VM Resource Schedule

As discussed above, by default, FIREWHEEL launches base versions of images. In general, the only change that has been made to an image is the loading of an executable on the system so that the FIREWHEEL infrastructure can communicate with the running VM. Therefore, in addition to creating a topology, most users will also have to configure the VMs in their model as well.

A user interacts with the VM Resource Manager by modifying each vertex’s VM resource schedule.

The VM resource schedule (sometimes just referred to as a schedule) contains an ordered list of ScheduleEntries which specify the action that needs to be accomplished on a VM, (e.g. running a program or loading data onto the VM).

The basic ScheduleEntry, is not meant to be used directly, but rather new ScheduleEntry subclasses can be created to accomplish a specific schedule entry goal. For example, using base_objects.DropFileScheduleEntry to load a file into a VM or base_objects.RunExecutableScheduleEntry in order to run a program on a VM. Specific details can be found in Adding VMRs to the Schedule and base_objects. At experiment launch, a VM’s schedule is serialized via pickle and passed to the VM Resource Handler. To enable for the expression of VM resource dependencies between various configuration steps (e.g. installation of a program before its use), each schedule entry has a specific start_time.

Start Time

The start_time for the schedule entry is an integer value that dictates the ordering of all configuration actions within the vertex’s VM resource schedule. The start_time it can be either negative or positive, where all negative time VM resources are executed before the positive time ones. Additionally, there is a global barrier when time is 0, where the entire experiment synchronizes. That is, every VM in the experiment will wait once it has reached time=0 (i.e. finished its negative time VMRs) until every other VM also arrives at time=0. Once all VMs have reached time 0, the entirety of the experiment moves into positive time together.

Negative Time

Negative time is generally used for VM configuration and is not synchronized across different VMs within the experiment. Each negative start time is a local barrier within a VM. That is, when a VM is in negative time, it will wait until all VMRs scheduled for that time have finished executing before moving on in the schedule. For example, all VMRs that are scheduled at -100 will execute and finish before any VMR that is scheduled at -99. When a VM reaches time 0, it will wait for all other VMs in the experiment to also reach time 0, therefore providing a global barrier throughout the entire system. Negative time, in combination with the global barrier at time 0, provides users with a guarantee that all their configuration VMRs have completed before starting any positive time VMRs.

Positive Time

Once all VMs have reached time 0, an experiment start time is determined. This is generally about 60 seconds after the final VM finishing its negative time vm_resources [1]. Once the experiment start time has been reached the environment moves, in unison, into positive time. Positive time is defined as seconds since the start of the experiment [2]. For example, if a VMR has a start time of 30, then it will be executed 30 seconds past the experiment start time. This is useful because there are many actions that can be executed in an environment that only make sense once all the VMs are through their configuration. For example, browsing a website requires that the web server has been built and that the network routing has been configured.

Unlike negative time, there are no local barriers in positive time. The VM Resource Handler simply waits until the scheduled time (i.e. seconds since the start of the experiment) and then executes the desired action. It does not wait for execution to finish before moving on to other positive time resources.


Heavy loading on the compute server hosting the VM can impact the accuracy of when the VMR is started, but shouldn’t be more than about a second.

Pause and Break

VMs have the ability to “pause” or “break” their VMR schedule. The primary difference between these two functions is that a break is an indefinitely long pause, whereas a pause has a pre-determined duration. For the remainder of this section, we will refer to only pause, but the content will apply to both functions unless otherwise specified.

Primarily, pausing will only stop a given VM’s schedule for the specified duration which will enable users to inspect VMs at a certain point within the experiment. While each pause is only applied on a per-VM basis, it is straightforward to create an experiment-wide pause (see the example below using the set_pause method of a VMEndpoint model component object):

for vert in self.g.get_vertices():
   if not vert.is_decorated_by(VMEndpoint):
   # Start the pause at time=10 and make it last for 60 seconds
   vert.set_pause(10, duration=60)

Once the pause is complete, the schedule will proceed as expected.


We strongly discourage users from addressing complex timing issues or intricately coordinated events between processes using pause. While we attempt strong timing guarantees within the scheduler, experiments should still be designed with resilience against timing inconsistencies (i.e., handling failures gracefully and retrying) rather than relying upon a pause. Lastly, pausing is on a per-VM basis. While in positive time, the VMs are in sync (with some expected variance), that does NOT mean that resumed events will always happen at exactly the same time. There will likely be some difference, especially if a break is used.

A pause can only be scheduled at -math.inf (indicating immediately upon experiment launch), 0, or any positive time. Technically, if the pause is at time=0 than it will be converted into the minimum representable positive normalized float via sys.float_info.min. Additionally, ALL pause/break event’s will have their start_time increased by sys.float_info.min (including events scheduled at time=0 that have already been increased by sys.float_info.min. This measure enables the proper ordering of events within a given time window. That is, if there are multiple events scheduled at time=10 and a pause/break also scheduled at time=10, then all events will happen before the pause/break.


The pause/break functions do NOT pause the actual VM nor do they pause or stop running processes within those VMs. They strictly impact the VM resource schedule.

Resuming a Break

Because a break is an indefinite pause, eventually it will need to be resumed. Therefore, a RESUME event was created. Only a break is impacted by a RESUME event. That is, if a pause has a duration, than any received resume events will be ignored by the the VM resource scheduler. For triggering a resume event (and thereby ending the break), FIREWHEEL has a vm resume Helper which enables users to resume either a subset of VMs or all VMs within an experiment. This Helper simply creates a RESUME event which will inform the scheduler that the existing break is over.

Advanced users can easily create RESUME events with other scripts or triggers of their choice. The code within the vm resume Helper can serve as boilerplate if more advanced/automated resuming is desired.

Pause Algorithm Implementation

Because most VM resources are scheduled prior to the experiment starting, FIREWHEEL knows when the pause should take place and for how long it will impact the schedule. Therefore, each scheduled event following the pause will automatically have its start time increased by the duration of the pause. It is important to note that this may cause confusion for a user who expects scheduled VM events to occur at specific experiment times. For example, if a user scheduled an event E1 at time=10 but there was a pause for 60 seconds at time=5, than event E1 will actually take place at time=70. To that end, the location in the VM of the VMR will appear different than what may have been expected. This is a side-effect of impacting the VM clock as minimally as possible and, rather than pausing that clock, continuing the clock and pushing post-pause events further into the future.

Break Algorithm Implementation

Given that a break is an indefinite pause, its implementation is largely similar. However, FIREWHEEL has to calculate the duration of the break by calculating: experiment_time - break_start_time; then this can be added to the start time of following events.

For example, assume we have the following scheduled events:

Scheduled Time

Event Name









The first event E1 is not impacted by the break at all. At time=15 the break happens. Once the break is finished, suppose the experiment is at time=1000 (i.e., 1000 seconds into the experiment). Once we resume, the launch time for events following the break (i.e., E2 and E3) would reset via(sched_time - break_sched_time + exp_time). For E2 it would be: 30-15+1000=1015 and for E3 it would be 50-15+1000=1035. So the final experiment schedule would look like:

Experiment Time

Event Name









See also

The primary implementation of the pause/break logic is in ScheduleUpdater.run().