- class firewheel.lib.log.Log(name, log_file=None, log_format=None, log_level=None)[source]
Contains a set of helper methods which create logs/loggers for FIREWHEEL.
- __firstlineno__ = 11
- __init__(name, log_file=None, log_format=None, log_level=None)[source]
Create logger for the given name.
This constructor develops a consistent way of logging for FIREWHEEL. If a logging handler cannot be created, a warning will be printed to the screen and a
will be used.Additionally, each log file will attempt to update the log files to use the FIREWHEEL default group (if any).
- log
The logger created by the class.
- Type:
- __static_attributes__ = ('log', 'log_file', 'log_file_path', 'log_level')
- firewheel.lib.utilities.badlink(info, base)[source]
Checks to see if the provided link is underneath the given base path.
- Parameters:
info (tarfile.TarInfo) – The file member that is going to be extracted.
base (pathlib.Path) – The path of the current working directory.
- Returns:
if the path is not under the proposed base path otherwiseFalse
.- Return type:
- firewheel.lib.utilities.badpath(path, base)[source]
Checks to see if the provided file path is underneath the given base path.
- Parameters:
path (str) – The proposed extraction path of the tar file member to check.
base (pathlib.Path) – The path of the current working directory.
- Returns:
if the path is not under the proposed base path otherwiseFalse
.- Return type:
- firewheel.lib.utilities.get_safe_tarfile_members(tarfile)[source]
Identify and return the members of a
that are considered safe. See the documentation fortarfile.TarFile.extractall()
for more information. This function, as well asbadlink()
were based on Parameters:
tarfile (tarfile.TarFile) – The tar file to extract.
- Returns:
A list of “safe” members to extract.
- Return type:
- firewheel.lib.utilities.hash_file(fname: str) str [source]
A relatively efficient way of hashing a file Through various performance tests, we found that SHA1 is currently the fastest hashlib function. We also found that SHA-1 performance improved by using a chunk size of 1048576.
- firewheel.lib.utilities.render_rich_string(text)[source]
Convert a string with
markup to standard string with ANSI sequences. This is useful for printing without therich.console.Console
Adapted from:
- firewheel.lib.utilities.retry(num_tries, exceptions=None, base_delay=10, exp_factor=2)[source]
This function provides a decorator which enables automatic retrying of functions which make connections to the FileStore and fail due to timeout errors. This code was adapted from:
- Parameters:
num_tries (int) – The number of times to try the function.
exceptions (tuple) – A tuple of exceptions to except.
base_delay (int) – The constant amount of time to sleep between attempts.
exp_factor (int) – The exponential amount of time to sleep between attempts. When set to 1, there will be no exponential increase in sleep times.
- Returns:
The decorator function.
- firewheel.lib.utilities.strtobool(val)[source]
Convert a string representation of truth to true (1) or false (0). True values are ‘y’, ‘yes’, ‘t’, ‘true’, ‘on’, and ‘1’; false values are ‘n’, ‘no’, ‘f’, ‘false’, ‘off’, and ‘0’. Raises ValueError if ‘val’ is anything else.
Copied from distutils which has since been deprecated.
- Parameters:
val (str) – A string to check if it is a boolean value.
- Returns:
1 if the value is True and 0 if the value is False.
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError – If an invalid input is provided.
- class firewheel.lib.grpc.firewheel_grpc_client.FirewheelGrpcClient(hostname='', port=50051, db='prod', log=None, require_connection=True)[source]
A client to interact with the FirewheelGrpcServicer.
- __firstlineno__ = 10
- __init__(hostname='', port=50051, db='prod', log=None, require_connection=True)[source]
Initializes the client.
- Parameters:
hostname (str) – The gRPC server’s hostname.
port (str) – The gRPC server’s port.
db (str) – The database that this client will be using. (e.g. “prod” or “test”).
log (logging.Logger) – A log the client can use.
require_connection (bool) – Check whether or not to raise an error on a missing connection.
- Raises:
RuntimeError – If the gRPC port is out of range.
- __static_attributes__ = ('chan', 'connected', 'db', 'log', 'server_addr', 'stub')
- check_connection(error=True)[source]
Check on whether a connection exists to the gRPC server.
