Source code for vm_resource.schedule_plugin

import pickle

from base_objects import VMEndpoint

from firewheel.control.experiment_graph import AbstractPlugin
from firewheel.vm_resource_manager.vm_mapping import VMMapping
from firewheel.vm_resource_manager.schedule_db import ScheduleDb

[docs] class UploadSchedule(AbstractPlugin): """ This plugin accomplishes three primary objectives: 1. Upload all VM schedules to the :py:class:`ScheduleDb <firewheel.vm_resource_manager.schedule_db.ScheduleDb>`. 2. Upload the VM mapping to the :py:class:`VMMapping <firewheel.vm_resource_manager.vm_mapping.VMMapping>` database. 3. Identify all VMRs for an experiment. """
[docs] def _put_all_vm_resource_schedules(self): """ For every :py:class:`VMEndpoint <base_objects.VMEndpoint>` in the experiment, iterate over its schedule and put it in the schedule database. """ sched_db = ScheduleDb() vm_mapping = VMMapping() sched_list = [] mapping_list = [] for vert in self.g.get_vertices(): if not vert.is_decorated_by(VMEndpoint): continue try: control_ip = None try: control_ip = str(vert.control_ip) except AttributeError: pass sched = list(vert.vm_resource_schedule.get_schedule()) self.log.debug("Schedule length %d for %s", len(sched), schedule = pickle.dumps(sched) # add required vm_resources to set for item in sched: for data_entry in try: self.g.required_vm_resources.add(data_entry["filename"]) except KeyError: # some vm_resources don't have files to upload continue self.log.debug("Got schedule %s for %s", schedule, sched_list.append( {"server_name":, "text": schedule, "ip": control_ip} ) self.log.debug( "Adding %s %s %s to VM Mapping", vert.uuid, control_ip, ) mapping_list.append( { "server_uuid": vert.uuid, "server_name":, "control_ip": control_ip, } ) except AttributeError: self.log.exception('No vm_resource schedule for VM "%s".', # Batch insert into the databases for performance reasons if sched_list: sched_db.batch_put(sched_list) vm_mapping.batch_put(mapping_list) else: self.log.warning("No vm resources scheduled")
[docs] def run(self): """ Initialize the required VMR set and call :py:meth:`vm_resource.schedule._put_all_vm_resource_schedules` which contains the main Plugin logic. """ self.g.required_vm_resources = set() self._put_all_vm_resource_schedules()