
This Model Component provides the VyOS Equuleus 1.3.x image to a VM.


Prior to using this Model Component, the compressed image vyos-equuleus.qc2.xz will need to be created and added to this directory. You can find the instructions to create an image below.

Model Component Dependencies:

Creating the Image

To create a new FIREWHEEL-compatible VyOS image please follow the following steps:

  • Either download a pre-created VyOS ISO file from https://vyos.net/get/ or build one following the official documentation.

  • Create a backing disk with at least 5 GiB.

    $ qemu-img create -f qcow2 vyos-1.3.0-rc6-amd64.qcow2 5G
  • Launch the VM with the ISO inserted as a CD.

    See also

    The Building a New Image from ISO tutorial has other tips for building images from ISO files.

  • Login with the default credentials: vyos/vyos

  • Run the install image command with, default options and the username/password vyos/vyos.

  • Power off the VM and relaunch without the ISO attached.

  • Once the system was booted, log into the system using vyos/vyos, then run the following commands:

    $ configure
    # set service ssh
    # commit
    # save
    # exit
  • The default VyOS image comes pre-installed with the QEMU Guest Agent and an upstart script which will help run it. This version will work, but it’s important to understand the trade-offs of using this or the patched version that FIREWHEEL provides. We recommend reading QGA Modifications.


    If you choose to replace the existing version, you should load the patched/statically linked version /usr/sbin/qemu-guest-agent-patched-static on the VM. To do this, on the VyOS VM you will need to run sudo dhclient to ensure that it has an IP address. Then the file can be loaded via SCP (assuming the VM was bridged following the Building a New Image from ISO tutorial). Once the file is uploaded, modify the upstart script /etc/init.d/qemu-guest-agent to point to qemu-guest-agent-patched-static rather than qemu-ga.

  • Then we will create a needed path for the QEMU Guest Agent and ensure that it starts on boot. On the VM run the following commands:

    $ sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/var/run
    $ sudo update-rc.d qemu-guest-agent defaults

Available Objects

class vyos.equuleus.Equuleus(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

This object provides the VyOS Equuleus 1.3.x image to a VM.

__firstlineno__ = 90
__init__(*args, **kwargs)
__static_attributes__ = ('name', 'vm', 'vyos_config_class')
class vyos.equuleus.VyOSConfigurationEquuleus[source]

Bases: VyOSConfiguration

Create configuration files for Equuleus-based VyOS routers (1.3.X).

__annotations__ = {}
__firstlineno__ = 11
__static_attributes__ = ()
config = {}

Loop the BGP peer information and create config item objects for each.


neighbor_info (dict) – BGP peer information. Structure defined in comments in set_router_bgp()


The list of all neighbors that were created.

Return type:



Create the ‘redistribution’ block that is nested inside of the ‘protocols’ block. Specifies which BGP links redistribute OSPF information.


bgp_config (dict) – Specifies which BGP links will be redistributing OSPF information. Structure defined in comments of set_router_ospf()


The “redistribute” configuration item.

Return type:



IncorrectDefinitionOrderError – Must specify BGP information before specifying redistribution of OSPF on BGP links.