In the following
the source-code directories currently in the Zoltan directory are listed
and described.
Directory | Description |
zz | General Interface definitions, Zoltan data structure definitions, interface functions and functions related to the interface See Interface Functions, ID Data Types, and Data Structures. |
lb | Load-Balancing interface routines, and load-balancing data structure definitions. |
all | Special memory allocation functions for memory returned by Zoltan to an application. |
par | Parallel computing routines. |
param | Routines for changing parameter values at runtime. |
parmetis | Routines to access the ParMETIS and Jostle partitioning libraries. |
rcb | Recursive Coordinate Bisection (RCB) and Recursive Inertial Bisection (RIB) algorithms. |
hsfc | Hilbert Space-Filling Curve partitioning algorithm. |
bsfc | Binned Space-Filling Curve partitioning algorithm. |
oct | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's octree partitioning algorithms. |
reftree | William Mitchell's Refinement Tree Partitioning algorithm and refinement tree data structure. |
timer | Timing routines. |
ch | Routines to read Chaco input files and build graphs for the driver program zdrive. |
ha | Routines to support heterogeneous architectures. |
fort | Fortran (F90) interface for Zoltan. |
Utilities/shared | Simple functions and utilities shared by Zoltan and other Zoltan Utilities. |
Utilities/Memory | Memory management utilities |
Utilities/Communication | Unstructured communication utilities |
Utilities/DDirectory | Distributed Data Directory utilities |
Utilities/Config | Platform-specific makefile definitions for compiler, library and include-file paths. |
driver | Test driver programs, zdrive and zCPPdrive. |
fdriver | Fortran90 version of the test driver program. |
examples | Simple examples written in C and C++ that use Zoltan. |
docs/Zoltan_html | Zoltan documentation and home page. |
docs/Zoltan_html/ug_html | User's guide in HTML format. |
docs/Zoltan_html/dev_html | Developer's guide in HTML format. |
docs/Zoltan_pdf | PDF versions of the Zoltan User's Guide and Developer's Guide. |
docs/internal | SQA documents for the Zoltan project. |