Customizable Preprocessing

In this example, we show the third level of what is going on behind the precompiled binary This includes all of the second, but also breaks out the setupOWENS function. This would be a good starting point if you need to make modifications to use a unique mesh generation function, change how sectional properties are input, or adapt for a unique design an properly map the sectional properties to each element and apply unique boundary conditions, etc.


This example is also available as a Jupyter notebook todo: get link working:

This example is the same as example B except that the setupOWENS function is broken out and each step defined

import OWENS
import OWENSAero
import QuadGK
import FLOWMath
import PyPlot
#### PyPlot.pygui(true)
import OWENSOpenFASTWrappers

runpath = path = "/home/runner/work/OWENS.jl/OWENS.jl/examples/literate" # to run locally, change to splitdir(@__FILE__)[1]
# runpath = path = splitdir(@__FILE__)[1]

Inp = OWENS.MasterInput("$runpath/sampleOWENS.yml")


Unpack inputs, or you could directly input them here and bypass the file

verbosity = 1

analysisType = Inp.analysisType
turbineType = Inp.turbineType
eta = Inp.eta
Nbld = Inp.Nbld
towerHeight = Inp.towerHeight
rho = Inp.rho
Vinf = Inp.Vinf
controlStrategy = Inp.controlStrategy
Nslices = Inp.Nslices
ntheta = Inp.ntheta
structuralModel = Inp.structuralModel
ntelem = Inp.ntelem
nbelem = Inp.nbelem
ncelem = Inp.ncelem
nselem = Inp.nselem
ifw = Inp.ifw
WindType = Inp.WindType
AModel = Inp.AModel
windINPfilename = "$(path)$(Inp.windINPfilename)"
ifw_libfile = Inp.ifw_libfile
if ifw_libfile == "nothing"
    ifw_libfile = nothing
Blade_Height = Inp.Blade_Height
Blade_Radius = Inp.Blade_Radius
numTS = Inp.numTS
delta_t = Inp.delta_t
NuMad_geom_xlscsv_file_twr = "$(path)$(Inp.NuMad_geom_xlscsv_file_twr)"
NuMad_mat_xlscsv_file_twr = "$(path)$(Inp.NuMad_mat_xlscsv_file_twr)"
NuMad_geom_xlscsv_file_bld = "$(path)$(Inp.NuMad_geom_xlscsv_file_bld)"
NuMad_mat_xlscsv_file_bld = "$(path)$(Inp.NuMad_mat_xlscsv_file_bld)"
NuMad_geom_xlscsv_file_strut = "$(path)$(Inp.NuMad_geom_xlscsv_file_strut)"
NuMad_mat_xlscsv_file_strut = "$(path)$(Inp.NuMad_mat_xlscsv_file_strut)"
adi_lib = Inp.adi_lib
if adi_lib == "nothing"
    adi_lib = nothing
adi_rootname = "$(path)$(Inp.adi_rootname)"

println("Set up Turbine")

AD15On = true
B = Nbld
R = Blade_Radius#177.2022*0.3048 #m
H = Blade_Height#1.02*R*2 #m

shapeZ = collect(LinRange(0,H,Nslices+1))
shapeX = R.*(1.0.-4.0.*(shapeZ/H.-.5).^2)
shapeY = zeros(Nslices+1)

stack_layers_bld = nothing
stack_layers_scale = [1.0,1.0]
chord_scale = [1.0,1.0]
thickness_scale = [1.0,1.0]
strut_mountpointbot = 0.11
strut_mountpointtop = 0.89
joint_type = 0
c_mount_ratio = 0.05
angularOffset = -pi/2
custommesh = nothing
if AModel=="AD" #TODO: unify flag
    AD15On=true #AD for AeroDyn, DMS for double multiple streamtube, AC for actuator cylinder
cables_connected_to_blade_base = true
meshtype = "Darrieus"

Set up Turbine

Here is where we take the inputs from setupOWENS and break out what is going on behind the function. We do some intermediate calculations on the blade shape and angles

Nstrutperbld = 2 #TODO: generalize and propogate
strut_twr_mountpoint = [0.25,0.75]
strut_bld_mountpoint = [0.25,0.75]
Nbld = B
H = maximum(shapeZ) #m,
Htwr_blds = H
AD15hubR = 0.1
R = maximum(shapeX) #m,
omega = RPM / 60 * 2 * pi
tsr = omega*R/Vinf


Here we set up the mesh using one of the pre-made meshing functions. For this case, there is a function for the ARCUS, as well as for towered VAWTs where you can have an arbitrary blade shape with connected struts, and if the blade tips touch the tower, then you can tell it to constrain them to the tower thus allowing for both H-VAWT and Darrieus designs.

### Set up mesh
if meshtype == "ARCUS" && custommesh == nothing #TODO, for all of these propogate the AeroDyn additional output requirements
    mymesh,myort,myjoint, AD15bldNdIdxRng, AD15bldElIdxRng = OWENS.create_arcus_mesh(;Htwr_base,
        Hbld = H, #blade height
        R, # m bade radius
        nblade = Nbld,
        ntelem, #tower elements
        nbelem, #blade elements
        bshapex = shapeX, #Blade shape, magnitude is irrelevant, scaled based on height and radius above
        bshapez = shapeZ,
        AD15_ccw = true,
        joint_type, #hinged about y axis
        angularOffset) #Blade shape, magnitude is irrelevant, scaled based on height and radius above
elseif (meshtype == "Darrieus" || meshtype == "H-VAWT") && custommesh == nothing

    if meshtype == "Darrieus"
        connectBldTips2Twr = true
        connectBldTips2Twr = false

    mymesh, myort, myjoint, AD15bldNdIdxRng, AD15bldElIdxRng = OWENS.create_mesh_struts(;Htwr_base,
        Hbld = H, #blade height
        R, # m bade radius
        AD15hubR, #TODO: hook up with AD15 file generation
        nblade = Nbld,
        ntelem, #tower elements
        nbelem, #blade elements
        bshapex = shapeX, #Blade shape, magnitude is irrelevant, scaled based on height and radius above
        bshapez = shapeZ,
        bshapey = shapeY, # but magnitude for this is relevant
        angularOffset, #Blade shape, magnitude is irrelevant, scaled based on height and radius above
        AD15_ccw = true,
        verbosity=0, # 0 nothing, 1 basic, 2 lots: amount of printed information
elseif custommesh != nothing
    mymesh, myort, myjoint, AD15bldNdIdxRng, AD15bldElIdxRng = custommesh(;Htwr_base,
    Hbld = H, #blade height
    R, # m bade radius
    AD15hubR, #TODO: hook up with AD15 file generation
    nblade = Nbld,
    ntelem, #tower elements
    nbelem, #blade elements
    bshapex = shapeX, #Blade shape, magnitude is irrelevant, scaled based on height and radius above
    bshapez = shapeZ,
    bshapey = shapeY, # but magnitude for this is relevant
    angularOffset, #Blade shape, magnitude is irrelevant, scaled based on height and radius above
    AD15_ccw = true,
    verbosity=0, # 0 nothing, 1 basic, 2 lots: amount of printed information)
else #TODO unify with HAWT
    error("please choose a valid mesh type (Darrieus, H-VAWT, ARCUS)")

nTwrElem = Int(mymesh.meshSeg[1])
    if contains(NuMad_mat_xlscsv_file_bld,"34m") || meshtype == "ARCUS" #TODO: this is really odd,
        nTwrElem = Int(mymesh.meshSeg[1])+1
    nTwrElem = Int(mymesh.meshSeg[1])

