Source code for misc.print_graph_plugin

import inspect
from pathlib import Path

import rich
import networkx as nx

from firewheel.control.experiment_graph import AbstractPlugin

[docs] class PrintGraph(AbstractPlugin): """ Print out the :py:class:`ExperimentGraph <firewheel.control.experiment_graph.ExperimentGraph>` in an easy-to-read text format. This Plugin optionally takes in a filename which will be used to write output. If no filename is provided, the graph will be printed to ``stdout`` using :py:func:`networkx.readwrite.text.write_network_text`. """
[docs] def _generate_nx_graph(self): """ Generate a NetworkX graph which contains a subset of critical attributes of each Vertex in the :py:class:`firewheel.control.experiment_graph.ExperimentGraph`. Each :py:class:`Vertex <firewheel.control.experiment_graph.Vertex>` should contain the following: * Basic node information - Name, Graph ID, etc. * All the classes which decorated that :py:class:`Vertex <firewheel.control.experiment_graph.Vertex>`. * Any "important" :py:class:`Vertex <firewheel.control.experiment_graph.Vertex>` attributes (e.g. in ``{"vm", "vm_resource_schedule", "host", "type", "interfaces"}``). Each :py:class:`Edge <firewheel.control.experiment_graph.Edge>` should contain the following: * The source and destination :py:class:`Vertexes <firewheel.control.experiment_graph.Vertex>` * All the classes which decorated that :py:class:`Edge <firewheel.control.experiment_graph.Edge>`. * Any "important" :py:class:`Edge <firewheel.control.experiment_graph.Edge>` attributes (e.g. in ``{"dst_ip", "dst_network", "qos"}``). * The network information. Returns: networkx.Graph: The properly formatted text representation of the :py:class:`ExperimentGraph <firewheel.control.experiment_graph.ExperimentGraph>`. """ print_graph = nx.Graph() for v in self.g.get_vertices(): # Get decorators dec_names = ", ".join([str(dec.__name__) for dec in v.decorators]) # Get attributes attributes = [] for attr in v.__dict__.keys(): if inspect.isroutine(v.__dict__[attr]): continue attributes.append(attr) attrs = {} for attribute in attributes: if str(attribute) not in { "vm", "vm_resource_schedule", "host", "type", "nx_data", "interfaces", }: continue attrs[str(attribute)] = str(v.__dict__[attribute]) node_char = {} if v.type == "switch": node_char["viz"] = { "color": {"a": 0.5, "r": 255, "g": 255, "b": 0}, "shape": "triangle", } if v.type == "host": node_char["viz"] = { "color": {"a": 0.5, "r": 255, "g": 0, "b": 255}, "shape": "square", } if v.type == "router": node_char["viz"] = { "color": {"a": 0.5, "r": 0, "g": 255, "b": 255}, "shape": "disc", } print_graph.add_node(, graph_id=v.graph_id, decorated_by=dec_names, **attrs, **node_char, ) for edge in self.g.get_edges(): # Get attributes attributes = [] for attr in edge.__dict__.keys(): if inspect.isroutine(edge.__dict__[attr]): continue attributes.append(attr) attrs = {} for attribute in attributes: if str(attribute) not in {"dst_ip", "dst_network", "qos"}: continue attrs[str(attribute)] = str(edge.__dict__[attribute]) print_graph.add_edge( edge.source["object"].name, edge.destination["object"].name, decorated_by=", ".join([str(dec.__name__) for dec in edge.decorators]), **attrs, ) return print_graph
[docs] def _generate_text(self): """ Generate a text representation of every vertex in the ExperimentGraph. The text representation should contain the following sections: * *NODE* - The :py:class:`Vertex <firewheel.control.experiment_graph.Vertex>` objects ``graph_id``. * *DECORATED BY* - All the classes which decorated that :py:class:`Vertex <firewheel.control.experiment_graph.Vertex>`. * *NEIGHBORS* - All neighbors (connected :py:class:`Vertex <firewheel.control.experiment_graph.Vertex>` objects). * *ATTRIBUTES* - Any :py:class:`Vertexes <firewheel.control.experiment_graph.Vertex>` attributes. * *METHODS* - All :py:class:`Vertex <firewheel.control.experiment_graph.Vertex>` objects methods. Returns: str: The properly formatted text representation of the :py:class:`ExperimentGraph <firewheel.control.experiment_graph.ExperimentGraph>`. """ text = "" for v in self.g.get_vertices(): text += f"NODE {v.graph_id!s}\n" dec_names = [str(dec.__name__) for dec in v.decorators] dec_names.sort() text += f" DECORATED BY: {' '.join(dec_names)}\n" text += " NEIGHBORS:\n" for neighbor in v.get_neighbors(): text += f" {neighbor.graph_id!s}\n" attributes = [] methods = [] for attr in v.__dict__.keys(): if inspect.isroutine(v.__dict__[attr]): methods.append(attr) else: attributes.append(attr) text += " ATTRIBUTES:\n" for attribute in attributes: attr_str = str(v.__dict__[attribute]) attr_split = attr_str.strip().split("\n") if len(attr_split) > 1: attr_str = "\n" for line in attr_split: attr_str += f" {line.strip()}\n" text += f" {attribute!s}: {attr_str.strip()}\n" text += " METHODS:\n" for method in methods: text += f" {method!s}\n" return text
[docs] def run(self, output_file=""): """ Identifies whether the output should be printed or added to a file. The file extension determines whether or not it should be output as a text file or a `GEXF <>`_ file which can be read by graph visualization tools, such as `Gephi <>`_. Args: output_file (str, optional): The name/path to a file for the text output. If the extension is ``.gexf``, than the file will use the GEXF file format. Otherwise will use text format. Defaults to ``""``. """ if Path(output_file).suffix.lower() == ".gexf": nx.write_gexf(self._generate_nx_graph(), output_file) elif output_file: rich.print( "[b yellow]Unknown [cyan]print_graph[/cyan] file extension provided, " "defaulting to creating a text-representation in file: " f"[magenta]{Path(output_file).absolute()!s}" ) with open(output_file, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as out: out.write(self._generate_text()) else: nx.write_network_text(self._generate_nx_graph(), rich.print, end="")