Installation Instructions

The OWENS software has been developed and designed to highly flexible and to operate in the paradigm similar to modern open source software, leveraging tools such as the terminal, git, public software repositories, and automated package management both for the operating system and the programming language. Before attempting these instructions, if you are not familiar with these types of tools, please consider becoming familiar with them prior to proceeding. Here are some of the first google hits for guides:


In short, you should be able to compile OpenFAST on your system before attempting this.

Future distributions are planned to also include a precompiled binary for each of the three major operating systems, with the aspiration of being able to reduce the required knowledge to the OWENS inputs, outputs, and operation. Until then, here are installation instructions for the three major operating systems. ORDER OF OPERATIONS AND DETAILS ARE IMPORTANT FOR A SUCCESSFUL BUILD, DO NOT SKIP STEPS


At this stage in the software's maturity, please use mac or linux environments unless the user is highly experienced with compiled software development in a windows environment. Installation and troubleshooting on a dedicated unix based system is at least 1/10th that of Windows (also why every supercomputer uses linux...) The WSL (windows subsystem for linux) can also be installed ( and can be set up to run via just the terminal or also set up to use the graphical capabilities of your machine, and the memory can be mapped back and forth as described in the link above. However, this adds several levels of complexity, and you WILL run into machine based issues until we finish the pipeline for windows download and run precompiled binaries.

Install julia, paraview, and visual studio manually by downloading/installing the windows versions for each:


Be sure julia is on your path, and follow the windows compilation instructions for the openfast Inflowwind, AeroDyn, MoorDyn and HydroDyn libraries. Installation is otherwise the same as the Linux instructions below

When setting up ssh keys, be sure to follow the windows specific instructions and note that you may have to use id_ecdsa keys.

Set up the environment variables below and be sure Julia is also on the path (

Install the OWENS custom dependices as listed below.

If you wish to use the openfast libraries, follow the windows compilation instructions for the openfast Inflowwind, AeroDyn, MoorDyn and HydroDyn libraries. Also note that you will need to change the library paths in the top level OWENS scripts to match the resulting libraries' locations.

Set up VS code as also described below.

Windows notes: details are key, hash mismatch may mean that you are behind a proxy and the proxy isn't setup correctly. For visual studio, the default installation and recommendations should work. If importing the provided vs-code profile, the quick keys may need to be remapped to control from cmd.


Essentially the same installation as Linux except we recommend using the homebrew package manager, so exchange all "apt-get" with "brew"

brew install git
brew install wget
brew install vim
brew install cmake
brew install gfortran
brew install build-essential
brew install openblas
brew install lapack


Install/Update Required Compilers and Programs; If you already have an environment that can build OpenFAST, then these should already be installed.

apt-get update -y
apt-get install git -y
apt-get install wget -y
apt-get install vim -y
apt-get install cmake -y
apt-get install gfortran -y
apt-get install build-essential -y
apt-get install libblas-dev liblapack-dev -y

Install julia

cd ~
curl -fsSL | sh

in your ~/.bashrc file (.zshrc on Mac), tell julia to use the command line git by inserting the following:


Additionally, if you are not finding that your path is being appended to, you can instead create an alias by also appending to the ~/.bashrc

alias julia="path/to/your/julia-1.x.x/bin/julia"

Environment Variables

If you are using a proxy, be sure that the proxy variables are also declared/exported in your .bash_profile or .bashrc or the equivalent

http_proxy, https_proxy, HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, no_proxy, NO_PROXY
git config --global http.proxy http://user:nopass@proxy.yourorg:number
git config --global https.proxy http://user:nopass@proxy.yourorg:number
export JULIA_SSL_NO_VERIFY_HOSTS="*.yourorgurl"

