Source code for misc.networkx

"""This module contains all necessary Model Component Objects for misc.networkx."""

from base_objects import FalseEdge

from firewheel.control.experiment_graph import Edge, Vertex, require_class

[docs] @require_class(FalseEdge) class NxEdge: """This class is intended to indicate that an :py:class:`Edge <firewheel.control.experiment_graph.Edge>` is a NetworkX :py:class:`Edge <firewheel.control.experiment_graph.Edge>` in the graph. That is, the :py:class:`Edge <firewheel.control.experiment_graph.Edge>` exists in the graph but won't be used when the graph is instantiated. This is useful when generating graphs using NetworkX. """ def __init__(self): """Creates ``self.is_nx`` and sets it to :py:data:`True`.""" self.is_nx = True
[docs] def convert_nx_to_fw(nx_graph, fw_graph): """ This function enables converting a NetworkX :py:class:`networkx.Graph` to a :py:class:`firewheel.control.experiment_graph.ExperimentGraph`. Specifically, nodes in the NetworkX :py:class:`networkx.Graph` are converted to :py:class:`Vertecies <firewheel.control.experiment_graph.Vertex>` and the edges are converted to :py:class:`NxEdge`. The attribute dictionary for both NetworkX nodes/edges are preserved in a new attribute on the :py:class:`Vertex <firewheel.control.experiment_graph.Vertex>` and :py:class:`Edge <firewheel.control.experiment_graph.Edge>` called ``nx_data``. Args: nx_graph (networkx.Graph): The :py:class:`networkx.Graph` to convert. fw_graph (ExperimentGraph): The FIREWHEEL :py:class:`firewheel.control.experiment_graph.ExperimentGraph` where the new nodes/edges will be added. """ for node, data in nx_graph.nodes(data=True): fw_node = Vertex(fw_graph, name=node, graph_id=node) fw_node.nx_data = data for src, dst, data in nx_graph.edges(data=True): edge = Edge(fw_graph.find_vertex_by_id(src), fw_graph.find_vertex_by_id(dst)) edge.decorate(NxEdge) edge.nx_data = data