- Parameters:
error (bool) – Whether to raise an exception on a missing connection.
- Returns:
True if a connection exists, False otherwise.
- Return type:
- Raises:
ConnectionError – If the connection cannot be started (and error=True). # noqa: DAR401,DAR402
- clear_db()[source]
Clear the gRPC database.
This method essentially calls
.- Returns:
Contains the response codes (
)- Return type:
- count_vm_mappings_not_ready()[source]
Requests the count of VMs that are not ready.
- Returns:
Dictionary representation of firewheel_grpc_pb2.CountVMMappingsNotReadyResponse.
- Return type:
- destroy_all_vm_mappings()[source]
Requests to destroy all vm_mappings.
- Returns:
Dictionary representation of firewheel_grpc_pb2.DestroyAllVMMappingsReponse. Empty on success.
- Return type:
- destroy_vm_mapping_by_uuid(vm_uuid)[source]
Requests to destroy the vm_mapping corresponding to a given uuid.
- get_experiment_launch_time()[source]
Requests the experiment_launch_time.
- Returns:
The datetime that the experiment was launched.
- Return type:
- get_experiment_start_time()[source]
Requests the experiment_start_time.
- Returns:
The datetime that the experiment was started.
- Return type:
- get_info()[source]
Requests general gRPC server info.
- Returns:
Dictionary representation of firewheel_grpc_pb2.GetInfoResponse.
- Return type:
- get_vm_mapping_by_uuid(vm_uuid)[source]
Requests to get the vm_mapping corresponding to a given uuid.
- Parameters:
vm_uuid (str) – vm uuid to search on.
- Returns:
(dict) Dictionary representation firewheel_grpc_pb2.VMMapping.
- initialize_experiment_start_time()[source]
Requests to initialize the experiment_start_time.
- Returns:
Dictionary representation of firewheel_grpc_pb2.InitializeExperimentStartTimeResponse. Empty on success.
- Return type:
- list_vm_mappings()[source]
Requests to list all vm_mappings.
- Returns:
(list) Dictionary representations of firewheel_grpc_pb2.VMMapping.
- set_experiment_launch_time(launch_time_dt)[source]
Requests to set the experiment_launch_time.
- Parameters:
launch_time_dt (datetime.datetime) – The datetime that the experiment was launched.
- Returns:
The datetime that the experiment was launched.
- Return type:
- set_experiment_start_time(start_time_dt)[source]
Requests to set the experiment_start_time.
- Parameters:
start_time_dt (datetime.datetime) – The datetime that the experiment was started.
- Returns:
The datetime that the experiment was started.
- Return type:
- set_vm_mapping(vmm)[source]
Requests to set a given vm_mapping.
- Parameters:
vmm (dict) – Dictionary representation of vm_mapping.
- Returns:
(dict) Dictionary representation firewheel_grpc_pb2.VMMapping.
- class firewheel.lib.grpc.firewheel_grpc_server.FirewheelServicer[source]
The Servicer for the Firewheel GRPC Service.
- CountVMMappingsNotReady(request, context)[source]
Returns the count of VMs that are not ready.
- Parameters:
request (firewheel_grpc_pb2.CountVMMappingsNotReadyRequest) – The gRPC request.
context (grpc._server._Context) – The gRPC context.
- Returns:
Message containing the count of the not ready VMs.
- Return type:
- DestroyAllVMMappings(request, context)[source]
Destroys all vm_mappings.
- Parameters:
request (firewheel_grpc_pb2.DestroyAllVMMappingsRequest) – The gRPC request.
context (grpc._server._Context) – The gRPC context.
- Returns:
Empty message on success.
- Return type:
- DestroyVMMappingByUUID(request, context)[source]
Destroys the vm_mapping associated with the given uuid.
- Parameters:
request (firewheel_grpc_pb2.VMMappingUUID) – The gRPC request.
context (grpc._server._Context) – The gRPC context.
- Returns:
Empty message on success.
- Return type:
- GetExperimentLaunchTime(request, context)[source]
Gets the experiment launch time.
