_stress = jax.jacfwd(materialModel.compute_energy_density)
[docs] def test_patch_test(self): dt = 1.0 ebcs = [FunctionSpace.EssentialBC(nodeSet='all_boundary', component=0), FunctionSpace.EssentialBC(nodeSet='all_boundary', component=1)] dofManager = FunctionSpace.DofManager(self.fs, dim=2, EssentialBCs=ebcs) def energy(Uu, p): t = p.time[0] dt = t - p.time[1] Ubc = dofManager.get_bc_values(self.V*t) U = dofManager.create_field(Uu, Ubc) UPre = p.dynamic_data internalVariables = p[1] return self.dynamics.compute_algorithmic_energy(U, UPre, internalVariables, dt) # initial conditions V = self.V.copy() A = np.zeros_like(V) U = np.zeros_like(V) Uu = dofManager.get_unknown_values(U) internals = self.dynamics.compute_initial_state() p = Objective.Params(None, internals, None, None, np.array([0.0, -dt]), U) objective = Objective.Objective(energy, Uu, p) for i in range(1, 4): print('--------------------') print('LOAD STEP ', i) tOld = objective.p.time[0] t = tOld + dt print('\ttime = ', t, '\tdt = ', dt) objective.p = Objective.param_index_update(objective.p, 4, np.array([t, tOld])) UPrediction, V = self.dynamics.predict(U, V, A, dt) objective.p = Objective.param_index_update(objective.p, 5, UPrediction) # The predictor value is exact. # Choose a bad initial guess (zero) to force an actual solve. Uu, solverSuccess = EquationSolver.nonlinear_equation_solve(objective, dofManager.get_unknown_values(UPrediction), objective.p, trSettings, useWarmStart=False) U = dofManager.create_field(Uu, dofManager.get_bc_values(V*t)) UCorrection = U - UPrediction V, A = self.dynamics.correct(UCorrection, V, A, dt) internals = self.dynamics.compute_updated_internal_variables(U, internals, dt) objective.p = Objective.param_index_update(objective.p, 1, internals) UExact =, t*self.targetDispGradRate.T) error = np.linalg.norm((U - UExact).ravel())/np.linalg.norm(UExact.ravel()) self.assertLess(error, 1e-14)
[docs] def test_traction_patch_test(self): ebcs = [] dofManager = FunctionSpace.DofManager(self.fs, dim=2, EssentialBCs=ebcs) def energy(Uu, p): t = p.time[0] def traction(X, N): dispGrad = self.targetDispGradRate*t dispGrad3D = np.zeros((3,3)).at[:2, :2].set(dispGrad) q = np.array([0.0]) dt = 0.0 P = self.compute_stress(dispGrad3D, q, dt)[:2, :2] return, N) dt = t - p.time[1] U = dofManager.create_field(Uu) UPre = p.dynamic_data internalVariables = p[1] loadPotential = Mechanics.compute_traction_potential_energy( self.fs, U, self.qr1d, self.fs.mesh.sideSets["all_boundary"], traction) return self.dynamics.compute_algorithmic_energy(U, UPre, internalVariables, dt) + loadPotential dt = 1.0 # initial conditions U = np.zeros_like(self.V) V = self.V.copy() A = np.zeros_like(self.V) internals = self.dynamics.compute_initial_state() Uu = dofManager.get_unknown_values(U) p = Objective.Params(None, internals, None, None, np.array([0.0, -dt]), U) objective = Objective.Objective(energy, Uu, p) for i in range(1, 4): print('--------------------') print('LOAD STEP ', i) tOld = objective.p.time[0] t = tOld + dt print('\ttime = ', t, '\tdt = ', dt) objective.p = Objective.param_index_update(objective.p, 4, np.array([t, tOld])) UPrediction, V = self.dynamics.predict(U, V, A, dt) objective.p = Objective.param_index_update(objective.p, 5, UPrediction) # The predictor value is exact. # Choose a bad initial guess (zero) to force an actual solve. Uu, solverSuccess = EquationSolver.nonlinear_equation_solve(objective, dofManager.get_unknown_values(UPrediction), objective.p, trSettings, useWarmStart=False) U = dofManager.create_field(Uu) UCorrection = U - UPrediction V, A = self.dynamics.correct(UCorrection, V, A, dt) internals = self.dynamics.compute_updated_internal_variables(U, internals, dt) objective.p = Objective.param_index_update(objective.p, 1, internals) UExact =, t*self.targetDispGradRate.T) error = np.linalg.norm((U - UExact).ravel())/np.linalg.norm(UExact.ravel()) self.assertLess(error, 1e-13)
if __name__=="__main__": unittest.main()