┌ Warning: Assignment to `nTwrElem` in soft scope is ambiguous because a global variable by the same name exists: `nTwrElem` will be treated as a new local. Disambiguate by using `local nTwrElem` to suppress this warning or `global nTwrElem` to assign to the existing global variable.
└ @
┌ Warning: Assignment to `nTwrElem` in soft scope is ambiguous because a global variable by the same name exists: `nTwrElem` will be treated as a new local. Disambiguate by using `local nTwrElem` to suppress this warning or `global nTwrElem` to assign to the existing global variable.
└ @

Here is a way that you can visualize the nodal numbers of the mesh

for icon = 1:length(mymesh.conn[:,1])
    idx1 = mymesh.conn[icon,1]
    idx2 = mymesh.conn[icon,2]
    #### sleep(0.1)

for ijoint = 1:length(myjoint[:,1])
    idx2 = Int(myjoint[ijoint,2])
    idx1 = Int(myjoint[ijoint,3])
    #### sleep(0.1)
PyObject Text(0.5, 0, 'z')

This is where the sectional properties for the tower are either read in from the file, or are directly input and could be manuplated here in the script

### Set up Sectional Properties

if !isnothing(NuMad_geom_xlscsv_file_twr)
    numadIn_twr = OWENS.readNuMadGeomCSV(NuMad_geom_xlscsv_file_twr;section=:tower)
    n_web = 0
    n_stack = 2
    n_segments = 2
    span = [0.0, 6.607421057, 13.21484211, 19.82226317, 26.42968423, 33.03710529, 39.64452634, 46.2519474, 52.85936846, 59.46678951, 66.07421057, 72.68163163, 79.28905268, 85.89647374, 92.5038948, 99.11131586, 105.7187369, 112.326158, 118.933579, 125.5410001, 132.1484211]
    airfoil = ["circular", "circular", "circular", "circular", "circular", "circular", "circular", "circular", "circular", "circular", "circular", "circular", "circular", "circular", "circular", "circular", "circular", "circular", "circular", "circular", "circular"]
    te_type = ["round", "round", "round", "round", "round", "round", "round", "round", "round", "round", "round", "round", "round", "round", "round", "round", "round", "round", "round", "round", "round"]
    twist_d = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    chord = [10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]
    xoffset = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
    aerocenter = [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]
    stack_mat_types = [8, 2]
    stack_layers = [70 3; 70 3; 70 3; 30.303 3.03; 30.303 3.03; 30.303 3.03; 30.303 3.03; 30.303 3.03; 30.303 3.03; 30.303 3.03; 30.303 3.03; 30.303 3.03; 30.303 3.03; 30.303 3.03; 30.303 3.03; 30.303 3.03; 30.303 3.03; 30.303 3.03; 30.303 3.03; 30.303 3.03; 30.303 3.03]
    segments = [-1.0 0.0 1.0; -1.0 0.0 1.0; -1.0 0.0 1.0; -1.0 0.0 1.0; -1.0 0.0 1.0; -1.0 0.0 1.0; -1.0 0.0 1.0; -1.0 0.0 1.0; -1.0 0.0 1.0; -1.0 0.0 1.0; -1.0 0.0 1.0; -1.0 0.0 1.0; -1.0 0.0 1.0; -1.0 0.0 1.0; -1.0 0.0 1.0; -1.0 0.0 1.0; -1.0 0.0 1.0; -1.0 0.0 1.0; -1.0 0.0 1.0; -1.0 0.0 1.0; -1.0 0.0 1.0]
    DPtypes = ["" "" ""; "" "" ""; "" "" ""; "" "" ""; "" "" ""; "" "" ""; "" "" ""; "" "" ""; "" "" ""; "" "" ""; "" "" ""; "" "" ""; "" "" ""; "" "" ""; "" "" ""; "" "" ""; "" "" ""; "" "" ""; "" "" ""; "" "" ""; "" "" ""]
    skin_seq = [Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]); Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]); Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]); Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]); Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]); Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]); Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]); Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]); Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]); Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]); Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]); Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]); Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]); Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]); Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]); Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]); Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]); Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]); Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]); Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]); Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2])]
    web_seq = Array{Seq, 2}(undef, length(twist_d),0) #can be any number of stack nums, so we have to make non-square containers
    web_dp = Array{Seq, 2}(undef, length(twist_d),0) #this is fixed size square, but it's easier to do it this way

    numadIn_twr = NuMad(n_web,n_stack,n_segments,span,airfoil,te_type,twist_d,chord,xoffset,aerocenter,stack_mat_types,stack_layers,segments,DPtypes,skin_seq,web_seq,web_dp)

#### Add the full path
for (i,airfoil) in enumerate(numadIn_twr.airfoil)
    numadIn_twr.airfoil[i] = "$path/airfoils/$airfoil"


Here is where the material properties for the tower are either read in from the file, or directly input

