
This Model Component provides initialization for an Ubuntu2204 VM. It contains Ubuntu2204 Server.

Model Component Dependencies:

Available Objects

This module contains all necessary Model Component Objects for linux.ubuntu2204.

class linux.ubuntu2204.Ubuntu2204Desktop(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

The Model Component for the Ubuntu2204Desktop image.

__firstlineno__ = 89
__init__(*args, **kwargs)
__static_attributes__ = ('vm',)
class linux.ubuntu2204.Ubuntu2204Host(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

A general class to provide an abstraction between Ubuntu Server and Desktop

__firstlineno__ = 34
__init__(*args, **kwargs)
__static_attributes__ = ()
_conflict_handlers = [<function ubuntu_2204_conflict_handler>]

Installs debian packages that are useful for debugging purposes, including parallel-ssh.

class linux.ubuntu2204.Ubuntu2204Server(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

The Model Component for the Ubuntu2204Server image.

__firstlineno__ = 52
__init__(*args, **kwargs)
__static_attributes__ = ('vm',)
linux.ubuntu2204.ubuntu_2204_conflict_handler(entry_name, _decorator_value, _current_instance_value)[source]

The conflict handler for functions overwritten in :py:class`linux.ubuntu2204.Ubuntu2204Host` Ubuntu2204Host that are also implemented elsewhere

  • entry_name (str) – A string describing the attribute that has a conflict

  • _decorator_value (any) – The value of the attribute from the class that it is trying to be decorated by

  • _current_instance_value (any) – The current value of the conflicting attribute


The :py:class`linux.ubuntu2204.Ubuntu2204Host` version of the function if there are conflicts

Return type:



IncorrectConflictHandlerError – If the conflicting function is not "add_debug_debs”.