Source code for minimega.emulated_entities

import os
import uuid

import firewheel.vm_resource_manager.vm_resource_handler
from firewheel.config import config as fw_config
from firewheel.control.experiment_graph import require_class

[docs] class MinimegaEmulatedEntity: """ This object adds a UUID to the :py:class:`Vertex <firewheel.control.experiment_graph.Vertex>`. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """Adding a new UUID and casting it to a string.""" self.uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
[docs] @require_class(MinimegaEmulatedEntity) class MinimegaEmulatedVM: """ An object which adds methods to a :py:class:`Vertex <firewheel.control.experiment_graph.Vertex>` to collect all configuration options needed to launch the VM with minimega. Attributes: interface_defaults (dict): A dictionary containing default values for interfaces. This includes the type of interface and the required driver. drive_defaults (dict): A dictionary containing default values for VM drives. This includes the drive interface and cache type. cpu_defaults (dict): A dictionary containing default values for VM CPUs. This includes the model type, and number of sockets, cores, and threads. """ interface_defaults = {"type": "tap", "driver": "virtio-net-pci"} drive_defaults = { "interface": "virtio", "cache": "writeback", } cpu_defaults = { "model": "qemu64", "sockets": 1, "cores": 1, "threads": 1, }
[docs] def _generate_nic_configs(self, config): """Create a finished configuration for each NIC. The finished config for a NIC resembles: .. code-block:: python { "name": "nic", "id": "unique", "type": "tap", "interface": "tap0", "driver": "virtio-net-pci", "bus": "pci.0", "bus_addr": "5", "mac": "00:00:00:00:00:00" } Where the fields are described as: * *name* - minimega device name. (e.g. ``"nic"``). * *id* - Some value unique within the scope of this VM. * *type* - Type of interface. Supported: ``"tap"``. This corresponds to both a QEMU type and a mapping to a minimega port object. * *interface* - Name of the tap interface on the underlying host system. This must meet the restrictions placed by Linux on the naming of network interfaces. * *bus* - PCI bus number. * *bus_addr* - PCI bus address. * *mac* - MAC address for this interface. Args: config (dict): The configuration for the VM. Raises: RuntimeError: If a required configuration key is missing from an interface. """ config_list = [] try: for interface in self.interfaces.interfaces: iface_conf = { "name": "nic", "id": f"if{len(config_list)}", } # Apply defaults. for default_key, value in self.interface_defaults.items(): try: interface[default_key] except KeyError: interface[default_key] = value # Finish building the config. iface_conf["switch_name"] = interface["switch"].name keys = ["type", "driver", "mac", "qos"] for k in keys: try: iface_conf[k] = interface[k] except KeyError as exc: self.log.error( 'Missing required key "%s" on VM "%s". Have: %s', k,, interface, ) raise RuntimeError( f'Required key "{k}" not found on interface for VM "{}".' ) from exc try: iface_conf["ip"] = str(interface["network"]) except KeyError: pass config_list.append(iface_conf) except AttributeError: # There's nothing that says a VM must have NICs. pass self.log.debug('VM "%s" generated %s NIC configs.',, len(config_list)) config["aux"]["nic"] = config_list
[docs] def _generate_drive_configs(self, config): """Create a finished configuration for each drive. Note: The first disk is assumed to be the image for the VM. Args: config (dict): The configuration for the VM. Raises: RuntimeError: If a required configuration key is missing from an interface. Returns: list: A list of drives for the VM. """ config_list = [] for drive in self.vm["drives"]: conf = { "name": "drive", "id": f"drv{len(config_list)}", "file": drive["file"], "path": os.path.join(self.vm["image_store"]["name"], drive["file"]), "db_path": drive["db_path"], } # Apply defaults. for default_key, value in self.drive_defaults.items(): try: drive[default_key] except KeyError: drive[default_key] = value # Finish building the config keys = ["interface", "cache"] for k in keys: try: conf[k] = drive[k] except KeyError as exc: raise RuntimeError( f'Required key "{k}" not found on drive for VM "{}".' ) from exc config_list.append(conf) config["aux"]["disks"] = config_list self.log.debug( 'VM "%s" generated %s drive configs.',, len(config_list) ) return config_list
