Currently testing the Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS) and Antarctica Ice Sheet (AIS) in Albany Land Ice (ALI) using Intel Sapphire Rapids CPUs on blake.
Name | Blake |
CPU | Dual-socket Intel Xeon Platinum 8468 (Sapphire Rapids) |
Cores/Node | 96 |
Threads/Core | 2 |
Memory/Node | 251 GB |
Compiler | gcc/12.2.0 |
MPI | openmpi/4.1.5 |
Case Name | Number of Processes (np) | Description |
ant-4-20km_vel_cpu | 96 | Unstructured 4-20km AIS, Velocity problem, CPU preconditioner |
ant-8-30km_veldep | 96 | Unstructured 8-30km AIS, Velocity depth integrated model |
ant-8-30km_velopt | 96 | Unstructured 8-30km AIS, Velocity optimization |
ant-8-30km_vel_lsgs | 96 | Unstructured 8-30km AIS, Velocity problem, Line smoothing Gauss-Seidel |
green-1-10km_vel_cpu | 96 | Unstructured 1-10km GIS, Velocity problem, CPU preconditioner |
green-3-20km_vel_cpu | 96 | Unstructured 3-20km GIS, Velocity problem, CPU preconditioner |
humboldt-1-10km_vel_cpu | 96 | Unstructured 1-10km Humboldt Glacier, Velocity problem, CPU preconditioner |
humboldt-1-10km_ent_cpu | 96 | Unstructured 1-10km Humboldt Glacier, Enthalpy problem, CPU preconditioner |
humboldt-1-10km_cop_fro_slu | 96 | Unstructured 1-10km Humboldt Glacier, Coupled problem, FROSch + SuperLU |
mali-ais4km_cpu | 96 | MALI, Unstructured 4-20km AIS, CPU preconditioner |
mali-ais8km_cpu | 96 | MALI, Unstructured 8-30km AIS, CPU preconditioner |
thwaites-1-10km_vel_cpu | 96 | Unstructured 1-10km Thwaites Glacier, Velocity problem, CPU preconditioner |
thwaites-1-10km_ent_cpu | 96 | Unstructured 1-10km Thwaites Glacier, Enthalpy problem, CPU preconditioner |
ant-16km_vel_cpu | 96 | Structured 16km AIS, Velocity problem, CPU preconditioner |
Timer Name | Level | Description |
MALI Total Time | 0 | Total wall-clock time of MALI simulation |
MALI Extrude Time | 1 | Setup Albany problem |
Albany Total Time | 0 | Total wall-clock time of Albany simulation |
Albany Setup Time | 1 | Setup Albany problem |
Residual Fill | 1 | Residual assembly |
Jacobian Fill | 1 | Jacobian assembly |
DistParam Fill | 1 | Distributed parameter assembly |
RespParamHesVec Fill | 1 | Response parameter Hessian-vector product assembly |
RespDistParamHesVec Fill | 1 | Response distributed parameter Hessian-vector product assembly |
ResDistParamHesVec Fill | 1 | Residual distributed parameter Hessian-vector product assembly |
NOX Total Preconditioner Construction | 1 | Construct Preconditioner |
NOX Total Linear Solve | 1 | Linear Solve |
Test cases: ant-4-20km_vel_cpu_np96 ant-8-30km_veldep_np96 ant-8-30km_velopt_np96 ant-8-30km_vel_lsgs_np96 green-1-10km_vel_cpu_np96 green-3-20km_vel_cpu_np96 humboldt-1-10km_vel_cpu_np96 humboldt-1-10km_ent_cpu_np96 humboldt-1-10km_cop_fro_slu_np96 mali-ais4km_cpu_np96 mali-ais8km_cpu_np96 thwaites-1-10km_vel_cpu_np96 thwaites-1-10km_ent_cpu_np96 ant-16km_vel_cpu_np96 Metrics: MALI Total Time MALI Extrude Time Albany Total Time Albany Setup Time Residual Fill Jacobian Fill DistParam Fill RespParamHesVec Fill RespDistParamHesVec Fill ResDistParamHesVec Fill NOX Total Preconditioner Construction NOX Total Linear Solve max host memory max kokkos memory Metadata: Albany cxx compiler Albany git commit id Trilinos git commit id Model threshold: 0.005000
Events in the most recent 10 days: 02/11/2025: mali-ais8km_cpu_np96: Jacobian Fill 02/13/2025: ant-4-20km_vel_cpu_np96: Residual Fill ant-8-30km_velopt_np96: Albany Total Time DistParam Fill RespParamHesVec Fill RespDistParamHesVec Fill ant-8-30km_vel_lsgs_np96: Residual Fill green-1-10km_vel_cpu_np96: Albany Total Time Residual Fill NOX Total Preconditioner Construction NOX Total Linear Solve humboldt-1-10km_cop_fro_slu_np96: Jacobian Fill mali-ais4km_cpu_np96: Residual Fill mali-ais8km_cpu_np96: Residual Fill ant-16km_vel_cpu_np96: Residual Fill 02/14/2025: ant-8-30km_velopt_np96: DistParam Fill RespParamHesVec Fill NOX Total Linear Solve mali-ais8km_cpu_np96: max kokkos memory 02/15/2025: green-1-10km_vel_cpu_np96: NOX Total Preconditioner Construction NOX Total Linear Solve mali-ais4km_cpu_np96: MALI Extrude Time thwaites-1-10km_ent_cpu_np96: Albany Setup Time
Changepoints are estimated using a generalized likelihood ratio method on each timer, and then merged over all timers for a given test case.
Pollak, Moshe; Siegmund, D. Sequential Detection of a Change in a Normal Mean when the Initial Value is Unknown. Ann. Statist. 19 (1991), no. 1, 394--416. doi:10.1214/aos/1176347990.
Siegmund, D.; Venkatraman, E. S. Using the Generalized Likelihood Ratio Statistic for Sequential Detection of a Change-Point. Ann. Statist. 23 (1995), no. 1, 255--271. doi:10.1214/aos/1176324466.
Hawkins, D. M., & Zamba, K. D. (2005). Statistical Process Control for Shifts in Mean or Variance using a Change Point Formulation. Technometrics, 47, 164-173.
Hawkins DM, Qiu P, Kang CW. The changepoint model for statistical process control. Journal of Quality Technology. 2003 Oct 1;35(4):355-366.