if !isnothing(NuMad_mat_xlscsv_file_twr)
    plyprops_twr = OWENS.readNuMadMaterialsCSV(NuMad_mat_xlscsv_file_twr)
    names = ["CLA_5500", "CBX_2400", "ETLX_2400", "Airex_C70_55", "EBX_2400_x10", "ETLX_2400_x10", "Airex_C70_55_x10", "CFP-baseline"]
    plies = [Composites.Material{Float64}(9.824e10, 5.102e9, 4.274e9, 0.3, 1540.0, 8.75634139e8, 5.92949102e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 0.00066), Composites.Material{Float64}(1.4931e10, 1.4931e10, 2.389e10, 0.3, 1530.0, 4.55053962e8, 4.55053962e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 0.0008100000000000001), Composites.Material{Float64}(2.0333e10, 9.305e9, 4.756e9, 0.3, 1900.0, 5.30896289e8, 5.30896289e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 0.00066), Composites.Material{Float64}(4.5e7, 4.5e7, 2.2e7, 0.2, 59.0, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 0.001), Composites.Material{Float64}(9.824e11, 5.102e10, 4.274e10, 0.3, 15300.0, 4.55053962e9, 4.55053962e9, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 7.000000000000001e-5), Composites.Material{Float64}(1.4931e11, 1.4931e11, 2.389e11, 0.3, 19000.0, 5.30896289e9, 5.30896289e9, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 8.0e-5), Composites.Material{Float64}(2.03335e11, 9.3051e10, 4.756e10, 0.2, 590.0, 1.0e9, 1.0e9, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 7.000000000000001e-5), Composites.Material{Float64}(1.576e11, 9.1e9, 3.3e9, 0.263, 1600.0, 2.236e9, 1.528e9, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 0.00066)]
    plyprops_twr = OWENS.plyproperties(names,plies)
OWENS.plyproperties(Any["CLA_5500", "CBX_2400", "ETLX_2400", "Airex_C70_55", "EBX_2400_x10", "ETLX_2400_x10", "Airex_C70_55_x10"], Composites.Material{Float64}[Composites.Material{Float64}(9.824e10, 5.102e9, 4.274e9, 0.3, 1540.0, 8.75634139e8, 5.92949102e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 0.00066), Composites.Material{Float64}(1.4931e10, 1.4931e10, 2.389e10, 0.3, 1530.0, 4.55053962e8, 4.55053962e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 0.0008100000000000001), Composites.Material{Float64}(2.0333e10, 9.305e9, 4.756e9, 0.3, 1900.0, 5.30896289e8, 5.30896289e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 0.00066), Composites.Material{Float64}(4.5e7, 4.5e7, 2.2e7, 0.2, 59.0, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 0.001), Composites.Material{Float64}(9.824e11, 5.102e10, 4.274e10, 0.3, 15300.0, 4.55053962e9, 4.55053962e9, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 7.000000000000001e-5), Composites.Material{Float64}(1.4931e11, 1.4931e11, 2.389e11, 0.3, 19000.0, 5.30896289e9, 5.30896289e9, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 8.0e-5), Composites.Material{Float64}(2.03335e11, 9.3051e10, 4.756e10, 0.2, 590.0, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 7.000000000000001e-5)], [2.06, 2.1, 2.21, 7.23, 2.06, 2.1, 7.23], [1.0e12 8.0e11 … 1.9999999999999997e11 0.0; 1.0e12 8.0e11 … 1.9999999999999997e11 0.0; … ; 1.0e12 8.0e11 … 1.9999999999999997e11 0.0; 1.0e12 8.0e11 … 1.9999999999999997e11 0.0], [0.0 1.4000000000000001 … 5.6000000000000005 7.0; 0.0 1.4000000000000001 … 5.6000000000000005 7.0; … ; 0.0 1.4000000000000001 … 5.6000000000000005 7.0; 0.0 1.4000000000000001 … 5.6000000000000005 7.0])

Then this is where precomp.jl is called to get first the precomp outputs, then formatting those into the OWENS format, and then in the GXBeam.jl format for if GXBeam is used as the structural solver.

twr_precompoutput,twr_precompinput,lam_U_twr,lam_L_twr,lam_W_twr = OWENS.getOWENSPreCompOutput(numadIn_twr;plyprops = plyprops_twr)
sectionPropsArray_twr = OWENS.getSectPropsFromOWENSPreComp(LinRange(0,1,nTwrElem),numadIn_twr,twr_precompoutput;precompinputs=twr_precompinput)
stiff_twr, mass_twr = OWENS.getSectPropsFromOWENSPreComp(LinRange(0,1,nTwrElem),numadIn_twr,twr_precompoutput;GX=true)


For the blades, we repeat what was done for the tower, but also include some simple design options for scaling thicknesses,

if !isnothing(NuMad_geom_xlscsv_file_bld)
    numadIn_bld = OWENS.readNuMadGeomCSV(NuMad_geom_xlscsv_file_bld;section=:blade)
    n_web = 1
    n_stack = 7
    n_segments = 12
    span = [0.0, 6.607, 13.215, 19.822, 26.43, 33.037, 39.645, 46.252, 52.859, 59.467, 66.074, 72.682, 79.289, 85.896, 92.504, 99.111, 105.719, 112.326, 118.934, 125.541, 132.148]
    airfoil = ["circular", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021"]
    te_type = ["round", "sharp", "sharp", "sharp", "sharp", "sharp", "sharp", "sharp", "sharp", "sharp", "sharp", "sharp", "sharp", "sharp", "sharp", "sharp", "sharp", "sharp", "sharp", "sharp", "sharp"]
    twist_d = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    chord = [10.0, 10.0, 9.0, 8.0, 8.0, 7.0, 7.0, 6.0, 6.0, 6.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0]
    xoffset = [0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3]
    aerocenter = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2]
    stack_mat_types = [8, 2, 4, 8, 8, 8, 4]
    if isnothing(stack_layers_bld)
        stack_layers = [30.0 2.0 15.0 25.0 25.0 2.0 13.0; 15.0 2.0 10.0 13.0 11.0 2.0 11.0; 10.0 1.0 8.0 10.0 10.0 2.0 10.0; 8.0 1.0 6.0 9.0 10.0 1.0 9.0; 7.0 1.0 5.0 8.0 9.0 1.0 7.0; 6.0 1.0 4.0 8.0 9.0 1.0 6.0; 6.0 1.0 4.0 8.0 8.0 1.0 5.0; 6.0 1.0 4.0 7.0 7.0 1.0 5.0; 7.0 1.0 3.0 6.0 6.0 1.0 5.0; 8.0 1.0 3.0 6.0 6.0 1.0 5.0; 8.0 1.0 3.0 6.0 6.0 1.0 5.0; 7.0 1.0 3.0 6.0 6.0 1.0 5.0; 7.0 1.0 3.0 6.0 6.0 2.0 5.0; 7.0 1.0 3.0 6.0 6.0 2.0 5.0; 7.0 1.0 3.0 7.0 8.0 3.0 5.0; 7.0 2.0 3.0 9.0 12.0 3.0 6.0; 10.0 3.0 4.0 11.0 15.0 3.0 6.0; 12.0 3.0 4.0 13.0 15.0 3.0 6.0; 12.0 3.0 4.0 15.0 15.0 3.0 6.0; 12.0 3.0 4.0 15.0 15.0 3.0 6.0; 10.0 1.0 4.0 10.0 12.0 1.0 5.0]
        stack_layers = stack_layers_bld
    segments = [-1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0]
    DPtypes = ["" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""]
    skin_seq = [Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2])]
    web_seq = [Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]);;]
    web_dp = [Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]);;]

    numadIn_bld = NuMad(n_web,n_stack,n_segments,span,airfoil,te_type,twist_d,chord,xoffset,aerocenter,stack_mat_types,stack_layers,segments,DPtypes,skin_seq,web_seq,web_dp)
for icol = 1:length(numadIn_bld.stack_layers[1,:])
    numadIn_bld.stack_layers[:,icol] .*= LinRange(stack_layers_scale[1],stack_layers_scale[2],length(numadIn_bld.chord))
numadIn_bld.chord .*= LinRange(chord_scale[1],chord_scale[2],length(numadIn_bld.chord))

