
Theorems (or conjectures) for the theory of proveit.abstract_algebra.fields

In [1]:
import proveit
# Prepare this notebook for defining the theorems of a theory:
%theorems_notebook # Keep this at the top following 'import proveit'.

from proveit.logic import InClass
from proveit.numbers import Rational, Real, Complex, Add, Mult
from proveit.abstract_algebra import Fields
In [2]:
%begin theorems
Defining theorems for theory 'proveit.abstract_algebra.fields'
Subsequent end-of-cell assignments will define theorems
'%end theorems' will finalize the definitions
In [3]:
rational_field = InClass(Rational, Fields(Add._operator_, Mult._operator_))
rational_field (conjecture without proof):

In [4]:
real_field = InClass(Real, Fields(Add._operator_, Mult._operator_))
real_field (conjecture without proof):

In [5]:
complex_field = InClass(Complex, Fields(Add._operator_, Mult._operator_))
complex_field (conjecture without proof):

In [6]:
%end theorems
These theorems may now be imported from the theory package: proveit.abstract_algebra.fields