[docs] def _generate_vcpu_config(self, config): """Create a finished configuration for the VMs vCPUs. Args: config (dict): The configuration for the VM. Returns: list: A list containing the ``cpu_config``, the ``smp_config``, and the modified VM config. """ cpu_config = { "name": "cpu", "id": "cpu", } smp_config = { "name": "smp", "id": "smp", } try: cpu_config["model"] = self.vm["vcpu"]["model"] except KeyError: self.log.debug( 'Using default VCPU model ("%s") for VM "%s".', self.cpu_defaults["model"],, ) cpu_config["model"] = self.cpu_defaults["model"] if "vcpu" not in self.vm: self.vm["vcpu"] = {} self.vm["vcpu"]["model"] = self.cpu_defaults["model"] config["vm"]["vcpu_model"] = self.vm["vcpu"]["model"] def __handle_smp_key(key, default_value): """Set the value for a single SMP key on the VM if it has not been configured. Args: key (str): Which SMP value to change (e.g. "sockets", "cores", "threads", etc.) default_value (int): The value for the SMP key. """ try: smp_config[key] = self.vm["vcpu"][key] except KeyError: self.log.debug( 'Using default value %d for SMP parameter "%s" on VM "%s".', default_value, key,, ) smp_config[key] = default_value if "vcpu" not in self.vm: self.vm["vcpu"] = {} self.vm["vcpu"][key] = default_value __handle_smp_key("sockets", self.cpu_defaults["sockets"]) __handle_smp_key("cores", self.cpu_defaults["cores"]) __handle_smp_key("threads", self.cpu_defaults["threads"]) for smp_key, smp_val in smp_config.items(): full_key = f"smp_{smp_key}" config["vm"][full_key] = smp_val return [cpu_config, smp_config, config]
[docs] def _generate_mem_config(self, config): """Create a finished configuration for the VMs memory. Args: config (dict): The configuration for the VM. """ try: memory = str(self.vm["mem"]) except KeyError: memory = "512" config["vm"]["memory"] = memory
[docs] def _generate_vga_config(self, config): """Create a finished configuration for the VMs VGA display. Args: config (dict): The configuration for the VM. """ default_vga_model = "std" vga_config = { "name": "vga", "id": "minimegavga", } try: vga_config["model"] = self.vm["vga"] except KeyError: vga_config["model"] = default_vga_model self.vm["vga"] = default_vga_model config["vm"]["vga_model"] = self.vm["vga"]
[docs] def _generate_vm_resource_handler_communication_config(self, config, minimega_type): """Create the finished configuration which will be used to enable communication between the :ref:`vm-resource-handler` and the VM. Args: config (dict): The configuration for the VM. minimega_type (str): The type of the VM. Currently, there is only one type ``QemuVM``. Returns: dict: The ``qga_config`` dictionary. """ # First check that the VM needs resource handler communication try: if not self.vm_resource_schedule: return {} except AttributeError: return {} # Handle vm_resource communication devices based off VM type if minimega_type == "QemuVM": qga_config = { "name": "serial", "id": "minimegaqga", "path": os.path.join( fw_config["minimega"]["base_dir"], "namespaces", fw_config["minimega"]["namespace"], self.uuid, "virtio-serial0", ), } self.log.debug("new qga path is %s", qga_config["path"]) config["aux"]["qga_config"] = qga_config return qga_config return {}