for (i,airfoil) in enumerate(numadIn_bld.airfoil)
    numadIn_bld.airfoil[i] = "$path/airfoils/$airfoil"

if !isnothing(NuMad_mat_xlscsv_file_bld)
    plyprops_bld = OWENS.readNuMadMaterialsCSV(NuMad_mat_xlscsv_file_bld)
    names = ["CLA_5500", "CBX_2400", "ETLX_2400", "Airex_C70_55", "EBX_2400_x10", "ETLX_2400_x10", "Airex_C70_55_x10", "CFP-baseline"]
    plies = [Composites.Material{Float64}(9.824e10, 5.102e9, 4.274e9, 0.3, 1540.0, 8.75634139e8, 5.92949102e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 0.00066), Composites.Material{Float64}(1.4931e10, 1.4931e10, 2.389e10, 0.3, 1530.0, 4.55053962e8, 4.55053962e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 0.0008100000000000001), Composites.Material{Float64}(2.0333e10, 9.305e9, 4.756e9, 0.3, 1900.0, 5.30896289e8, 5.30896289e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 0.00066), Composites.Material{Float64}(4.5e7, 4.5e7, 2.2e7, 0.2, 59.0, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 0.001), Composites.Material{Float64}(9.824e11, 5.102e10, 4.274e10, 0.3, 15300.0, 4.55053962e9, 4.55053962e9, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 7.000000000000001e-5), Composites.Material{Float64}(1.4931e11, 1.4931e11, 2.389e11, 0.3, 19000.0, 5.30896289e9, 5.30896289e9, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 8.0e-5), Composites.Material{Float64}(2.03335e11, 9.3051e10, 4.756e10, 0.2, 590.0, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 7.000000000000001e-5), Composites.Material{Float64}(1.576e11, 9.1e9, 3.3e9, 0.263, 1600.0, 2.236e9, 1.528e9, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 0.00066)]
    plyprops_bld = OWENS.plyproperties(names,plies)

bld1start = Int(mymesh.structuralNodeNumbers[1,1]) #Get blade spanwise position
bld1end = Int(mymesh.structuralNodeNumbers[1,end])
spanpos = [0.0;cumsum(sqrt.(diff(mymesh.x[bld1start:bld1end]).^2 .+ diff(mymesh.z[bld1start:bld1end]).^2))]

if length(thickness_scale)==2
    yscale = collect(LinRange(thickness_scale[1],thickness_scale[2],length(numadIn_bld.span)))
elseif length(thickness_scale)==length(numadIn_bld.span)
    yscale = thickness_scale

bld_precompoutput,bld_precompinput,lam_U_bld,lam_L_bld,lam_W_bld = OWENS.getOWENSPreCompOutput(numadIn_bld;yscale,plyprops = plyprops_bld)
sectionPropsArray_bld = OWENS.getSectPropsFromOWENSPreComp(spanpos,numadIn_bld,bld_precompoutput;precompinputs=bld_precompinput)
stiff_bld, mass_bld = OWENS.getSectPropsFromOWENSPreComp(spanpos,numadIn_bld,bld_precompoutput;GX=true)

┌ Warning: Data for SN curve control points not found in material file columns 23:28 for stress in Mpa, 29:33 for cycles in log10
└ @ OWENS ~/work/OWENS.jl/OWENS.jl/src/fileio.jl:648

Similarly for the struts, we do what was done for the blades

numadIn_strut = Array{OWENS.NuMad, 1}(undef, Nstrutperbld)
strut_precompoutput = Array{Array{OWENS.OWENSPreComp.Output, 1},1}(undef, Nstrutperbld)
strut_precompinput = Array{Array{OWENS.OWENSPreComp.Input, 1},1}(undef, Nstrutperbld)
plyprops_strut = Array{OWENS.plyproperties, 1}(undef, Nstrutperbld)
lam_U_strut = Array{Array{OWENS.Composites.Laminate, 2}}(undef, Nstrutperbld)
lam_L_strut = Array{Array{OWENS.Composites.Laminate, 2}}(undef, Nstrutperbld)
lam_W_strut = Array{Array{OWENS.Composites.Laminate, 2}}(undef, Nstrutperbld)
sectionPropsArray_strut = Array{Array{OWENSFEA.SectionPropsArray, 1}}(undef, Nstrutperbld)
stiff_strut = Array{Array{Array{Float64,2}, 1},1}(undef, Nstrutperbld)
mass_strut = Array{Array{Array{Float64,2}, 1},1}(undef, Nstrutperbld)
for istrut = 1:Nstrutperbld
    if !isnothing(NuMad_geom_xlscsv_file_strut)
        if typeof(NuMad_geom_xlscsv_file_strut)==String
            numadIn_strut[istrut] = OWENS.readNuMadGeomCSV(NuMad_geom_xlscsv_file_strut)
        elseif typeof(NuMad_geom_xlscsv_file_strut) == OrderedCollections.OrderedDict{Symbol, Any}
            if length(NuMad_geom_xlscsv_file_strut[:components][:struts])==1
                numadIn_strut[istrut] = OWENS.readNuMadGeomCSV(NuMad_geom_xlscsv_file_strut;section=:struts,subsection=1)
                numadIn_strut[istrut] = OWENS.readNuMadGeomCSV(NuMad_geom_xlscsv_file_strut;section=:struts,subsection=istrut)
            numadIn_strut[istrut] = OWENS.readNuMadGeomCSV(NuMad_geom_xlscsv_file_strut[istrut])
        n_web = 1
        n_stack = 7
        n_segments = 12
        span = [0.0, 6.607, 13.215, 19.822, 26.43, 33.037, 39.645, 46.252, 52.859, 59.467, 66.074, 72.682, 79.289, 85.896, 92.504, 99.111, 105.719, 112.326, 118.934, 125.541, 132.148]
        airfoil = ["circular", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021", "NACA_0021"]
        te_type = ["round", "sharp", "sharp", "sharp", "sharp", "sharp", "sharp", "sharp", "sharp", "sharp", "sharp", "sharp", "sharp", "sharp", "sharp", "sharp", "sharp", "sharp", "sharp", "sharp", "sharp"]
        twist_d = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        chord = [10.0, 10.0, 9.0, 8.0, 8.0, 7.0, 7.0, 6.0, 6.0, 6.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0]
        xoffset = [0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3]
        aerocenter = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2]
        stack_mat_types = [8, 2, 4, 8, 8, 8, 4]
        if isnothing(stack_layers_strut)
            stack_layers = [30.0 2.0 15.0 25.0 25.0 2.0 13.0; 15.0 2.0 10.0 13.0 11.0 2.0 11.0; 10.0 1.0 8.0 10.0 10.0 2.0 10.0; 8.0 1.0 6.0 9.0 10.0 1.0 9.0; 7.0 1.0 5.0 8.0 9.0 1.0 7.0; 6.0 1.0 4.0 8.0 9.0 1.0 6.0; 6.0 1.0 4.0 8.0 8.0 1.0 5.0; 6.0 1.0 4.0 7.0 7.0 1.0 5.0; 7.0 1.0 3.0 6.0 6.0 1.0 5.0; 8.0 1.0 3.0 6.0 6.0 1.0 5.0; 8.0 1.0 3.0 6.0 6.0 1.0 5.0; 7.0 1.0 3.0 6.0 6.0 1.0 5.0; 7.0 1.0 3.0 6.0 6.0 2.0 5.0; 7.0 1.0 3.0 6.0 6.0 2.0 5.0; 7.0 1.0 3.0 7.0 8.0 3.0 5.0; 7.0 2.0 3.0 9.0 12.0 3.0 6.0; 10.0 3.0 4.0 11.0 15.0 3.0 6.0; 12.0 3.0 4.0 13.0 15.0 3.0 6.0; 12.0 3.0 4.0 15.0 15.0 3.0 6.0; 12.0 3.0 4.0 15.0 15.0 3.0 6.0; 10.0 1.0 4.0 10.0 12.0 1.0 5.0]
            stack_layers = stack_layers_strut
        segments = [-1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0; -1.0 -0.95 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 -0.095 0.0 0.095 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.95 1.0]
        DPtypes = ["" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""]
        skin_seq = [Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2]); Seq([2, 5, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 1, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 4, 2]) Seq([2, 3, 2]) Seq([2, 5, 2])]
        web_seq = [Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]); Seq([6, 7, 6]);;]
        web_dp = [Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]); Seq([9, 3, 3, 9]);;]