Test That Julia Runs

the following should get you in and out of the julia interactive repl


Set up SSH Keys

# Note that for installation behind the Sandia network, you will need to be on the network and follow additional instructions at,Troubleshooting&HTTPS/SSLinterception-SSLCertificate.1
# Make ssh keys and put in the correct places
# Go to your gihub account settings
# left side, SSH and GPG keys
# new ssh key
# name: owensrepos # or whatever you'd like
# back in the linux terminal
ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -C
# enter, enter, enter (i.e. use defaults)
cd ~
ls -a
cd .ssh
#copy the contents to (User icon > Settings > SSH and GPG > New SSH Key) and paste them back in your browser to the ssh key box and create the key
# esc : q enter # to get out of vim
cd ~

Additionally, if you find that your ssh is erroring when you try to install packages, try editing your ~/.ssh/config and add:

Host *
PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms +ssh-rsa
PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms +ssh-ed25519

Install Optional OpenFAST Dependices

If your system is already set up such that it is capable of compiling OpenFAST, and you are on mac or linux, then you may skip this and rely on the automatically compiled version that are created when the OWENSOpenFAST libraries are installed by Julia. mkdir coderepos cd coderepos # Install openfast coupled libraries !NOTE!: if you change the location of the compiled libraries, you may need to update the rpath variable, or recompile. git clone –depth 1 # if this errors, you can clone it just doesn't have the latest updates from Andy, but the interface should be the same and should run. cd openfast git remote set-branches origin '*' git fetch –depth 1 origin f/ADIcbindingmultiRotor git checkout f/ADIcbindingmultiRotor mkdir build cd build # can also add -DOPENMP=ON if desired for acceleration of OLAF # you can rebuild later by removing the build folder and following these instructions again. cmake -DBUILDSHAREDLIBS=ON .. make ifwcbinding # make moordyncbinding # make hydrodyncbinding make aerodyninflowcbinding make aerodyndriver make turbsim cd ../../

Brief Julia Primer

Now open the julia interactive repl and run the following blocks, obviously a multi-line block should be entered as one.


println("This is intended just to get you rolling, comprehensive documentation can be found at")
println("More detail on major differences between codes can be found at")


println("Basic Data Handling")
# Create a multidimensional array
newMatrix = zeros(2,3)
# Mutate the contents
newMatrix[1,2] = 1.0

#Create New Scalar
newScalar = 5.0

println("Print the first matrix")
# Print the contents and observe the mutation
for irow = 1:length(newMatrix[:,1])

# Copy the newMatrix and scalar
newMatrix2 = newMatrix
newScalar2 = newScalar
# Mutate the second matrix and scalar
newMatrix[1,2] = 2.0
newScalar2 = 2.0

#Make a printing function inline
function printme(matrix, scalar)
    for irow = 1:length(matrix[:,1])
    println("Scalar: $scalar")

println("Printing the second matrix and scalar")
println("Printing the first matrix again")
if newMatrix[1,2] == newMatrix2[1,2]
    println("B=A references the arrays")
    println("B=copy(A) breaks the reference and does a true copy")
    println("B=deepcopy(A) is needed if it is a multi-level type, like a struct or dictionary")
    println("However, scalars are not linked.  This is because a scalar is directly looking at a memory element, while arrays are pointing to the memory elements")


println("Scope of Functions")

function coolfunction(input1,input2; mykeyname="default",mykeyname2=5.0)
    if mykeyname=="default"
        return input1.+input2[1,1,1], 1.0
        input2[1,1,1] = 1.0 # Since arrays are always passed by reference, we can mutate it here and it will be mutated above
        return input1.+mykeyname2, 0.0

outputs = coolfunction(ones(3).*5,zeros(4,5,2)) 
println("use the defaults for the optional args and dump the output into a tuple")
println("First output $(outputs[1]), Second output $(outputs[2])")

println("supply the optional args and dump the output into newly allocated items")
myinput = zeros(4,5,2)
mykeyname = "notdefault"
testinput = 5.0
outputs1, output2 = coolfunction(ones(3).*5,myinput;mykeyname,mykeyname2=testinput)
println("First output $(outputs1), Second output $(output2)")

println("now show that myinput was mutated within the function since it was passed by reference")



