Replicating Online Resources

This guide helps users whom need to download online data and software for their experiments. That is, how can users archive data/software from online services to then use in an offline environment. While this topic is complex and entirely depends on what the needed resource is, this guide should help answer the following questions:

  1. What are common issues when replicating environments offline?

  2. How should we gather system packages to use as a VM Resource?

  3. Are there tools available for this process?

Common Issues

Computers interact with numerous online services daily. This includes getting OS updates, downloading new configuration policies, visiting websites, etc. However, when creating an Emulytics experiment, any services necessary for the experiment need to be replicated. To reduce the experimental complexity (and risk of introducing errors), we always recommend starting with the smallest viable experiment.

Even when starting small, to ensure a successful experiment, VMs will likely need new software and various configuration changes, all while remaining offline. Here are a few common issues when retrieving software for use in an Emulytics experiment.

Using Mismatched OS Versions

If a given VM in an experiment needs a software package, it’s best to use the exact same VM image used by FIREWHEEL to download and archive the package. This is especially important when installing system or OS packages with numerous dependencies. Many times the package managers know the exact version needed for the VMs patch-level and which dependencies are missing. For example, if you want to compile some software within a Ubuntu VM, you might need the build-essential package. However, if the image from where you are collecting other needed packages already has it installed, the various *.deb files from build-essential might be missed. It is a painful experience to start an experiment only to realize that it failed because of a missing dependency.

Forgetting Dependencies

Related to issues of using mismatched OS versions, which can result in system packaged managers (e.g. apt) neglecting to pull necessary dependencies, users can also forget to collect ALL dependencies for the desired software. For example, Python packages can easily be downloaded via or but users must remember that all of the Python package dependencies will also be needed.

Dynamic Calls to Online Services

In some cases, software may need to download additional content that might not be initially obvious. Here are a few common examples of this issue:

  1. An extension is needed for a specific software feature.

  2. Software needing a response from an online API before proceeding.

  3. Network-based installers. These might be smaller to download, but then when executed pull more data from the Internet.

To avoid these issues, it’s best to actually practice installing the software via an offline VM to understand it’s needs prior to using it in your FIREWHEEL experiment.

Collecting Packages

This section provides tips on collecting packages for various systems.


There are likely other ways of accomplishing the same goals. We are happy to accept suggestions and/or improvements to these methods.

Ubuntu Debian Packages

To install a collection of debian packages in a FIREWHEEL experiment, users can simply call the install_debs method (assuming that their VM has been decorated as a linux.ubuntu.UbuntuHost). However, how users need to first collect all the necessary packages. First, we recommend starting an Internet-accessible VM using the exact same image that will be used in FIREWHEEL (see VM Builder for an example). Once the VM is started, you can follow the following steps:

  1. Clear out /var/cache/apt/archives of any remaining .deb files. This ensures that you only save off files that were not previously available to the VM.

    $ sudo rm -f /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb

    That directory should now look similar to:

    Clearing the apt archives.
  2. Install the necessary packages using apt-get install.


    This method will not work if the packages are installed with apt install! Additionally, similar methods like using apt-get download or apt-get install --download-only will only download the specific package, not any dependencies.

    $ # In this example, we will install curl
    $ sudo apt-get install curl
    Installing a needed package (e.g. :command:`curl`).
  3. The installed .deb files and all installed dependencies/updates will now be located in /var/cache/apt/archives.

    Locating the installed packages.
  4. Create a directory in the home folder and copy all .deb files into that directory.

    $ mkdir curl_debs
    $ sudo cp /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb curl_debs/
    Locating the installed packages.
  5. Compress the folder and copy it off of the VM.

    $ tar -czvf curl_debs.tgz curl_debs
    Locating the installed packages.

Now you are ready to use the generated tarball as a VM resource. That is, you can move it to your Model Components directory and add it to the MANIFEST file. Then, in your Plugin or Model Component Objects file, you can call the install_debs method.

# Example of using the newly created VM Resource
vm = Vertex(self.g, "example-vm")
vm.install_debs(-5, "curl_debs.tgz")

Alternative Approaches:

CentOS RPM Packages

While CentOS and RHEL do not currently have any related Model Components [1], we have had success using yumdownloader to download RPM packages and their dependencies.

Tools to Help

The vm builder Helper is a key part of collecting packages for a specific VM image. For a separate tutorial on using VM Builder, please see VM Builder.