- Parameters:
request (firewheel_grpc_pb2.GetExperimentLaunchTimeRequest) – The gRPC request.
context (grpc._server._Context) – The gRPC context.
- Returns:
The set experiment launch time or None on failure.
- Return type:
- GetExperimentStartTime(request, context)[source]
Gets the experiment start time.
- Parameters:
request (firewheel_grpc_pb2.GetExperimentStartTimeRequest) – The gRPC request.
context (grpc._server._Context) – The gRPC context.
- Returns:
The set experiment start time.
- Return type:
- GetInfo(request, context)[source]
Returns general server info on version, uptime, and whether there is a currently running experiment.
- Parameters:
request (firewheel_grpc_pb2.GetInfoRequest) – The gRPC request.
context (grpc._server._Context) – The gRPC context.
- Returns:
The server info.
- Return type:
- GetVMMappingByUUID(request, context)[source]
Gets the vm_mapping associated with the given uuid.
- Parameters:
request (firewheel_grpc_pb2.VMMappingUUID) – The gRPC request.
context (grpc._server._Context) – The gRPC context.
- Returns:
The found vm_mapping or None on failure.
- Return type:
- InitializeExperimentStartTime(request, context)[source]
Initializes the experiment launch time.
- Parameters:
request (firewheel_grpc_pb2.InitializeExperimentStartTimeRequest) – The gRPC request.
context (grpc._server._Context) – The gRPC context.
- Returns:
Empty message on success.
- Return type:
- ListVMMappings(request, context) Iterable[VMMapping] [source]
Iterates through all requested vm_mappings.
- Parameters:
request (firewheel_grpc_pb2.ListVMMappingsRequest) – The gRPC request.
context (grpc._server._Context) – The gRPC context.
- Yields:
firewheel_grpc_pb2.VMMapping – The iterated vm_mappings.
- SetExperimentLaunchTime(request, context)[source]
Sets the experiment launch time.
- Parameters:
request (firewheel_grpc_pb2.ExperimentLaunchTime) – The gRPC request.
context (grpc._server._Context) – The gRPC context.
- Returns:
The set experiment launch time.
- Return type:
- SetExperimentStartTime(request, context)[source]
Sets the experiment start time.
- Parameters:
request (firewheel_grpc_pb2.ExperimentStartTime) – The gRPC request.
context (grpc._server._Context) – The gRPC context.
- Returns:
The set experiment start time.
- Return type:
- SetVMMapping(request, context)[source]
Sets the given vm_mapping.
- Parameters:
request (firewheel_grpc_pb2.VMMapping) – The gRPC request.
context (grpc._server._Context) – The gRPC context.
- Returns:
The set vm_mapping.
- Return type:
- SetVMStateByUUID(request, context)[source]
Sets the state for the vm_mapping associated with the given uuid.
- Parameters:
request (firewheel_grpc_pb2.SetVMStateByUUIDRequest) – The gRPC request.
context (grpc._server._Context) – The gRPC context.
- Returns:
The updated vm_mapping.
- Return type:
- SetVMTimeByUUID(request, context)[source]
Sets the time for the vm_mapping associated with the given uuid.
- Parameters:
request (firewheel_grpc_pb2.SetVMTimeByUUIDRequest) – The gRPC request.
context (grpc._server._Context) – The gRPC context.
- Returns:
The updated vm_mapping.
- Return type:
- __firstlineno__ = 19
- __static_attributes__ = ('cache_dir', 'dbs', 'log', 'server_start_time', 'version')
- _init_db(db_name)[source]
Initializes the database with name db_name.
- Parameters:
db_name (str) – The name of the database to initialize.
- _read_repository_db_from_file(db)[source]
Utility function for reading the RepositoryDb from a file.
- Parameters:
db (RepositoryDb) – The database to read.
- Returns:
True on success, False otherwise.
- Return type:
- Raises:
RuntimeError – If the repository path does not exist.
- _update_not_ready_vmms(vmm, db)[source]
Updates the number of VMs that are ready and not ready.
