Source code for vm_resource.validate_plugin

from firewheel.control.experiment_graph import AbstractPlugin
from firewheel.control.model_component_exceptions import MissingRequiredVMResourcesError
from firewheel.vm_resource_manager.vm_resource_store import VmResourceStore

[docs] class ValidateVMResources(AbstractPlugin): """ This Plugin ensures that all VMRs which have been scheduled have been uploaded to the :py:class:`firewheel.vm_resource_manager.vm_resource_store.VmResourceStore`. """
[docs] def run(self): """ Verify that every required VM resource has been uploaded. Raises: MissingRequiredVMResourcesError: Raised if any VMRs are missing. """ missing_vm_resources = [] vm_resource_store = VmResourceStore() for vm_resource in self.g.required_vm_resources: try: local_path = vm_resource_store.get_path(vm_resource) if not local_path: self.log.error( "Unable to get file: %s. Will try again just-in-time.", vm_resource, ) except FileNotFoundError: missing_vm_resources.append(vm_resource) self.log.exception( "Unable to get file: %s. There are typically a few reasons for this issue:\n" "\t1. The VM resource isn't included in the MANIFEST file.\n" "\t2. The VM resource is contained in a Model Component which is" "not part of the experiment.\n" "\t3. A misspelled VM resource file name.", vm_resource, ) if missing_vm_resources: raise MissingRequiredVMResourcesError(missing_vm_resources)