[docs] def _generate_vm_resource_handler_process_config(self, config): """ Create a configuration for launching a :ref:`vm-resource-handler` process for each VM. This method assumes that FIREWHEEL has been installed in the same location on all :ref:`cluster-compute-nodes`. Args: config (dict): The configuration for the VM. Returns: dict: The configuration to launch a new :ref:`vm-resource-handler` process. """ try: if not self.vm_resource_schedule: return None except AttributeError: return None process_config = { "type": "Process", "engine": config["vm"]["type"], "uuid": str(uuid.uuid4()), "vm_name": config["vm"]["name"], "vm_uuid": config["vm"]["uuid"], "binary_name": firewheel.vm_resource_manager.vm_resource_handler.__file__, } if config["vm"]["type"] == "QemuVM": if "qga_config" in config["aux"] and config["aux"]["qga_config"]: process_config["path"] = config["aux"]["qga_config"]["path"] if "path" not in process_config: return None config["aux"]["handler_process"] = process_config return process_config
[docs] def _generate_bios_config(self, config): """Create a finished configuration for the VMs BIOS. Args: config (dict): The configuration for the VM. """ bios = self.vm.get("bios", None) if bios: config["aux"]["qemu_append"]["bios"] = os.path.join( self.vm["image_store"]["path"], bios )
[docs] def _generate_qemu_append_str(self, config): """ Some QEMU arguments are not natively supported by minimega's vm config function. To set those arguments, we can use the ``qemu_append`` option for the VM config. In this method, we take all of the ``qemu_append`` mappings and parse them into a string to be used by minimega. For example, BIOS can currently only be set in this way. In :py:meth:`_generate_bios_config <minimega.emulated_entities.MinimegaEmulatedVM._generate_bios_config>`, we grab the value for BIOS from ``self.vm`` and set it in the ``qemu_append`` dictionary. Then this parses: ``{"bios" : "seabios_rel-"}`` into ``-bios seabios_rel-``. Args: config (dict): The configuration for the VM. """ append_str = " ".join( [f"-{k} {v}" for k, v in config["aux"]["qemu_append"].items()] ) config["aux"]["qemu_append_str"] = append_str
[docs] def generate_minimega_config(self): """Generate a minimega VM config based on this :py:class:`Vertex <firewheel.control.experiment_graph.Vertex>`. Raises: KeyError: Every VM must define an architecture. Returns: dict: The minimega configuration dictionary with all required information. """ config = {} config["aux"] = {} config["aux"]["qemu_append"] = self.vm.get("qemu_append", {}) config["vm"] = {} config["vm"]["uuid"] = self.uuid config["vm"]["type"] = "QemuVM" config["coschedule"] = self.coschedule self.log.debug('VM "%s" has UUID %s.',, self.uuid) try: config["aux"]["control_ip"] = str(self.control_ip) except AttributeError: self.control_ip = "" config["aux"]["control_ip"] = "" self.log.debug( 'VM "%s" has control_ip %s.',, config["aux"]["control_ip"] ) try: config["vm"]["architecture"] = self.vm["architecture"] except KeyError: self.log.critical("VM %s must define an architecture.", raise config["vm"]["name"] = config["vm"]["image"] = self.vm["image"] if "initial_power_state" in self.vm: config["aux"]["power_state"] = self.vm["initial_power_state"] else: config["aux"]["power_state"] = "running" self._generate_nic_configs(config) self._generate_bios_config(config) self._generate_drive_configs(config) self._generate_vcpu_config(config) self._generate_mem_config(config) self._generate_vga_config(config) self._generate_qemu_append_str(config) self._generate_vm_resource_handler_communication_config( config, config["vm"]["type"] ) try: config["aux"]["raw_device_configs"] = self.vm["raw_device_configs"] self.log.debug('Including raw device configs for VM "%s".', except KeyError: pass # We must have a QMP socket. default_qmp_id = "minimegaqmp" qmp_dev = { "name": "qmp", "id": default_qmp_id, "path": os.path.join( fw_config["minimega"]["base_dir"], "namespaces", fw_config["minimega"]["namespace"], self.uuid, "qmp", ), } config["aux"][default_qmp_id] = qmp_dev self.log.debug("new qmp path is %s", qmp_dev["path"]) try: config["tags"] = self.mm_tags except AttributeError: config["tags"] = {} if config["aux"]["qga_config"]: self._generate_vm_resource_handler_process_config(config) return config