- Parameters:
vmm (firewheel_grpc_pb2.SetVMStateByUUIDRequest) – The VMM request object.
db (str) – The database that this client will be using. (e.g. “prod” or “test”)
- firewheel.lib.grpc.firewheel_grpc_resources.msg_to_dict(msg)[source]
Parses a protobuf message into a python dictionary. Replaces the literal string ‘None’ with the python NoneType.
- Parameters:
msg (google.protobuf.message.Message) – The message to convert.
- Returns:
Dictionary representation of protobuf message.
- Return type:
Client and server classes corresponding to protobuf-defined services.
- class firewheel.lib.grpc.firewheel_grpc_pb2_grpc.Firewheel[source]
Missing associated documentation comment in .proto file.
- static CountVMMappingsNotReady(request, target, options=(), channel_credentials=None, call_credentials=None, insecure=False, compression=None, wait_for_ready=None, timeout=None, metadata=None)[source]
- static DestroyAllVMMappings(request, target, options=(), channel_credentials=None, call_credentials=None, insecure=False, compression=None, wait_for_ready=None, timeout=None, metadata=None)[source]
- static DestroyVMMappingByUUID(request, target, options=(), channel_credentials=None, call_credentials=None, insecure=False, compression=None, wait_for_ready=None, timeout=None, metadata=None)[source]
- static GetExperimentLaunchTime(request, target, options=(), channel_credentials=None, call_credentials=None, insecure=False, compression=None, wait_for_ready=None, timeout=None, metadata=None)[source]
- static GetExperimentStartTime(request, target, options=(), channel_credentials=None, call_credentials=None, insecure=False, compression=None, wait_for_ready=None, timeout=None, metadata=None)[source]
- static GetInfo(request, target, options=(), channel_credentials=None, call_credentials=None, insecure=False, compression=None, wait_for_ready=None, timeout=None, metadata=None)[source]
- static GetVMMappingByUUID(request, target, options=(), channel_credentials=None, call_credentials=None, insecure=False, compression=None, wait_for_ready=None, timeout=None, metadata=None)[source]
- static InitializeExperimentStartTime(request, target, options=(), channel_credentials=None, call_credentials=None, insecure=False, compression=None, wait_for_ready=None, timeout=None, metadata=None)[source]
- static ListVMMappings(request, target, options=(), channel_credentials=None, call_credentials=None, insecure=False, compression=None, wait_for_ready=None, timeout=None, metadata=None)[source]
- static SetExperimentLaunchTime(request, target, options=(), channel_credentials=None, call_credentials=None, insecure=False, compression=None, wait_for_ready=None, timeout=None, metadata=None)[source]
- static SetExperimentStartTime(request, target, options=(), channel_credentials=None, call_credentials=None, insecure=False, compression=None, wait_for_ready=None, timeout=None, metadata=None)[source]
- static SetVMMapping(request, target, options=(), channel_credentials=None, call_credentials=None, insecure=False, compression=None, wait_for_ready=None, timeout=None, metadata=None)[source]
- static SetVMStateByUUID(request, target, options=(), channel_credentials=None, call_credentials=None, insecure=False, compression=None, wait_for_ready=None, timeout=None, metadata=None)[source]
- static SetVMTimeByUUID(request, target, options=(), channel_credentials=None, call_credentials=None, insecure=False, compression=None, wait_for_ready=None, timeout=None, metadata=None)[source]
- __firstlineno__ = 295
- __static_attributes__ = ()
- class firewheel.lib.grpc.firewheel_grpc_pb2_grpc.FirewheelServicer[source]
Missing associated documentation comment in .proto file.
- DestroyVMMappingByUUID(request, context)[source]
Destroys the vm_mapping associated with the given uuid.
- SetVMStateByUUID(request, context)[source]
Sets the state for the vm_mapping associated with the given uuid.
- SetVMTimeByUUID(request, context)[source]
Sets the time for the vm_mapping associated with the given uuid.
- __annotations__ = {}
- __firstlineno__ = 114
- __static_attributes__ = ()
- class firewheel.lib.grpc.firewheel_grpc_pb2_grpc.FirewheelStub(channel)[source]
Missing associated documentation comment in .proto file.
