from base_objects import Switch
from linux.ubuntu1604 import Ubuntu1604Server
from firewheel.control.experiment_graph import Vertex, AbstractPlugin
class Plugin(AbstractPlugin):
Enable testing the quality of service (QoS) for edges.
Currently, we verify that both ``"delay"`` and ``"dropped packets"`` are correctly handled.
Additionally, default values are provided for both. The delay adds 10,000 ms delay
and the packet loss is 50%.
def run(self, test="delay"):
Construct a simple topology with two VMs and connect them with a
:py:class:`Switch <base_objects.Switch>`. Then add the specified QoS parameter to the edge.
This serves as an example of *how* QoS can be implemented
in FIREWHEEL and is used in our functional test suite.
test (str, optional): The type of QoS to measure. Should be one of
``{"delay", "drops"}``. Defaults to ``"delay"``.
The QoS parameters will only impact the **egress** traffic for the given edge.
RuntimeError: If the test is not one of ``{"delay", "drops"}``.
# Create our two hosts and the switch
host1 = Vertex(self.g, "host1")
host2 = Vertex(self.g, "host2")
switch = Vertex(self.g, "qos.switch")
# Create the IP addresses
ip_1 = ""
ip_2 = ""
netmask = ""
# Add the necessary QoS attributes to the egress for host1
if test == "delay":
host1.connect(switch, ip_1, netmask, delay="10000ms")
elif test == "drops":
host1.connect(switch, ip_1, netmask, packet_loss=50)
raise RuntimeError(
f"Unknown test case '{test}'. Expect 'delay' or 'drops'."
# Connect the second host to the switch
host2.connect(switch, ip_2, netmask)
# Add a VMR which will execute the testing of the QoS parameter
host1.run_executable(5, "", arguments=[test, ip_2], vm_resource=True)
host2.run_executable(5, "", arguments=[test, ip_1], vm_resource=True)