ALI Performance Tests on Weaver


Currently testing the Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS) and Antarctica Ice Sheet (AIS) in Albany Land Ice (ALI) using Nvidia Tesla V100 GPUs on weaver. Note: Waterman was moved to a different network and renamed weaver. The last waterman test was executed on 6/16/2020.


Name Weaver
CPU Dual-socket IBM POWER9
GPU Nvidia Tesla V100
Cores/Node 40
Threads/Core 8
GPUs/Node 4
Memory/Node 319 GB
Compiler gcc/8.3.1
GPU Compiler cuda/11.2.2
MPI openmpi/4.1.1


Case Name Number of Processes (np) Description
ant-8-30km_veldep 4 Unstructured 8-30km AIS, Velocity depth integrated model
ant-8-30km_velopt 4 Unstructured 8-30km AIS, Velocity optimization
ant-8-30km_vel_cheby_fixt 4 Unstructured 8-30km AIS, Velocity problem, Chebyshev smoothers, Fixed Newton step
green-3-20km_vel_gpu 4 Unstructured 3-20km GIS, Velocity problem, GPU preconditioner
humboldt-1-10km_vel_gpu 4 Unstructured 1-10km Humboldt Glacier, Velocity problem, GPU preconditioner
humboldt-1-10km_ent_gpu 4 Unstructured 1-10km Humboldt Glacier, Enthalpy problem, GPU preconditioner
humboldt-1-10km_cop_fea 4 Unstructured 1-10km Humboldt Glacier, Coupled problem, Finite element assembly only
mali-ais8km_gpu 4 MALI, Unstructured 8-30km AIS, GPU preconditioner


Timer Name Level Description
MALI Total Time 0 Total wall-clock time of MALI simulation
MALI Extrude Time 1 Setup Albany problem
Albany Total Time 0 Total wall-clock time of Albany simulation
Albany Setup Time 1 Setup Albany problem
Residual Fill 1 Residual assembly
Jacobian Fill 1 Jacobian assembly
DistParam Fill 1 Distributed parameter assembly
RespParamHesVec Fill 1 Response parameter Hessian-vector product assembly
RespDistParamHesVec Fill 1 Response distributed parameter Hessian-vector product assembly
ResDistParamHesVec Fill 1 Residual distributed parameter Hessian-vector product assembly
NOX Total Preconditioner Construction 1 Construct Preconditioner
NOX Total Linear Solve 1 Linear Solve


Performance Timelines

Plot of wall-clock times or memory for nightly runs

Changepoints are estimated using a generalized likelihood ratio method on each timer, and then merged over all timers for a given test case.

Plot window controls

Pollak, Moshe; Siegmund, D. Sequential Detection of a Change in a Normal Mean when the Initial Value is Unknown. Ann. Statist. 19 (1991), no. 1, 394--416. doi:10.1214/aos/1176347990.

Siegmund, D.; Venkatraman, E. S. Using the Generalized Likelihood Ratio Statistic for Sequential Detection of a Change-Point. Ann. Statist. 23 (1995), no. 1, 255--271. doi:10.1214/aos/1176324466.

Hawkins, D. M., & Zamba, K. D. (2005). Statistical Process Control for Shifts in Mean or Variance using a Change Point Formulation. Technometrics, 47, 164-173.

Hawkins DM, Qiu P, Kang CW. The changepoint model for statistical process control. Journal of Quality Technology. 2003 Oct 1;35(4):355-366.