- __firstlineno__ = 33
- __static_attributes__ = ('CountVMMappingsNotReady', 'DestroyAllVMMappings', 'DestroyVMMappingByUUID', 'GetExperimentLaunchTime', 'GetExperimentStartTime', 'GetInfo', 'GetVMMappingByUUID', 'InitializeExperimentStartTime', 'ListVMMappings', 'SetExperimentLaunchTime', 'SetExperimentStartTime', 'SetVMMapping', 'SetVMStateByUUID', 'SetVMTimeByUUID')
Generated protocol buffer code.
- class firewheel.lib.grpc.firewheel_grpc_pb2.CountVMMappingsNotReadyRequest
- DESCRIPTOR = <google._upb._message.Descriptor object>
- __slots__ = ()
- class firewheel.lib.grpc.firewheel_grpc_pb2.CountVMMappingsNotReadyResponse
- DESCRIPTOR = <google._upb._message.Descriptor object>
- __annotations__ = {}
- __slots__ = ()
- class firewheel.lib.grpc.firewheel_grpc_pb2.DestroyAllVMMappingsRequest
- DESCRIPTOR = <google._upb._message.Descriptor object>
- __annotations__ = {}
- __slots__ = ()
- class firewheel.lib.grpc.firewheel_grpc_pb2.DestroyAllVMMappingsResponse
- DESCRIPTOR = <google._upb._message.Descriptor object>
- __annotations__ = {}
- __slots__ = ()
- class firewheel.lib.grpc.firewheel_grpc_pb2.DestroyVMMappingResponse
- DESCRIPTOR = <google._upb._message.Descriptor object>
- __annotations__ = {}
- __slots__ = ()
- class firewheel.lib.grpc.firewheel_grpc_pb2.ExperimentLaunchTime
- DESCRIPTOR = <google._upb._message.Descriptor object>
- __annotations__ = {}
- __slots__ = ()
- class firewheel.lib.grpc.firewheel_grpc_pb2.ExperimentStartTime
- DESCRIPTOR = <google._upb._message.Descriptor object>
- __annotations__ = {}
- __slots__ = ()
- class firewheel.lib.grpc.firewheel_grpc_pb2.GetExperimentLaunchTimeRequest
- DESCRIPTOR = <google._upb._message.Descriptor object>
- __annotations__ = {}
- __slots__ = ()
- class firewheel.lib.grpc.firewheel_grpc_pb2.GetExperimentStartTimeRequest
- DESCRIPTOR = <google._upb._message.Descriptor object>
- __annotations__ = {}
- __slots__ = ()
- class firewheel.lib.grpc.firewheel_grpc_pb2.GetInfoRequest
- DESCRIPTOR = <google._upb._message.Descriptor object>
- __annotations__ = {}
- __slots__ = ()
- class firewheel.lib.grpc.firewheel_grpc_pb2.GetInfoResponse
- DESCRIPTOR = <google._upb._message.Descriptor object>
- __annotations__ = {}
- __slots__ = ()
- class firewheel.lib.grpc.firewheel_grpc_pb2.InitializeExperimentStartTimeRequest
- DESCRIPTOR = <google._upb._message.Descriptor object>
- __annotations__ = {}
- __slots__ = ()
- class firewheel.lib.grpc.firewheel_grpc_pb2.InitializeExperimentStartTimeResponse
- DESCRIPTOR = <google._upb._message.Descriptor object>
- __annotations__ = {}
- __slots__ = ()
- class firewheel.lib.grpc.firewheel_grpc_pb2.ListVMMappingsRequest
- DESCRIPTOR = <google._upb._message.Descriptor object>
- __annotations__ = {}
- __slots__ = ()
- class firewheel.lib.grpc.firewheel_grpc_pb2.SetVMStateByUUIDRequest
- DESCRIPTOR = <google._upb._message.Descriptor object>
- __annotations__ = {}
- __slots__ = ()
- class firewheel.lib.grpc.firewheel_grpc_pb2.SetVMTimeByUUIDRequest
- DESCRIPTOR = <google._upb._message.Descriptor object>
- __annotations__ = {}
- __slots__ = ()
FIREWHEEL gRPC Protocol Documentation
This documentation was compiled using protoc and protoc-gen-doc with:
python -m grpc_tools.protoc --plugin=protoc-gen-doc=./protoc-gen-doc --doc_out=./docs/source/_static/ --doc_opt=html,proto_doc.html --proto_path ./src/firewheel/lib/grpc firewheel_grpc.proto
- class firewheel.lib.minimega.api.minimegaAPI(mm_base=None, timeout=120, skip_retry=False)[source]
This class implements an API to minimega to run common commands and parse outputs into python objects.
