Source code for wecopttool

WEC Design Optimization Toolbox (*WecOptTool*) developed by
Sandia National Laboratories. See
` <>`_.

The top-level :python:`wecopttool` module contains:

* The :python:`wecopttool.WEC` class, which is the main way to interact
  with *WecOptTool*.
* Support functions for basic functionality, accessed as

Other functionalities are implemented in the submodules, and can be
accessed as :python:`wecopttool.<module>.<function>`.

**Type Aliases**

| Alias                   | Type                                                                       |
| :python:`StateFunction` | :python:`Callable[[WEC, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, xr.Dataset], np.ndarray]`  |

from importlib.metadata import metadata as metadata
import logging
import warnings

from wecopttool.core import *
from wecopttool import waves
from wecopttool import pto
from wecopttool import utilities

  from wecopttool import geom
except ModuleNotFoundError:
  warnings.warn("`geom` submodule not loaded because of missing dependencies. Install these by running `pip install wecopttool[geometry]`.")

# metadata
_metadata = metadata('wecopttool')
__version__ = _metadata['Version']
__version_info__ = tuple(__version__.split('.'))
__title__ = _metadata['Name']
__description__ = _metadata['Summary']
__author__ = _metadata['Author']
__uri__ = _metadata['Project-URL'].split(',')[1].strip()
__license__ = _metadata['License']

# logging
_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
_formatter = logging.Formatter(logging.BASIC_FORMAT)

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_log_capytaine = logging.getLogger("capytaine")

[docs] def set_loglevel( level: str, wecopttool: bool = True, capytaine: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Change the logging level of the :python:`wecopttool` and :python:`capytaine` loggers to the specified level. Parameters ---------- level Level for :py:meth:`python.logging.Logger.setLevel`. See `list of logging levels <>`_. wecopttool Whether to change WecOptTool's log level. capytaine Whether to change Capytaine's log level. """ if wecopttool: _log.setLevel(level.upper()) if capytaine: _log_capytaine.setLevel(level.upper())