
This Model Component instantiates a new FIREWHEEL ExperimentGraph and sets it to self.g. The creation of an experiment graph is necessary for users to decorate this graph with new VMs (i.e., Vertexes <firewheel.control.experiment_graph.Vertex) and connections between them (i.e., Edges <firewheel.control.experiment_graph.Edge). See Experiment Graph for more details on this import part of FIREWHEEL’s architecture. Due to the importance of this Model Component, all new topologies will likely depend on this MC likely by depending on the the MC attribute graph.

Attribute Provides:
  • graph


class misc.blank_graph_plugin.BlankGraph(graph, log)[source]

Bases: AbstractPlugin

Create the experiment graph for all future plugins.

__annotations__ = {}
__firstlineno__ = 4
__static_attributes__ = ('g',)

Create a new instance of firewheel.control.experiment_graph.ExperimentGraph and make it accessible by storing it in self.g.