- __firstlineno__ = 18
- __init__(mm_base=None, timeout=120, skip_retry=False)[source]
Initializes the object with a minimega connection.
- Parameters:
mm_base (str) – The root directory for minimega. The default is
, in which case the directory is pulled from the current configuration.timeout (int) – Number of seconds to wait for minimega socket when initializing before raising a TimeoutError.
skip_retry (bool) – Do not attempt to retry connecting to minimega if there is an error.
- Raises:
RuntimeError – If the minimega socket does not exist.
TimeoutError – If the connection to minimega timed out.
- __static_attributes__ = ('am_head_node', 'cluster_head_node', 'log', 'mesh_size', 'mm', 'mm_base', 'mm_socket')
- _check_version(timeout, skip_retry=False)[source]
Checks if the version of the minimega python bindings matches the versions of all running instances of minimega in the namespace.
To enable timeouts, a process is spawned to call the necessary minimega functions.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
True if versions match, False otherwise.
- Return type:
- Raises:
TimeoutError – If a timeout occurs when connecting to minimega.
RuntimeError – If a timeout occurs when connecting to minimega but
skip_retry is true
- _cmd_to_dict(cmd)[source]
Debug function. Used to return a dictionary representation of the output of a minimega shell command.
- static _parse_output(output)[source]
Debug function. Used to parse the output of a minimega shell command.
- static _parse_table(table_output)[source]
Debug function. Used to parse the tabular output of a minimega shell command.
- static _run_cmd(args)[source]
Debug function. Used to return the output of a minimega shell command.
In general, this provides direct access to minimega and can have some serious security implications. Please review Security for more details.
- static check_host_filter(filter_dict, elem)[source]
Checks an element against a provided dictionary of filter keys and expected values.
The provided dictionary is expected to be of the form
{filter_key : filter_obj}
, where thefilter_obj
is a tuple of(filter_relation, filter_value)
.Filtering an element proceeds as follows:
For each
, ensure that the provided element’s value for that key satisfies thefilter_relation
for the givenfilter_value
.Return True only if each filter check is satisfied.
Currently, the following
values are supported:{"=", "!=", "~", "!~"}
.- Parameters:
- Returns:
Whether the element passes all of the filters checks.
- Return type:
- Raises:
RuntimeError – If the
is unsupported.
- static get_am_head_node()[source]
Provide method for determining if the current node is the head node.
- Returns:
True if the current node is the head node. False otherwise.
- Return type:
- get_cpu_commit_ratio()[source]
Returns the ratio of committed CPUs to logical CPUs on the current physical host. This is used to intelligently throttle based on load.
- Returns:
(CPU commit / logical CPUs).
- Return type:
- static get_head_node()[source]
Get the head node from the FIREWHEEL configuration.
- Returns:
The head node from the cluster. This is assumed to be the first node of the control node list.
- Return type:
- Raises:
RuntimeError – If no cluster control node exists.
- get_hosts(host_key=None)[source]
Get the hosts in the minimega namespace, and return the parsed hosts as a dict keyed on hostname.
- get_mesh_size()[source]
Gets the size of the minimega mesh.
- Returns:
The size of the minimega mesh.
- Return type:
- mm_vms(filter_dict=None)[source]
List the VMs in current experiment. Optionally filtered by supplied filter_dict.
- static mmr_map(raw_response, first_value_only=False)[source]
Attempts to map a raw minimega output into a python dictionary
- class firewheel.lib.minimega.file_store.FileStore(store: str, mm_base: str = '/tmp/minimega', decompress: bool = False, log: Logger | None = None)[source]
A repository for files uses a distributed file system for easy access on all hosts in a FIREWHEEL cluster. Currently uses minimega to store files. Ideally, this should be modifiable without affecting the interface.