        numadIn_strut[istrut] = NuMad(n_web,n_stack,n_segments,span,airfoil,te_type,twist_d,chord,xoffset,aerocenter,stack_mat_types,stack_layers,segments,DPtypes,skin_seq,web_seq,web_dp)
    for icol = 1:length(numadIn_strut[istrut].stack_layers[1,:])
        numadIn_strut[istrut].stack_layers[:,icol] .*= LinRange(stack_layers_scale[1],stack_layers_scale[2],length(numadIn_strut[istrut].chord))
    #### numadIn_strut[istrut].chord .*= LinRange(chord_scale[1],chord_scale[2],length(numadIn_strut[istrut].chord))

    for (i,airfoil) in enumerate(numadIn_strut[istrut].airfoil)
        numadIn_strut[istrut].airfoil[i] = "$path/airfoils/$airfoil"

    if !isnothing(NuMad_mat_xlscsv_file_strut)
        plyprops_strut[istrut] = OWENS.readNuMadMaterialsCSV(NuMad_mat_xlscsv_file_strut)
        names = ["CLA_5500", "CBX_2400", "ETLX_2400", "Airex_C70_55", "EBX_2400_x10", "ETLX_2400_x10", "Airex_C70_55_x10", "CFP-baseline"]
        plies = [Composites.Material{Float64}(9.824e10, 5.102e9, 4.274e9, 0.3, 1540.0, 8.75634139e8, 5.92949102e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 0.00066), Composites.Material{Float64}(1.4931e10, 1.4931e10, 2.389e10, 0.3, 1530.0, 4.55053962e8, 4.55053962e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 0.0008100000000000001), Composites.Material{Float64}(2.0333e10, 9.305e9, 4.756e9, 0.3, 1900.0, 5.30896289e8, 5.30896289e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 0.00066), Composites.Material{Float64}(4.5e7, 4.5e7, 2.2e7, 0.2, 59.0, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 0.001), Composites.Material{Float64}(9.824e11, 5.102e10, 4.274e10, 0.3, 15300.0, 4.55053962e9, 4.55053962e9, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 7.000000000000001e-5), Composites.Material{Float64}(1.4931e11, 1.4931e11, 2.389e11, 0.3, 19000.0, 5.30896289e9, 5.30896289e9, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 8.0e-5), Composites.Material{Float64}(2.03335e11, 9.3051e10, 4.756e10, 0.2, 590.0, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 7.000000000000001e-5), Composites.Material{Float64}(1.576e11, 9.1e9, 3.3e9, 0.263, 1600.0, 2.236e9, 1.528e9, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 0.00066)]
        plyprops_strut[istrut] = OWENS.plyproperties(names,plies)

    #### TODO: not straight struts
    spanpos = LinRange(0,1,nselem+1)#[0.0;cumsum(sqrt.(diff(mymesh.x[strut1start:strut1end]).^2 .+ diff(mymesh.z[strut1start:strut1end]).^2))]

    if length(thickness_scale)==2
        yscale = collect(LinRange(thickness_scale[1],thickness_scale[2],length(numadIn_strut[istrut].span)))
    elseif length(thickness_scale)==length(numadIn_strut[istrut].span)
        yscale = thickness_scale

    strut_precompoutput[istrut],strut_precompinput[istrut],lam_U_strut[istrut],lam_L_strut[istrut],lam_W_strut[istrut] = OWENS.getOWENSPreCompOutput(numadIn_strut[istrut];yscale,plyprops = plyprops_strut[istrut])
    sectionPropsArray_strut[istrut] = OWENS.getSectPropsFromOWENSPreComp(spanpos,numadIn_strut[istrut],strut_precompoutput[istrut];precompinputs=strut_precompinput[istrut])
    stiff_strut[istrut], mass_strut[istrut] = OWENS.getSectPropsFromOWENSPreComp(spanpos,numadIn_strut[istrut],strut_precompoutput[istrut];GX=true)

┌ Warning: Assignment to `spanpos` in soft scope is ambiguous because a global variable by the same name exists: `spanpos` will be treated as a new local. Disambiguate by using `local spanpos` to suppress this warning or `global spanpos` to assign to the existing global variable.
└ @
┌ Warning: Assignment to `yscale` in soft scope is ambiguous because a global variable by the same name exists: `yscale` will be treated as a new local. Disambiguate by using `local yscale` to suppress this warning or `global yscale` to assign to the existing global variable.
└ @
┌ Warning: Data for SN curve control points not found in material file columns 23:28 for stress in Mpa, 29:33 for cycles in log10
└ @ OWENS ~/work/OWENS.jl/OWENS.jl/src/fileio.jl:648
┌ Warning: Data for SN curve control points not found in material file columns 23:28 for stress in Mpa, 29:33 for cycles in log10
└ @ OWENS ~/work/OWENS.jl/OWENS.jl/src/fileio.jl:648