first = 1.0

second = 2



mutable struct mystruct

newStruct = mystruct(1.0,2.0)



println("Package Manager with Standard Packages")

using Pkg
Pkg.add("PyPlot") #Note, this will take a while (maybe 10 min depending on your connection) since it is pulling conda and installing it behind the ~/.julia folder 
# if you want to use your already installed python, you can instead run
# ENV["PYTHON"] = "path to your desired python install"
# Pkg.add("PyCall")
# Pkg.add("PyPlot")


import PyPlot
import DelimitedFiles

x = [1; 2; 3; 4];

y = [5; 6; 7; 8];

open("delim_file.txt", "w") do io
        DelimitedFiles.writedlm(io, [x y])

data = DelimitedFiles.readdlm("delim_file.txt", '\t', Int, '\n')


thisFilesPath = splitdir(@__FILE__)[1]

PyPlot.savefig("$(thisFilesPath)/saveme.pdf",transparent = true)

run(`rm $(thisFilesPath)/saveme.pdf`) #system run
rm("delim_file.txt") # julia's function that does the same thing


OWENS Installation

These steps require a secure download, such as through the SSH keys detailed above, to avoid man-in-the-middle attacks.

using Pkg

println("Install OWENS")


# Install PyPlot if not already installed
Pkg.add("PyPlot") #Note, this will take a while (maybe 10 min depending on your connection) since it is pulling conda and installing it behind the ~/.julia folder 
# if you want to use your already installed python, you can instead run
# ENV["PYTHON"] = "path to your desired python install"
# Pkg.add("PyCall")
# Pkg.add("PyPlot")

Testing Your Build of OWENS

clone the owens repository which contains example scripts that will setup and run example turbines from end to end

git clone

If you get an error about attempting to access library xyz, but it doesn't exist, check the path to openfast in the scripts at the top level of the error to make sure the path and library file matches, most of these are:

adi_lib = "path/to/openfast/build/modules/libraryfolder/libraryname"
cd OWENS.jl/examples/literate/
julia B_detailedInputs.jl

You can visualize the output vtk/vtu/pvd paraview files with paraview, install paraview via apt-get -y install paraview # or on mac, brew install paraview

You can also run julia more interactively and maintain variables in scope for inspections etc if you don't have an IDE set up (but be careful of assuming a variable was cleared when it wasn't!) by starting the repl and essentially copying and pasing the run script via


Visual Studio Code IDE

You can install VScode and get a debugger etc. In VScode, there is a setting file which sets up VS code for julia and sets some quick keys that can be changed if desired (OWENS.jl/docs/OWENS.code-profile).

With the sample profile loaded into VSCode, If you want to clear out all the variables and restart do

cmd-j cmd-k,

if you want to clear out the console

cmd-j cmd-c

open the workspace

cmd-j cmd-w

run highlighted code


run the currently selected file


You can also use the gui buttons.

VSCode Julia Debugger

It is a lot like matlab, but you are working with a compiled code, so in the debugger portion of the vscode gui, you need to check which code is compiled and which is interpereted, and turn off the compilation for the packages you are trying to debug. The debugger will not step through compiled code. Also, some lines of code have many instructions, particularly function calls with conversions on the inputs, etc, so if you are trying to use the step in gui button, you may need to click it multiple times.

If you are working on a module and want it to reload with your most recent local changes without committing to master, pushing, and telling julia to update the package which is pointing to the git repo:

Install custom repositories you want to develop

start Julia from the cloned directory and use the command:

] dev .

This type of installation will cause the module to reload each time Julia starts without needing to tell Julia to update. You are developing the current directory

alternatively, instead of using or import to get access to the module, within julia


then you don't even have to restart julia when you make changes, but be careful to only do this for a limited number of modules, and if you are changing constants, like c library interfaces, or the libraries themselves, then you need to restart julia to get it to pick up the most recent changes.

You can also install a specific branch of a remote repository package without having to clone the repo and checkout the branch:

using Pkg
Pkg.add(url = "", rev = "dev")