- __annotations__ = {}
- __firstlineno__ = 107
- __init__(store: str, mm_base: str = '/tmp/minimega', decompress: bool = False, log: Logger | None = None) None [source]
Initializes the object with a minimegaAPI connection.
- Parameters:
- Raises:
PermissionError – If the FileStore was unable to create the cache due to bad permissions.
- __static_attributes__ = ('cache', 'cache_base', 'decompress', 'log', 'mm_api', 'store')
- _check_mesh_file_consistency(mm_file_path: str) Dict[str, List[Dict[str, str | List[str] | None]] | bool] [source]
Checks whether there is a consistent version of the file on all hosts in the mesh.
- _decompress_error(exp: OSError, tmp_local_path: str, host_file_path: str) None [source]
Output specific warnings/errors if an issue happened while trying to decompress a file. Additionally, try to remove the file which caused the issue.
- _get_lock(cache_location: str) bool [source]
Get a lock (FIREWHEEL-specific, not OS lock) for a specific location in the local cache.
- _minimega_get_data(host_file_path: str, filename: str, decompress: bool = False) Tuple[str, str] [source]
Get the requested file from minimega and return the path to the locally cached version of the file. Detect if the file is already cached and just return the path.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
Contains the path to the locally cached file and an empty string. If there is an error then it returns empty string and the second argument is a string description of the error.
- Return type:
- _minimega_get_file(cache_location: str, filename: str) bool [source]
Perform the mechanics of a read operation from minimega. This function assumes that you have the file’s lock already.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
True on success, False otherwise (or an Exception is raised).
- Return type:
- Raises:
FileNotFoundError – If the file is not found.
MinimegaError – If there is an error running minimega.
Error – If there is an error running minimega. This is an alias for MinimegaError.
- _release_lock(cache_location: str) bool [source]
Release the (FIREWHEEL-specific) lock on a specific location in the local cache.
- _strip_extension(filename: str) str [source]
Check to see if a filename has a compression extension and remove it if it does. Currently checking for
{".xz". ".tar.gz", ".tar", ".tgz"}
- _wait_for_lock(cache_location: str) None [source]
Wait for the (FIREWHEEL-specific) lock on a specific location in the local cache.
- Parameters:
cache_location (str) – The name of the file to wait for the lock on.
- add_file_from_content(content: str, filename: str, force: bool = True, broadcast: bool = True) None [source]
Creates file and add it to the FileStore with the given filename.
- broadcast_get_file(mm_file_path: str) bool [source]
Add a file to the FileStore and ensure that all hosts download it into their cache.
- Parameters:
mm_file_path (str) – The path of the file to be uploaded into the FileStore.
- Returns:
Whether the broadcast was successful; i.e. Whether each host in the mesh has a consistent version of the file in their cache.
- Return type:
- Raises:
Exception – If an error occurs interacting with minimega.
- file_lock(location: str) Generator[bool | None, None, None] [source]
Context Manager for acquiring locks. Enables using the with context to get a lock using an optional timeout. Release lock at the end of the with block.
- get_file(filename: str) FileStoreFile [source]
Get an FileStoreFile instance representing a specific file.
Importantly, this method returns successfully even if the specified file does not exist. In this case, a FileNotFoundError is raised upon using the returned FileStoreFile.
Use example:
with file_store.get_file('') as vm_resource_file: chunk = Invalid file example: # Raises FileNotFoundError with file_store.get_file('invalid') as vm_resource_file: pass
- Parameters:
filename (str) – The name of the file to get a representation for.
- Returns:
An instance of FileStoreFile for the requested file.
- Return type:
- get_file_size(filename: str) int [source]
Returns the length (in bytes) of a file in the FileStore. This method ignores the local cache.
- Parameters:
filename (str) – Name of the file.
- Returns:
Size of the file, measured in bytes.
- Return type:
- Raises:
FileNotFoundError – If the file is not found in the database.
RuntimeError – If the number of files does not equal one.