Here we combine the section properties into an array matching the mesh elements

bldssecprops = collect(Iterators.flatten(fill(sectionPropsArray_bld, Nbld)))
#### strutssecprops = collect(Iterators.flatten(fill(sectionPropsArray_strut, Nstrutperbld*Nbld)))

if meshtype == "ARCUS"
    sectionPropsArray = [sectionPropsArray_twr; bldssecprops]#; strutssecprops]#;sectionPropsArray_str;sectionPropsArray_str;sectionPropsArray_str;sectionPropsArray_str]

    stiff_blds = collect(Iterators.flatten(fill(stiff_bld, Nbld)))
    stiff_array = [stiff_twr; stiff_blds]#; stiff_struts]

    mass_blds = collect(Iterators.flatten(fill(mass_bld, Nbld)))
    mass_array = [mass_twr; mass_blds]#; mass_struts]

    for icable = 1:Nbld
        sectionPropsArray = [sectionPropsArray; sectionPropsArray_strut[1]]
        stiff_array = [stiff_array;stiff_strut[1]]
        mass_array = [mass_array;mass_strut[1]]
    sectionPropsArray = [sectionPropsArray_twr; bldssecprops]#; strutssecprops]#;sectionPropsArray_str;sectionPropsArray_str;sectionPropsArray_str;sectionPropsArray_str]

    stiff_blds = collect(Iterators.flatten(fill(stiff_bld, Nbld)))
    stiff_array = [stiff_twr; stiff_blds]#; stiff_struts]

    mass_blds = collect(Iterators.flatten(fill(mass_bld, Nbld)))
    mass_array = [mass_twr; mass_blds]#; mass_struts]

    for istrut = 1:Nstrutperbld
        for ibld = 1:Nbld
            global sectionPropsArray = [sectionPropsArray; sectionPropsArray_strut[istrut]]
            global stiff_array = [stiff_array;stiff_strut[istrut]]
            global mass_array = [mass_array;mass_strut[istrut]]
rotationalEffects = ones(mymesh.numEl) #TODO: non rotating tower, or rotating blades

if length(sectionPropsArray)<mymesh.numEl
    @warn "There are more mesh elements than sectional properties, applying the last strut's sectional properties to the remaining"
    n_diff = mymesh.numEl - length(sectionPropsArray)
    sectionPropsArray = [sectionPropsArray; fill(sectionPropsArray_strut[end][2],n_diff)]
    stiff_array = [stiff_array;fill(stiff_strut[end][2],n_diff)]
    mass_array = [mass_array;fill(mass_strut[end][2],n_diff)]

#### store data in element object
myel = OWENSFEA.El(sectionPropsArray,myort.Length,myort.Psi_d,myort.Theta_d,myort.Twist_d,rotationalEffects)
system, assembly, sections = OWENS.owens_to_gx(mymesh,myort,myjoint,sectionPropsArray,stiff_array,mass_array)

┌ Warning: Assignment to `sectionPropsArray` in soft scope is ambiguous because a global variable by the same name exists: `sectionPropsArray` will be treated as a new local. Disambiguate by using `local sectionPropsArray` to suppress this warning or `global sectionPropsArray` to assign to the existing global variable.
└ @
┌ Warning: Assignment to `stiff_array` in soft scope is ambiguous because a global variable by the same name exists: `stiff_array` will be treated as a new local. Disambiguate by using `local stiff_array` to suppress this warning or `global stiff_array` to assign to the existing global variable.
└ @
┌ Warning: Assignment to `mass_array` in soft scope is ambiguous because a global variable by the same name exists: `mass_array` will be treated as a new local. Disambiguate by using `local mass_array` to suppress this warning or `global mass_array` to assign to the existing global variable.
└ @

Set up the OWENSAero aerodynamics if used

if !AD15On
    ### Set up aero forces
    #### translate from blade span to blade height between the numad definition and the vertical slice positions
    #### First get the angles from the overall geometry npoints and go to the numad npoints
    delta_xs = shapeX[2:end] - shapeX[1:end-1]
    delta_zs = shapeZ[2:end] - shapeZ[1:end-1]
    delta3D = atan.(delta_xs./delta_zs)
    delta3D_spl = safeakima(shapeZ[1:end-1]./maximum(shapeZ[1:end-1]), delta3D,LinRange(0,1,length(numadIn_bld.span)-1))
    #### now convert the numad span to a height
    bld_height_numad = cumsum(diff(numadIn_bld.span).*(1.0.-abs.(sin.(delta3D_spl))))
    bld_height_numad_unit = bld_height_numad./maximum(bld_height_numad)
    #### now we can use it to access the numad data
    chord = safeakima(bld_height_numad_unit, numadIn_bld.chord,LinRange(bld_height_numad_unit[1],1,Nslices))
    airfoils = fill("nothing",Nslices)

    twist = safeakima(bld_height_numad_unit, numadIn_bld.twist_d.*pi/180,LinRange(bld_height_numad_unit[1],1,Nslices))

    #### Discretely assign the airfoils
    for (iheight_numad,height_numad) in enumerate(bld_height_numad_unit)
        for (iheight,height_slices) in enumerate(collect(LinRange(0,1,Nslices)))
            if airfoils[iheight]=="nothing" && height_slices<=height_numad
                airfoils[iheight] = "$(numadIn_bld.airfoil[iheight_numad]).dat"

    afname = airfoils,
    bld_y = shapeY,
    twist, #TODO: verify twist is in same direction
    ifw, #TODO: propogate WindType
    turbsim_filename = windINPfilename,
    tau = [1e-5,1e-5],

    aeroForcesACDMS(t,azi) = OWENS.mapACDMS(t,azi,mymesh,myel,OWENSAero.AdvanceTurbineInterpolate;alwaysrecalc=true)
    deformAeroACDMS = OWENSAero.deformTurb

Set up AeroDyn if used Here we create AeroDyn the files, first by specifying the names, then by creating the files, TODO: hook up the direct sectionPropsArray_str Then by initializing AeroDyn and grabbing the backend functionality with a function handle

if AD15On
    ad_input_file = "$path/ADInputFile_SingleTurbine2.dat"
    ifw_input_file = "$path/IW2.dat"
    OLAF_filename = "$path/OLAF2.dat"

    NumADBldNds = NumADStrutNds = 10

    bldchord_spl = OWENS.safeakima(numadIn_bld.span./maximum(numadIn_bld.span), numadIn_bld.chord,LinRange(0,1,NumADBldNds))

    #### Discretely assign the blade airfoils based on the next closest neighbor
    bld_airfoil_filenames = fill("nothing",NumADBldNds) #TODO: cable drag?
    for (ispan_numad,span_numad) in enumerate(numadIn_bld.span./maximum(numadIn_bld.span))
        for (ispan,span_slices) in enumerate(collect(LinRange(0,1,NumADBldNds)))
            if bld_airfoil_filenames[ispan]=="nothing" && span_slices<=span_numad
                bld_airfoil_filenames[ispan] = "$(numadIn_bld.airfoil[ispan_numad]).dat"

    if meshtype == "ARCUS"
        blade_filenames = ["$path/blade$i.dat" for i=1:Nbld]
        blade_chords = [bldchord_spl for i=1:Nbld]
        blade_Nnodes = [NumADBldNds for i=1:Nbld]
        airfoil_filenames = [bld_airfoil_filenames for i=1:Nbld]

        blade_filenames = ["$path/blade$i.dat" for i=1:Nbld]
        blade_chords = [bldchord_spl for i=1:Nbld]
        blade_Nnodes = [NumADBldNds for i=1:Nbld]
        airfoil_filenames = collect(Iterators.flatten([bld_airfoil_filenames for i=1:Nbld]))

        for istrut = 1:Nstrutperbld
            strutchord_spl = OWENS.safeakima(numadIn_strut[istrut].span./maximum(numadIn_strut[istrut].span), numadIn_strut[istrut].chord,LinRange(0,1,NumADStrutNds))
            for ibld = 1:Nbld
                global blade_filenames = [blade_filenames;"$path/strut$(istrut)_bld$ibld.dat"]
                global blade_chords = [blade_chords;[strutchord_spl]]
                global blade_Nnodes = [blade_Nnodes;NumADStrutNds]

                #### Discretely assign the strut airfoils based on the next closest neighbor
                strut_airfoil_filenames = fill("nothing",NumADStrutNds)
                for (ispan_numad,span_numad) in enumerate(numadIn_strut[istrut].span./maximum(numadIn_strut[istrut].span))
                    for (ispan,span_slices) in enumerate(collect(LinRange(0,1,NumADBldNds)))
                        if strut_airfoil_filenames[ispan]=="nothing" && span_slices<=span_numad
                            strut_airfoil_filenames[ispan] = "$(numadIn_strut[istrut].airfoil[ispan_numad]).dat"

                global airfoil_filenames = [airfoil_filenames; strut_airfoil_filenames]



    NumADBody = length(AD15bldNdIdxRng[:,1])
    bld_len = zeros(NumADBody)
    #### bladefileissaved = false
    for (iADBody,filename) in enumerate(blade_filenames)
        strt_idx = AD15bldNdIdxRng[iADBody,1]
        end_idx = AD15bldNdIdxRng[iADBody,2]
        if end_idx<strt_idx
            tmp_end = end_idx
            end_idx = strt_idx
            strt_idx = tmp_end

        #### Get the blade length
        x1 = mymesh.x[strt_idx]
        x2 = mymesh.x[end_idx]
        y1 = mymesh.y[strt_idx]
        y2 = mymesh.y[end_idx]
        z1 = mymesh.z[strt_idx]
        z2 = mymesh.z[end_idx]
        bld_len[iADBody] = sqrt((x2-x1)^2+(y2-y1)^2+(z2-z1)^2)

        #### Get the blade shape
        ADshapeZ = collect(LinRange(0,H,NumADBldNds))
        xmesh = mymesh.x[strt_idx:end_idx]
        ymesh = mymesh.y[strt_idx:end_idx]
        ADshapeX = sqrt.(xmesh.^2 .+ ymesh.^2)
        ADshapeX .-= ADshapeX[1] #get it starting at zero #TODO: make robust for blades that don't start at 0
        ADshapeXspl = OWENS.safeakima(LinRange(0,H,length(ADshapeX)),ADshapeX,ADshapeZ)

        if iADBody<=Nbld #&& !bladefileissaved#Note that the blades can be curved and are assumed to be oriented vertically
            ####  bladefileissaved = true

            bladeangle = (iADBody-1)*2.0*pi/Nbld + angularOffset #TODO: pitch offset and twist offset that isn't from the helical

            BlSpn = ADshapeZ
            blade_twist = atan.(xmesh,ymesh).-bladeangle

            #### TODO: reevalueate these equations and make sure they are robust against varying designs
            BlCrvACinput = -ymesh.*sin(bladeangle).+xmesh.*cos(bladeangle)
            BlCrvACinput = BlCrvACinput .- BlCrvACinput[1]
            BlSwpAC = -OWENS.safeakima(LinRange(0,H,length(BlCrvACinput)),BlCrvACinput,ADshapeZ)

            BlSwpACinput = xmesh.*sin(bladeangle).+ymesh.*cos(bladeangle)
            BlSwpACinput = BlSwpACinput .- BlSwpACinput[1]
            BlCrvAC = OWENS.safeakima(LinRange(0,H,length(BlSwpACinput)),BlSwpACinput,ADshapeZ)

            BlCrvAng = zeros(blade_Nnodes[iADBody])

            BlTwistinput =(blade_twist.-blade_twist[1])*180/pi
            BlTwist = OWENS.safeakima(LinRange(0,H,length(BlTwistinput)),BlTwistinput,ADshapeZ)



        elseif iADBody>Nbld # while the arms/struts are assumed to be straight and are oriented by the mesh angle



            rho     = rho,
            adi_dt  = delta_t,
            adi_tmax= numTS*delta_t,
            omega   = [omega],
            adi_wrOuts = 1,     # write output file [0 none, 1 txt, 2 binary, 3 both]
            adi_DT_Outs = delta_t,   # output frequency
            numTurbines = 1,
            isHAWT = false     # true for HAWT, false for crossflow or VAWT

    aeroForcesAD(t,azi) = OWENS.mapAD15(t,azi,[mymesh],OWENSOpenFASTWrappers.advanceAD15;alwaysrecalc=true,verbosity=1)

Opening AeroDyn-Inflow library at: /home/runner/.julia/packages/OWENSOpenFASTWrappers/OOzCv/src/../deps/openfast/build/modules/aerodyn/libaerodyn_inflow_c_binding

 AeroDyn-Inflow library

 Copyright (C) 2024 National Renewable Energy Laboratory
 Copyright (C) 2024 Envision Energy USA LTD

 This program is licensed under Apache License Version 2.0 and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
 See the "LICENSE" file distributed with this software for details.

 AeroDyn-Inflow library--128-NOTFOUND
 Compile Info:
  - Compiler: GCC version 11.4.0
  - Architecture: 64 bit
  - Precision: double
  - OpenMP: Yes, number of threads: 4/4
  - Date: Oct 17 2024
  - Time: 21:57:44
 Execution Info:
  - Date: 10/17/2024
  - Time: 22:15:41+0000

 Running ADI.
 Running AeroDyn.
 Running OLAF.
  - Directory:         /home/runner/work/OWENS.jl/OWENS.jl/docs/build/examples
  - RootName:          /home/runner/work/OWENS.jl/OWENS.jl/examples/literate/ExampleB.
  - Reading advanced options for OLAF:
 [WARN] Line ignored: "VERT2"   DEFAULT      -10       30.   400     5.      5.     1     5.136    15.136  100
  - OLAF regularization parameters (for wing 1):
    WingReg (min/max) :  12.2425 25.2472
    WakeReg (min/max) :  12.2425 25.2472
    k = alpha delta nu:   0.0368
 Running InflowWind.

Calculate mass breakout of each material

mass_breakout_bld = OWENS.get_material_mass(plyprops_bld,numadIn_bld)
mass_breakout_blds = mass_breakout_bld.*length(mymesh.structuralNodeNumbers[:,1])
mass_breakout_twr = OWENS.get_material_mass(plyprops_twr,numadIn_twr;int_start=0.0,int_stop=Htwr_base)

##### End setupOWENS


Then the rest of this example is the same as example B

if verbosity>0

    println("\nBlades' Mass Breakout")
    for (i,name) in enumerate(plyprops_bld.names)
        println("$name $(mass_breakout_blds[i]) kg, $(plyprops_bld.costs[i]) \$/kg: \$$(mass_breakout_blds[i]*plyprops_bld.costs[i])")

    println("\nTower Mass Breakout")
    for (i,name) in enumerate(plyprops_twr.names)
        println("$name $(mass_breakout_twr[i]) kg, $(plyprops_twr.costs[i]) \$/kg: \$$(mass_breakout_twr[i]*plyprops_twr.costs[i])")

    println("Total Material Cost Blades: \$$(sum(mass_breakout_blds.*plyprops_bld.costs))")
    println("Total Material Cost Tower: \$$(sum(mass_breakout_twr.*plyprops_twr.costs))")
    println("Total Material Cost: \$$(sum(mass_breakout_blds.*plyprops_bld.costs)+ sum(mass_breakout_twr.*plyprops_twr.costs))")


pBC = [1 1 0
1 2 0
1 3 0
1 4 0
1 5 0
1 6 0]

inputs = OWENS.Inputs(;analysisType = structuralModel,
tocp = [0.0,100000.1],
Omegaocp = [RPM,RPM] ./ 60,
tocp_Vinf = [0.0,100000.1],
Vinfocp = [Vinf,Vinf],
aeroLoadsOn = 2)

feamodel = OWENS.FEAModel(;analysisType = structuralModel,
outFilename = "none",
joint = myjoint,
platformTurbineConnectionNodeNumber = 1,
nlOn = true,
numNodes = mymesh.numNodes,
RayleighAlpha = 0.05,
RayleighBeta = 0.05,
iterationType = "DI")

println("Running Unsteady")
if AD15On
    t, aziHist,OmegaHist,OmegaDotHist,gbHist,gbDotHist,gbDotDotHist,FReactionHist,
    epsilon_z_hist,kappa_x_hist,kappa_y_hist,kappa_z_hist = OWENS.Unsteady_Land(inputs;system,assembly,
    t, aziHist,OmegaHist,OmegaDotHist,gbHist,gbDotHist,gbDotDotHist,FReactionHist,
    epsilon_z_hist,kappa_x_hist,kappa_y_hist,kappa_z_hist = OWENS.Unsteady_Land(inputs;system,assembly,

if AD15On #TODO: move this into the run functions

println("Saving VTK time domain files")

#### Ultimate Failure #####

topDamage_blade_L,topDamage_tower_U,topDamage_tower_L = OWENS.extractSF(bld_precompinput,
kappa_x_hist,epsilon_y_hist;verbosity, #Verbosity 0:no printing, 1: summary, 2: summary and spanwise worst safety factor # epsilon_x_hist_1,kappa_y_hist_1,kappa_z_hist_1,epsilon_z_hist_1,kappa_x_hist_1,epsilon_y_hist_1,
AD15bldNdIdxRng,AD15bldElIdxRng,strut_precompoutput=nothing,strut_precompinput,plyprops_strut,numadIn_strut,lam_U_strut,lam_L_strut) #TODO: add in ability to have material safety factors and load safety factors


Blades' Mass Breakout
CLA_5500 20670.29648289118 kg, 2.06 $/kg: $42580.81075475583
CBX_2400 9730.417758654583 kg, 2.1 $/kg: $20433.877293174624
ETLX_2400 0.0 kg, 2.21 $/kg: $0.0
Airex_C70_55 789.5974763487575 kg, 7.23 $/kg: $5708.7897540015165
EBX_2400_x10 0.0 kg, 2.06 $/kg: $0.0
ETLX_2400_x10 0.0 kg, 2.1 $/kg: $0.0
Airex_C70_55_x10 0.0 kg, 7.23 $/kg: $0.0

Tower Mass Breakout
CLA_5500 4992.974575844168 kg, 2.06 $/kg: $10285.527626238985
CBX_2400 1217.5626883060443 kg, 2.1 $/kg: $2556.881645442693
ETLX_2400 0.0 kg, 2.21 $/kg: $0.0
Airex_C70_55 0.0 kg, 7.23 $/kg: $0.0
EBX_2400_x10 0.0 kg, 2.06 $/kg: $0.0
ETLX_2400_x10 0.0 kg, 2.1 $/kg: $0.0
Airex_C70_55_x10 0.0 kg, 7.23 $/kg: $0.0
Total Material Cost Blades: $68723.47780193196
Total Material Cost Tower: $12842.409271681678
Total Material Cost: $81565.88707361365
Running Unsteady
Running in specified rotor speed mode

Simulation Time: 0.0 seconds of 0.49 seconds
 [INFO] FVW: Update States: reevaluation at the same starting time.  This will not print on
 subsequent occurences.

Simulation Time: 0.1 seconds of 0.49 seconds

Simulation Time: 0.2 seconds of 0.49 seconds

Simulation Time: 0.3 seconds of 0.49 seconds

Simulation Time: 0.4 seconds of 0.49 seconds
Simulation Complete.
Saving VTK time domain files
Composite Ultimate and Buckling Safety Factors


Minimum Safety Factor on Surface: 0.396100421933815
At time 0.035s at composite station 6 of 21 at lam 6 of 6
Maximum Damage per hr: 0.6612244898596223
At composite station 17 of 21 at lam 3 of 6


Minimum Safety Factor on Surface: 0.39579813639499317
At time 0.035s at composite station 6 of 21 at lam 6 of 6
Maximum Damage per hr: 0.7346938775726081
At composite station 9 of 21 at lam 4 of 6


Minimum Safety Factor on tower Surface: 4.716031187784399
At time 0.049s at composite station 8 of 21 at lam 1 of 1
Maximum Damage per hr: 0.22040816348139644
At composite station 4 of 21 at lam 1 of 1


Minimum Safety Factor on tower Surface: 4.331286121960938
At time 0.035s at composite station 1 of 21 at lam 1 of 1
Maximum Damage per hr: 0.14693877554749607
At composite station 12 of 21 at lam 1 of 1

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