- get_file_upload_date(filename: str) datetime | None [source]
Returns the upload date of a file in minimega
- Parameters:
filename (str) – Name of the file.
- Returns:
Datetime date that the file was uploaded into local the minimega files directory.
- Return type:
- get_path(filename: str) str [source]
Ensure a specified file is cached locally.
- Parameters:
filename (str) – The name of the file to cache.
- Returns:
The path to the locally cached file.
- Return type:
- Raises:
FileNotFoundError – When the local path for the image cannot be found.
RuntimeError – When the file could not be decompressed.
- list_contents(pattern: str = '') List[Tuple[str, str, str]] [source]
List the contents of the FileStore.
- Parameters:
pattern (str) – pattern to match filenames against
- Returns:
A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary is an entry from the FileStore.
- Return type:
- Raises:
RuntimeError – If there is an error getting the minimega file list.
Exception – If an error occurred during this method.
- class firewheel.lib.minimega.file_store.FileStoreFile(filename: str, database: FileStore)[source]
A pseudo-File-like object representing a file stored in the FileStore.
It is pseudo-File-like because it is a Context Manager (it is used with the “with” statement) and it provides a read() method. It does not implement other portions of the File interface.
- __enter__() FileStoreFile [source]
Open (for reading) a specific file in the FileStore.
- Returns:
Reference to this instance.
- Return type:
- __exit__(exc_type: BaseException | None = None, exc_val: BaseException | None = None, exc_tb: TracebackType | None = None) bool [source]
Close the file.
- Parameters:
exc_type – Any exception type. Ignored.
exc_val – Any exception value. Ignored.
exc_tb – The exception trace back. Ignored.
- Returns:
Whether the file was successfully closed. Will be False if it was never opened in the first place.
- Return type:
- __firstlineno__ = 23
- __static_attributes__ = ('database', 'filename', 'handle', 'log')
- read(size: int = 16777216) bytes [source]
Read the next chunk of data from a file handle. Assumes __enter__ has been called (call this from within a “with” block.
- Parameters:
size (int) – The size of the chunk to read from the file. Default is 16 MiB.
- Returns:
A chunk of data of the specified size (default 16 MiB) from the file referenced by handle.
- Raises:
RuntimeError – If the file handle is not found.
- class firewheel.lib.discovery.api.discoveryAPI(hostname=None, port=None)[source]
This class implements an API to discovery.
- __firstlineno__ = 13
- __static_attributes__ = ('bind_addr', 'discovery_URI', 'log', 'log_file')
- connect_endpoint(node_id, network_id)[source]
Connect node with
to network withnetwork_id
- delete_all()[source]
Deletes all endpoints and networks.
- Returns:
True on success.
- Return type:
- Raises:
RuntimeError – If not all the endpoints or networks were successfully deleted.
- delete_all_endpoints()[source]
Deletes all endpoints.
- Returns:
List of dictionary representations of deleted endpoints.
- Return type:
- delete_all_networks()[source]
Deletes all networks.
- Returns:
List of dictionary representations of deleted networks.
- Return type:
- delete_endpoints(key='', value='')[source]
- Delete endpoints. If key and value are provided, then all endpoints with matching
key:value are deleted. If only value is provided, then all endpoints that have any key with a matching value are deleted.
- delete_networks(key='', value='')[source]
- Delete networks. If key and value are provided, then all networks with matching
key:value are deleted. If only value is provided, then all networks that have any key with a matching value are deleted.
- get_config(config_key='')[source]
Get the config value for key, config_key. If no key is provided, returns entire config.
- get_endpoints()[source]
Get all endpoints.
- Returns:
A list of all endpoints on success.
- Return type:
- insert_network()[source]
Insert a network.
- Returns:
- Dictionary representation of response. On success, this is
the inserted network.
- Return type:
- set_config(config_key, config_value)[source]
Set the config value for key, config_key, to config_value.
- start_discovery()[source]
Start the discovery service with minimega if it is not already started.
- Returns:
True if it was started successfully, False otherwise.
- Return type:
- test_connection()[source]
Check to see if the discovery API is active.
- Returns:
True if the discovery server is up, False otherwise.
- Return type: